September 28, 1918
2121-17-S—783-5 Broadway and 02 East lOth st,
2122-17-8—23 West 24th st, Manhattan.
212U-17-S—23 9th st, Brooklyn,
21:í;í-17-S—132 Lexington av, Manhattan.
21;î5-17-S—(il Beekman st, Manhattan.
2130-17-S—12U-130 Bleecker st, Manhattan.
2147-17-8—204 Water st, Manhattan.
2148-17-S—Store No. 59, 2ũU ft. south ot Mon-
tague and Furmau sts, Brooklyn.
21.-.0-17-S—0S7 Oth av, Manhattan.
1753-17-8—ti:î Greenwich st, Manhattan.
Tuesday, October 1, 1918, iit 1.30 P. M.
Under Builãinff Zcnie Resoîution.
1410-18-BZ—.308-372 12th st, Brooklyn.
1417-18-BZ—,-), 7 and 9 West llôth st, Manhat-
1419-18-BZ—146 Ridgewood av, Brooklyn.
1422-18-BZ—2:iS-240-242 Throop av, Brooklyn.
1424-lS-BZ—1046 Union av, The Bronx.
14:;ii-ls-BZ—206-214 East 24th st, Manhattan.
ll.-.o-l.s-BZ—194 Linden av, Brooklyn.
11U7-1S-BZ—Northwest corner Fordham rd and
Valentine av, The Bronx.
i:i39-18-BZ—S. W. cor. North st and Jerome av,
The Bronx.
SU9-18-BZ—319-323 East 21st st (rear), Brook-
Appeals fronv Aãministrative Orãers.
144S18-.\—171-179 Belmont av, Brookiyn.
1427-18-A--Mott Haven Yards. N. Y. C. R. R.,
opposite E. 158th st. The Bronx.
1428-lS-A—West side Triton av, between Beach
llãth and llOth í:t3, Queens.
.'Í90-17-A—.503-IĨ07 Sackman st, Brooklyn,
1,327-18-A—44-48 West 3d st. Manhattan.
222-10-A— Rutgers slip. Manhattan.
1.3.-.9-1S-A—213 Pearl st, Manhattan.
17.30-17-A—204-8 East 27th st. 209 East 26th st
and ,309 3d av, Manhattan.
1731-17-A—204-8 East 27th st. 209 East 26th st
and 309 3d av. Manhattan.
{Lcases, continued from page 3(j5)
DOUGLAS L. ELLIMAN & CO. leased an
apartiûent at 270 Park av tor Vanderbilt Ave-
nue Reaity Corp, Dr. C. V. Paterno, president,
to Fiorence Morgan Cadwelí : at 540 Park av a
large apartmeut for 540 Park Avenue Co. to Mrs.
George Quinby ; at 140 West 58th st to Newman
Richardson ; at 130 West 57th st to Gregory
Keiiy ; the 3-sty brownstone dwelling at 144
East 05th st, on lot 20xl(XI.5, for Russeil C.
Leffingwell, Assistant Secretary of the Treas-
ury, to Capt. Samuei Frothingham : at 125 East
72d st to Mrs. E. D. Faulkner: and at 114 East
84th st an apartment to Eiils Miller.
JAME8 J. ETCHINGHAM leased for James P.
Kenedy to 8am S. and Lee Shubert the 6-sty
buiiding, on lot 50x100, at 353 and 355 West
48th st for ten years,
DOUGLAS L. ELLIMAN & CO. leased an
apartment in the new building at 270 Park av
for Vanderbilt Av Realty Corp. to Samuel R.
Betts; at 780 Madlson av for North Madison
Av Realty Corp. to MelviIIe A. Stem ; 130 West
57th st tor 130 West 37th St Co. to Mrs. Albon
M. Piatt: at 157 East 81st st to Walter Kobbe ;
410 Madison av for Kenneth Dowes to Everett R.
Currier : 414 Madison av to Janet Adamson, and
renewed the foilowing leases; at 780 Madlson
av to Maud Heaton ; 130 West 37th st to
Henriefta E. Lambie ; 414 Madíson av to Elsie
Cobb Wilson.
