May 7, 1904
Co., 135 Broadway, are the owners. The building is scheduled to
reach completion January 1st, 1905.
TI. S. Realty Co.*s Plans for Boreel Site.
BROADWAY.-The U. S. Realty & Construction Co„ 135
Broadway, inform the Record and Guide that tbey contempla^te
erecting a building covering tbe blocks bounded by Broadway,
Thames, Cedar and Church sts, thus, closing Temple st in the
rear of the Boreel building. Their plans also include the closing
of Thames st and a corresponding widening of Cedar st. All
Of this, however, is contingent upon municipal consent being ob¬
tained, and preliminary to that will be petitions and hearings.
Should such building be erected, it would correspond in height,
material and design with the 20-sty Trinity building now under
way, and of which Francis H. Kimball is the architect.
Sixty-Ninth Regiment Armory Contracts.
LEXINGTON AV.—Contracts for the GOth Regiment's new
armory, Lexington av, 25th to 2Gth sts, have been issued as
follows: Excavating. Tbomas Mulry & Son, SGS West 12tb st;
shoring, T. J. Gailigan's Sons, 528 East ITth st; iron work, Milii¬
ken Bros,, 11 Broadway; granite, J. E. Dutton,-42 East 23d st;
cut slone, Rawnsiey & Jackson, 3'20 East 64th st; bluestone,
Thomas J. Dunn. 444 East OSth st; fireprooflng. Roebiing Con¬
struction Co,, Puller Building; carpentry, Charles Morton, 500 Sth
av; electric work, James Reilly's Sons Co., 122 Centre st. The
general contractors. The James D. Murphy Co., 1181 Broadway,
will do the masonry. Hunt & Hunt, 28 East 21st sl, are the
Addition to Commercial Cable Building.
NEW ST.-The directors of the Commei-cial Cable Building Co.
are planning to extend the Commercial Cable building over their
plot fronting 48- feet at 05-GT Exchange pl and 30.2 at 22-24
New st, and over the Havemeyer and 'Savin plots (the former
recently acquired), measuring together 26x46 on the northeast
corner of New st and Exchange pl. Preliminary plans have been
drawn by Howells & Stokes, of 100 Wiliiam st. Some months
ago Arnold W. Brunner prepared plans for a unique skyscraper
lo occupy tbe Havemeyer and Savin plol, but this scheme was
abandoned on tbe sale of the Havemeyer parcel to the Commer¬
cial Cable Co. Then it was announced that the company would
buiid on their holdings directly in the rear of the Blair building,
the erection of which closed the windows in the south wall of
the Commercial Cable Building. The present building, a 23-sty
structure, with entrances at 20-22 Broad st, and 18-20 New st,
was built in 1895 from plans by Harding & Gooch at a cost of
ifll,800,000. At present the project awaits tbe acquirement of the.
Savin plot.
. Mercantile.
STH AV.—Albert S. Gottlieb, 156 Sth av, has filed plans for the
Knickerbocker building, a 15-sty loft building, to be erected on
the southeast corner of Sth av and IGth st, for Jacob Rothschild,
Part of the site has been cleared and the excavation is now being
made. The only conlracts let so far are: James J. Duffy, 625
West 24th st, excavating, and Phoenix Iron Co,, 49 William st,
structural steel. The cost of the structure is estimated at $500,-
CLIFF ST.—iPlans have been completed and estimates sub¬
mitted for a 10-sty brick w-arehouse, 121x81 feet, to be built on
the southwest corner of Cliff and Ferry sts for Chas. A. Schieren
& Co., who will occupy the building. The site is Nos. 63 to 69
Cliff st, and 30 to 38 Ferry st. It is estimated to cost $250,000.
Frank Freeman, 132 Nassau st, is the architect. As soon as the
contract has been awarded, the work of demolishing the old
buildings will begin. The plans provide for a building to extend
to the oid building iine, no allowance being made for a possible
widening of Ferry st.
He-w Apartments, Flats and Tenements.
