June 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13.
Allen sfc., vr. s. (No. 129), 2,5x876, h <fe 1. WU¬
liam Ehlers fco Anna Wetjen. June 3......nom.
Allen st., e. s., 146.4 n. Stanton st., 0.8x87.6.
(Q. C.) Otto Meyer to Anna J. wife of Fred-
,erick Heinlein. June 5.....................750
Beekman place, s. w. cor. 50th st., 19x90, h. & 1.
Edmund S. Janes to Theodore C. EUiot, of
Orange, N. J. June 6....................35,000
BouLEVAiiD, s. w. cor. 73d sfc., S7.8x94.11x25.8x
105.4. Thomas A. Da^des fco Samuel Schiffer.
June 12..................................20,000
Boulevard, s. e. cor. lOOfch sfc., thence s. to 108th
St., thence w. to Bloomingdale road, thence n.
to 109fch St., thence e. to place of beginning.
AVm. M. Tweed to John Brower. June 12..60,000
Boulevard, n. w. cor. 146fch st., 99.11x325___i
Boulevard, s. w. cor. 147th st., 99.llx.525___\
William R. Martin to Leonval T. & Le\dngsto'n
M. Guthrie. June 9. Exchange of ofcher
property and.............................90,000
Broadway, n. e. cor. 58th sfc., 108.5x9oxl00..5x
135.9. IsabeUa S. ConnoUy (as Exrx. & Trustee),
James A., Charles M. Jr., Washington A. &
Thomas B. Connolly & Samuel P. Chalpin (as
Exrs., &c.) to Amos R. Eno. June 9___138,800
Columbia st., w. s.. Lot 266, Isaac Clason Map,
2.5x100, h. & 1. Seligman Solomon & Julius
Katzenberg to John P. HeU. June 7..___11,000
Delancey st., n. e. cor. Norfolk st., 26x.51.8, h.
& 1. PhUip Levy to Caroline wife of Louis J.
Levy. (Sub. to aU mortgages now on said
premises.) June 3........................3,000
Delancey st., s. e. cor. Essex st., 20x68. PhUo
T. Ruggles (Ref.) to John Jacob Graber. June
Fort George properfcy. Plot 4, Map 697. James
P. Ferguson to Thomas C. Fields. June
Port George properfcy. Plots 25. 26, 27, 31 &
33, Map 697................................
Dyckman st., s. s., 45 e. llth av., irreg.......
George Taylor to Herman Grifian. June 3.'.6,'000
Goerck st., v/. s., 75 n. Stanton sfc., 31x100, h. &,
1. (J^ part). John H. Kehlenbeck to Eliza¬
beth Lambrecht. (M. §7,750.) Junes.. 400
Hester st., s. s., 50 e. Forsyth st., 3.5x50, h. & L
Hannah Mayer wife of & Henry Mayer to
George L. Balheimer. June 5............10 000
Horatio st., n. s., 61.6 w. 4th st., 18.6x87.6.
John, Thomas. J., Mary, and WUbur Gaines
to Emeline Gaines. June 6..............6 700
Houston st., s. w. cor. Crosby st., 25.3x9.3.8.
John Dougherfcy, Samuel Dougherty, Jr., and
' James Dougherty to Lawrence B. Lynch.
June 13..................................35,000
Houston st., n. e. cor. Mofct st., 35x84.10, ho,
and lot....................................
Houston st., n. s., 35 e. Mott st., 25.2x87!3,'ho
and lot.................................
Houston st., n. s., 60.2 e. Mott,'35.2x89.'8,'h'o! '
and lot....................................
Elizabeth sfc,, w, s., 13 n. Houston s't.,'3i!3.x
84.6, ho. and lot...........................^
Terence Farley, WilUam Hitchman, & 'jo'sep"h
McGuire to Jacob Weeks. June 10.......72 500
Houston st., s. s., 62.3 e. Mott.st., 34.ilx—.
Agnes M. Maynard, Caleb G. Crane, and Jool
D. Mead to Andrew Haberman. June 7. .13 500
Kingsbridge road, n. e. cor. 185th st., 25.2Vx
133.13^x24.11x136.8%. Arthur H. Snowdtn
to James King. June 3...................5 000
Kingsbridge road on the east, north by land
late of Messrs. Haven, south by Lot No. 8 on
map of Isaac P. Martin, west by centre of road
on said map leading from Lot No. 11 to Port
Washington road, containing in all 4 436-lOCO
acres. W. G. Wetmore (Exr. of John How¬
land) and Aaron H Rathbone to Adele How¬
land (widow of John Howland). June. 12..90,000
Madison st, n. s., 120 e. Scammel sfc., 34x96. '
PhUip Levy to Heiman and Joseph Steinert.
