Real Estate Record
Vol. XII.
No, 298
Published Weekly by
One year, in advance...........$8 00
AU communications should be addressed to
WuiTiNG Building, 345 and 347 Bkoadway.
As the custodian of the city Treasury, Mr.
Green, of cotu*se, is in duty bound to protect
not only all the funds actually'- on hand but
also the numerous amounts at all times due to
the city; and it is for this reason that he de¬
serves some credit for endeavoring to close the
channels by which the city has been in the
past, and is even now, continually cheated out
of assessments accurately laid and justly due.
Il strikes us, however, that the mode of closing
the assessment books to a sin.i^le firm of real
estate lawyers, which necessitated the issuing
of a mandamus and the outlay of further costs,
is a iioor way of uprooting the system, at
â– vvbich the Comptroller is aiming his shafts.
Titles must be searched and assessment books
must be consulted, and though the city of New
York is pretty large, the Comptroller, howev¬
er, ought to be sufficiently acquainted with the
class t)f men who abuse the privilege accorded
thein by law of inspecting, in pei'son, the rec¬
ords. They are a small band, after all, and if
they cannot be circumvented in their endeav¬
ors to get up " cases" out of these assessment
lists, then the Finance Department of the city
of New York does not come up to the expect¬
ations of respectable tax-payers. Why, then,
If he fears that some real estate lawyers
make capital out of the records iu his office
does he not exercise kis own discretion as
to the men who shall not have free accees
to the books ? To exclude all is simply im¬
possible, for every person is entitled by law to
consult them whenever he so desires f«)r legit¬
imate purposes. Let those, however, who do
this work with ulterior objects in view, so as
to vacate what they term illegal assessments,
be watched and placed on a black list. They
will soon abandon their raids, and leave more
time to those who legitimately go there to
perfect their titles of real estate. To exclude
all. however, is not only illegal but unjust,
and affects the interests of hundieds of prop¬
erty owners who leave the searching of titles
lo their attorneys, most of whom are men who,
while enjoying the confidence of capitalists, well enjoy the confidence of the
" watch-dog of the city Treasury." They
should notsufifer at the hands of the Comp¬
troller for the sinsof' thefew Shysters among
them. And in order to upset the doings of
these last, there are other modes of reaching
them without interfering at all with legitimate
rights and duties of respectable lawyers.
26 Bkoadwat, s. w. cor. 26th st.
Alex. Macgregor agt. Elias Hotch¬
kiss.............................. $214 22
22 Cherry st. {No. 191), s. s. John
R. McSorley agt. H. Rubenston... 284 00
24 Essex st. (Nos. 154 and 1.56), s. e.
cor. Stanton st. Charles Schwartz
and Charles Lehman agt. Freder¬
ick Rollwager.................... 3,039 00
24 EL1Z.A.BETH ST. (No. 216), E. S., BET.
Prince and Houston sts. (Cont'n.)
Haden & Winans agt. Thomas
Haulon.......'................... 1,000 00
25 Same property. Patrick Corr
agt. same........................ 130 00
26 Elizabeth st. (No. 216). Richard
Halpin agt. Thomas Hanlon...... 350 00
28 Eighty-fifth st., n. s., and 86th
St., p. 8., 325 e. 3d av. Gorton &
Gushing agt. Edward S. Innes___ 519 35
21 Forty-sixth st., n. s., 225 w. 11th
av. Martin Lynch agt. William
Leonard.......................... 175 00
22 Fifth st. (No. 233 E.), s. s., bet. 2d
and 3d avs. O. C. Assenheimer
agt. Adam Gaugh................ 825 00
25 Fifty-eighth st., s. s., 120 w. Mad-
ison av., 5 houses. J. and R. Dar¬
row agt. Peter Donlon........... 789 25
Fourth av., n. e. cor. 41st st. .. l
26 Forty-second st., s. s., ia5 e. V
4th av..........................)
Alexander Macgregor agt. Elias
Hotchkiss...................... 10128
26 Fifty-fourth st. (No. 542 West).
Thomas Connolly agt. John Nagle. 21 75
22 Henry st. (No. 107), w. s. Joseph
Leavy agt. Michael and Mrs. Ken¬
ney.............................. 141 25
25 Lexington av., s. e. cok. 47th st.,
5 houses on av. and 12 on a. s. st.
James Hanlon and Joseph J. Mor¬
gan agt. Edward S. Innis......... 5,912 50
Lexington av. s. e. cor. 47th st. )
25 Madison av., w. s., 80 s. 45th st., J-
2 houses.......................)
Hanlon & Morgan agt. Anson B.
Birdsall and Edward S. Innis..... 5,912 50
25 One Hundred and Fourth st., n.
8., 240 e. 3d av., 12 houses. Henry
L. Volkenuing agt. Sigmund 1.
Meyer........................... 1,125 00
26 One Hundked and Fourth st., s.
s., 100 w. 3d av., 6 houses. George
B. Snider agt. T, W. Bayand..... 64 80
26 One Hundred and Seventeenth
St., n. s., 200 w. Ist av., 25x100.
