Estate Record
Vol. XY.
No. 860
Published Weekly by
C. W. SWEET............President and Treasurer
PRESTON I. SWEET........Secretary.
Qne year, in advance...........$10 00
Communications should he addressed to
Nos. :345 and 347 B ioadavay
Self-binding Covers to hold the Real Estate Record
Avill be delivered free to auy subscriber on receipt of One
Dollar. In order that the file of numbers for the year
1874 may be made complete, miasing numbers cau be
supplied at the rate of Twent3'-five Cents each.
Thirty Cents each Avill be paid at this oflice for No.
313 of the Record.
Jan. 27, 28, 29, 30. Feb. 1, 2.
Bleecker st., s. e. cor. Barrow st., 2.5.4x7.5.
George Eeichardt to Charles Pfizenmayer.
(All title.) Jan. aO.....................$21,000
Broome st. (No. 2.S), s. s., bet. Goerck and
Mangin sts., 25x7.5, h. & I. (Foreclos.) John
P. O'Neill to Mary Kane. Dec. 31........5,S00
Beaver st., s. s. (No. 44), 18.1x95.1x18.6x90.
William M. Kingsland and Cornelius K. Sut¬
ton (Tru.stees of" D. A. Kingsland, dec'd) to
Thomas McMullen. (M part.) Feb. 1.. .16,000
S.AME projiert}'. A.mbrose C. Kingsland to
Thomas MeMulIeu. (J^^part.) Feb. 1.. .16,000
BoAVERY, e. s., 100.4 ii. Hester st., 25x100.
Thomas L. Parker to John, Joseph W., and
Mitchell E. WentAVorth. J an. 27........,^2,500
Charlton st. (No. 34), s. s., 2-^6.6 e. Varick st.,
23x100. Spencer Heacock (Exr. of W. S. Ban¬
croft) to Caroline T. Bancroft (AvidoAV). July
15, 1873................................14,000
Christopher st. (No. So), n.*s.,91.9e. Bleecker
St., 25x90. George Relchardt to Louis and
Josephine Keichardts (Correction deed.)
(Morts. -S10,500.) Oct. 19................nom.
Essex st., s. e. cor. Delancey st., 25x62.10, h.
& 1. Aitke Dooper to John Dotzauer. Jan.
Grand st. (Nos. 405 and 407), s. av. cor. Clinton
St.-, 50x80. Morgan Jones to Henry McCad-
din, Jr., Brooklyn. Sept. 28.............47,500
Grand st., u. av. cor. Forsyth st., 25x87.6. Wil¬
liam M. Kingsland and Cornelius K. Sutton
(Trustees of D. C. Kingsland) to William
Runk. {}4 part.) Feb. 1................20,000
SAjrE property. Ambrose C. Kingsland to-Wil¬
liam Runk. (Impart.) Feb. 1...........20,000
Grand Boulevard, n. a\'. cor. 103d st., runs north
203.7 to 104th St., x west 115.3 x south 100.11
â– X east 25 x south 100.11 to 103d st., x east
117. Morgan Jones to Heury McCaddin, Jr.,
Brooklyn. Sept. 29 .....-................60,000
Houston st., s. s., 75 av. Thompson st., 2.5x95.
John e. Muller to Marx and AToses Ottinger.
Feb. 1.............-....................30,000
Mott st., e. s., abt. 100 s. Broome st., 25x94.
William F. Gilchrist (Exr. of John W^. Gil¬
christ) to Charles Tisch. Feb. 1.........10,000
>[iNETTA St., n. e. B., 80 s. e. 6th aA'.,runs south¬
east 21.5 X northeast 70 x northAvest 1.2 x
northeast 30 x northAvest 20 x southAvest 100.
Jedediah Ryno to Simon Ulery. Dec. 1.. .5,.500
Mott st. (Nos. 278, 282, and 284), e. s., 75.8 s.
