Vol. XI.
No. 267,
Published IVeekla bu
,, TEllMS.
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lar, ,$10.00. Published every Wednesday morn¬
Things must have come to a pretty pass
among the poor assistants of architects in Eng¬
land, when one of them can be driven, in abso¬
lute despair, to recommehd to his felloAv-
sufEerers the necessity of a " strike. " Every one
remembers poor Tom Pinch, the good-natured.
self-condemning, self-sacrificing clerk of that
old reprobate Pecksniff; the man to Avhose
interests he faithfully clung Avhen everybody
else detested and despised him, and for whose
hypocritical smile poor Tom was ready at any
time to sit up ail night, if only to make useless
perspectives of Sahsbury Cathedral from ail
conceivable points of the compass. Tom Pinch
was no whimsical création of Dickens' fertile
brain ; he was but the well-selected tj'^pe of a
character whose living représentatives are to be
counted by the score to-day—on both sides of
the Atlantic—going through the same thankless
and ill-paid drudgery for thriving Pecks-iffs of
the architectural profession. In the despair-
ing. appeal-to which we aUuded above, and
which was published in the London Building i
Neios, the assistant who signs himself " AI
Brother" says: " Assistants may rest assured i
that, so long as they lack the common-seûs
and spirit to assert themselves, so long Avill the
principals of the profession pocket the premiun.
Avith scanty thanks, let the fleeced ones pick.u]-
AA'hat crumbs they can during their four-or five
years' apjirenticeship, and then generously allot
them twenty white shillings per Aveek as a sop
for ail th'-ir sorrows." Just think of it, five
dollars a loeekfor slcilled scientific lahor !
The Building Neios, in a short editorial note
upon this letter, ridicules the notion of "a
strike" which to be done Avith anything like
eiïect, it says, "requires combination, disci¬
pline, an abdication of individual claims, and a
préparation for sacrifice," none of Avhich qua¬
lities this class of Avorkers are likely tô com¬
mand, We think so too. As Avell might pigeons
institute a '"strike" against the g-un of the
fowler, or sheci.) atiemptto combine against the
atroci'ies of the butcher's kuife. But what a
painful picture of theinequalities of life ishere
presented, AA^hen men are ofliered, as this writer
says, five dollars a Aveek for skilled labor,
which is verified by the fact that not unfrequent¬
ly are to be found advertisements of archiî ec-
tural assistants, cataloguing ail sorts of the
rarest attainments, which the advertisers offer for
the sum of 30 shillings—seven dollars and a
half a Aveek ! The hardship of thèse men is not
thoroughly appreciated except by those Avho
know the process by Avhich they obtain their
éducation, Unlike the system adopted hère,
youths have to pay largely in England for the
privilège of entering an office to study a pro¬
fession. The usuid premium, in an architect's
office, is from 500 to 1,000 dollars, and, in ad¬
dition, the youth is bound for five years—gener¬
ally from 16 to 21—during Avhich time ail his
labor is gratuitous to his principal, To those
who have well-to-do parents, and who, after
quitting their tuition, can find backing enough
to enable them to plod their Avay gradually up
the steep ladder of the profession, such a system
may not prove altogether crushing ; but think
of the case of some poor Avidow who, fancying
she sees some artistic talent in her son, scrapes
together ail her little means to pay the neces¬
sary premium for his éducation, only to find
that ail hc-r son's labors are Avorth to him—after
five years of hard study and gratuitous labor—
no more than five dnUars per week. Hard as
may be struggles of many iu the lower walks of
the architectural profession ia this country,
they have nothing to complam of in comparison
to this. Xor let it be supposed that the différ¬
ence in the cost of living in the two countries
can compensate for the enormous disia-epancy
in wages hère and there. While many of tlie
luxuries of lif e may be costlier in New îork than
in London, the very poor man finds a dollar to
go quite iis far in the former as in the latter
<Ky?vards obtaining fcho mère necessaries of life.
i ;iè anly différence would iherefore seem to be
i:.re h oreas a nsan can manage in one city to
i'uan -'^^ labor, in the other it is rapidly be-
i /v.e ' ;bsolutely impossible. The situation is
■**:; :y one to be deplored, but '' A Brother"
m- ,- rest assured that any attempt at a " strike,"
so far from proving a redres.?, would only be an
ag£,ravation of the grievance.
The original records of the Register's office
for this city and county became worn and iUeg-
ible, and, to preserA'e them as intact aspo.ssilile,
they Avere copied mto ncAv books in 18()5. The
fact that some of the papers were over 200
years old, is sufficient to account for their im-
perfect transcription. The original text iu
Dutch had faded aAvay with the years ; fré¬
quent if not careless handling had torn the
leaves of the volumes ; and names and dates
were necessarily omitted. After the copies
were made, the original books vfexe, sent to
Albany, where they are now preserved.
The first deed on record—rather the first
portion of a deed on record—is dated October
12th, 1654. The description of the property is
missing, and passages are also gone from the
body of the instrument, Avhere we have sup¬
plied stars. It is as f oUoavs :
Situate within this city aforcsaid......
bounded on the east by Eovert Lookman's, and
on the west by Matheus de Vos, in width in Iront
on the south side on the river 25 feet, wood
measure ; in the rear, opposite Jacob Van Con-
evenhoven, in breadth 25 feet, AVood measure ;
in length, according to survey on the east side,
ten rods less half a foot, Rhineland measure ;
on the west side, 9 rods and 7 feet, Rhineland
measure ; and that in virtue of the ground
brief granted him by the Rt, Hon. Director
General and Council, dated 20th September,
A.D. 1651, according to the sale and public exé¬
cution ; which aforesaid lot the above-named
Cornélius Van Tienhoven déclares to transport
and convey to the said Mr. Jacob Hendk.
Vassevanger, in sole right and property, with
ail such rights, poAver and authority as the same
was occupied, acquired and possessed by the
cédant, in virtue of the above mentioned
ground brief and promise of the Director Gen¬
eral and Council, inserted in said ground brief ;
f uUy abounding ail property action, authority,
or pretension AA'hich he or his heirs might or
would put forward or bring into sucli lot, sav-
ing the rights of the lords of this country as
set forward in the ground brief ; promising,
moreover, this his deed to hold ***** to
respect, fulfiU under bond, to aU courts.
In witness thèse présents are signed by the
Hon. Corn. Van Tienhoven, with * * ■-!••* *
this 12th October, a.d. 1654. New Amster¬
dam in New Netherland.
Cornélius Van Tienhove^.
To this is appendéd i%Q following ;