February 17, 1912
Lots 443, 444, 44», 432 & 453 map of prop
Of Jacob Pecare, 8th Ward; also LOTS 122
& 123 map of prop of Michl L McLaughlin
& Go's 2d Addition to Bklyn, 29th Ward;
also LOTS 8, U & 10 blk 4760; LOT 57 blk
4767; LOTS 93 & 93 blk 4742; LOT 15 blk
4744; LOTS 109 & 131 blk 4743; LOTS 162,
163, 16S, 1C9, 172 & 173. blk 7906; LOTS 184,
ISa. 192, 193 & 194 blk 7907 & LOTS 1 to 20
blk 4740; Wm N Dykman agt Appraisers
Real Estate Securities Co et al; Henry M
Bellinger, Jr, (A). 135 Bway, Manhattan;
Burt L Rice (R); Wm H Smith.
FEE. 24.
No Legal Sales advertised for tbis day.
FEE. 26.
niontauk av, es, 130 s Belmont av, 20x
100; Jno H Sabine agl Johann Korda et
al; Edw Cahn (A), 99 Nassau, Manhattan;
Wm Wills (R) ; Wm H Smith.
Fort Hamilton nv. ws, 13 S 7 av. 20,3x
103.8; South Bklyn Savgs Instn agt Theo
Abramson et al; Coombs & Whitney (A),
44 Court; G Storms Carpenter (R); Clias
Borougli of Brooklyn.
(.Contlnneil from i>agc 3C0.)
14 Posner, Jacob—C Haberman et aL
14 Peck, Harry E—F Redoux.....119.40
8 Rhodes, Thos P—City of NY.....260.00
9 Reynolds, Jas—Abendroth Bros,.646,65
9 Reardon, Jno H—T Roulston.....1S9,0S
10 Robinson, Alfred J & Emma I.:^—J L
Beckford ......................140,55
10 Rice. Mary—E J Hart as admr,.145,12
13 Rountree, Moses E—Roman Marble
13 Rebentish. Geo—F & M Schaefer Bwg
13 Ryan, Danl J—Nicholas Gas Fix Mfg
13 same------American Enaineled Brick
& Tile Co..................317,40
13 Raleigh, Walter F—J Brodie ....41,93
13 Ross, Nathan—A Wiener......114,91
13 Saladino, Josephine L—J Nuesky, ,
8 Silverman, Meyer—City of NY...260,00
8 Silver, Sadie------same ............55,00
8 Simonowitch, Hyman—Ida B Smack,
S Sievers, Anton—F Keilmann......47.u;:
8 Strean, Geo J—City of NY.......116.97
8 Suhr, Wm & Marion H—State of NY.
S Spinelli, Martin—N Y Tel Co......43.39
0 Stein. Isaac—C Scribners Sons. ,. ,27,16
9 Smith, Etta—H Popper & Bro-----91,81
9 Scliwerchow, Richd P—Emma M Osch-
mann ........................108,00
10 Stines, Eurton F—T A Fullum... .57.82
13 Smith, Laura M—J H Huyler.. 182.64
13 Seaman, Archer Lr—W Van Wicklen
13 Sessler, Louis—L L Schloss,. .,113.85
13 Sommers, Jacob—Prospect Park Bank
14 Steinberg, David J—Dean Electric
14'Schleman. Saml—S Feldstein. ... 114.77
14 Schaefer, Otto—-Annie Craven.. .53,07
14 Savarese, Frank—Borough Bank
9*Tu'sto'n, E E—Ridgewood Natl Bank.