DOUGLAS L. ELLIMAN & CO. leased a large
furnished apartment at 375 Park av to Mrs. E.
Tiffany Dy r of Southampton, L. I., for the
season ; at '260 Park av a fumished apartment
to J. 8. Brown ; at 04 East 80th st a furnished
apartment to John Mclntosh of Hewlitts, L. I.:
at 105 West 5.-th st an apartment to C. I. Mansur ;
the 4-sty brick dwelling at 32 West 57th st. on
lot 25x100.5. for John Geilstly to Mr. and Mrs.
Viliemin of East Hampton.
J. ARTHUR FISCHER leased to Morris S.
Chaitin the store. basement and Ist loft in the
building 344 7th av.
J. ARTHUR FISCHER rented studio apart-
ments at 61 West 37th st to Eve Chaules and
Dorothy Greenfield : at 231 East 50th st apart-
ment to George Anderson ; at 215 West 108th st
apartments to James Pastor, JoíCph Mardar and
Samuel Bennett: at 210 West 109th st apart-
ments to Rose Benton.
FREDERICK FOX & CO. leased tor Charles
A. Munn to Charlotte Dress Co. 5th loft at 9
West 35th st: for Charles A. Munn to Ohio
Lunch Co. store and basement at 9 West -S^th
st : for Charles A. Munn to Kopel Dress Co. 3d
loft at 9 West 35th st; for Charles A. Munn
to A. & T Dress Co. Ist lott at 9 West 35th st:
for George Bouchfleld & Co. 3d and 4th floors
corner of 16th st and Irving pl: and for H. R.
Oooper to Massoia 011 Co., Inc, store and base-
ment at 35 East 8th st.
FREDERICK FOX & CO. leased for estate
of Charles N. Baudoine to Joseph Cohen loft at
250 5th av : for Trustees of Sailors Snug Har-
bor to M. Stone & Co. 3d lott at 749 Broadway :
for C. C. Robinson to Syndicate Co., Inc, 2d
loft at 11 East 20th st; for Missionary Educa-
tion Movemont of the United States and Canada
to C. 8. Robinson 2d loft at 11 East 20th st;
for Mark Harris to Camp. Conowitz & Tailev 3d
floor at 8.33 Broadway : and for C. Hyler & Wolf
to X. Schild & Co. 2d loft at 15 17th st.
GOODWIN & GOODWIN rented for Edward
A. Maher to M. D. Meilor the 3-sty private
dwelling at 7 Mt. Morris Park West.
M. & L. HE8S, INC, leased the lOth floor at
12-14 West 32d st to Louis Duiberg; also in
conjunctlon wlth D. Zuckerman Co. the 12th
floor of the same building to Vendome Costume
Co, : also space at 225 5th av to W. R. Cooke.
HOUGHTON CO. suh-loased the 4-sty dwell-
Ing at No. 3 Wost S4th st to Otto W. Bonn for
Dr. Arthur H. Swlnbunie.
HOUGHTON CO. leased in conjunction wlth J.
S. Anderson the 3-sty dwelllng 223 71st st for
Carrle F. 8t. John to Ellzabeth Townsend.
HOUGHTON CO. leased to Mrs. Henry H. Bos-
weil the residence at 346 West 84th st for ac-
commodation of young women doinp' war work
and pursuing courses In special studies.
HUBERTH & HUBERTH leased the store and
basement at the southeast corner of 7th av and
.55tb st for Hotel Woodward Co. to Lee Tire &
Rubber Co.
HUBERTH & HUBERTH leased for Lee Tire
& Rubber Co. their building at 236 West 54th
st to Cole & Dixson, Inc.
A. KANE CO. rented for Sophie De Wolf the
3-sty dwelling at 365 West 116th st to 8. A. Van
manufacturers, leased from George S. Barnett
the 4-sty stables at 122 to 128 West 3d st, ex-
tending through to Minetta la, for a ten-year
term. The buildings will be used for storage
J. K. MOORS leased the stores at 31 and 33
Coiumbus av, adjoining the southeast corner of
Olst st, tor Judge Nathan Ottinger to Harry M.