Houston st,, 7.5x86.10. George Burchill to
Nathaniel Burchill. Jan. 1..............63,000
Mott st. (No. 284), e. s., 75.8 s. Houston st., 25
x86.10. Nathaniel Burchill to Charles G. Jud¬
son. Jan. 1.............................22,000
Mott st. (No. 282), e. s., 100.8 s. Houston st.,
25x81,3. Nathaniel BurcMU to Charles G,
Jndson, Jan. 1.........................Sa.OOO
Mott st., e. s., 125.8 s. Houston st., 25x87.1.
Nathaniel Burchill to Charles G. Judson.
Jan. 1..................................22,000
Norfolk st., e. s., 100 s. Grand st., 2,5x100.
Frederick Sigrist, Brooklyn, to Caroline Avife
of Henrv Wenke. (Mort. ?12,000.) Jan.
Oliver st. (No. 25), av. s., runs north 21.11 x
Avest 70.1 X south 1.7 x Avest 7.6 x north 20.11
X east 77.5. 'Thomas Coman to Joseph ShaAV.
Jau. 26..................................nom.
Oliver st., av. s. (No. 2.5), 21.11x70.1xl.7x7.6x
20.11x77.5. Joseph ShaAV to Martha E. Avife
of Thomas Coman. .Jan. 29..............nom.
Orchard st., e. s., 187.6 u. Grand st., 2.5x87.6,
h. & 1. Gabriel Eudlich to David Weisburg¬
er. Jan. ,30.............................32,2.50
PRfNCE st. (No. 159), n. s., :i5x9.5. Ilenry Bid¬
ing and Francis Frey to Marx aud Moses Ot¬
tinger. Jan. 28.........................32,000
Rivington st. (No. 170). n. s., 100 av. Attornev
St., 2.5x100. Cynthia W. A\-ife of Thomas H.
Williams, Mystic River, Conn., to Gurdon S.
Allyu, Mystic River. ;i-8 part.)............267
Spring st. (No. 20), s. s., 71.9 v,\ Elizabeth st.,
runs Avest 22.7 x south SO x Avest 1.3 x south
.50 X east 22.11 x north 125.4 to beginning.
Mary Ann Mead, RahAvav, N. J., to Ebenezer
S. Theal, North Salem, i«l. Y. Jan. 8....18,750
Spring st., u. s., 101 av. Bowery, 25.3x107.9x25x
114. John H. Sehutte to Henry Bicling.
Jan. .30...................................3.5,000
St.anton St., n. s., 37.6 av. Sheriff st., 18.9x60.
Johanna Avife of Albert Grosser to Meyer
Baum. (14 part.) Jan. 25...............3,800
UNxvERSiTv'pl., s. e. cor. 13th st.. 52xl04.2x
51.10x100. Alexiinder S. Webb, William H.
Kane, and Robert Lennox Belknap (Exrs. of
U. R. Remsen) to William Remsen. (j^ part.)
Feb. 1..................................30,000
3d St., n. s., 225 e. 2d av., 20x96.2. Samuel P.
Patterson to John Fischermanu. Feb. 1.12,000
8th St., or St. Mark's pi., s. s., 125 av. av.,
25x89.6. Charlotte M. Ridder to Frederick
Heerlein. Feb. 1........................18,660
9th St., s. s., 2.58 e. Av. C, 25x93.11, h. & I.
Heinrich Eisberg to Louise Melching. Jan.
9th St. (No. 44), s. s., 3.55.9 av. .5th av., 25.x93.ll.
Joseph ShaAV to Martha E. Avife of Thomas
Coman. Jan. 29.........................nom.
9tu St., s. s., 152.7 e. 6th av., 16.8x93.11xl6.11x
93.11, h. & 1. Charles Huber to John Higuey.
Feb. 1..................................15,000
9tu St. (No. 44), s. s., 3.55.9 av. 5th av., 25.x93.Il.
Thomas Coman to Joseph Shaw. Jan. 26.uom.