14 Ulrich, Predk exr Jane B Long—H L
M Mogk as admr .............369.78
14 Underhill, Alex J or Underhill Mfg
Co—Beaver Mills............89.72
9 Vitelli, ♦Vincenzo. *Louis & Alfonzo
—Consolidated Oil Co ...........91,90
9 Vitelli, Vincenzo, Louis & Alfonzo—
S E Krauss ....................61.93
8 Weyman, Adolph—O W Humphrey.
.......................... ...93.69
8 Werner, Chas—N Y Tel Co........26.67
S Weigand, Eva—P Merkert........99,71
S Wolcott, Henrv F~-Western Electric
Co ...........................140,50
8 Winterton. Clarence E—P E Brady.
9 Weissflog, Oscar—N Y Veal & Mutton
Co ...........................367.73
9 AVeller, Seymour B—Flatbush Trust
Co ...........................829.02
9 Woodhull, Jesse C------same .....829.02
9 Watt. Geo J—H Heide ..........281.60
13 Walsh, Jno J—Tablet Publishing Co
........................ 93-OX
14 Ward, Louis D L & Clarence B—Ger¬
ard & Hall ..................455.54
14 WeinmuIIer, Alois—Flatbush Bldg
Material Co..................96.50
14 Wingerath, Annie—W H Meyer. 82,73
14 Watt, Geo A—Bosman Sc Lohman Co
14 Wilda, Ernst—Cinicotta Bros.. ,266,15
14 Wohlrab, Anna M—Annie Craven.53,07
9 Young, Maria—T Roulston........31,24
9 Yarwood, Robt H—Coney Island &
Gravesend Rwy Co ..............59,23
14 Zatulove, Martin—D Freiberger. 30.90
14 Zimmerman, Chas—M Stiner & Co.
S Amitv Constn Co—N T Tel Co-----80,49
8 Abels-Gold Realty Co—P Nelson. .126,58
8 Bav Ridge Amusement Co—N Y Tel
Co ............................26.77
8 Cotter & Bacon-N Y Tel Co......31,71
S Independent Cornice & Roofing Co—
H Sommerfield .................60,70
8 Long Island Cigar Stores Co—N Y
Tel Co ........................20,66
â– S'North Western Cornice & Roofing Co
—H Sommeriield ................60,70
0 Isaacs & Altman—L Cohen.......169,40
9 J P Duffy Co—S Ross, Jr..........12.04
9 Kerr & Cook Constn Co—A H Wes¬
ton ..........................115,00
5 Midwood Contracting Co—Hascall-
Wlse Co ...........,,,,,,,,, t.?6.05
9 Malkin Constn Co or Henry Malkin—
Empire Citv Lumber Co .........61.70
9 N Y Tel Co—Ruth Watzelhan ... 7,659,07
9 .Same—W Watzelhan .........633.57
9 Raymond Homes, Inc—C N Davidson,
9 Same------same .............1,064,73
9 Schapira Fur Co—H Fielding, .. 1,003,58
9 V Vitelli & Sons—S B Krauss.....61.93
•i V F Pelletreau & Co—B Schellenherg
& Son........................270.80
9 Wall Bond & Mtg Co—I Lewkowitz.
9 Empire League^C N Davidson.1,064.72
9 aame------same ............1.064,72
9 Holland Laundrv—Henrietta D Valle,
an infant, &c ................5,345,37
10 171st St Realtv Co—Burns Bros..114,40
13 Araho Constn Co—H S Robinson,217.43
13 Greenpoint Auto Garage—Keystone
Lubricating Co..............33,11
13 Newkirk Garage & Taxicab Co—NY
Iron Roofing & Corrugating Co.,83,03
13 Rountree Realtv Constn Co—Roman
Marble Works............531.16
13 Senator Constn Co—Prospect Park
13 United Knitting Mills—A Wiener. .
13 White & Wood Co (Inc)—E B Thomp¬
14 Business Mens Benevolent Society of
Peatra Neamtz—C Haberman et al.
14 Chevra B'Nai Sholem—C Haberman
et al ........................35.S7
14 Friedland Realty Co—S Feldstein.
14 Giuseppe Fraumeni & Co—A M Madi¬
gan ......................19.95
14 Murphy Suit House—Sarah Gennis,
1.) Muller & Zimmerman—M Stiner & Co
14 Park Inn—Blake & Williams-----03,56
14 Ward & Ward—Gerard & Hall..455,54
Public Playgrounds.
