August 31, 1912
Including Contemplated G)nstructions, Bids Wanted, G)ntracts
Awarded, Plans Filed and Government, State and Municipal Work.
Bids to Close on Prison Buildings.
The New Y^ork State Prison Depart¬
ment, James P. Scott, Superintendent,
Capitol Building, Albany, announces that
bids for the construction of the Great
jMeadow Prison Buildings at Comstock,
New York, will close at 12 o'clock noon
on September 4. Herman W. Hoefer,
Capitol, Albany, is State Architect, A.
Pasquini, 1123 Broadway, N, Y. C, has
part of the general contract. Those sub¬
mitting bids for the additional work are:
Maurice Mead, 226 Orange street, Al¬
bany; Champion Iron Company, Kenton,
O.; the American Bridge Company, 3C^
Church street, New York; Callanan &
Preseott, Albany; The Connors Bros.
Company, Lowell, Mass.; C. C. Keenan,
Madison avenue, N. Y. C and Frank B.
Gore, 280 Broadway, N. Y', C,
John F. Stevens Gets $1,500,000 Contract.
The Ontario Power Company, General
Francis V. Greene, president, 60 Wall
street, Manhattan, has awarded to John
F. Stevens, 55 Wall street, the general
contract to erect a new concrete ami
steel hydro electric plant on the Salmon
River, near Pulaski, New York. Thei
structure will be 2 stories in height, 200x
250 feet, with a dam 1,000 feet long of
concrete. Further details have not yet
been decided. The cost is estimated at
about $1,500,000. William Barclay Par¬
sons, 60 Wall street, N, Y, C, is engineer
in charge,
Y. M. C. A. Building for Perth Amboy.
The board of directors of the Y. M.
C. A., Rector and Smith streets. Perth
Amboy. contemplates the erection of an
institution building at Jefferson street
and Madison avenue, this city. The
committee has purchased the property
and is now raising funds for a building
containing class rooms, gymnasium and
swimming tank. It is undecided when
the project will go ahead, as nothing has
been determined. Directors are Herman
Ellis. Albert Leon, Samuel Levine, J,
Slebiedien, S. Spitzer, and Dr. B. Felman.
Big Addition to Chemical Plant.
The American Agricultural Chemical
Company. 2 Rector street, Manhattan—
Peter B. Bradley, president; Horace
Bowker, secretary, and Thomas A. Doe,
treasurer—will start immediately the
erection of a new fireproof chemical plant,
2 stories, 60x355 feet, of reinforced con¬
crete construction, and a power house,
80x106 feet, at Blissville, L. I. A. H.
Nickerson, 92 State street, Boston, Mass,,
Is chief engineer. The Turner Construc¬
tion Co.. 11 Broadway, N. Y. C, has re¬
ceived the general contract,
Bush Terminal May Build at Bayonne.
The Bush Terminal Company, of Brook¬
lyn, through Vice-President J. A. Nash
of the company, has made application
for 2,500 feet of shore front property at
the foot of East 49th street, Bayonne,^
New Jersey. It is reported that the com¬
pany will erect a huge plant, much larg¬
er than the Brooklyn plant. The appli¬
cation has been received by Secretary
John C. Payne of the Riparian Commis¬
sion in Jersey City, and will come up for
consideration by the board at the next
meeting in September,
Contract for City Hall Work.
The J. Dall Construction Company, 10
East 23d street, received the general con¬
tract this weeli for extensive changes to
the flrst floor and basement of the City
Hall, to cost about $100,000. Mrs. Rus¬
sell Sage, 604 Fifth avenue, has appro¬
priated the necessary funds for part of
the work, Grosvenor Atterbury, 20 West
43d street, has charge.
Figuring for Loew's New Theatre.
Thomas W. Lamb, 501 Fifth avenue, is
taking bids this week for the erection of
the new theatre, which the Loew's The¬
atrical Enterprise, 260 West 42d street-
Marcus Loew, president; Nicholas M.
Schenck, secretary—is to erect at 1538
Third avenue through to 168-180 East 87th
street, at a cost of $150,000. Among those
figuring are the Libman Contracting Co.
and Fleischmann Bros.
The Willard Parker Hospital Addition.
The Willard Parker Hospital Associa¬
tion, foot of East 16th street, opened
bids on Tuesday of this week for the
construction of the new dormitory addi¬
tion to the Willard Parker Hospital to
be erected on a plot 50x100 feet, 6 stories
in height. Richard E. Heningham, 1
Madison avenue, was low bidder at $105,-
765. The next lowest bid was from the
Ruggles Robinson Company, 331 Madison
avenue, at $109,975, The third lowest bid
was submitted by the American Concrete
Steel X:o., of Newark, N. J„ at $125,600.
Clinton & Russell, 32 Nassau street, are
the architects,
PARK AV.—Steel work Is up to the third tier
on the apartment iouse at 361-373 Park av,
101-117 East 52d st and 100-112 East 53d st,
tor the Montana Realty Co., 384 Park av and
135 Broadway, owner. Rouse & Goldstone, 38-
40 West 32d st, architects, S. C. Weiskopf,
68 William st, steel engineer, Chauncey Mat¬
lock, 68 William st, heating engineer. T. H.