(Sub. to mortgs.) June 7.................1,000
Mercer et., w. s., 95.6 s. Broome st., 25x125..
Also a'piece of ground adj. fear on south.
WiUiam A. Keteltas to WUliam Moser. June
MiNETTA St., n. a., 153.15^ e. Bleecker st., 22.2")
x75, bouse.and lot___.....................
MiNETTA St., n. s., 175.3>^e. Bleecker St.,'22x
75, house and lot..............'..■..........
MiNETTA St., n. s., 19733^0. Bleecker st!,'sV.i
x39.10x34, house and lot...................
MiNETTA tt., n. s., 80.3 w. Minetta lane"
Catharine wife of Alexander H. Watson fco
Hobert Davies. Jime 8.................!nom.
Same property. ■ Robert Davies to Alexander H.
Watson. June 8.........................nom.
Monroe st., s. s., 151.2 e. Cathai-ine st., 25x3^
block. William Remsen to Isaae K. Jessup,
of Westfield, N. J. June 5...............6,C00
Monroe st., n. s., 131.3 vr. Pike st., 35x100.
William Remsen to Bryan Reins'-. June 9..5,COO
Norfolk st. (No. 87), w. s., 51.8 n. Delancey
St., 19.26.6, house and lot. Philip Levy to
Caroline Avife of Louis J. Levy. (Sub. to all
mortgages now on said premises.) June 3. .2,000
Old post road and 122d st., s. w. cor., 70.7x100
OA part). Charles C. Pinckney to Joseph C.
Pinckney. June .5.........................5,000
Warren st., n. s. (No. 116), 23x90. (Dec. 1857)
Enoch L. Fancher to Susan M. wife of John
A. C. Gray. June 3.....................2.5,000
2d St., s. s., 2478 w. Av. C, 25.4x76. Henry
Struckhausen to Frederick Schuck. .Tune 7.13,000
3d st., n. 8., 60 w. Isfc av., 20x48.1. Joseph Geim-
er to Margarethe Geimer. June 8..........10,2Cl)
4th St., w. s. (No. 226 West), 26.5^x103.6.
Charles Le Gay to John B. Le Gav. .June 6.nom.
4th St., w. s., 52.11 s. 10th st., 26.5Xxl01, h. & 1.
(Q. C.) Charles Le Gay to John B. Le Gay.
June 6...................................nom.
IOth st., n. s., 100 e. 5th av., 49x94.9. (Q. C).
George W. Tucker to Mary wife of Eliakim L.
BoUes. June 9............................nom.
10th St., n. s., 149 e. 5th av., 24.6x94.9. (Q. C.)
George W. Tucker to James S. McCall. June
13Tn St., n. s., 241.8 w. 7fch av., 20.10x75, h. & 1.
Mendel Samter to Friderick Kircheis. June
16th St., n. s., 119.3 e. Av. A, 23.9x93........
16th St., n. s., 95.6 w. Av. B, 376x92, h. & 1
(trade see 27th st..........................
Katharina wife of Peter Klein to Samuel Schus
ter. June 12.............................40,000
17th St., s. s., 199.9 w. 9thav., thence e. 2.5.3x92.
Daniel Hennessy to Robert GUlen. June 9.5,.500
ISth st., n. s., 140 vr. Av. A, 2.5x92. Mary Grif¬
fin (by Atty.) to Franz KeUbach. June 6___4,500
22d St., n. s., 188 vr. Av. A, 70.6x98.9.........)
23d St., s. s., 194 vr. Av. A, 75x98.9...........f
Ann B. wife of Samuel Leggett to Wm. H.
Schermerhorn. (Sub.' to mortgages now on said
premises). June 13......................15,000
24th St., n. s., 375 w. 6th av., 50x98.9. (Q. C.)
Thomas Hallicock to King Rider. June 8. .nom.
25th St., s. s., 100 w. 1st av., 25x98.9, h. & 1.
Leopold Bohm to Moritz J. Hershbin. June
26th St., n. s., 123 e. 6th av., 17x98.9. John
DaUy to WiUiam W. Patrick. June 5___16,000
36th St., s. s., 195.3 e. Sth av., 30x98.9. Jane C.
wife of and Ephraim B. Place to Abraham and
Beldie Kramer. June 6..................13,500
S6th St., s. s., 195.8 e. Sth av., 30xx98.9. Abraham
and Beldie Kramer to Peter S. Porter. June
37th St., n..s., 145 w. 1st av., 55x98.9, ,h. & 1.
