Vol. XL
No. 2C9.
Publislied Weei-lu bij
One year, in advance......................Çfi 00
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Whiting Building. 345 and 347 Bkoadway.
SuBsCEiREHS wiU pleasB bear in mind, that they should
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2 BowERT, w. s. (No. 1G8), bet.
Broome and Spring. Doyle k Cul¬
len agt. Bertha Rauth........... $1,.500 00
3 Catiiauine slip, s. s. (No. 4), bet.
Cherry and Water sts. Heiuy
Traumann agt. Winifred Hanly___ 2.58 00
2 Fourth av., n. w. cou. Piftv-Âinïh
st., 17 hs. on street. John Slatterly
agt. Mai-tin k Co.................. 303 5.5
2 FOUUIH AV. N. E. cou. PORTY-Fl]{ST
st. (Nos. 637, 639, 641, 643, 645
Fourth av., and 101 East 41st.)
John Slatterly agt. J. E. Shaw..... 770 CO
6 Fourth av., n. b. cor. Fouty-
first st., 133x85.
FORTV-SECOND ST., S. S., 10.5.6 E. ,
Fourth av., 2=^x.—. James Morrison
and James Neil agt. James E. Shaw 5,347 00
6 First av., e. s., extdg. from Fouty-
first st., to Forty-second st. Joseph
W.|Duryee agt. Robert L. Cutting. 4,261 37
6 Fifty-ninth st., s. s., 95 e. Lex-
ingtonav., 25x—. Thomas Steven¬
son agt.-----...................... 500 00
6 Fifty-eighth st., s. s., 131.4 w. 9th
av., 1.5.Sx—. James Phelp agt.
Wm. RusseU..................... 200 00
6 Fifty-sixth st., n. s., 850 w. 6th
av., ]25x—. Frank Schwab agt.
Joseph E. McCormack............ 500 00
6 Madison AV., N. w. coe. .5Sth st.
Abraham & Cath. Ayers agt. -----. 573 14
6 Madison av., n. w. cor. "(Sd st., (S
hs. extd. w.) John G. Jenny agt.
James E. Coburn...... .......... 2 000 00
7 Ninth av. (No. 624), e. s., bet. 43d '
& 44th sts. John Williamson agt.
H. A. Blott...................... 37 00
1 One Hdndred and Twelfth st., s.
s., 100 E. 4th av. (6 hs.), t02.6x—.
John Dugan agt. David k Mrs. Co-
„ ^b"'^?^-............................. 825 00
<i Une Hundred and Twenty-third
st., s. s., 140 w. Gth av. (8 hs. ). Wil¬
liam N. Beers agt. Robert Moores.. 100 00
8 One Hundred and Fourth st., n.
B., 150 w. 2d av., 12 hs. ext'g west.
Fowler k McDonald agt. Sigmund
T.Meyer......................... 1^800 00
o One Hundred and Twenty-third
st., s. s., 140 w. 6th av., 160x—, 8
hs. WiDiam Brennan agt. Pliny
Preeman and Jesse R. Irwiii....... 1,C30 00
5 Same property. George Binnin-
ger agt. same................... 107 42
and Cornélius Link agt. same...... 169 25
5 Same property. James Darragh
aift. same......................... 55,50 00
6 SlXTV-FIFTH ST., S. S., 220 E. LeX-
ington av., 2Ux—. Jaines k W. J.
Thomton agt. Alexander Harpor..
1,160 00
April & May.
2 Bergen st., s. s. (Nos. 292 k 294),
lUO w. 3d av, 50x100. J. J. Dowd
agt. John McGarry and Ovs-en D.