Stevens, 114 East 28th st, plumdlng engineer,
J. McKeefrey, 1416 Broadway, has the mason
work. N. Reisler Iron Works, Willow av and
137th st, has tlie ornamental iron work. Cost,
22D ST.—M. W. Del Gaudio, 401 Tremont
av, is preparing plans for a 4-sty brick apart¬
ment, 23x94 ft,, and stable, to be erected at
417 East 22d st for the Cordvilla Realty Co.,
on premises, owner. Cost, $13,000.
87TH ST—The Owners Building Co., Samuel
A, Herzog, president, 43 Cedar st, owner, is
taking bias on mason work for the 13-sty apart¬
ment, 76x100 ft., at the northwest corner ot
87th sl and Central Park West, from plans by
Schwartz & Gross, 437 3th av, architects. F.
A. Burdett & Co., 16 East 33d st, steel engi¬
neers. Owner builds.
BROADWAY.—Rouse & Goldstone, 38-40 West
32d st, are taking bids for alterations to the
9-sty apartment house at 1767-1769 Broadway
for the Rutland Leasing Co., 149 Broadway,
owner, Leo M. Klein, president, Samuel Jack¬
son, secretary and treasurer, W, C. Tucker,
156 5th av, sanitary engineer,
120TH ST.-The Edmund Francis Realty Co.,
Albert E. Hartcorn, 20 Nassau st, president,
will erect a 10-sty apartment house, 101x123
ft., at the northeast corner of 120tb st and
Amsterdam av from plans by Geo, Fred Pel¬
ham, 507 5th av, architect. Cost, $600,000.
MADISON ST.—Alfred L. Kehoe & Co., 1
Beekman st, have completed plans for the 4-
sty tenement, 23.10x38.2 ft., to be erected at
183 Madison st for Harris Goldman, 73 Allen
st, owner. Cost, $33,000.
7TH AV.—G. & E. Blum, 503 oth av, have
completed plans for the 12-sty apartment house,
502x82 ft., to be erected on the west side of
7th av 100.5 ft, south of 34th st, for the Adlen
Construction Co., 301 Sth av, owner. Cost,
WEST END AV.—Schwartz & Gross, 347 Sth
ay, have completed plans for the 12-sty apart¬
ment house, 102.2x150 ft., to be erected at the
northwest corner ot West End av and SSth st
for the West End & 83th St, Co., northeast
corner of 85th st and West End av, owner.
Cost, $1,100,000,
PARK AV.—O. Lowinson, 5 West Slst st, has
completed plans for the 12-sty apartment
house, 33.3x80 ft., to be erected at 929-31 Park
av for the 929 Park Av. Co., 29 West 34th st,
owner. Cost, $200,000.
73D ST.—James Gamble Rogers, 11 East 24th
st is preparing plans for alterations to the
4-'sty brick and stone residence at 120 East
73d st for James T. Torry, 60 Wall st, owner.
AMSTERD.AM AV.—'Foundations are under
way for a 2 and 3-sty marble and granite
synod hall to be erected at Amsterdam av
and Cathedral Parkway for the Cathedral of
St. John the Devine, on premises. Bishop D.
H. Greer, 7 Gramercy Park. Cram, Good-
rue & Ferguson, 15 Beacon st, Boston, Mass.,
architects. W. Shelton Swallow Co., 507 Sth
av, general contractor,
40TH ST.—Excavating is under way for the
3-sty Carnegie library, 40x100 ft., in the north
side of 40th st, 100 ft. east of 10th av, for the
N Y. Public Library, 42d st and Sth av, J. B.
Billings, director, 425 Lafayette st. Walter
Cook & W. A. Welch, 3 West 29th st, archi¬
tects. R. Deeves & Son, 309 Broadway, gen¬
eral contractors. J. H. MacDonald, 357 West
16th st, carpenter.
167TH ST.—J. Kraus, Arsenal Building, Sth
av and 64lh st, architect, is preparing plans
for a playground building and shelter house at
167th st and B'roadway tor the City of New
York Department of Parks, Arsenal Building,
Sth ay and 64th st, owner, Chas. B. Stover,
president. Cost, $18,000.
JOHN JAY PARK.—J. Kraus, Arsenal Build¬
ing. 64th st and oth av, is preparing plans for
a 2V4-sty playground building and comfort sta¬
tion, 40x80 ft., at John Jay Park for the De¬
partment of Parks, Arssenal Building, 64th st
and Sth av, owner. Cost, $40,000-
COOPER SQ.—T. E. Videto, architect for the
Department of Parks, is preparing plans for
an underground comfort station to be erected
in Cooper sq. White granite will be used.
SSTH ST.—Donald P. Hart. 3 West 29th st,
has completed plans for a civil court house to
be erected at 135-137 East SSth st for T. J.
