Real Estate Record
Vol. XII.
No. 290
Published Weekly by
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Commissioner Yan ISTort has, in compliance
with the Statute, prepared and filed the maps
and plans for the Eastern Boulevard, and
work has actually begun upon this much-
needed improvement. Workmen are now en¬
gaged in filling and grading One Hundred
and Tenth Street to conform to the grade of
the Eighth Avenue; and we are assured by
Mr Vau Nort that this important work will
be pushed- as rapidly as possible consistently
with the appropriatious for the puipose, with
due regard had to public interests in the ex¬
penditure of money.
Tho natural difficulties existing northerly of
Ninety-second Street, and the expense attend¬
ant upon running the Boulevard diagonally
across the blocks in order to avoid the marshes
on the Harlem River front, has induced the
Commissioner to exercise the discretion given
him by law, and to locate the Boulevard from
Avenue A through Eighty-sixth Street to First
Avenue, and thence to One Hundred and
Sixteenth Street. The maps, as filed, show
the route of the Boulevard and its extensions,
which, with the exception of that portion left
to the discretion of the Commissioner, is des¬
ignated by the Statute as foUows: Seventy-
second Street, from Fifth Avenue to Avenue
A; Avenue A, from Fifty-seventh Street to
Eighty-sixth Street; Seventy-ninth Street,
from Avenue A to Avenue B; Avenue B, from
Seventy-ninth Street to Eighty-sixth Street;
Eighty-sixth Street, from Avenue A to Avenue
B; Ninety-sixth Street, from Fifth Avenue to
Second Avenue, or in case the Boulevard shall
cross Ninety sixth Street, east of Second Av¬
enue, then to the Boulevard; Oue Hundred
and Tenth Street, from Riverside Aveuue to
the main line of the Boulevard; One Hun¬
dred and Sixteenth Street, from Sixth Av¬
enue to Avenue A; and One Hundred and
Twenty-fourth Street, froni Sixth Avenue to
Avenue A; also, Avenue A, from the vicinity
of One Hundred and Sixiteenth Street to Har¬
lem Eiver. Authorityiis also given to widen
One Hundred and Tenth Street, between a
point lying 250 feet west of Eighth Avenue, and
Eighth Avenue to 80 feet, and to alter the
grades of the streets and avenues designated
for the Boulevard, and also of the intersecting
streets and avenues as may be necessary for
perfecting this improvement. By the same
the Department is authorized to lay out parks
and squares between Eighty-fourth and Eigh¬
ty-sixth streets, Avenue B and the East River,
and within the limits of Fourth Avenue, be¬
tween Sixty-seventh and Ninety-sixth streets.
The maps and plans, after filing, are final and
conclusive as if adopted by commissioners
appointed under the Act of 1807, and all dam¬
ages incurred by owners from the construction
of the Boulevard are to be ascertained aud
paid for in ,the manner provided by the act
of 1853. Commissioners of Estimate aud As¬
sessment are to be appointed for the purpose
of fulfilling such requirements as are now
prescribed by law for the acquirement by the
city of title to the lands and property that
may be taken in the construction of the Bou¬
levard, the Commissioner acting in lieu of the
Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty in con¬
ducting the proceedings. The Commissioners
are authorized also to assess for benefit, and
the Comptroller will provide motiey for paying
the expenses of the commission and construc¬
tion by the issue of assessment bouds. Tentli
Avenue, between One Hundred and Tenth
and Manhattan streets is also to be regulated,
graded, and improved under authority con¬
ferred by the same act. It only needs ener¬
getic action and ordinarily favorable circum¬
stances for the speedy consummation of an
improvement of large benefit to an important
part of the city and desirable, consequently, for
the general good.
Abstract of the proceedings of the Board of
Commissioners of the Department of Public
Parks for the week ending September SOth,
1873. *
The Board met in special session, pursuant
to the call of the President, for the purpose of
considering the proposed plans for laying out
of Kingsbridge.
A large deputation of the property owners
attended, by request of the President, and
Gen. John Ewen presented a map Avhich he
had prepared of tlie plan suggested by him.
When the deputation relu-ed, the following
business was transacted:
The necessary work to ascertain the section
of rock surface on the lines of the foundations
for the proposed building for the Metropolitan
Museum of Art was directed -to be proceeded
The resolution of 16th April, 1873, laying
out the continuation of ^' F." Street was re¬
scinded, and a resolution was adopted, laying
out said street in accordance with a map dated
" New York, June 26,1873," and signed " Wm.
H. Grant, Civil and Topographical Engineer,"
which map was adopted.
The opinion of the Counsel to the Corpora¬
tion was received, stating that in his judgment
the contract entered into with the New York
Mutual Gaslight Co., and dated 80th April,
1873, was legally entered into, and is now
binding and valid; and said Company were
thereupon given permission to lay their main
and service pipes in the City Hall Park, Bowl¬
ing Green, and the Battery.
The specifications and plans for the wall
of Central Park on One Hundred and Tenth
Street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues,
were directed to be prepared, and the necessary-
proceedings were also directed to be taken to
have the wall completed as soon as possible.
Shrubs and trees, the cost of which amount
to $54.50, were directed to be planted in Jack¬
son Square.
The estimates for the year 1874, amounting
to $087,000, were presented to the Board and
directed to be transmitted to the Board of
Estimate and Apportionment.
The " Round System" for the regulation of
the park keepers' force was directed to be dis¬
continued, and the "Beat System" to be
adopted, and the park keepers were directed
to be furnished with suitable clubs.
The landscape architect was directed to
proceed with the preparation of the plans for
Riverside and Morniugside parks.
The continuance of the work of filling and
grading on the Central Park, adjoining One
Hundred and Tenth Street, and the purchase
of $1,000 worth of material for that purpose,
was directed.
Tlie President was authorized to purchase
a pair of Moose at a cost not to exceed $400
when delivered.
The Civil and Topographical Eugineer was
directed to report the cost of the necessary
repairs to the draw aud the cylinders of the
Harlem River bridge at Third Avenue.
The Treasurer was authorized to make ap¬
plication to the Board of Estimate and Appor¬
tionment to transfer the credit balances of
special appropriations to the credit ofthe ap¬
propriation for the general maintenance of
parks and places.
The work on the Pergola, the road steps at
the south end of the wall, and on the drive
near the daily on the Central Park was di¬
rected to be proceeded with.
The preliminary dra'wings and plans for an
additional building for the Menagerie were
approved, and the building directed to be con¬
structed at an estimated cost of $4,000.
The preliminary drawings and plans of a
pavilion to be erected on the summit of Mount
Morris were approved of.
No. 11. To construct and set up all the iron¬
work of the ornamental lamps, fiag-staffs, and
decorations on Union Square. Contractors,
Messrs. Wm. L. Miller & Co.; sureties, Mich¬
ael Treacy, of No. 338 West Fifty-ninth Street,
New York, and John Klein, of northwest cor¬
ner of Sixtieth Street and Ninth Avenue, New
Maintenance.................................. $4,483 41
Constrnction.............................".'.'. gfiSi 89
Construction of Museum of Natural History.. 200 00
Total.......................................$10,516 30
War. iBvriN,
SecretaryD. P. P.