EAL Estate Record
Vol. XV.
No. 370
Published Weekly by
C. W. SWKET............PuiisiDE.vr and Treasuher
PRESTON I. SWKET........Skcretauy.
L. ISll.'i.ELS......................Business ?rI.\N'AGER
One year, in advance...........SIO 00
Communications shonld be addre.«sed to
Noa. 345 and 347 B ioadway
â– The following- remonstrance, wliich was
reail before the Judiciary Conimiltee of Ihe
State Senate, expresse.s tlie views entertained
by New York ta.\-payer.s and pi'opei'ty owner.s
iu regard to the bill nnthoiizing insurance
companies to loan tlieir surplus fund outside
of the State :
To the Honorable Leqislaliire of (he F-infe t)f ynp
YVe, tlie undersigned, on belialf of the lol¬
lowing associations of real estate holders in
the City of Kew York, viz.: The East Side
Association, The Norlh Side Association,
The AYcst Side A.ssociation, and The Wa.sh
ington Heights Association,
Do respeclfidiy remonstrate against tiie pas¬
sage of tlie act now pending and known as
" Senate bill No. })8,'' and which is intended to
.grant additional ))owers to the corporations
therein named, for tliefollowing reasons, that
is lo .say—
First—The corporations mentioned in that
act iiave special privileges confened upon
them by the laws of this Stale, and particularly
the life insnrance companies, whicli are ex¬
empt from taxation on tlieir personal in'ojierty
(excepting only §100,000), in reluni for whicli
the people of the State are justly entitled lo
receive Aviiatever advantages can be derived
from the judicious and safe investment of their
funds within this State, and particnlarly in the
great beuetits arising irom loans upou bonds
aud mortgages.
Second—It is believed that if this bill should
be passed it will result in the diversion ol large
anu)unts of capital trom this Stale which
ought, of right, to be invested within its bor¬
Third—That so wide a latitude of invest¬
ments is allowed, namely, the city, village,
count}', or towii bonds of the States mention¬
ed ill the act, and the rale of interest promised
for such investments is so high that the in¬
ducements thus ollered will result in the diver¬
sion of capital from this Slate, and Avill en¬
courage the corporations mentioned iu tlie act
to make investments of donbtfnl security and
Fourth—That before the recent panic the
demand for loans upon bond aud inoi'tgage
was far in excess of the suppl}', which
was owing to the high rate of taxation, by
reason of which capitalists are deterred from
making sucli loans. Tliatwdien business again
revives there will be need for all the surplus
capital that may be available for loans upon
mortgages or for the development of the va- j
I'ions iiKlusti'ies of the State. i
Fifth-—Tliat owing to the injurious system i
of taxation within tliis State, aud the usury |
laws, very large amounts of capital have been j
sent beyond its borders to invest in the West- j
ein and Northwestern States, where the rates !
of interest are higher than in this State, by
means of Avhich s^id capitalists escape ta.xa¬
tion ; and il is feared that if this bill be passed
it will open the way for further depletions of
cajilfal in tlie snme directions; that even if
the bill as now drawn is uot broad enough to
accomplish this result, it is apprehended that
it will be altered so as to remove any restric¬
tions in the way of such investments. Re-
sp(!Ctfully submitted.
Dated"New York, ^Nfarch 13,1875.
President East Side Association.
•Toirx W. PrRssox,
President West Side Association,
Pro tern.
B. W. A-'an YooKHis,
President AVashington lieiglits Improvement
Aprd7, S, 0, 10, 12, 13.
Bank st., u. w. cor. Greenwieli av., tlieuce^
nortli along Greenwich av. l.oG.S to l:^tli st.,
X west along I'Jth st. DG.lOx south lUl to |
Bank st., x east IIH.G to beginning......... i^
Bedford st., s. \v. eor. Commeree st., thence (
west IT-T alony; GiHiiuunoe St., x south 7S.2 I
X east \06:.\ tu Bedford St., x north 75.4___|
Mott st., w. s., ;250 u. Hester st., ;3.5xlOO......J
Louis G. Jlart to Horatio Gomez. (T-oU part.)
