AND B U î L D E R. S ' -G U I D I
:N.I:W YORK, SA.TIUU)A.Y, mine 7. 1X7
No. 27')
Pabl'i.-^hed WceKly h y
One year. in .advance......................S'i "0
AH conirauiiic.i'Ion? sliould i)e âdilic.--rd i.i
C. AV. «WKT-'.T,
V,'iliTi.\(: B(:i.M)i.-»'i;. SX'i A.-.i) :il7 BaoAiiWAA'.
SLTn.-;ciui',i;ns will plea.-e liear iu laiiid, tliat they
slioiild rei;eive tlui Real EsTA'rK Rk(J()IU) on
Saturday morning, as every paper is sent to tliePost-
(iliico on Friday nii^lit bi-l'ori! 11 o'clock in the
ean-iers may have ît for tlieir lirst delivery. TlieSiiiier-
inleiKleut of tin: mail exiieelr; Ihis, and
should be noliliod iniinediat(dy throngh ns ol' any neg¬
lect on the part of eiirriêrs.
Several of llv(i daily ])aper^;, ignorant of
Avliat is iranspiring at Ihe vavious municipal
(leparlments, groAvl, because tho^^ continue to
be under tlie iinprossitAn tbat ]\Ir. AYliittemore,
liie newl}' appointed DeputA' C]iainliei-];iin,
holds on to his old ofiices, and hence imperti-
nently aak the ]\I;iyoi- Iioav many a man
can hold under tiiis Refonn (.iov(M-muent A
simple inquiry at the Department of Parks
Avould liave satisfied thèse g-(;ntl(.'men of Ihc
dtiily jiress that Y[\\ Whitleinoi-e onh' holds
one ofiice, and tlitil is the oik; to Avhicli he lias
just been appointed as a reAVtu-d for his Iried
efllciency and AV('ll-knoAvn honesty. On the
very day—Saturday Lis t-—Avhen IMr. Lane aji-
poinled him his depuly, he resignrd his posi-
lion as secretar}'' and treasurei- of the I)ep;irt-
ment of Parks, an ollice Avhicli he haslllled
to the utmost satisfaction of his siiperiors,
leaving- behind not a single spot to imiieach
his record. Thaf, is Avhal; the citizens of Xcav
York look for nowadaj's, aiul Ihey ai'e deter¬
mined to have cfficiency tmd honesty iu ofiice
Avhether the leading dailies are Avith them
or not.
The Yfcst Side Elevated Paih-oad Comiiany
is the only organization extant Avliicii lias
practicallj' S(jlved thé rapid transit question
in ';.is citj', ,'ind avc are glad to hear that, in
pursuance of additional b^gislfdion, that road
is noAV e.xtending- ifs ti-ack li(\v(ind Thirty-
fourth street Those living in the centre or on
tlie East side of the cil}' have no ideti Iioav
popnhir this road uoav is among- "\Ycsi sid j
résidents. A walk to the Ninth aveiuie any
morning belAveen eight and nine o'clock Avill
onvince anjdiody upon seeing the crowded
stations at TAventy-ninth and at TAvenly-tiist
sireets, that the préjudices heretofore enter¬
tained agaiust this road h.ave given Avay to
unbounded confidence; four trains filled Avilh
passengers folloAving one another up, con¬
stantly iu rapid succession.
The propertj'' nOAV occupied by the Thco-
logical Seminary, beiug the block- lying be¬
tween iNinth and Ttînth tiveiuies.Twentieih nnd
TAVCiily-lirst s1r("(;1?, is shortly to be vacafed,
so it is understood, as a new seminary is being
bnilt for tho students, in Westcjiester Connt3^
JNiiAV, hcre i.-', a cliauce f ;r Ili(> new Pîefoi-in
('lOVi-niincnL ul' tbc cily to give- résidents on
the West sld'! a plot of ground to be used us .-t.
small paik. Tiiere are no open sp;)ls in thaï
section of the cily, and the viciitity, -.dready
ex(.-.('(!dingly healthy, Avould he luade still more
atlfactive by keeping Ihis block free J'or the
use of cliiUlrcn and invalids, Avhosc recpiire-
menlK fo," pure air ciinnot be gralilicd this side
of the (.'entrai Park. Stuyvesant Square on
the east side is doing a Avorld of good that
Avay; and the block above designated might,
in time, be made equalh' attractive. It is at
least Avorîh}' of the aLtenli(.->n of Ihe citj- au-
thorilies, Avho can easilj' accpiire tiih; tothe.
propei-tj', and then of the Department of Parks
that cau SAV i fil y turn il into a ph^asure ground.
