Estate Record
No. 139.
... Published Weekly by
Ono year. In advance......................§6 00
All communications should be addressed to
100 Rjio.4.uw.\T, COR. OF Pine Street.
The American Institute of Architects began
its Fourtli Annual Session on Tuesday last, in
the city of Philadelphia. The duties of pre¬
siding oflB.cer devolved upon Mr. Thomas N.
Walter, President of the Philadelphia Chapter,
who made the opening address. We regret
that our space only admits of the folloAving
short extract:—
After briefly -welcoming his associates to the
city of Penh, Mr. Walter said that the progress
of the Institute during the past year has been
decided and healthy. Its influence for gooi|J
has been felt throughout the country, and its
respectability as an exponent of a noble and
honorable profession is all that we could de¬
sire. The difficulties encountered in the early
years of our organization, arising from the vast
distance intervening between the leading cen¬
tres of civilization, have been obviated by th6
establishment in our leading cities of Chapters,
all of which are in accord with each other and
Avith the central head, thus imparting a purely
national character to the Institute, -while none
of |the advantages of local organization are in
any degree abridged. Four Chapters are al¬
ready established, and it is understood that
three more will soon be organized.
10 Bboadwat, n. e. cor. 33d st.
Blackstone & Ryerson agt. Mary C.
L. Goodrich. (Renewal of lien.)..$10,035 15
cor. David A. Bell agt. —. Smith 220 71
5 Fiftieth ST., s. s. (Nos. 112 & 114
West). Balthazar Lauz agt. Robt.
Anderson..........___.......... 50 00
7 Fourth av., w. s.,-10 houses. Ex¬
tending from n. w. cor. of-SSth st.
to s. w. cor. of 86th st. Elizabeth
Lowe agt.---------.....;.;.......... 1,500 00
7 First av., e. s., 10 houses, extend-
ing from 56th to 57th st. Andrew
Elliot agt. Terence Parley......... 295 00
4 Laurens st., av. s., 65 s. Spring st.
Frederick Riehl and Philip Dugro
agt. J. Bouldvires................ 218 00
10 Mercer st. (Nos. 137 and 139, Ex¬
tending to Greene st.). J. B. <fe J.
M. CorneU agt. Josephme Otard... 42,100 00
3 Sixteenth st., s. s. (No. 330). Wm.
G. Gregory agt. T. W. KeUy...... 115 36
5 Seventy-first st., n. s., 5 houses,
commencing 25Q e. of Boulevard.
i C. Beecher and Thomas Miillin aert.
. J. W.. Ogden, Jr.................. 210 00
10 Se-venth av. and, 49th st., n. w.
cor. John Hager and B. P. Gor¬
don agt. Jas. Jackson. (Renewal). 200 00
9 Thirty-seventh ST. (No. 343 West).
Cook &. Radley agt. A. Grasmuch. 765 00
10 Thirty-second st., n. s. (No. 153),
200 w. 3d av. G. L. Schuyler agt.
Richard McCHlloagh............. 350 17
Note.—The dates 26 and 27, placed before the liens, are
for Oct. The others are for Kov.
Oct." & Nov.
3 Monroe st., s. s., 505 e. Bedford
av., 20x71.6. Watson & Pittmger
agt. Chauncey Ayres and William
Wilson...........-................ $109 79
2 Tompkins av. and Halsey st., n.
w. cor., 100x100. BusseU & Co.
agfc. Amelia A. Burns and Francis
D. Van Pelt...................... 1,584 66
26 DeKalb & Marcy avs., s. w. cor.',
175x100. James Howell, Jr., agt.
Erastus Davison.................. 418 25
27 DeKalb & Marcy avs., s. av. cor.
M. Goldberg & Son agt. Erastus
Davison.......................... 4,000 00
2 "Vanderbilt av., w. s., 20 s. Wyck-
off St., 100x95. Charles Halstead
agt. Patrick H. Carlin and P. H.
Donnelly......................... 2,241 52
9 Yates av., w. s., 100 s. Ellery st.,
100x100. Weber & Hofer agfc. L.