CHARLES F. N0YE8 CO. ieased for Com-
mi.rcial Casualty Co. the 4th floor at 128 Wiil-
iain st to Hall-Morse Co., Inc. a suite of offlces
on the 21st floor of 42 Broadway to Berth Levi
.4 Co. and a suite ot oflices at 2 Wall st to F.
A. Brewer Commercial Co.
O'REILLY & DAHN leased to East Side
Branch ot the Young Men's Christlan Associ-
ation the property at 107-9-11 East 82d st for
a school for Tractor Mechanlcs.
PEA8E & ELLIMAN leased for Wllliam R.
Ware as agent to W. A. Lewis the 3-sty dwelling
at 305 West 78th st, between West End av and
Riverside dr : also sub-leased for Rufus G. Barr
his 9-room apartment at 830 Park av, at 76th
st, to Mrs. Clarence E. Smith ; an apartment at
11 East OSth st, the northwest corner of Madi-
son av, to Mrs, Crimmins Jennings ; for W. H.
Sage his apartment at 970 Park av to H. B.
Gordon : also two apartments at 840 Park av for
76th St cSc Park Av Corp. (Frederick Johnson,
president) to Henry B. Plant, and at 1155 Park
av for Bing & Bing to Leopold Einstein : sub-Iet,
furnished, for Robert Le Roy his apartment at
103 East 75th st to Mrs. Allen Lindiey; also
apartments as tollows: at 138 East 36th st to
Adam Sulima and T. B. Johnson ; at 144 East
,56th st to Dr. Fred H. BarUett; at 4 West 50th
st to Clara Barclay Bayne : at .56 West Uth st
to N. Cleveiand Runyon ; at 100 West 59th st to
Madame E. Pandridge (the Princess Engeli-
chell), also. furnished, for Mrs. A. M. Murchi-
son to Maxfleld Parrish the 4-sty dwelling at
49 East 63d st, adjolning the northwest coraer
of Park av.
PEASE & ELLIMAN leased for Mrs. M. C.
Maynard to Sebastian Marti the 3-sty dwelling
at 166 West 94th st, between Coiumbus and
Amsterdam avs; also apartments as follows:
At 44 Gramercy Park, to Horace G. Reed: at
56 West 58th st, to Generai Mann ; at 48 West
72d st, for Ferdinand Johnson, to Maxwell
Slade ; at 146 East 40th st, to W. E. Haskell:
at 28*7 Lexington av, to Herman T. Madigan:
at 011 Park av, to Mrs. Sidney Johnston ; at 73
East 90th st, for Strauss Building Co., to Miss
M. E. Wolf; at 10 East 53d st, tor Farmers'
Loan & Trust Co., to G. Clinton Miller; at 45
East S2d st, to Madeline Gron : at 44 Gramercy
Park to Clara C. Coad and Anna V. Hyatt; at
146 East 49th st, to Mildred Jackson, to Ken-
nath H. Cameron, to Madame M. Cazalis, and
to Caroline W. Green; at 4 West 50th st, to
Elsie Mackay, to Frank K. M. Rehn, to Mary
K. Weiiington, and to Thomas D. Webb ; at 23
West 58th st, to Mrs. James N. Young ; at 24
West 59th st. to Albert Bach ; at 13 East 6.5th
st, to A. J. Davis : at 11 East 08th st, to Will-
iam D. Reid; at 45 East 82d st, to David L.