IIITH ST.—John H. Knubel, 318 West 42d st, is making plans
for two G-sty, SOxST.ll, tenements, for Leon Tuchman of 1581
Lexington av, to be erected at. Nos. 226 and 228 East lllth st
To cost $40,000.
144TH ST.—Geo. F, Pelbam. 503 Sth av. is making plans for
two 5-sty, 3T.6x87.11, flat buildings for Emanuel Rosenburger,
of 137 West 116th st, to be erected at the south side of 144th
St. ICO feet east of 7th av, to cost $75,000.
109TH ST.—Plans are being prepared by Geo. P. Pelham, 503
Sth av, for a G-sty. 50x87.11. S3-famlly flat building for Abra¬
ham Silverson of the Germania Bank building, to be erected at
Nos. 212 and 216 East 109th st, to cost $50,000.
9STH ST.—Hyman Rosensohn, 81 East 125th st, is making
plans for a G-sty. 50x87,11. 34-famiIy flat building, for Sandler
Cohen of 4 East 116th st. lo be erected on tbe south side of 9Stb
st, 96,8 feet west of 2d av, to cost $35,000.
â– 1-lSTH ST.. Bronx,—Moore & Landseidel, 14Sth st and 3d av
are making plans for a 4-sty, 25x93, S-family flat building for
Angelo Mannelo, of 680 Eagle av, to be erected on tbe north
side of 14Sth st, 50 'feet west of Courtland av, Bronx to cost
$18,000, -
UNION AV., Bronx,—Harry T, Howell, southwest corner 3d
av and ISSth st, is preparing plans for two 5-sty. 33.9x96 and
37.6x91.4, 24-faini!y flat buildings for the Gaines Roberts Co,
of 700 Bast 139th st, to be erected at Nos, 942 and 944 Union av,
Bronx. Estimated cost, $40,000.
14TH ST.—G. B, Meyers, 1 Union sq, is making plans for a
6-sty, 24x86.4, tenement' for S, Hoffberg and M. O, Kun ol
264 Canal st, to be erected at the southwest corner of llth st and
Av A, to cost $50,000.
HESTER ST,—C. B. Meyers, 1 Union sq, is making plans for a
O-sty, 50,2x53,6, 20-family tenement for Saumel Barken of OOlh
st and Madison av, to be erected at tbe northwest corner of
Hester and Forsyth sts, to cost $48,000,
LEXINGTON AV.—James E. Ware & Son, 1170 Broadway, aro
making plans for a O-sty, 39,5x62, flat building for The Wall
Realty Co. of 1170 Broadway, to be erected at Nos. 231 and 233
Lexington av, to cost $40,000.
IGSD ST., Bronx.—M. J. Garvin, 3.307 Sd av, is making plans
for a 5-sty, 30x90, 11-family tenement for Gustavo Lauer, south¬
west eorner of Cauldwell av and lG4th st, to be erected at the
northwest corner of lG3d st and Trinity av, Bronx, to cost
ATH ST.—Sass & Smaliheiser, 23 Park Row, are preparing
plans for a 6-ety, 40x79, 2S-family tenement for Simon Steiner of
112 Cannon st, to be erected at Nos. T29 and TSl East 9th st,
to cost $40,000.
SIST ST.—Bernstein & Bernstein, T2 Trinity pl, are making
plans for a 6-sty, 39.Tx80.ll, flat building for L. Weinstein of 123
East 112th sl, to be erected at Nos. 339 and 341 East Slst, to
cost $40,000.
JENNINGS ST., Bronx.—Neville & Bagge, 21T West 125th st,
are preparing plans two 5-sty, 40x55.6 and 57x62. 11-family flat
buildings, for Sauer, Gross & Herbener, of 45 West OSth st, to
be erected on the north side of Jennings st, 110 feet east of
Union av, Bronx, at a total cost of $51,000.