Brennan.......................... $6,200 00
3 Cumberland st. (No. 242, New).
Metcalf k Hull agt. Mary Berger.. 10 00
28 Baltic st., e. s., 150 e. 5tu av.,
iLS.'i—. Hermann Richter agt. Mi¬
chael Quinlan and Samuel Decicer.. 38 25
5 Eckford st., e. s. (No. 126), 150 s.
Nassau av., 25x100. A. K Mere-
role agt. John Davis et al.......... 76 63
5 Grand st., s. s., 161 w. 2u st., 2.5x
100. Williamsburgh Mill, kc, Co.
agt. Montgomery k Demarest and
W. J. Haskett.................... 741 43
6 Same piîoperty. H. C. Richard-
son agt. same..................... 177 90
5 First st., n. s., 350 e. 6th av.,
thence n. to Macomb st., x thence
e. 32.2 to lst st., x thence w. 32.1.
T. B. Gates agt. John R. Bail and
F. B. Lord...................... 1,00191
2 Patchen av., n. e. cou. Madison
st., 100x80. M. Farrell agt. Patrick
McAuley......................... 180 00
3 Division av., e. s. (No. 193), bet.
6th and Ith sts. Metcalf k Hull
agt. John McGjrald............... 28 97
7 Greene av., n. s., 80 w. Evergreen
av., 6'JxlUO. William Datildecker
agt. Charles Teixy and E. M. Lay¬
ton and I. Morley, Jr............. 415 00
2 Hoyt st., e. s., 50 s. Pacific st.,
50x25. J. J. Dowd agt. John Mc¬
Garry and John S. Roche.......... 2,200 00
30 Patchen av., vv. s., ext'g from
Madison to Monroe st. Peter
Bagley agt. Oscar H. Stems....... 1,000 00
In thesb li-its of jndgments Ihe names alphabetiaUly
arranged, and V)ldch are ./irst on each Une, are those oj
the judgment debtor.
Note.—The dates 20, and 30, placed before the judg-
ments, are for April, the others are for May.
April and May.
30 Anthes, Charles G.—Helena Muller
(Admrx., etc.)................... $111 95
-, Adams. GeoigeH. ) a . d ^^~ .,^
1 Asher, John R. J ^- ^- B^''^'^- • • 53' 40
3 Arthur, J. D. et al.—J. G. Powers.. 133 11
5 Aldrich, VV illiam H.—Sands Reed... 254 42
5 Alwise, J. T. et al.—C. S. Ingraham. 2,103 20
6 Anderson, Louisa—Herman Raatfus.- 27 "ÎS
30 Baldwin, George W.—T. E. Dey___ 640 11
1 Brandt, —.—Charles Boese......... 16 04
1 Bloss, Benj. G. (imp.)—R. A. Bryant. 2,,330 68
1 Butler, James—Ann Holt........... 39 67
1 Bass, Albert R.—Fall Brook Coal Co. 500 86
2 Beebe, Welcome R.—Sam'l Kilpatrick 913 20
2 Butler, Frank O.—J. K. AveriU..... 28 50
ç, Bean, Aaron H. / tj ti nr j xj. n^™ -.r.
2 Bean, Mary T. f ^- * ' Mudgett.... 247 10
3 Beatty, Chaiies—D. B. Powell...... 226 21
3 Bond, Addison P.—James Lees...... 1,293 48
^ SS Sa* ! CarolinaHabel.... 1,387 81
3 Bell, Joseph—The CatskillNat. B'k. 740 60
3 Brown, S. M.—J. S. Willard........ 109 93
5 Brown, Charles R.—N. H. Swift.... 1,002 19
5 Brosnaja, Timothy H.—Wm. Libbey. 816 90
5 Burke, Edward—Abram McBride... 159 38
Brown, Thomas—Margaret Brown .. 439 24
Bolton, —.—C. O. Rose............ 96 10
Baird, James—Byron Kelly......... 149 75
Birdsej'^e, John C.—James Jones___ 2,750 43
Bookstaver, Jesse F.—R. W. Bene¬
dict .............................. 1,543 74
CaSseTaîa^^^-I^- Gould...... 292 00
Cochran, John W.—Salomon Bâche. 92 03
Crooks, William B.—The Sun Print¬
ing and PubUshing Co............ 303 89
Caiim, Patrick H.—H. A. Perkins.. 233 64
Curry, John P. et al.—Dan'l Birdsall 197 29
Conant, Wm. A.—Pergus Cochran.. 433 72
Crosby, U. H. et al.—The First Nat.
