Vol. XII. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1873. No. 300
Published Weekly by
One year, in advance...........S8 GO
All communications should be addressed to
Whiting BuiLnixa, .345 and .317 BR0AD-n''AT.
5 Broad-r'ay, n. w, cor. 3oTn st.,
" Coliseum." Amos E. Knapp, J.
11. Jenkins and another agt. H. E.
Sloan and P. T. Barnum.......... S754 77
11 Bkoome st., s. s., 7.5 e. Crosby st.,
.^OxlOB.2. John Taylor agt. John
Do^vney and John T. Conover___ 4,287 00
5 EiGUTn ST. (known as No. 33 St.
Marks pl.), n. s. George Derr agt.
Henry Weiler and Peter Cook___ 1,395 78
ElGHTY-FIFTU ST., N. S., 225 E. 3D "
av., 1 house....................
C Eighty-sixth st., s. s., 22.5 e. 3d
av., 1 house___................J
Thomas J. Crombie agt. E. S.
Innes............................ 533 96
8 Elizabeth st. (No. 2-20). George
McCamphill agt. William Hanley. 153 50
10 Eighth av. (No. 767), w. s., cok. '
47th st. Thomas Hynes iagt. Mr.
Levi............................. 136 00
4 Forty-se-vekth st., s. e. cor. Lex-
ington av. Mathew Nugent agt.
A. B. Birdsall.................... 95 00
5 Same property. Patrick Kiernan
agt. same........................ 85 00
5 Fifty-seventh st, (Nos. 350, 3,52,
and 354), s. s., bet. 1st and 2d avs.
Leander Stone agt. Temple
Adolph Israel.................... 1,450 00
8 Forty-fourth st., s. s., 1-50 "w. IOth
av., 25x99.11. Patrick Flanery
agt. Wm. McCormick............ 387 50
8 Fifth av. s. e. cok. 15th st. (Con.
to Dec. 12, 1874.) Gambling &
Barton agt. D. L. and Sarah Haiglit 536 94
9 Forty-ninth st. (No. 217 W.), n. s.
Eck:ford Webb, John McLaughlin,
and G. W. Bell agt.------Page.... 436 18
9 FORTY-riFTH ST. (NOS. 235 AND 237
E.), n. 6. Joseph McDonald aud
Patrick Brown agt. Dora Budden¬
siek ............................. 30 00
11 Forty-eighth st. (No. 57 W.), n. s.
James Wells agt. Nelson Millard . 39 78
5 Hamilton st. (No. 31). George II.
Stone agt. James Costello........ 1,150 00
9 Hester st., n. e. cor. Ludloav st.
Joseph W. Duryee agt. Congrega¬
tion Jewish Synagogue........... 228 34
C Madison av., n. e. cor. 64Tn st.
John HoSman and Leopold
Schneider agt. S. M. Styles & Son. 500 00
6 Madison av., n. vv. cor. 63d st.
Nathaniel Terpenny agt. T. L.
Sandford........................ 315 00
6 Madison av., vr. s., 20 n. 131st st.
Middlefield Marble Co. agt. J. N.
Hayward........................ 993 87
9 Mott st. (Nos. 279 and 2S1), w. s.
Hertzer & Kuger agt. Mr. Plun-
kert............................. 48 00
10 Manhattan st., n. w. cor. 125Tn
St. Edward D. Connolly agt.
Thomas Murphy................. 343 SO
6 Ninth st. (No. 417 E.), n. s. Bal- '
thaser Schneider agt. Patrick J.
Hanbury......................... 425 00
9 Same property. William Klein
agt. same party.. .•............... 1,450 00
^5 On"e Hundred and Twenty-fifth
St., n. s., 50 w. Madison av. James
Slattery agt. Presbyterian Church,
Hariem.......................... 605 00
5 One Hundred and T-wenty-exghth
St. (Nog. 114 and 116), s. s., 215 e.
4th av. Joseph 0. Halloran agt.
David Todd...................... 203 25
10 One Hundred and Twentieth st.,
s. s., 275 e. 2d av., 3 houses. Kier¬
sted & Smith agt. Jane Coar..... 1,800 00
8 Park pl. (No. 63), n. s. Henry J.
McKone and James Golden agt.
Frank Gaynor (Lessee.).......... 72 73
5 Second av., w. s., 25 s. 113th st.
H. N. Hardy agt.------Tracy...... 89 50
0 Second av., e. g., extd'g from 12-3d
to 123d St., 10 houses. John E.
Wilson & Co. agt. Mrs. Mary
Drew............................ 3,938 70
6 Second av., s. w. cor. 120th st.
John Slattery agt. T. J. McCahill. 030 00
9 Second av. (jSIos. 831, 83.3, and 835),
w. s. McDonald & Rowan agt.
Vogel & Esseg................... 50 00
10 Second av., s. w. cok. 120th st.
Peck &Wandellagt. James O'Shea 435 65
11 Second av., vv^ s., .50 s. 4.5th st.
Thomas Feely agt. Thomas Feely
and Vogel & Essig............... 1,240 75
11 Seventy-eighth st. (No. 164 E.), s.
s., bet. Sd and Lexington avs.
James Culleton agt. Thomas C.
Dowling......................... 52 35
6 Third av., n. w. cor. 116th st.
John J. Bowes & Son agt. J. S. Dale 284 00
9 Water st. (Nos. 311 and 313), s. s.
McDonald & Rowan agt. Dora
Buddensiek.......:.............. 120 00
5 North Fifth st., s. s., 100 e. 2d st.,
25x100. Isaac Dennis agt. Ann
Cass and Phebe Angevine........ S36 00
6 Stuyvesant av.,e. s., extd'g from
Monroe to Madison st., 150 on
Monroe and 100 on Madison st.