Tiie folloAving is ;in ab.'^ti-act of the Eiook-
lyn Bridge 15111, Avith ils timeuibnents as fnndly
pa.'jsed during the last hoin-s of the j^egisl-i-
live s(,'ssion :
SncTiox 1 Provides for Ihe appointment ol
four addiiional (iir(.'c(ors, om; by tlic Jiay-'r
aud one bj- the Conipli-ollcr oi' Ncav \kj\\<,
and one by the i\rayor aiul ouc by the Co'.iqi-
ti-ollci-of Bi-ooklyn. The jmjceedings of th-..'
Eoai-d are lo Ixi public.
Skc. 2 l'rovides for the forll.-ilure of slock
for deliudl of payment of anv inst.-illmeiils.
Skc :} Authorizes the caiiiltilizaiion of Ihe
slock of jirivate stockholders lo an amoiinl
not less tiian ■f'.'^nd.OOO, hy those Avho luivc not
jiaid nil |)or cent jiaying u]! lo that tuuount,
tmd; who have paii.l more receiving Ihe
sui-|)lus paid bj' them above that amount,
Si-;cs. -i, Tj, iind G tire the amendments pro-
jxiscd hy sul)-committce of the Assembly fur¬
ther ttineiuled, tiud in-oviAling that the com-
panv shall tiike the slock of ihe private stock¬
holders ai par and inteiest wheiujver the con-
cun-ent assent of the Iavo cities shtillbe given
for lii.-il, puriiose; tiiid Ihat the mamigement
shall tliei! he composed of directors tippointed
by the 3,1,-iyoi- ;ind Aldei-men of the Iavo ciliés
respecilively, accoi'ding to the slock held by
them, the ('ity of ih'ooklyn 10 direcloi-s, ;uul
the G'\\.y of Iacav Yoi'k 5 directors, Avith.lhe
olllcial directors uoav authorized bv law.
ay and .June.
ElOUTA'-TniliT) ST., X. S., lo nOUS!£S
cotn. 225 ('. i)tb av., cxtendiu.u-east
Jolm Carlin agt, Nathan D, Mor-
.gaii tmd Jolm McCool..........., S.SO,000 00
rii-ïrrroiMiTii s'r., s. av. cok. 4ïi[
aA'., 7 boHses. John D. Taylor agt.
N. L. Demarest.................. 1,.^00 00
Same rjiOPiiUTï^. James Gilroy and
Francis Reyiiolds agt. N. L. "Dem¬
arest............................. 51.5 00
;] l[l.^S-[I-.Ji 8T., X. s. (No. l'j'.)). j{.
|-'!iser :ni(l ------ Ziiniiicrinim agi.
(;e():-gc Vix....................'.. 225 00
:; t^A.MK fiioi'i-niTï. J'i/i'im(4(.)i:'nr AOT.
same............................. 5S0 00
20 ('i^-K lifx!>i;(-;i> ako 'fwrt.FTn -.-\.,
.-■., ilii) r. il h :u ,. .\!iii iiju la'-lali
;!gl. i)avid (.oliiini............... 22'J Oij
;i ()N:C ill NDUICii AND'l'\VKN'i'i -EKJii'rii
si., S. S., 215 (-. -Irli aA-., 4 b.idse^-.
Nolen ce Steers agt. DaAid Totld
aiid llem-y F. iliini............... 1,000 00
d. Same nuoi'KirrY. W'itnmT i\: Nou-
tmi agt. saiiu!.................... 1,042 02
2 Saa!!-: piioi'i-ufi'v. ItoiiEiiT C. IIkowx same........................ 1,570 00
2 Onh lïr.sur.m) and TAViiX'ri'-Kioiri'ii
st.. 1.50 e. -ItLi av., 4 bouses, KOx—.