Bowerv, e. s., l.")0.l u. Rivington st., ;i4.1lxl.NG
to alley. Catharine E. wife of Enoch Dick,
White Plains, to Jonas Stolts. April :5.. .50,000
CnRisTOPUEii St., n. s., 10(> e. Factory St., "Ox
00. Uobcrt ?il. Grant to Clara G. Grant. {)i
part.) April ti............................:J,4r)0
CiiKRKY' St., n. e. eor. Dover st., 49xyS..5xo5x
10.").:-). Kiichel Collins, Laurenoeville, N. J.,
to the New York Bridge Co. April 5 ....2.=),000
CouitTLANDT st. (No. 10;, "25.1x120.9. Dauiel C.
Taylor, Mary A. Kintzing, and George C,
Frank D., Na.^ah, Sarah L., and Arabella S.
Taylor to Susan S. Avery, Isabella L. Fello'^vs,
Isabella T. Hallet, and Julia S. Sherman.
(Q. C.) Juue 1, 1S72................uom.
Delatscey St., u. s., .50 e. Pitt st., 2.5x7-3. Thos.
Phelau and Patrick liafCertv to Isidor Falk.
A pril 1.....................'.............10,000
Duane st., u. s., lOOje. Broadway, 10.Sx.50xU".(J
x.50, h. & 1. John C. Halllgan io Ebenezer 11.
Batch. March 20 .......................70,000
Duane st., u. s., 119.8e. Broadway, 20.2x75x20 fi
x75, h. &â– 1. John C. Halligan to Ebenezer
H. Balch. Mareh 20.........'............80,000
Delancey st., s. s., 75 e. Orchard st., 25x87.0.
Charles A. Ullrich to Anua wife of Simon J.
Ullrich. (Kpart.) Dee. 11, 1874.........8,000
East Broadway, s. s., 117.8 e. Clinton st., 23.7
xS7.(), h. ^"0 I. Agnes Quiulan to the Sisters
Charity Vincent de Paul. April 8........10,000
East Broadway, s. s., 821 e. Catharine st., 2.5x
7.5. James F. Cou Way, Far Rockaway, L. I.,
to Williani A. Conway. April 7..........20,000
Elizabeth st., w. s. (IS'o. 2i7), bet. Prince and
Houston sts., 23.^x^0.6. Henrietta Stutzman,
wife of George P., to JuHa Berck, Chicago,
111. Murch 15...........................14,000
Eldridge st. (No. 71), w. s., 175 s. Grand st.,
25x100. Cathariue A. Cressy, Margaret Wat¬
son, Mary Eliz. Ewen, and Philip K. Ewen to
Eliza Ewen. May 4, 1874................nom.
Same property. Cathariue A. Bumstead, Mary
A. Vandewater, and Margaret K. wife of
Charles Gamble to Mary Ann Vandewater.
Mav 4, 1S74..............................noin.
Fi.ETciiEu St. (No. 9), 19.0x27.0 Bernard Duf¬
fy to Bernard C. Duffy. April 0...........gift.
Greenwich st. (No. 209), -22.1x75.4x20.7x0^.
George Harrison to Samuel M. Lederer.
April 1___.'...........................25,000
Henry st., n. s., 80.11 w. Jefferson St., 21.8x7.5.
^loriiau Jones to Marv wife of Patrick II.
Keeuan. Jan. 23......"..................9,000
Hudson St., s. w. cor. Jane st., lS)x.55. William
G. Annan to Margaret Baker, William C. Le¬
mon, aud Williani G. Annan (Trustees). (C.
a.G.) (.Morts. S7,000.) Aprils..........nom.