Johu l^. MiUer agt. Kichard Welch 121 10
26 Sa3ie property. William Pynam
agt. same........................ 200 OO
21 Second av., e. s., extd'g prom
122d to 123d St., 10 houses. Nolen
6 Steers agt. George S. Drew..... 1,150 75
36 St. Mares pl. (No. 31). Louis
AVendel agt. Samuel Schustar___ 100 00
22 Thirty-first st. (No. 108 W.), s. s.
Gallagher «fc Maekey agt. Mrs.
Maolv............................ 18 69
^ Third av., n. w, cok. 116th st., 4
â– houses. (Cont'n.) Kobert T.Ber¬
wick agt. James S. Dale......___ 1,746 80
24 Third AV., e.s., 20 s. 118th st.
Herman Boetzel agt. Mr. Pierce.. 40 00
24 TaiKD AV,, E. S., 40 N. 117th ST.
Louis Frazer agt. same........... 65 00
24 Third av., e. s., SO n. 117th st.
Charles Wall agt. same.......... 105 OO
24 Thirty-second st., n. s., 203 e.
llth av. John Schukraft and Ed¬
win E. Merlit agt. Martha Kuck .. 936 00
25 Twenty-eighth st., n. s., 281 FRO.vr
9th av., 5 houses. Newman Cowen
agt. Solomon Gayton............. 832 50
5 Tompkins av., n. w. cor. .Macdon-
ough St., 80x100. George Hath-
onie agt. Tompkins Av. Presbyte¬
rian Church...................... 2,300 00
21 Vandewater st. (No. 1). Thos.
and M. Mahoney agt. John Tow-
hall.............................. 35O0O
25 Washington st., e. s., 25 n. Jane
St., extd'g 25 feet. Thomas Shan¬
non agt. Patrick McGeary........ 1,181 00
22 De Kalb av., s. s., 300 w, Yates
av., 100x100. Hemy M. Ruxton .
agt. Jas. M. Ashton.............. S123 00
17 Garden st. (No. 36), w. s., 19i N.
State St., 20x—. M. J. Lowery and
Farrell, Donnelly & Gillespie agt.
Owen Byrae..................... 1,000 00
21 Bergen st. (No. 292), .s. s., 125 w.
3d av., 2.5x100. Jas J. Dowd agt.
John .McGarry and William D.
Brennan......................... 4,0G0 00
20 Smith st , s. e. cor. Huntington
St., 50x45. Chas. Hart agt. Thos.
McCartney and Anne Dufly...... 346 00
20 Luquer st., s. s., 284.6 e. Henry
St., 62.7x—xl2.1x103. W. II. H,
Cbilds and J. B. Byrne agt. Robt.
Tackaberry and Jeremiah Dalton. 75 00
20 De Kalb av., s. s., 375 e. Throop
av., 100x100. 5 houses. Chas.
Schwenck agt. Jas. M, Ashton and
I. C. De Bevoise................. 108 66
20 Same property. McKinney &
Carson agt. same................ 475 00
22 Same property. Wm. H. Kush-
more & Co. agt. same............ 1,600 00
24 Same property. William Jukes
agt. same........................ 418 10
25 Same property. H. C. M. Ingra-
ham agt. same................... 404 77
Stuyvesant av., e. s., extd'g 1
from Monroe to .Madison St., 10
houses......................... 1
34 Monroe st., s. s., 3 houses adj.
above .........................
Madison st., n. s., 1 house adj.
above 10 houses ..............j
J, L. Wacker agt. Anderson &
Grooves and W. H. Hollis........ K 00
25 Gates av., n, w. cor. Ralph av.,
37x80. H. C. M. Ingraham agt. J.
M. Ashton and K. H. Hunt....... 53 75
20 Woodbine st. (Nos. 16 and 18), s.
8., 170 e, Broadway, 40x100. E.
D. Newman agt. P. W. Higginson
and C. L. IngersoU.............. 557 87
23 Clay st. (No. ll:i), s. s. Denis De-
vlne agt. James Mullen........... 550 00
25 Yates av., n. w. cor. Hart st.,
. 100x200. C. E. Evaus agt. J. R.
Mullison, .Michael Solan, and A.
C.Squlros........................ 1,014 29
20 Bdtlek ST., s. s., 155 e. 5th av., 40
xl99. J. F. Healey agt Thomas
Phelan........................... S20 00
21 Schermekhobn st., n. s.. 150 e.
Powers St., 1.50x100. Morton &
Son agt. Chas. McDonald and ibe
Central Presbyterian Church..... 7,000 OC
22 Same property. Charles Hart
agt. same........................ 880 CO
22 Stuvvesant av , s, e. cob. Madi- •
son St., 100x100x50x100x150x200.
Hawley, Johuson & Wright agt.
Fredk. Groves and Edmund Titus 529 8X.