The Park Department has been active
in the extension of its playground sys¬
tem, but Commissioner Stover says there
is need of still larger playground facih¬
ties. "We have already increased them
by persistent search for neglected oppor¬
tunities," he adds. "We have improved
grounds long idle, as in 101st street, be¬
tween 'JA and 3d avenues, ^â– Jiere now is
nearing completion a playground with
some unique features; or in 59th street,
west of 10th avenue, where both the
mixed population of the neighborhood and
the pupils of the DeWitt Clinton High
School, on the same street, play on the
same ground in unity; or in Columbus
Park, where wc have opened an athletic
field for the boys and youth, and are now
completing a beautiful playhouse for the
girls and little children on the long un¬
improved triangle at Baxter and Worth
"We have obtained from other depart¬
ments leave to use several open spaces,
such as the block under the Queensboro
Bridge at 59th street and Avenue A,
wliere now wc are constructing an ath¬
letic field with permanent concrete seat¬
ing capacity for 1,501) people. Or such as
the front of the Amsterdam avenue block,
betM-een 151st and 1.52d street, where by
leave of the Commi.ssioner of Water Sup¬
ply this aqueduct land has been turned
into a useful playground. During 1911
the Department further made better use
of existing opportunities by' opening to
the puhlic the old buildings in Carl
Schurz, High Bridge and Port Washing¬
ton Parks, for recreation purposes,
"This work, now in its infancy, is most
promising. Where no existing buildings
are standing in our parks, suitable for
recreation uses, the Park Department is
now engaged on several contracts for the
construction of such houses. For here in
Manhattan, we flnd there is a need of
playgrounds more or less throughout the
year, and therefore we should provide in¬
door recreation spaces for the young, to
be of service not only in inclement weath¬
er, but during- the evening hours of our
short winter days. The strongest evi¬
dence of the usefulness of such quarters
mav now be seen in Hamilton Fish Park,
where on winter evenings room cannot
be found to accommodate not only the
large number of individuals, but the con¬
siderable number of independent social
and athletic organizations in that neigh¬
borhood, which apply for admission."
Wants and Offers
A White Marble Skyscraper.
Viewed from the north, from whence it
can be seen for a long distance, the new
20-story white marble building of the
U, S. Rubber Company, at the southeast
corner of oSth street and Broadway, over¬
tops everthing in that quarter, and is like
a huige sentinel tower at the entrance tn
the business section of the cily. Nor¬
cross Brothers have about one-half the
outer walls up. nnd the entire framework
finished. When fully eocifjsed it will be
a stril^Ins: 'in'l beautiful ^a*jdmark.
Broadway Corner Office
in the eighties, near subway, size 25x30,
all light, to sublet to Oct. 1st, 1914. at
$1,200 per annum. Suitable for Real Es¬
tate, Dentist, Demonstrating Room, Studio.
Stock Broker and Intelligence OfRce, Lib¬
eral Commission will be paid to Agent
effecting lease,
HOLLY. 2379 BWAY. ._________
ENERGETIC man or good education
and address with wide experience in Ar¬
chitecture and Buiiding. desires connec¬
tion with manufacturer, where his energy,
knowledge and ability to deal with prop¬
erty owners, architects or cont;j'actors.
would find scope; salary and commission;
references and full particulars at inter,-
view. Box 55, Record and Guide._______
LAWYER, Real Estate man (35), de¬
sires conneclion with company or annual
retainer from individual to handle all
business; now with well known realty
concern; reasonable terms. Box 120,
Record and Guide,
tentative, plans and elevations, architec¬
ture and interior decorations; reasonable
rates; prompt service. BOX 49, Record
and Guide,__________________________________
FOR SALE—Complete set Bromley At¬
lases, New Y'ork, Brooklyn, Bronx, Rich¬
mond and Borough of Queens, with stand.
Box 40, Record and Guide.________________
RENTING AGENT and Office Building
Manager, desires new connections; can
assume coinplete charge and produce pay¬
ing results; references. Box 37, Record and
WANTED—Properties, sale or rent; send
particulars; satisfactory results assured.
DUFF & CONGER, Madison Ave.. Cor 86,
VOUNG Lawyer desires position in real
estate office; stenographer. Address, Box
6, Record and Guide,______________________
â– apinO pni' p.ioo,sa: 'gg xog „'-v
SSlHi. 'ssous.iaja.i jsaiiSiH 'sp-iooa,! jo
j.^.ii;tp p'BH 'SoiHO sj'eisa inaji snuaAV
iUJ'lI lueuiuio.id u\ aouai.i^dxa .g.i-ea.C xr3.is
-Aas :iuE}S[sst' ->otj.io pnij .(,nna,i,i-"is ',iaiid
-B.iSouojs iu..-)|.:iauio.> A'lHM.irr.UiiiJ.
William W. Walling
FormerlyChief Factory Inspector and First Depnty
Commiesioner of Labor, btate of New York
Spacialiiins on Factory Nflalisence Caiea and
matters involvJaB tho Labor Low
Room 203 Metropolitan Tower Tel,, 2220 Gram
Advertise in the RECORD and GUIDE
to reach Brokers, Operators, Con¬
tractors and Owners.
Buildings maintained and
Operated for a contract
price per year. Every
charge of maintenance is
included in our contract.
All coal —all help —all
Realty Supe^^vision Co.
45 WEST 34th STREET, M. Y.
TelepliDne, 380Q Murray HIN
We Guarantee to Please YourTenants