IOth St., n. s., 175 av. Waveriy pl., 25x95. Hen¬
rietta H. Avife of James W^. Rankin, Brooklyn,
to Isabella Haviland. (Q. C.) (All title.)
Jan. 28...................................3,000
12th St., s. s., 62.6 e. Av. C, 20.6x77.6. Chris¬
tiana Avif e of Gottlieb WIesmann to Ferdinand
Yung. Jan. 29..........................5,800
13th St., s. s., 100 AV. Av. A, 24.3x103.3. Bern¬
ard O'Rorke to James Nicholson. Jan. 30.10,000
15th St., n. s., 275 av. .5th av., 25x103.3. Wil¬
liam H. Munn to the Soe. of the Ncav York
Hospital. Jan. 11.......................32,000
16th St., n. s., 75 av. Oth a\., 25x69, h.&l.
Lizzie M. Avife of Johu C. McLoughlin to
Catharine Dolan (Avidow). Feb. I.......16,000
17th St., s. s., 200.8 e. 4th av., ;».3x92, h. & 1.
William R. Grace to George W. Gilchrist.
Sept. 25.................................32,500
17th St., n. s.,280av. 7th av., 120x40x120.4x42.5.
Alexander Denham to Eliza A. Denham. (C.
a. G.) (Undivided share.) Jan. 26.......3,00O
18th St. (No. 162 E.), n. s., 211.6 av. 2d av., 22.6
X abt. 100.2 (gore oil n. av. cor.) James L.
Harway to Johu W. Salter. Jan. 23.....25,000
Wth St., n. s., 193.8 av. 6th av.. 20x9>,. Catha-
. line Dolan (AvidoAv) to Lizzie M. Avife of John
C. McLoughlin. Feb. 1.................14,000
20th St., s. s., 133.4 e. 9th av.', 16.8x9Lll, h.
& 1. Abraham B. Dupuy to Elsie E. wife of
Charles Turner. Jan. 5.................17,000
37th St., s. s., 180 w. 8d av., 20x98.9, b. & 1.
John V, Eddy to Hellmuth Eranlcb, Janu¬
ary 8., .........,. = ......................14,750
27th St., s. s., 460 w. Oth av., 20.x9S.9, h. & 1.
(Foreclos.) Edvvard D. Gsile to William M.
Thomas. (Moris. §6,000.) Feb. 2........5,000
27th St., s. s.,46« av. 6th av., 20x98.9, h.&l.
William M. Thomas to Samuel Zeimer. Jon.
2Sth St., s. s., ,271.4 av. 7tli av., 21.6x98.9.....|
.5th av., e. s., 76.11 n. -SSth st., 21.10x100.....
3.5th St., s. s., 100 AV. Sth .av., 12.6x98.9.......|
o5th St., s. s., 125 \v. Sth av., 25x98.9........y
122d .St., n. s., 125 e. 9t.h av., 1.50x100.11......
8th .av., e. s., 61.3 n. 31st st., 18.9x100.......|
26th St., n. s., 264 e. 8th av., 24.10x93.9......J
Thomas G. Voorhis to William W. L. Voor¬
his. (1-16 part.) Feb. 1.................9,600
28th St., s. s., 56.6 av. 7th av., 20x60.4xl9.5x
60.4, h. & I. Charles M. Ulrich, Plainfield,
N. J., to Elizabeth Ulrich (Extrx.), Plainfield,
N. J. Jan. 14...........................12,0110
29th St., s. s., 227.9 e. Oth av.. 22.3x98.9, h. Sz 1.
Ira Jeuree to William Jav Barker. Jan. 29.28,000
30th St., U.S., 275 av. 10th av., 25x43.8x25.1x
41.6. Charles A. Brophy to Kate L. Brophj-.
(All title.) Jau. 29.........................600
30th St., s. s., 1.36 e. 9t.h av., 36.8x98.9. Cum¬
mings II. Tucker to John B. Woodruff,
Queens Co. Jan. 27.....................,30,C0O
32d St., s. s., 368.9 av. 2d.av., lS.9.x98.9. (Fore¬
clos.) Nathaniel Jarvis. Jr., to Isaac Eieh-
berg. (Morts. S7,,500.) Jan. 20...........2,500
33d St., s. s., 256.3 av. 2d av., 18.9x98.9, h. & 1.