Gros and —. Gramer.............. 81 OS
9 Hart st., s. s., 100 e. Yates av.
Thomas Larkin agfc. Joseph Hop¬
kins ............................. 400 00
9 Gates av., s. s., 200 w. Throop
av. Thomas O'Leary agt. Thomas
H. TreadweU & R. K. Hardy...... 382 00
2 Bedford av., av. s., 84 n. Quincy
sfc. C. S. BueU & Geo. W. Evans
agt. Francis Covert & Thos. Jones. 289 42
8 Bainbridge st., s. s., 400 w. Patch-
cn av. John A. Smith agfc. Wm. H.
Baker and Christian Kolle........ 98 65
5 Eighteenth st., n. s., 440 e. 10th
av., 60x100. George Hamilton agfc.
John Kavanagh & Geo. W. Mead.. 29 40
7 Boerum st., near Lorimer st.
Mathias Keller agt. John Sctiriffer. 25 00
7 Baltic av., s. s., 75 e. Shepard")
av., 25x100.....................1
7 Shepard av,, e. s., 100 s. Baltic (
avi, 100x100.......,............J
John P. Seitler and Peter Sullivan
agt. James Maguire.............. 118 00
2 Herkimer st., s. s., 225 e. Utica
av. John J. LUlie agt. John GU¬
bert and C. S. WoodhuU.......... 103 25
5 Eighteenth st., n. s., 400 e. 10th
av., 40x100. George Hamilton agt.
John Kavanagh and Jl- S. WUson. 19*60
9 Troxwell and Sackmann sts., 7.5x
69. John D. Douglass & Sons agt.
Wm. White...................... 87 71
9 Adams st., s. s., 175 e. Washington
St., 25x100. A. & H. Bauer agt. Jos.
WoK............................ 875 00
In these listsof judginents the names alphabetically
arranged, and which are first on each Une, are those cf
tlie judgment debtor.
