Real Estate Record
Vol. XY. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1875. No. 365
Published Weekly by
C. W. SWEET............President and Treasxtuer
PRESTON L SWEET........Secretary.
L. ISRAELS......................Business Manager
One year, in advance...........$10 00
Communications should be addressed to
Nos. .345 AND 347 BiOADWAY
A Bill lias been reported I\ivorably 'by tlie
.Judiciary Committee of the Senate allowing
life insurance Companies to loan tlieir surplus
capital out of the State. It is needless for us
to say that its effect, if passed, will be injuri¬
ous to all real estate interests. Owing to the
tax upon mortgages, about the only lenders ave
life insurance companies and savings banks.
Oue would think that as tliej^ are exempted
from taxation on mortgages that it was a suf¬
ficient protection, but tlie greed of life insur¬
ance companies seems to have no bounds.
To withdraw this only source of supply,
particularly at this time, just as real estate be¬
gins to recover from its long quiet state, will
be disastrous to real estate interests.
We understand that there are remonstrances
out in opposition to the measure, and we hope
to see a general protest on the part of property
It is but riglit that, amidst all the disorgan¬
ized and somewhat confused action of numer¬
ous bodies of men, the Metropolitan Transit
Company should remind the public that it
possesses the right to construct an elevated
road with two tracks, from Bowling Green to
the Grand Central Depot, under a charter
granted in 1873. The charter was complied
Avith on December 34th last, when Peter
Cooper laid the corner stone at the comer of
Morris and Church streets. All the surveys
and estimates of the section south of Four¬
teenth Street have been made sufficient to en¬
able the execution of a contract for its con¬
struction when the necessary capital is secured.
For that purpose the company now offers its
stock and bonds for public subscription at
par. TJie capital is to be limited to two mil¬
lions of stock and one million of bonds. All
the stock and bonds of the company will be
registered at Duncan, Sherman & Co.'s, to
whose order all subscriptions are to be paid in
five installments. Tlie officers now constitut¬
ing the Board of Directors are perfectly will¬
ing to submit to a new election by subscribers,
but in so far as they form the only nucleus now
in existence for the construction of a steam
road through the heart of the city, they claim
that the money which property owners desire
to devote to rapid transit sliould he .mbscribed
on their books.
Mr. Harvey, the engineer of the road, has
built tlie Greenwich Street elevated road, with
what success is now well known, and it is a
favorable sign that the company has engaged
his services to bring its enterprise to a still
grander success.
"We again urge the importance of abolishing
restrictions, and call upon all who
are interested in such a reform to concert some
action that will advance, if it does not immedi¬
ately compel, the abolition of the tax on mort¬
gages. We assume that public sentiment in
localities where capital is most abundant is
fully alive to the necessit}'' of such a measure
and we believe that a fair and logical appeal
to the opinions of people wiio are not govern¬
ed by prejudice will aid in changing opposing
sentiment. The Legislature should be called
upou, and if success does not at once follow,
there is no reason why tiie demand for relief
should not l)e persistently urged until it be¬
comes effectual. Will not some of our real
estate owners and capitalists attend to this
matter ?
March 4, 5, 6, 8, 9,10.
Broad st. (No. 41). Teunis Quick to William
H. Quick. (All title.) March 3.........§1,900
Same property. William H. Quick to Marga¬
ret M. Quick. (All title.) March 4....... 1,900
Boulevard, e. s., at centre line bet. G3d and
64th sts., runs east41.7 x south to e. s. Boule¬
vard, X north to beginning. Philip G. Weav¬
er to Lambert Suydam. (C. a. G.) Febru¬
ary 9.....................................nom.
Bowery, e. s., 150.1 n. Rivington st., 24.11x186
to an alley. Robert Cochran (Ref.) to Catha¬
rine E. Dick, White Plains, N. T. (Par¬
tition) ..................................51,500
Charles st.,.n. s., 34.2 e., 16.8x74, h. & I.
Jeremiah Pangburn and Etnnaor K. Adams to
Henry Thole. March 1..................14,100
Charles st., n. s., 92e. West st.,-22x101.8x^2x
101.6 (runs to alley on rear). (Partition.)
John L. Shirley to Luke Slater and Alexan¬
der Reid. March 4.......................9,200
Henry st., s. s., 215.3 e. Scammel st., 24x>^
block. John Jacksou to Bernhard Joachim.
Feb. 27....... .........:....:........... 26,000
Houston st. (Nos. 191, 193, and 195), s. s., 40 e.
Orchard St., 60x31. Josephine Sutherland
(Mother and heir of Henry J. Mesick) to Si¬
mon and Isaac Scheuer. (Q. C.) February
Maiden lane (No. 49), 24x139x22x136.8. Ra¬
chel Jacobs to Henry Levy. (}4 part.) (Q.
C.) March 1................___.........nom.
Same _property. Mary. Hvife of Lewis' S. Levy
to Henry Levy; (Q.C.) March 1........nom.
Same property. Caroline Levy (widow), Es¬
ther Levy and others (heirs of Mark Levy) to
Henry Levy. April 20,1867..............nom.
Same property. Henry Levy to Lewis S. Lew.