Mott st. (No. 234), e. s., 120.1 s. Prince st., 25
x92.5x24.9x92.2, h. & 1. Thomas Keenan and
Patrick F. Hegg (Exrs. of Thomas McCabe)
to Janies She.a. Marcli 31................8,800
Mulberry st., w. s., 05.9 s. Houston st., 25.2x
125x'24xl23. Joseph M. Leon (Exr. of Esther
Leon) to the Institution of Mercv, New York.
Jan. 15........................1....... 12,000
Same properly. Joseijh M. Leon aud Caroline
Nones (widow) to same parties. Jan. 15.12,000
Muluerry St., w. s., 0.5.9 s. Houston st., 25.2x
125x24xl'23. Josej^h M. Leon et al. (children
of Eveline J. Leon, dec'd) to the Institution
of Mercy, New York. Jau. 15...........12,000
Norfolk st. (No. 87), w. s., 51.8 n. Delancey
St., 19x20.(i. Heni'ietta -wife of Louis Silber¬
stein to Heury Steinert. (Course left out.)
April 0................................It5,000
Orchard st. (No. 29), w. s., 1.54.2 s. Hester st.,
24.3x100x24.1x100, li. A 1. Johu Gross to Con¬
rad Sehniidt. April 10..................29,700
Same jiroperty. Conrad Schmidt to Anna wife
of John Gross. April 12................29,700
P.ARic row, s. s., 05.9 e. Ann st., ruus east 20.3 x
south S3.0 X east 4.(5 x south 23.11 x south¬
west 17.3 to Ann st., x west 05.0 x easterly
24.0 X north 02.4 to beginning (being No. 11
Park row and Nos.-5, 7, 9, and 11 Aim st.).
Kebccea P. Douglas to Joseijli W. Douglas.
(1-11 part.) Api'il 12.....................0,,500
Si'RiNG St. (No. 190), s. s., bet. Sullivan and)
Tlioiupsou sts., 25x75....................j
Sullivan st., u. w. s., 50.3 n. e. Spring st., f
44.5xl00xl5x 104.3.........................I
Joseph K. Butler to Maria Anne wife of
Janies Winterbottom. (C. a. G.) April lo.nom.
Same property. James Winterbottom to Joseph
K.Butler. April 13....................nom.
St.anton St., s. s., 80 e. Norfolk st., 20x.50. Au¬
gust Hartwig to Julia wife of Isaac Elsbach.
March 29.................................8,000
Sullivan st. (No. 100), w. w. s., 100.8 u. e. 1
I Spring St., 25x100.......................
1 Interior lot (probably ad.j. above) on centre |
line het. Macdougal and Sullivan sts., on \
division line bet. N. Bayard farm and Trin¬
ity Church farm, runs uorth 20.b x west 24 |
X souih 13.8 X east 2.5.4.................... i
Joseph K. Butler to Maria Anne wife of
James Winterbottom. (G. a. G.) April lo.nom.
Sullivan st., s. e. s., 243.0 u. e. Prince st., 24.8
xlOO. Daniel J. Marshall, PLaintield, N. J., to
John Rabenstein and George B. Christmann.
April 12..................'..............12,400
4tii St., s. s., 100.10 w. Lewis St., I5x95.9.vi7.3x
95. Adam Ellwein to Frederica Bachman.
(All title.) (Q.C.) April 9...............4,125
9tii St., n. s., abt. 200 w. od av., 23.4x.S7.6 (in¬
cluding,);^ Lafayette Court). Eliza A. D.
wife of William M. Tweed, Jr., to Ebeuezer
H. Balch. Apriie ......................18,000
13th St., s. s., 24.5.0 w. Av. A, 24.3x103.3. Fred¬
erick Stall to Barbara wife of Charles Sander,
Waterbury, Conn. March 18.............nom.
ISth st., s. s., 150 w. oth av., 25x103.3. Louisa
Dwinelle to William H. Dwiuelle. June 7,
11th St., s. s., 214 w. 1st av., 2-3x92. William
L. Boyd and Israel Corse (Exrs. George I.
Couuele) to Marie wife of Julius Leopold.
; March 33.................................nom.