2 Adams, E. H.—T. W. Adams....... $1,353 70
2 Anway, Le Grand M.—P. P. Wood¬
cock............................. 129 40
3 Anderson, J. W. C—C. W. West... 360 14
3 Anderson, H. R.—W. P. WUlett.... 104 70
5 AUen, Letsie A.—Mary B. Willard.. 367 95
7 Adler, Solomon—Jacob Heister..... 198 39
7 Ackerson, Abraham—John Murphy. 435 15
7 the same---------the same......... 365 82
2 Bush, Mr.—J. H. Van Blarcon...... 107 50
9^'^^'S^w^ I The Met. Gas'''^
3 Bembe, Cart—Ann D. Lee.......... 5,800 58
3 Bennett,.Hiram—-C. I. Barleson___ 1,166 31
3 Burke, John—Richard Davis....___ 323 16
4 Barnes, Prances A.—Leopold Schepp. 112 40
4 Blakeston, Geo. R.—E. P. Holbrook. 272 37
4 Barclay, JamesH.—Asahel Chapia.. 186 53
4 Bnd, John—R. B. Mooney.......... 349 14
4 Burke, Dennis F.—Wm. O'Toole..,. 446 33
5 Brigham, W. A. C—C. B. Gotten... 105 .50
5 Bleecker, James—Andrew CampbeU. 190 57
5 Bliss, H. H.---------^the same......... 122 45
5 BurweU, C. D.—Hannah Warshauer. 44 53
5 Bray, John—Alfred Crowther....... 2,909 10
7 Burt, A. F.—Swan Johnson......... 98 19
7 BeUis, Hiram—J. H. Warner....... 1,137 34
7 Braeman, W. E.—F. M. Bixby (Recr.) 173 74
7 Bavier, Wm.—Archer & Pancoast
Manufacturing Co................. 177 51
7 the same---------James Jones..... 359 93
7 Blenderman, Luder—^Augusta W.
Robertson........................ 279 57
7 Benson, Benj. L.—W. H. Burbank.. 270 10
8 Beadleston, Wm. H.—Ebenezer Bea-
dleston........................... 93,732 63
8 Bassf ord, Edwd. D.—C. W. RusseU. 455 35
2 Clerings, Frank—Marcus Oppenhei¬
mer.............................. 1^232 03
2 Crowley, Fredk. C—J. M. HamUton 466 25
3 the same---------Christopher Lucia 131 90
3 the same---------W. H. Richardson 212 84
3 the same---------Geo. L. Pease___ 33126
0 Crowley, Fredk. C. ( ^j, -r, ^r â– , , , o.. «.
"" Colt, Wm. D. f ^- P- Sendee. 1,124 7L
3 Cromelien, J. M.—James McCreery.. 283 58
^ Clow, Roderick F. I W. H. Good-
Cochrane, Alex. G. f win...... 685 34
4 Cronier, —.—The Fire Commission¬
ers, N. Y..............,.......... 63 00
5 Conkling, Theod. H.—E. H. Durfee. 673 81
5 Corbett, Michael—Charles Weeks... 864 26
5 Clarke, C. G.—Andrew CampbeU ... 254 46
5 Covert, Geo. W.—The Manchester
Land Co......................... 201 11
5 CorneU, Barak—C. T. Liebold....... 76 43
7 Cofiin, Wm.—Mary Tisdale......... 835 97
7 CrUley, Bridget—Abraham Simm... 332 68
7 Coleman, Eugene—C. L. Sicher..... 207 37
7 Cox, Charles P. — Wm. Spricker-
man.............................. 109 70
7 Corey, Sidney A.—Montagnie Ward. 273 68
8 Cimningham, Ezra M. — Andrew
Wesson....................___.. 1^067 07
8 the same---------the same....... 6,851 76
8 the same---------the same....... 2 108 43
2 Davis, —.—Jacob Foss___:........ '289 20
2 Dunkin, Thomas J.—J. N. Eitel___ 198 20
Q Doolittle, Edward ) -en- -,r „.,.. „„
^ DooUttlel Chas. M. f EheMoneuse.. 286 99
3 Duggin, Charles—J. B. Church &
Son.............................. 894 51
3 Diisenberry, Elias—Geo. LoriUard... 7,191 65
4 Duff, Charles-J. E. HUl............ 231 70
5 Devlin, Benjamin—G. W. Vultee___ 134 91
7 DriscoU, Jeremiah—C. L. Sicher..., 207 37
7 Doty, Albert J.—James Jones...___ 359 93
7 De NoyeUes, John L.—S. M. Conck-
Ihi..:............................ 224 59
1 Eigenra;uch, Wm.—J. B. Spellman.. 80 61
2. Eppstein, Jacob—^Henry Hart....... 77 38
4 -Bllinger, Morris — Meyer Thalmes-
singer..............,'............. 120 53
5 Enoch, Simon—H. M. Bradhurst.... 223 25
5 the same-^--------the same....... 833 45
3 Frankenstein, Julius—M. T. Dennis. 41 36
3 Fahh, Frank—Gabriel Goldsmith___ 52 04
3 FarreU, D. P.—Samuel Friedberger.. 122 59
3 Fennel; Andrew H. —George Craw-
„ford............................. 134 28
4 Freeman, James C.—G. F. Read.... 694 70
4 Fry, Charles H.—Aaron Arnold..... 385 63
5 Flandin, J. Eugene—Wm. Hoy..... 466 19
7 Fordred, Wm —Henry and John Pa¬
ret.......,......................., 254 .56
7 Fox, James—L. & H. Graf.......... 113 73
7 Freese, F. S.—Charles Long........ 1S9 96
2 Gale, Frederick—Uriah Elhs....... 381 27
2 Garrettson, L. G.—E. C. D. Kitt-
redge............................. 93 68
3 Groneberg, Joseph F.—James Clarke 442 69
3 Gillett, Culver—Edson Bradley..... 116 41
4 GeUer, H.—Lyman Bennett........ 134 15