BARTLETT ST., Brooklyn.—Sass & Smaliheiser, 23 Park Row,
New Tork, have plans ready for the erection of a 5-sty 22-family
flat house. 50x87 feet, for Philip Luzerwitz, to be erected on the
north side of Bartlett st, 75 feet east of Harrison av, Brooklj-n,
to cost $40,000. It will have a light brick and limestone front,
tin roof, hardwood flnish, with tbe usual improvements,
119TH ST,—Cbas, Stegmayc-r, 306 East S2d st, is making plans
for-two O-sty flats, 38,4x87,11, to be erected at Nos, 15S and 164
East 119tb St. for Jacob Jung of 131 East SSd st. to cost $70,000.
â– PROSPECT AV,, 'Bronx,—James E, Ware & Son, 1170 Broad¬
way, are making plans for two 5-sty, 21-family flat buildings,
S7.GxSS, lor Albert J. Schwarzler, IS East OOth st, to be erected
on the east side of Prospect av, 218.6 feet west of Home st,
Bronx, to cost $50,000.
10:iD ST.—Geo. P. Pelham, ,503 Sth av, is preparing plans for
two G-sty flats, 50x87.11, with apartments for S3 families, to be
erected on -the south side of lOSd st, 155 feet west of 2d av, for
Half Sc Williams of 416 East 52d st, at a total oost of $100,000.
103D ST.—Horenburger & Straub. 122 Bowery, are making
plans for a 6-sty flat building, SOxST.ll, for R. Kurzwick of 409
East SOth St. to be erected at Nos. GT and 71 East 103d st. Esti¬
mated cos't, $50,000.
123d ST.-F. C. Brown, 143 West 125th st, is making plans for
two 5-sty flat buildings, 37.6x88.11, with 16 apartments, for
Philip Braender of 418 Central Park West, to be erected at Nos.
533 and 537 West 123d st. Estimated cost, $70,000.
Large Contract for 'Wells Bros. & Co.
The Wells Bros. Se Co., IGO Sth av, Manhattan, have received
the general contract for the erection of the 8-sty, 200x400, ware¬
house for Butler Bros, of 405 Broadway, to be erected at Jersey
C.ty, N. J, The cost is placed at $7.50,000. Jarvis Hunt, 1407
Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, is the architect.
STH ST,, Brooklyn.—The property on the east side of East Sth
st, 143 feet north of Cburch av, Brooklyn, owned by Maria Van
Houten, will be improved by the erection of two dwelling houses
to cost about .'):G,OOU each. The buildings will be 2i^-sty, lSx50
feet, and they will be constructed of brick and frame, tin roofs,
open plumbing, bathroom and laundry fixtures, hardwood flnish,
and all improvements. Charles C. Wessell, of Brooklyn, is the
NICHOLAS AV., Brooklyn.—Plans are ready by W. B. Wills,
17 Ti'outman st, for the erection of six dwelling houses which
Garbo & Wills, of IT Troutman st, will build on the west side of
Nicholas av, 325 feet south of Jamaica av. Brooklyn. The
buildings will be 2i^-sty, 20x50 feet, containing two apartments
each. All improvements will be installed.
BAY SIST ST AND BENSON AV., Brooklyn,—W. H. Plem-
ming, 1834 Bath av, owner and builder, will erect two dwelling
houses at the southwest corner of Bay Slst st and Benson av, to
cost about $15,000. Plans call for 2-sty buildings, 34x34. brick
and frame, shingle roof, hardwood trim and fioors, bath and
laundry flxtures, hot air heat.
DUMONT AV., Brooklyn.—L. Danancher. 256 East New Tork
av, has plans completed for IS dwelling houses, to be erected on
the east side of Dumont av, 200 feet south of Sutter av, and at
the northwest corner of Sutter and Wyona avs, Brooklyn. Plans
call for 21^-sty buildings, 20x50 feet each, constructed of grey
brick and limestone, tin roofs, hardwood finish, open plumbing,
hot air heat, mantels, etc.. to cost about $100,000. Sa?nuel Hain
is the owner.