(trade see 16th st.). Samuel Schuster to Katha¬
rina wife of Peter Klein. June .13........47,000
37th St., s. s., 380 w. Oth av., 30x98.9. Kate
Heath to Raymon M. Estevez & FelLx Goviny
Pinto. June 8..........................16,135
30th St., s. s., 42 e. Lexington av., 29.x24.8>^ (%
part), house and lot. Mary A. and Sarah M.
Dawson to Harriet Dawson. June 3.....1 000
33d St., n. s., 80e. 2d av., 20x98.9, house and lot. .
Augustus F. HoUy to Thomas Gearty. June
33d St., s. 8., 100w. Othav., 16.8x26.2x17x2L7,
house and lot. William Burnard to Joseph J.
and Charles A. Potter. June 12.........11,500
35th St., s. w. cor. 4th av., 21x72.6,house andlot.
WiUiam G. Sterling to Mary T. wife of Charles
Collins. June 3........................ .35,000
35th St., n. s., 113 e. Sthav., 19x98.9. Henry
Schafer to Anthony Euring. June 9......6,000
37th St., s. s., 155 e. 4th av., 25x98.9. Jacob
Voorhis, Jr., to Jacob Voorhis, of Greenwich,
Conn. June 7...........................nom.
37th St., s. B., 155 e. 4thav., 2.5x98.9. Jacob
Voorhis to Rachel T. wife of Jacob Voorhis,
. Jr. June 7..............................nom.
38th St., s. s., 310.8 w. 7th av., 1710x98.9,
house and lot. Mary J. wife of and Darius Tail-
man to Leonard M. Thom. Jun e. 3......15,000
38th St., n. s., 425 e. Oth av., 25x98.9. Nicholas
Grabenstein to Caroline wife of Friedrick
Seitz. June 7........................... .8,000
39th St., n. s., 96.8 e. 4th av., 16.8x98.9, house
and lot. Elida B. wife of Charles A. Brush to
Carlos Cobb. June 8................... .32,000
41sTst., n. s., 375 w. 7th av., 25x98.9, house and
lot. Michael S. Short to Arthur and Philip
Short. June 5. (Q.C)___..............hom.
42d St., B. s., 291.8 e. 3d av., 33.4x98.9. Salmon
S. Stevens to John M Mueller of Cincinnati
Ohio.. June 5.......................... .28,000
48d St., B. a, 160 w. 10th av., 20x98.9. (Nov.
1861.). Michael - T. Mclntyre to Patrick B.
Mclntyre. June 9.......................6,500
43d st., s. e., 305 e. 4th av., 2.5x100.5. George
B. Greer to WUliam H. Hays. June 6.. .13,500
44Tn sfc.,n. s., 80 w. Oth av., 30x50.4. Maria
L. Dennis to Jacob Cohn. June 10......13,000
46Tn St., n. s., 100 e. 10th av., 2.5x115.10x26.9
46th., St., n. s., 150 c. 10th av., 25x96.8x26.9
x87.1.James H. Coleman (Ref.) to Amos R.
Eno. (R. D.). June6....................6,600
47Tn St., n. s., 318.9e. 10th av., 18.9x100.5. CNov.
1869.) Jane B. wife of and OrvUle O. Jones to
Anna L.Avife of GUberfc Sayres, Jamaica, L.I.
June 8..................................2.5,000
4Sth St., n. s., 300 w. 2d av., 12.6x100.5, house
and lofc. Ramon de Rivas y Lamar to George
E.Farless. June 6.......................13,500
48Tn St., n. s., 835 e. 2d av., .50x100.5. Aaron
CoUenberger to Nathaniel BurchUl. June
48th St., n. s., 325 e. 2d av., .50x100.5. John B.
Lockwood to Aaron CoUenberger. June 9.. .nom.
4STn St., s. s., 363 w. 2d av., 13x100.5, house and
lot. Elizabeth C. Annan (as Exrx.), Robert
White and J. L. Noyes (as Exs., etc.) to
James R. Scott. June 6.................13,.500
49Tnst., a. s., 425 w. Oth av., 24.6x100, K part,
h. & 1. PhUip Van Volkenburgh to Daniel E.
Van Valkenburgh. June S..............11,000
51ST St., n. s., 79 e. 4th av., 20x100.5, house & lot.
