Vol. XI.
No. 266.
Publtthed Weelilu by |
One year, in advance......................§6 0(1
Ail communications should be addressed to
■7 ANI) 9 Wariiex Strkkt',
No receipfc for money due the Rrai. Est.vfe Recoud
will be acknowledged unless signed by one of our re.gular
coUecfcors. Urniiv D. Smitii or Thomas F, Cum.ming.s,
AU bills for coUecfcion wUl be seufc from the office on a regu¬
larly printed form.
Inventors who désire to have fcheir ideas embodied in
working-models, are referred to the card of Jfr. J, R, Lan-
ca.ster, who has for years done work for leading Furnace,
Range and other houses to their satisfaction.
The fifth. number of the Mortgage Gircular
is now out, and from ail sides we receive the
heartiest commendation for a publication that
should be va. the hands of ail real estate agents,
owners, bankers, laAvyers, builders and mer¬
chants Avho give crédits, Only very few copies
of the first numbers are now left. Thèse can
be had by subscribers only, w^ho send iu their
orders early to "the Real Estaîe Record"
Bureau of Information, 7 & 9 Warren st.
I^otlce of Removal.
The Reai, Estate Record, in connection with the
"Real Estate Record" Bureau of Information, wiil occu¬
py, after May Isfc, a suite of offices in the new and élégant
building, No.s, 345 and 34î Broadway, on the southwest
corner of Léonard Street, known as the AVhiting Buildincr.
10 BroABWAY, e. s,, 56 s. Houston
st,, 32,lx—, William Coulter agt.
Herman D. Aldrich............... $109 47
17 BiGHTA'-THIRD ST. (NO. 120), S. S.,
bet. 4th and Madison avs. Thomas
Mulligan agt. Henry Grote........ 400 00
11 Fourth av., n. w. cor. 59Tn st.,
17 houses on st. John Magner agt.
Martin & Co. (Continuation.)___ 1,912 50
11 Same properta'. Eagleson k De
Veau agt. Fernando Wood. (Con¬
tinuation.) ....................... 1^600 00
14 Same property. Nolen k Steers
agt. E. N. Martin & Albert King.. 1,487 94
15 Forty-fourth st., s. s. (Nos. 334,
336, 338 k 340), 303.2 e. 9th av.
Timothy Cleary agt. Frederick Le¬
porin et al........................ 381 00
17 FiFTIETH ST., s. S,, 260 E. 6th av.
Emiline Lee agt. H. D. Hull. (Con¬
tinuation, April 20, 1874. )......... 375 00
17 Jane st. (No. 49). Bartine k Mc¬
Kenna agt. J. R. Taylor.......... 245 00
17 Jane st. (No, 51). Bartine & Mc¬
Kenna agt, James R, Taylor. (Con¬
tinuation. )..........i............ 1,130 00
11 One Hundred and TwENTV-TniuD
st., s, s., 140 -vv. Gth av,, HiOx—.
Timothy Collins & John Curtis agt.
Pliny Freeman k Jesse R. Irwin,..
14 One Hundkkd .vnd Fourth st., s.
s,, 120 w, 3d av,, lOOx—. Amcdco
Biagioni agt, John Doe...........
14 One Hundued and Fourth st,, n,
s,, 160 Vf. 2d av,, 12 houses, Gard¬
ner Landon k Francis Bontecou
agt, Hugh Meehan................
14 One Hundred and Sixteenth st,,
s, s,, 180 w, 3d av,. 6 houses, Lan¬
don lfe Bontecou agt. Hugh Meehan.
16 One Hundred and Twenty-third
st., _s, s., 140 Vf. 6th av,, UiOx—,
Louis Falk k John J, Blauvelt agt,
Phinney Freeman.................
11 Spring st. (No. 335), n, w, cor,
Washington st William Murray
agt. Charles Olmstead............
11 Same property. Same agt. s aime,
12 Seventy-fourth st,, s, s,, 250 e.
2d av., 75x—. Thomas J. Crom¬
bie agt. Stuart S. Walker & An¬
drew F. AVillson..................
14 Same property. Smith k Co. agt.
same parties......................
17 Seventy-fourth st,, n. w. cor,
Madison av,, 10houses and 2 houses
on w, s. Madison av., bet, 73d aud
74tli sts., and 1 house on s. w. cor,
74th st. and Madison av. John L.
Davies agt. James E. Coburn.___
ington av. D, C, Newell k Son agt,
■Martin k Co, (Continuation,)___
9 Bough, Charle.s—Thomas Fitzimmons
9 Bradley, Bradford D.—G, W. Bass¬
ford ............................
800 00 9 Boehm, Gersom—Michl. Lienan.....
10 Brady, Bernard—John Claybrook...
10 Barrett, B. S.—C. J. Murp'hv.......
31 50 . 10 Brown, S. H.—S, W, Gardiner......
I 10 Byrne, Michael—J, O, Mott.........
! 10 Banta, John W,—G, O. Thompson..
i 10 Binsse, Alfred—D. H, Brooks......
4,2.50 00 10 Bryce, Charles S.—The Lorillard Fire
i ins. Co...........................
I 10 Brown, Charles S,—Lucy K, Merwin
2,200 00 : 11 Braun, Henry—Simon Bâche kGo..
I 11 the same---------the same.........
11 Baxter, George—Thomas Eakin.....
' -,-, Briggs, John W. ' n n x>i m-
^}, Brilia,' Robert L. \^' ^' Blauvelt..