Bank of N. Y.................... 3,118 36
the same--------the same......... 3,6H9 56
Conover, Samuel et al.—VV. P. Tyson 354 68
Colby, H'y B. et al—B. F. Mudgett. 247 1
Callahan, William—Matthew McKeon 118 5
Cochran, John W.—Phinney Ayers.. 206 5
Churâ: c. w. \f^^^ M^°Sl^« • ■ • • 105 10
Campbell, Michà.,i—James Cavanagh 86 65
Cowing, Marshall B., Jr.—Pottier &
Stymes Mfg. Co.................. 2,429 42
Conlin, Edward B.—Fanny Conlin.. 2,301 00
Cock, George E. et al.—The Nat.
Park Bank of N. Y............... 63.839 51
Church, Thomas T. I William Hods-
Church, Charles W. f don......... 4.30 88
Cohn, Jacob—Emeiine Kent........ 164 73
Cochran, Thomas—W. F. McJilton.. 230 77
Connors, Thomas—Robert Ulmer... 131 44
Cutter. J. A.—Eli Osborn.......... 321 49
Cady, Howard C—Mary A. Page... 87 39
Doe, John et al.—Anne M. Wells.... 131 35
De Voe, W. H. \ J^''*'^ Heyeman.... 581 27
Dodge, John P^-D. A. Shotwell.... 71 06
Davis, Jacob—Adolph Kessler....... 278 28
Dengler, Adolph—Rosa Ritzman___ 5! 31
Dunham, Ephraim F.—W. H. Lee... 179 35
Deutschland, Joseph M. — Julius
Klamke.......................... 216 66
Dittenhoefer, B. et al.—Jonas Sonne¬
born ............................. 6,891 03
Dill, Herman—Martha E. Deraismes. 115 32
Densmore. Samuel P. et al.—B. F.
Mudgett.......................... 247 10
Davenport, Charles F. et al.—Francis
Alexander........................ 1,.570 00
Dodge. J. P. B.—James Davis, Jr... 526 13
Davidge, R. C. et al.—H. G. Healy.. 110 00
Demarest, John—William Menzies. .. 341 18
De Cou, Basel A.—L. E. Wertheim-
beer.............................. 47 49
Denning, Egbert—J. A. Eagleston... 499 54
De Voe, Abraham—C. E. AUaire___ 2,224 00
Duryea, Joseph W. et al.—Thomas
Connery.......................... 111 60
Dale, James S.—George Biminger... 271 23
the same--------the same......... 373 82
Downie, John—F. H. Bano.......... 85 66
Edwards, John H. — Elizabeth H.
Herndon......................... 2,214 36
Engel, William—J. B. Voskamp..... 264 10
Edgertson, Carlos et al.—R. A. Bry¬
ant ............................. 2,330 68
Elderd, Hany L et al.—Melvin Hard 118 51
Elliott, O. H.-J. M. Moss.......... 2,134 84
Eveleth, R. C—H. A. Perkins...... 499 22
Evans, John L.—N. L. Cort......... 110 15
Emerich, Franz—Elias Bach........ 106 71
Erben, Henry—A. W. Budlong...... 920 ] 3
Eastman, Harvey G.—J. S. Conover. 2,115 88
Felt, David W.—Nancy Smith...... 170 81
the same--------the same......... 364 42
Funk, Augustus—W. K. O'Brien.... 132 33
the same--------Edward Kearney. 570 32
the same--------the same......... 570 19
the same--------ihe same......... 779 34
Fitzgerald,Edw. (impld.)—O. T. Hall 541 73
Fritchen, Charles E. et al.—William
Roberts.......................... 779 S'ï
Fisher, James W.—World Mutual
Life Ins. Co. of New York......... 56.30
Funk Augustus^-J. E. Janvrin...... 65 75
the flame--------George Pashley... 298 80