Houeh ; at 72 East 82d st, to Thomas B. Reed :
at 510 Park av, to Helen C. Mostyn; at 601
Madison av, to Jelda Crosby; at 002 Madison
av. to Madeline Smith ; aiso a loft at 50 West
40th st, to Caldwell, Inc, aiso let furnisbed
for George DuPont Pratt suite of 20 rooms
occupying an entire floor at 640 Park av. north-
west corner of 66th st, to Edgar L. Marston,
president of Blair & Co.. for estate of Freder-
íck Sturges, represented by Speir & Bartlett, to
Mrs. M. G. Papper the 4-sty dwelling at 34
Park av, between 3,ĩth and 30th sts; also for
Geraldine W. Goddard, who was represented
by Cadwalader, Wickersbam & Taft, to Cen-
tury Leasing Co., the 4-sty dwelling at ,'^2 West
lOth st, between 5th and Oth avs; also for
Maison Pierre, an apartment to Charles Hop-
kins, manager of the Punch & Judy Theatre:
also for Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. apartments
at 10 East .53d st, to Henry V. Brower and to
Bertha Sears; also sub-leased for W. H. Max-
woll his apartment at 400 Park av, northwost
cornor ot 54th st. to Mrs. Bradley Martin ; and
for State Construction Co.. an apartment at
103 East 86th st, to Mrs. J. J. Keliy.
PEASE & ELLIMAN leased for Title Guaran-
tee & Trust Co. an apartment at 160 West .50th
Rt to Mrs. Meiville E. Stone: one at 103 East
84th st for Rudolph Realty Co. to Mrs. Guy N.
Carlton : one at 21 West .5Sth st to Julian T.
Mayer: one at 116 West .59th st to Mrs. E. B.
Weeks: one at II East 68th st to D. Siingloft;
and one at 662 Madison av to Miss W. Leng-
PEA8E & ELLIMAN let furnished for Mrs.
Enrique Zanettl to Mrs. Thomas H. Howard the
4-sty dwelling at 107 'Eĩast 72d st. between Park
alid I.oxington avs.
CRO. R. READ R- CO. leasod to Stanley &
M.icGibbonB Co. the 2d floor at r!92 5th av : also
the parlor store at 297 5th av to Edmund Hol-
WILLIAM J. ROOME & CO., INC, leased tur-
nished for Neva H. Sadlier hor 4-sty dwelling
at 50 East 77th st to E. C Pattor, Jr. : also to
Howard LeC. Roome. president of William J.
Roome & Co.. for Robert Sterllng Clark the 4-
sty dwelling at 03 East 78th st.
R0WANTREE-8CHLEY CO. leased for Adatns
Land & Bulldlng Co., who were represented by
E. 8. Wiliard & Co., the store at 156 West
14th st to Compauia Hispano-Americana, im-
porters aud publishers of Spanish booas.
WALTER J. SALMON leased the store at 47
West 42d st, with conuecting space on the floor
above, to Arthur Studios,
LOUIS SCHHAG leased for E. H. Hail the 3d
lott at 545-7-9 West 22d st to United Wood
Patteru Works; and for Bernard Courtney the
Ist loft in the l)uiidíng northeast corner 27th st
and Oth av to Cloak & Suit Pattern Co.
SHAW & CO. leased for Payne Estate the
brick dwellings at 2156 and 2104 Lexington av ;
also for Thomas O'ReiiIy 5 suites in the buiid-
Ing at 9 Mt. Morris Park West: to L. Newman
the 3-sty dwelling on plot 12.0x100; at 74 East
127th st owned by Chas. C Jacobs.
SPEAR & CO. ronted to Littauer Bros., glove
manufacturers, the 9th, lOth and llth lofts,
comprising 30,000 sq. ft., at 72-70 Spring st
tor Langsdorf Co.
L. TANENBAUM, 8TRAUS8 & CO., in con-
junction with M. & L. H'ess, leased the store
and basement at 47-51 East llth st to "The
Mirror" for Hei Rig Realty Co.
WM. A. WHITE & SONS leased the foliowing
apartments : at 200-206 West 52d st to Roiand
J. Miiier and Eugenie T. H'olmes and to Ruby
A. Hoftman and A. Hoffman-Wiison ; at 5 East
54th st to F. Biancbi Tompkins; and at 44
West loth st a furnished apartment to Dainger-
field G. Luckett.
WM. A. WHITE & S0N8 leased in conjunc-
tion with Worthington Whitehouse for Mary W.