11 Barnum, Charles—Thomas Lee......
11 Boyd, John—The Brooklyn Bank...
Brewster, Selah S. "1
Baj'les, Charles S. j
13 Bentley, Andrew J. ;- G. F. Darling.
Brainerd, Erastus ]
Butler, Seth H. J
1,141 76 13 Brand, Alexander—C. V. A. Schuyler
12 Bartholomew, Mary—H'y Legelker.
942 11 12 Bdlings, Henry K—Edmund Titus.
14 Burger, Samuel—W. W, Capers...
14 Bernstein, Lsaac — The First Nat
Building and Mutual Loan Ass'n
509 60
65 00
194 00
238 00
3,140 00
11 S.MITH ST., AV. s, (No, 290), 80 s.
Sackett st., 20.xl00, Michael Burke
agt. Peter Dunbar and Annie H.
Bulger..........e................ $14 46
U Waa'-erley aa^, n, s., 875 w. Océan
av,, 100x100. R. G. & J, M, Phelps
agt, W. J. Wheeler k James C.
Hadden.......................... 211 10
12 AV.AVERLEY AV., N, S,, 875 W, OCEAN
av,, 200x300, W. P. Pitcher agt.
W. J. Wheeler & James C. Hadden 65 00
14 Greene av., n. s., 490 av. Patchen
av., 60x100, No claimant agt, Jas,
Riley and F. & P. Hickey......... 200 00
15 Linden st,, s, e. s., 164 n, e, Ever-
green av,, 200x100, Uriah Ellis
agt, H. A, L'Hommedieu k Wil¬
liam Johnson..................... 270 30
16 Orchard st,, e. s., 125 s. Calyer
st., 25x100. Frederick Weber agt.
Mary K. Norman................. 600 00
S593 89
In thèse llsts of judgmenls the names alphabetically
arranged, and inhich are Jlrst un each Une, are those of
the judoment debtor.
10 Amerman, Richard—P. K. J. Ferris.
11 Alexander, Charles W.—J. P. Hun¬
11 Angell, John C—G. R. Myers......
12 Alfonso, Chriatobal—P, M. Martinez
14 Allen, George B.—C. K. Hawkes....
14 Abrahams, Simon—Joseph Davis...
15 Abbott, Wilson J.—J. S. Sturges....
15 ^\'"'l^''^ ^if^^'b^ ^; \ T. B. Commg
Archer, Washington J ^
9 Baylies, .Elizabethv-Elizabeth Crowe
9 Baldwin, John F. —John Clapp, Jr.
97 35
319 10
991 66
3,491 46
284 05
1,356 32
103 88
153 77
303 39
-,. Behreris, John H. ) . -r> r>„„+^
1^ Boehm, Abraham f ^- ^' ^'""^^ ■'
Bough, Charles—Bridget Carlan.,
Brown, William—Peter Tortans,
Betjemau, Nicholas—Carl Hartmann
Baggett, J. H.-J. T. Taylor....
Bauer, Martin—Henry Schwartz.
Brush, Clarence B.—T. M. James
Bernstein, Daniel J.—E. D. Bassford
Bennett, E. H. ) tj,^.-___.
Bennett, Charles T. i feidinand
Bennett, Adolphus ) ^^^°-.......
Brennan, John—Thomas Tweed.....
Bramson, Victor—G. AV. Vultee___
Barnett, W. L.—John Chamberlain.
Bowen, William—Edward Mulligan.
Crary, George D.—John Devlin.....
Cooke, Mary E.—Michael Lienan.,".
Conkling, Théodore H—A. Fitch,..
Closs, Philip—James McCaffil......
Coar, John—John Parke...........
Cole, Henry C—A. L. Scott........
Clayton, Charles O.—Julius Beryman
Coppinger, Henry—Mary Callahan..
Cummington, Mrs.—Gerry Walker..
Cudney, John AV. (impld.)—^Michael
Chapin, Charles—S- W, Bass.......
Curell, William—John Stringer.....
Cochrane. John W, et al,—J. J. Budd
Colell, Herman—H. C. Martin......
Costigan, Edward R.—E. P. Huyler.
Decker, William H.—P. C. Schultz..
Dorsey, P. E.—August Kimast......
Davis, David E. et al.—W. J. Peake.
Denison, L., Jr.—Frederick Buhler..
De Hazard, H.—G. L. Kelty........
Dodge, Jeremiah P. B,—J. W. Sack¬
Dingee, Solomon—Nathan Seeley-----
Day, Charles—F. T. Hopldns.......
Dodge, Jeremiah P. B.—E. W.
Dey, Thomas E.—Simon Bâche &
Davis, V/illiam B.—The Brooklyn
Denison, K. C—B. W. Stratton.....
Ducreux, Claude—L. S, Chase......
Dickinson, Levi W.—David Torrens
; as Recr. )........................
Davis, Frank A.—E. P. Stratton-----
De Camp, Edward—J. J. Murphy...
De Pew, WiUiam—J. T. Murray.....
Day, Andrew D.—J. M. Sichel......
156 72
109 .50
1,440 13
277 04
291 74
77 46
186 29
934 73
699 78
138 11
6.53 94
189 42
161 23
2,741 51
616 ce
316 69
283 43
117 56
197 59
108 .57
31 27
491 52
405 13
103 46
262 00
190 14
1,075 24
152 00
398 01
510 .58
474 84
270 73
113 49
196 69
923 69
14 35
3,8.53 39
1.440 73
1,182 99
: 122 26
= 301 06
10,678 16
61 61
87 .50
9i 33
193 36
411 66
313 47
118 99
348 55
1,498 30
3,053 51
528 05
116 34
98 21
340 00
2.53 61
432 77
254 22
461 45
161 23
283 43
60 00
132 05
413 55
1,563 44
235 37
4,605 08
67 53
163 80