Oakley and Philip Rhinelander, 36 West 52d
St. owners. To be known as the Sixth Dis¬
trict Municipal Court. Cost, $23,000.
-MANHATTAN.—Bids were received by the
Board of Education Aueust 26 for the general
construction ot P. S. 102. J. F. Walsh & Bro.
were low bidders. $183,890; for plumbing and
drainage of same school, A. J. Ormond Co.,
•""TTH. ST.—Additional figures are being re¬
ceived tor the 4-sty briek garage, 100x200 ft-,
to be erected in the south side of 57th st,
through to. 56th st 175 ft. west ot Ilth av,
for the Mason & Seaman Transportation Co..
662 West 57tli st owner. F. A. Rooke, 489 5th
av. architect. Cost, $200,000,
40TH ST.—Steel work is under way for the
24-sty loft building. 50x75 ft., at 110-112 West
40th st for Edward A. Browning, 18 West 75th
St. owner. Buchman & Fox, 11 East 59th st,
architects. Chauncey Matlock, 223 5th ay,
steam engineer. Ashley & Kaufman, 417 5th
av, electrical engineers. Jacob A. Zimmer¬
mann, 505 5th av. has the mason work; Cha?.
H. Darmstadt. 352 West 43d st, the plumbing,
and the Howden Tile Co.. 1182 Broadway, the
interior tile work.
24TH ST.—Steel work is under way for the
12-sty store and loft building, 50x85 ft., at
121-123 East 24th st for D. & M. Co., Henry
B. MuUiken, president, Edgar J. Moeller, vice-
president. B. Mordecai, treasurer. MuUiken &
Moeller, 103 Park av. architects. Fullman Con¬
struction Co.. 103 Park av, has the mason
work. Cost, $125,000,
BANK ST.—Foundations are under way for
the 6-sty brick loft building, 50x75 ft., at 155-
157 Bank st for George P. Morgan, St. Denis
Hotel, Broadway and Ilth st, owner, J. B.
Snook & Sons. 261 Broadway, architects.
Charles H. Peckworth, 6-Sl Hudson st, general
contractor for foundations. Springstead &
Adamson. 434 East 107th st. have the carpenter
work; Robert Law, 89 Barrow st the plumb¬
ing, and MacDougall & Potter Co., 606 West
SSth st, the steel work. Cost, $54,000.
STH AV.—Steel work is under way for the
10-sty offlce building. 33x100 ft., at 597-599 Sth
av for Chas. Scribner's Sons, 153 Sth av, owner.
Chas. Scribner. president; Ernest Flagg, 109
Broad st. architect. John T. Brady & Co., 103
Park av, have the mason work.
OTH ST.—Work has started on alterations to
the department store at 9th to 10th sts. Broad¬
way to 4th av, tor T, A. Stewart Realty Co..
on premises, owner. Chas. C. Thain, 4 East
42d St. architect; Theodore Starrett Co.. 103
Park av. general contractor. Cost, $8,000,
25TH ST.—Gross & Kleinberger, Bible House,
have completed plans tor a 12-sty office huilding,
25x86 ft., to be erected at 11 West 25th st for
the Eleven West Twenty-fifth Street Co., 538
West 136th st, owner, who builds. Cost, $105,-
EXCHANGE PL.—Altred Bossom, 366 Sth av,
is preparing plans for alterations to the office
building at 43-49 Exchange pl for the Wall St.
Exchange Building Association, on premises,
John W. McKinnon, president, Frank C. Priagle,
secretary. S. H. P. Pell & Co., 43 Exchange pl,
G4TH ST.—^Excavating is under way tor the
2-sty brick automobile bulIdlnET. 95x75 ft., to
be erected at 241-245 West 64th st tor the
Bournonville Realty Co.. 250 West 64th st.
owner. Wm. Higginson, 21 Park Row, archi¬
tect. F. J. Ashfield 6 Sons, 350 Fulton st,
Brooklyn, general contractors.
M.4DIS0N AV.—Foundations are under way
for the addition to the 2-sty store and offlce
at 331 Madison av for Charles & Co., 44 East
43d st owner. H. Clark, president. J. Charles,
secretary. Chas. I. Berg, 329 Madison av,
architect. Ruggles Robinson Co., 331 Madison
av, general contractor.
BROADWAY—Griggs & Holbrook, 3 South
William st, steam and electrical engineers,
are preparing plans for the offlce building to
be erected at 57-61 Broadway for the Adams
Express Building Co., 141 Broadway, owner,
who builds. Harry F. Disoway. president,
Wm, Philbrick, secretary. Francis H. Kim¬
ball, 71 Broadway, architect. S. C. Weiskopf,
68 William st, steel engineer. W. G. Tucker,
156 5th av, sanitary engineer. Holbrook,
Cabot & Rollins. 331 Madison av, are contrac¬
tors for foundation.
AV B.—Excavating is under way for tha
brick, limestone and terra cotta theatre at Av
B and Sth st tor the Maroma Amusement Co,,
260 West 42d st, owner, Marcus Loew, presi-