Borden to Howard W. Maxwell the dweiilng at
13 West 54th st; also to Hare & Blenheim offlce
space at 43 Exchange pi; also to Morris Ben-
jamin the store and basement at 166 Centre st;
and to Edward, John and Harry Fennell the
store and basement at 1273 3d av.
LEWIS H. MAY CO. leased at Far Rockaway,
L. I., for Thomas J. Noian cottage 1012 B. 2L>d
st, to Herman Kramer; at Cedarhurst, L. I.,
for E. P. Lund, cottage on Oakwood av, to
Sara Rome; for Mrs. Martha Tasker, cottage
in Prospect st, to Robt. Lyons.
CORNELIUS G. KOLFF leastíd for Jennle F.
Pendleton to Harry J. Haigh the upper apart-
ment of the 2-fam. dwelling on Pendleton pi,
.N'ew Brighton.
for J. B. Mitohie his house at the corner of Mld-
iand av and Post rd, White Piains, to William
G. Paimer.
FI8H & MARVIN rented the "Keil property"
at the corner of Pondfieid rd and Mapie st, at
Bronxviile, to T. H. Kite-Powell of Sagamore;
aiso for Frankiin T. Root his property at Saga-
more, Bronxviiie, to Thomas S. McNeir of this
city : aiso for H. D. Nims his property on Pond-
field rd at BronxviIIe to Captain G. H. Cocks
of this city, and property of the late James F.
Horan at BronxviIIe.
TARRRYTOWN.—Robert E. Farley Organi-
zation rented for Phílipse Manor Co. their house
on Riverside dr, Philipse Manor, to Marvln
Preston of New York.
Out of Town.
NEWARK, N. J.—Rice-Macrae Motor Car Co.
leased from Joseph Oschwaid salesroom and
garage building at 359-301 Halsey st. The prop-
erty is a modern fireproof building of light
brick and concrete, covering a plot 187x73,
through Louis Kamm, Inc,
PEASE & ELLIMAN have been appointed by
Harvey, Milius & Abrams agents for the 5-sty
store and apartment building at 21 West 50th st,
between 5th and Oth avs, a recent alteration.
BOARD OP DIRECTORS of the Bond and
Mortgage Guarantee Company at a meeting
held on September 23, elected John A. Garver,
of the firm ot Shearman & Sterling, a director
to flil the vacancy in the board caused by ihe
death of John W. Sterling.
LOUIS KARNOW has become associated with
Brett & Goode Co. in Its brokerage department.
Previously, for seven years, Mr, Karnow was
connected with Lewis B. Preston, who is out
of the real estate business, having gone into the
services of the War Department.
RAILWAY MAIL CLUB rented the three up-
per floors at 14 and 10 Vesey st to replace its
home at 461 8th av, which has been taken for
the Quartermaster's Department. The club
formerly occupied the Vesey st quarters, moving
from them seven years ago.
SUIT HAH BEEN 8TARTED in the Supreme
Court by Hosmer J. Barrett against 406 West
Thirty-first Street Co., Inc. John A. Larkin and
others, to foreelose a mortgage of $2(55,000 on
the 15-sty loft buiiding at 406 to 426 West 31st
st. The mortgage was made on Aprll 8, 1915, by
406 West Thirty-flrst Street Co., Inc.
EMIL SILVERMAN is the purchaser of the
Innisfailen apartments at the northwest oorner
of St. Nicholas av and 176th st. sold recenlly by
Stephen J. Egan. In addition to a large amount
of cash Mr. Silverman gave 86 Amstej-dam av,
a 5-sty tenomcnt, with stores, on lot 2,5x100. lo-
cated 75 ft. north of 63d st. Slawson & Hobbs
were tho brokers.
has taken over the property and buslness of the
People's Bank at .395 Canal st, northeast cor-
nor ot Thompson st, which recently went into
voluntary liquidation, and has instalied there
Its branch heretofore at Greenwlch and Wirren
sts The 395 Canal street Co., capitalized nt
,f20.000 with Charles Rush. Thomas J. Whalen
and H D. Coughlln aa directors, has ^een in-
corporated to take over the home of the former