(Foreclos.) Nathaniel Jarvis, Jr., to Isaac
Eichberg. (Morts. §7,.500.) Jau. 26......2,500
34Tn St., s. s., 366.8 av. 7th av., 16.8x98.9. Ame¬
lia G. Avife of Henry T. Cutter to Henry Cros-
Avell Tuttle. Feb. 1.....................16,000
SSth st., s. s., 141.8 e Oth av., 20.10x98.9. Mar¬
garet L. WaiuAvright, Rye, N. Y., to James
Barclay. Feb. 1........................30'000
38th St. (No. 67), n. s., a5 e. 6th av., 2.5x98.9.
Isaac Bernheimer to Simon Bernheimer and
Julius Hart. (Q. C.) Jan. 26............nom.
39th St., n. s., 23.5.5 Av. 3d av., 17.8x98.0. An¬
nie Menet to John A. Wallace, St. Louis,
Mo. Dec. 30............................2,5,000
39th St., n. s., .350.6 av. Sth av., 2.5x98.9. Levi
Kahn to Jacob Schmuck. {}4 part.) Decem¬
ber 1 ........................"............7,000
39th St., n. s., 375.6 av. 8th av., 25.6.'c98.9. Jo¬
seph Brookheim to Jacob Schmuck. Decem¬
ber 1...................................14,000
40th St., s. s., 147.6 a\'. 5th .aA'., 18x08.9. John
H. Bloodgood to Sarah M. Starr. Jan. 30.30,000
Same property. Sarah M. Starr to Elizabeth
AVife of John II. Bloodgood. Jan. 30 .....30,000
40th St., s. s., 185.9 av. 7th av., 14.3x98.9, h & I.
RoAvena Plarring Avife of James Johnson to
Mary Jane Bassett HayAvard. (Morts. §9,000.)
Jan. 28...................................4,760
46th St., s. s., 200 AV. 6th .av., runs Avest 100 x
south 100.5 X west 65 x south 18.5 x east 115
X north 18.5 x cast 50 x north 100.5 to begin¬
ning, hs. & Is. John G. Car3' and Bridget D.
Fitzpatrick (widOAV and Extrx.) to Theodore
B. Lane and James E. Davis. Feb. 1___80,000
48th St., s. s., 300 e. 10th av., .37.6x100.5. Gar¬
rett Ward, Paterson, Passaic Co., to Peter D.
BroAver. Feb. 1........................15,500
5lTn St., n. s.. 2.50 e. 7th av., .50x100.5. Cum¬
mings H. Tucker to John B. "Woodruff,
Queens Co. Jan. 27.....................20,000
.54Tn St., n. s., 375 e. 7th av., 2.5x100.5. The
American Female Guard. Soc. to the Mayor,
&e., Ncav York. Sept. 11...............10,000
5lTH St., s. s., 175 AV. yth av., 25x63.6........)
54th St., s. s., 1.50 AV. Oth av., 25x62.6........f
Fannie J. Avife of H.Webster, Baltimore, Md.,
to Joseph Milles. (j^part.) (C. a. G.) Jan.
Same property. Jaraes W. and Mary G. Galley,
Baltimore, Md. (by Frederick G. Anderson,
Guard.), to Joseph Milles. {% parts)____3,436
Same property. Jane Gailey, Baltimore, Md.
(widoAv), to Joseph Milles. (Release doAver.)
Jau, 18...................................1,346
56th St., n. 8., 473 e. 7th av.. 25x50.8x25.2x47.8.
JohD Townshend to Terence Farley. Jan.
S7............: = ..,, = ..........,,.,.....,,6.500