Frederick W. Weber to Johannah Wien¬
ecke. June 10............................8,300
Same property. Frederick Wienecke to Fred¬
erick W. Weber. June 10................7,500
.51ST St., s. s., .58.4 e. Ofch av., 16.8xl00..5, h. & I.
PhUip Fifczpafcrick to Sarah A. Baum. June
.51sT St., s. s., 281.3 e. 10th av., 18.9x100.5, h. & 1.
Paul Christensen to John Blake. June 3. .13,250
5.2d St., s. s., 350 vr. llfch av., 2.5x100.5. John
Kelly to Daniel MuUigan. June o.........8,250
.53d St., s. s., 250 e. .5th av., 12.6x100.5. Ann
wife of and John F. Seaman to Charles Moran.
June 6...................................9,000
53d St., s. s., 1.50 w. Oth av., 7.5x100.5. JohnW.
Stevens to Christian BUnn. June 3......33,000
54th St., n. s., 300 e. 7th av., 25x100..5. Edward
A. Boyd to John C. Sares. Jnne 5........7,000
54th St., n. s., 325 e. 7th av., 50x100.5. Merritt
A. Potter to Anna L. wife of WUliam B.
Bishop. June 7.........................13,500
56th St., s. s., 293.4 vr. Sth av., 20.8x100.5, h. & L
Gratz Nathan (Ref) to Caroline K. Read.
June 13.................................23,000
56th St., n. s., 33.4 e. 9th av., 16.8xl00..5. Ben- .
jamin P. FairchUd to James B. Peck. June '
56th St., s. 6., 275 w. 9th av., 35x78.7. Benjamin;
P. FairchUd to Margaret wife of Thomas Shan¬
non. June 13............................8,000
57th St., n. s., 175 w. of Sth av., 25x100.5., h. &1.
James H. Fitzgerald to Henry D. Rolph, of
Stamford, Conn. June 12...............60,000
58th St., s. s., 100 w. of 5th av., 75x100.5. Eliza
Peck to John Anderson, Esquire. June 12. .80,000
59th St., n. 8., 250 w. of 4th av., 25x100..5. Acton
Civill to Vernon K. Stevenson. June 7.. .1.5,000
61sT St., s. s., 241 w. of 3d av., 19x100.5. John
McCool to J. Bentley Squier. June 6.....30,000
63d St., n. s., 150 e. of 5th av., 100x100.5. Moritz
Cohen to John McCool. June 5..........77,500
63d St., s. B., 125 e. of 5thav., 75x100.5. Caroline
W. wife of and Runyon W. Martin, Jr., to
WiUiam R. Stewart. Jnne 6............. 57,000
64th St., s. B., 300 e. 10th av., 25x100.5. Gratz
Nathan (Ref.) to John J. Searing. June 10.6,000
64th St., n. B., 325 e. llth av., 50x100.5. Jacob L.
PhUUps to Henry Goldsmith. (Sub. to M. $3,600) '
June 8....................................1,000
71 st St., n. s., 490 w. Oth av., 20x103.3. Walter L.
Livingston (Ref.) to Sarah Kinnier. June 6.16,250
71st St., n. s., .510 w. 9th av., 20x103.3. Walter L.
Livingston, (Ref.) to W. A. Ferguson. June
71sT St., n, s., 530 w. 9th av., 20x103.3. WaUer L.
Livingston (Ref.) fco George Rudd. June 6.16,200
71sT St., n. s., .590 w. Ofch av., 20x102.3......;. |
71sT St., n. s., 630w. Oth av., 20x102.2........ j
James W; Ogden, Jr., to Reuben Ross, Jr.
June 6..................................41,000
74th St., s. s., 140 e. Madison av., 20x103.2.
Peter V. Winters and William T. Hunt to
Nathaniel H. Boynton, Brooklyn, N. Y.
June 7..................................35,000
74th St., s. s., 180 e. Madison av., 20x102.2. Pe¬
ter V. Winters and WUliam T. Hunt to Peter
Jackson and John H. Steimetz. Jnne 8.. .33,000
74Tn St., s. s., 200 e. Madison av., 20x102.2. Pe¬
ter V. Winters and WiUiam T. Hunt to Peter
Jackson and John H. Steinmetz. June 8. .33,000
74th St., s. s., 330 e. Madison av., 20x103.3. Pe¬
ter V. Winters and WUliam T. Hunt to Charles
Cowen. JiineO..........................35,000
■76Tn St., s. B., 100 e. 3d av., 16x102.2, x200x31;ll
xl86;6x40. (Q; C.) Harris WUson to Patrick
Flannery. JunelO............;..;... ....nom.