(C. a. G.) March 1.......................58'^185
Orchard st., e. s., 87.6 n. Grand st., 25x87.6, h.
& I. Hermann Weigand (Guard.) to Rosalie
wife of Hermann Weigand. (Morts. §23,000.)
(C. a. G.) Jan. 9........................nom.
Prospect pl., e. s., 33.9 n. 42d st., 16.8x.58.
(Foreclos.) Stephen J. Bidlack to Walter L.
Cutting (Exr.) (Morts. §5,000, int. from July
1, 1873.) March 8........................2,000
Prince st. (No. 118), s. s., 80.2 w. Greene st.,
20x71.3x20.1x71.3. William Man (Ref.) to
Charles Banks. Dec. 26, 1873...........17,400
Reade st., n. s., 21^5.2 e. Greenwich st., 2.5x53.
James Hopkins, Catskill, William H. Van
Orden, Mary E. Hopkins, and Samuel M. Cor¬
nell (Exrs. of Henry Hopkins) to Edward M.
Harrison. Feb. 23......................12,000
4th St., 8. s., 175 w. Av. D, 18.9x96.3, h. & 1.
Rosa wife of Isaac Schreiber to George B.
Hiekok. March 4.......................12,U0O
7tu St., n. s., 77 w. Av. D, 38x73. Catharine 15.
wife of Cormick Gillespie, Brooklyn, to Wil¬
liam J. Cole. Feb. 28. Exch. and......nom.
7Tn St., s. s., 252.1 w. Av. T>, 22.8x90.10. Fred¬
erick W. Hahn to George Bardes. Feb. 23.14,050
7th St., n. s., 275 w. 1st av., runs west 25 x north
89.11 X east 10.2 x north 3.6 x east 6.10 x north
2 X east 8 x south 95.4 to beginning. William
F. Hibbard, Bay Port, L. L, to Cornelia G.
Hays (widow).' (All title.) March 3.....nom.
9th St., s. s., 313.3 e. Av. B. 20x76. Elias Spiu-
garn (Assignee) to John M. Oest. Feb. 8.nom.
12th St., s. s., 119.10 e. Washington st., 75..5xS0.
Adam Norrie and James B. Johnston to Jacob
Schmitt, Brooklyn. Feb. 26.............18,000
13th St., n. s., 175 w. 7th av., 25x103.3. {)4
part.) Bernard King to Patrick McCann.
(Sub. Morts. §6,000). .■■....................nora.
14th St., n. s., 266 e. Av. A, 25x103.3, h. & 1.
(Foreclos.) Edward D. Gale (Ref.) to John
F. Wurthmann. March 10...............14,750
17th St., s. s., 363 e. Av. B, 25x92, h. & 1. Ter¬
ence Farley to Claus Kohnken, Brooklyn.
March 1.................................14,000
23d St., s. s., 78.6 w. 2d av., 21.6x98.9, also strip
on e. s., 60 s. 2od st., 0.6x38.9. Mary Ann wife
of John Gillespie, Philadelphia. Pa., to Anna
wife of Peter Whearty; • (Q. C.) (Correction
27th St., n. s., 160 av. 6th av., 20x98.9, h. & I.
(Foreclos.) WilHam Sinclair to Jeremiah
Pangburn, Friederich Knubel, and Charles
Shultz. March 3........____..........11,.525
30th St., s. s., 128.9 6. 3d av., 18.9x98.9, h. & I.
Emanuel Meyer to Kate wife of Ferdinand
Heinbach, Chicago, 111. Feb. 26.........12,.500
32d st.,n. s.,.588- w. .5th av., 18x98.9, h. &L
Frank Hastings-Hamilton to Elias G. Drake,
Jr. March 4___......................... nom.
Same property. Elias G. Drake, Jr., to Mary
Gertrude wife of Frank Hastings JBLamilton.
March 4........................'.........nom.
34Tn St., s. s., .550 e. Sth av., 16.5x98.9, h. & I.
Lucinda C. Avife of George Marsland to Mary
E. Wilder. Feb. 10 ....................22,000
3.5th St., s. s., 2.50 e. 2d av., 25x98.9.......... \
35th St., s. s., 400 w. 1st av., 25x98.9......... f
Sarah R. wife of Randall Holden, Huntington,
L. I., to Francis H. Slade, Kilian Van Rens¬
selaer, George E. Dodge, and Robert Hoe. Jr.
March 5.................................20,000
38th St., n. s., 125 e. 9th av., 25x98.9. John
Fischer to John T. Seaman. Feb. 1..... 9,200
39Tn St., n. s., 300 w, 9th av., 25x98.9. Mich¬
ael Rudolph to Isidor Falk. March 5___10,000
40th St., n. s., 280 w. Sd' av.,' 2Sx9S.9. William
H. Clowy to Garrett Kinsella, Troy, W^ill Co.,
111. (Xpart.) Feb. 17...................nom.
40th St., s. s., 275 e. 6th av., .50x98.9. Simon
and Isidor Wormser to Cornelius O'Reilly.
Feb. 23...................................50,000
40th St.; s. s., 156.8 w. 9th av., 18.4x98.9. Sid¬
ney B. eiine to John M. and Agnes Mayer.
Feb, 27.'......................,............13,000