Birkett & Watkins agt. F. Grooves,
Emily Anderson, E. Titus, W. H.
Hollis, E. E. Pierce, and Lizzie
McBride......................... 1,500 CO
10 Garden st. (No. 36), w. s. Ford
& Lennox agt. Jos. Eyan and
Owen Byrne..................... 70 00
10 Second st., n. s., 140 w. Hoyt st.,
160x100. E. C. Pease agt. Long
& Cameron and W. J. Bedell... . 1,300 00
0 Madison st., s. s., 100 e. Tompkins
av., 100x100. C. E. Evans agt.
Sarah A. and John Gregory, Kich¬
ard Carpenter, and Henry M.
Needham........................ 194 90
6 Decatck ST., N. s., 440 w. Yates
av., 200x100. W. E. Chapman agt.
J. J. Quinn and Edward Duns-
comb ............................ 123 00
8 Seventeenth st., s. s., 125 w. 5th
av., 40x100. Quinn & Gilmartin
agt. Emma B. and Daniel Dunlop. 25S 00
4 Graham av., s. e. cor. Stagg st.,
25x100. C. Springstein agt. John
Klinck and A., Jno., and Jos.
Frolich.......................... 185 00
5 Fayette st., vr. s., 125 n. Broad-
way, 25x100. Hawkins & Henken
agt. Jacob Goetz and------ Hoff¬
man............................. 135 00
5 Woodbine st., s. e. s., 170 n. e.
Broadway, 40x100. E. D. Neu¬
man agt. P. W. Higginson and
Louisa A. IngersoU.............. 572 12
5 Same property. P. W. Higginson
agt. same........................ 2,048 CO
Fifty-fifth st., s. s.,300 w. 2d]
av., .50x100.....................I ■ ' ■
5 Fifty-fifth st., s. s., 400 w. 2d f
av., 50x100....................J
N. Wheaton agt. Jos. Pratt and
Albert Woodruff................. 701 9o
6 Bay Ridge, adj. Murphy's and N.
Y. & Hempstead R. R. property.
A. J. Fitch agt. Sanford & Wight
and A. B. Wakeman............. 3,003 4:3
In these lists of judgments ihe names alphabetically
arranged, and which are first on each line, are those of
the judgment debtor.
4 Amberg, David—A. S. Herman..... §940 15
4 Abrahamson, Solomon — Elkin Hy¬
man ............................. 668 86
5 Armstrong, Thomas G. — Amassa
Spring........................... 195 20
5 Allen, Robert M., Jr. — Catharine
liedmond........................ no n
5 Anthony Van Wyck—Jarvis Slade
(Recr.).......................... 748 63
5 Atwood, Anson—G. W. SAVcet...... 187 50
6 Andrews, William S.—People State
N. Y............................ 2,034 09
6 Adams, Union, and Alden, J.—E. R.
Mudge........................... 1,728 15
6 Avant, James—Jacob Velci........ 222 45
8 Arthm-, Samuel D.—J. D. Sloat..... 142 4.0
8 Allen, Thomas P. and Bridget—T.
A. Fink.......................... a5 98
8 Arthur, Samuel D.—J. D. Sloat..... SOO 9.5
8 Alwaise, John T.—Ira Luce........ 1,318 27
9 Ascher, Julius—Harlem Bank...... S72 24
9 Appel, Herman—Louis Franke..... 427 49
10 Abraham6on,Soloinon—Julius Sohn-
son.............................. 306 62
10 Acker, John C.—Lewis Frank...... 596 74
10 Adams, Sarah L.—Bernard Travis.. 176 20
10 the same---------the same........ 115 26
10 Austin, Kichard—People State N. Y. SOO 00
4 Bischoff, Max—Elkin Hyman...... 668 86
4 Belloni, Louis J., Jr.—G. E. Ander¬
son............................... 241 01
4 Betts, J. H.—Herman Batjer....... 842 10
4 the same---------the same........ 598 54
4 Braun, Hieronymus—Charles Lind¬
ner .............................. 1,044 92
4 Blaisdell, Alonzo C.—J. D. Brov/n.. 187 74
4 -Boehm, Gerson—Sol. Hofiheimer... 4.52 96
4 Beisel, Charles, Jr.—American Whip
Co............................... eo 44
4 Braine, Charles R.—J. F. Paul...... 767 40
4 Beeston, William R.—P. T. Ruggles
(Recr.)........................... 7,2.58 89
4 Breslin, Henry—I. H. Bailey (Recr.) 1,428 13
5 Brunjes, J. M.—John Gehrs........ ISO 13
5 Borrer, Charles—Andrew Lacaisse.. 117 SO
5 Bamberger, Albert — Meyer Roths¬
child ............................ 34 50
5 Buckhout, Henry A.—Catskili Nat.
Bank............................ 429 75
5 Bowen, William—Amasa Spring___ 195 20
5 BuUey, George F.—G. E. Stidder... 301 84
5 the same---------the same........ . 301 34
5 Bourdon, Marcelin — Francis Blan-
chet............................^ 316 26
5 Bassford, Abby C.—^Ferdinand Seeg-
er.......;........................ 208 37
5 Brooks, Adrian C.—Charles frazier. 6U4 55
5 Bays, Augustus F.—B. F. Cook___ 408 46
5 Brown, John L.—Mayor, &c., N. Y. 1.80 04
6 Buttle, Robert D.—Hiram Pool..... 1,365 38
6 Burdick, Allen—David Ton-ens..... 153 80
6 Bleecker, Richard W.—People State
N.Y............................. 2,604 89
6 Buck, AMn 0.—Thomas Spratt___ 4,988 57
6 Bentley, Thomas—W. J. H. Ballard. 827 69
6 Brown, Charles E.—C. H. Maxim... 734 11