Jaines J. Kelly a.nt. same........ ',)Sf; 00
2 (JxE Jîi;-Nuui:d and FiFTV-?-ot-i;Tii
!;t., s. e. cor. IOth av. Anton l-ie'u-
1er agt------NcAvton.............. 45 00
28 Pkospcct ]•[,., K. AN!) AV. S., exteml-
iiig froni lOtli toilst st., 17 iionses,
iuid 0 honses eom. s. w. cor. 4ist
st. und Prospect pl., and extending
AV, on 41st st ymnuel Ii, Wailac'.!
agr, Walter L. Cutting............ 1,115 GO
4 SKVliNTEEXrn ST., s. s. TNO.:-. (il2 ANI)
Oil E.) eom. ;ilM e. Av. b. .Joim
(/Ooimell agt. (J'Donnel, lleiidei--
son cc jihinson.................... KOO 00
2,0 Tiiini) AA'.. e. s. (Nos. r^;.') and 2'i).
(ieoi-ge and W'illiam Crawlord agt.
(j-.vci'i O'CoiuK-r.................. 4;i0 00
5 Fast li;;o.\!)AVAV (No. •-041, i-:. s.
Louisa t'iil (Exirx., <X.:-.,) und
Ctinries tehm;:kO!;er agr. Thomiis
.Mm-])hy.......................... 7.52 77
5 FîrTinTii st.. n. s., lOO.O ic. 2i:> av.,
75\—. Be.iz'Ks i^: .M(><n-(; a.ii-f. P.eeiv-
man lîill Aiedi. Epis. Sock-ty..... '.i.5',) 55
5 l'ius'i^ AV., s. i:. cou. l:JlsTST.,5ns. |
on av. Also, |
()m-; lli;,v!)ni:D and 'fvyKXTV-iTP.ST j
st., s. s., bO e. lst a'^'., 1 lums('. '-
Also, I
On;-: lirxoimn and TAVi:NT[riTii (
st., 11. s., 100 e. lst ;iv., 4 lis. )
.lolin 1 Icm-s'aiid-loliu Walker ;ii;-|.
Cliài-ies S. Loper, M. r^. .Myers and
David .r. .Myers................... 1,712 .50
5 Oni; lit xoKi-;:) ani» TAVEN'i'v-i-noifi'ii
st. s. s., 215 e. 4t!i a\-., 4 lis. James
J. Kelly agt liant iV Todd........ hsil 00
20 Gakdf.n pr... av. s. (No. :;i)). 11. (1.
it J. .M. Pli(4i)s agt Tcrenee O. .M.
A' F. Dotmelly et al. und Owen
bynic.........■................... 58 00
20 Àb-t'OAI!; st., -X. AV. COR. 5TII ,VA'., Oo
xilô.'.t. L. IfeiUKjs.-ev agt. "Wm. 15.
( ;o(iper, Jr.........."...':.......... 1,412 00
;J0 FlFTlI AV., N. AV. cott. .MaCO;.!!! S'i'.,
()'■> on ;tv. X '..!5.0. tiî.cplieii Foestor
agt LaAri-ence lleimessej' and Wm.
li. CdOper, .1 r.................'___ 150 00
29 DlKlCM.AX ST., ,X. s., 1.50 E. CONOA'Kll
st., 50x!n:i. 11. M'. .Vdams c^ Co.
agt. DawsMU i\: Loiirie............ 205 01
21) GUAXI) ST., s. s., P.ET. IsT AND 2d
sts. Jos. A. Taylor agt .Moiit-
ii-omery and Demarest and AVm.
Jay Haskett.............'.......... 117 00
:;0 Madison st., n. s. (Nos. olO and
ol2), bet Marev lUid 'f ompkins av.,
10.8x100. Joseph Fooster ;>.gt. L.
liennessey an(î T. J. llendefsdii
■ (Est)...;........................ .500 00
oO Nostrand aa'., Ff.aiai.iî Pfnîticn-
tiarj', Flatbusli. Jfjsepb Foester
agt L. Hemiessev, J. (-Jilford, and
County of Kings"................. 2,093 00
." FfFTu .w. N. AV.' c:op.. Ma(;o:mis st.,
Oà, Wni,, J, 11, A., and W.
Il, Hall agt, Laurence Hennessey
and Wm, B. Cooper, Jr..........\ 73fj 00