Real Estate Record
Vol: XV.
No. 373
Published Weekly by
C. W. SWEET............Pkksident AND Treasuker
PRESTON L SWEET........Secretary.
L. ISRAELS......................Business Manager
Oue year, in advance...........SIO 00
Communications should be addressed to
Nos. 345 AND 347 B ioadwat
AprU 28, 29, 30, 3Iay 1, 3,
J3ARR0W St., n. 8. (No. 34), 81 w. Bleecker st.,
2-Jx94. Henrietta wife of George Starr to
Theron S. Copeland. April 27...........?8,.500
Bleecker st. (No. 181), 25x7.5. Jacob Cohen to
Louise wife of Xavier Huerstel. April 39.exch.
BROADW>-y, e. s., 26.3 s. 55th st., 51.7x86.8x50x
99.6, h. & 1. Frederick P. James to Peter P.
Cornen, Ridp^efleld, Conn., and Henry J.
Beers, McClintockville, Venango Co., Pa.
April 20.................................60,000
Broadway, e. s., 77.5 s. 56th st., 5L.5x88.7x45.3
X103..5. Peter P. Cornen, Ridgefield, Conn.,
and Henry J. Beers, McClintockville, Pa., to
Frederick P. James. April 20............65.000
Broome st., s. w. cor. Sheriff st., 2.5x75, h. & 1.
Louise wife of Xavier Huerstel to Jacob Co¬
hen. April 29.........................exch.
Batard St. (No. 331, s. s., 94.6 e. Bowery st., 20
x49.9. h. & 1. August Lindemann to George
Roth. April 15..."___ ..... ...........nom.
'Same property. George Roth to Pauline wife
of August Lindemann. April 15.......... nom.
Carmine st. (No. 84), s. s., 38.9 e. Varick st., 20
x60. John A. M. Starr, Yonkers, N. Y., to
Eliza wife of Joseph Lamb...............9,000
Catharine St., w. s., near Oak st., 16.10x71 to
alley in rear, h. & 1. Samuel T. Valentine
and Charles Griffen ^Exrs. of Henry McDon¬
ald) to Bernard Gallagher. April 24......11,400
Same property. Ann E. Wallace, New York,
and Susan wife of George R. Hobby, Brook¬
lyn, to Bernard Gallagher. (Q. C.) April
Cherry st. (No. 12.5), s. s., 87.11 e. Catharine
St., 16.8x62x16.8x60.6. Henry Van Wart
(Trustee") to Sarah I. wife of James Kent,
Fishkill,' N. Y. (1-6 part.) Feb. 10.........
..............................Consid. omitted.
Carmine st. (No. 65), n. s., 1.50 w. Bedford st.,
25x90. August L. Nosser to Thomas H. Ger¬
aty. (See Mott sf.) Mayl.......'.......40,000
Chambers st., westerly cor. Oak St., 2-3.3x16.4
to Oak St., X 14.6 (gore). Ann E. Mitchell,
Martha C. Kneeland, New York, Adeline An¬
dariese, Furman L. Kneeland, George F., D,
Austin, Emily S., and Louisa M. L. Taylor,
Brooklyn, L. I., to Samuel L. Mitchell. Mar.
20, 1861....................................890
Same property. William E. Andariese, Brook¬
lyn, to Samuel L. Mitchell. (Q.C.) March
Delancey st., n. s., 32.6 e. Orchard st., 55x75,
hs. & Is. Frederick Heerlein to Samuel Zei¬
mer. (See 56th st.) May 1,.............80,000
East Broadway, s. w.. cor. Catharine st., 50.2x
75.8. Phoenix Remsen, Alexander S. Webb,
Robert Lenox Belknap, Wm. H. Kane, and
George G. Waters (Exrs. H. G. Remsen) to
John McCahill, Middlesex Co., N. J. Mareh
East Wasuington pl. (No; 1.5), n. s., 100 w.
Mercer st., 25x100. Augustus V. Binsse to
Thomas Baron. April 30................30,000
Eldridge st. (No. 71), w. s., 175 s. Grand st.,
25x100. Mary A. Vandewater (Committee)
to Carl Heinrich Zander and Caroline Zand¬
er, his wife. April 29...................15,000
Same property. Eliza Ewen and Mary A. Van
dewater to same. April 29..............15,000
Essex st, e. s., .52.6 s. Rivington st., 17.6x50, h.
& ]. Samuel T. Valentine and Charles Grif¬
fen (Exrs. Henry McDonald) to Ann Eliza
Wallace. April 24........................6,900
Same property. Susan wife of George Hobby,
Brooklyn, to Ann Eliza Wallace. (Q. C.)
Gramercy park, e. s., 19.8 s. 21st st., 19.8x80.
Emily F. Mixer, Brooklyn, L. I., to Amanda
E. wife of Curtis Juds"on, and Charles Ely.
April 30.................................9,000
Greenwich st. (No. 763), e. s., 82 s. Bauk st.,
21x70x21x69.3. Abraham Van Houten to
John Reuter. April 28..................10,000
Grand st., s. w. cor. Orchard st., 21x70, h. & 1.
Antonio Minaldi to Henry Hesse. April
Greenwich st. (No. 710), 2.5x84.6x26.6x93.9, h.
& 1. Maria wife of John Gilmore to Samuel
N. Hatch. May 1.......................10,000
Henry st. (Nos. 320, 322, and 324), s. s., 175.4
w. Jackson St.. 75.3x95.3x75x94.10. Charles
Curtiss and William L. Shardlow to Marks
Rinaldo. May 1........................27,000
Henry st. (indeft.), 23x87. Jane T. Dillon and
Louisa A. O'Donohue (Extrx.) and Joseph
Riley (Exr. of James Murphv) to Margaret
wife of John McMahon. May 1..........10,650
Jefferson st., s. w. cor. Heni-y st., 25x104.6.
(Leasehold.) Morgan Morgans to Howard
James st. (Nos. 31 and 33), w. s., 43.9x25 — '
Clinton st. (Nos. 48 and 50), e. s., 150 s.
Stanton st., 50x100.......................
Thomas R. Agnew to Alfred Mulligan, East
Neck, Suffolk Co., N. Y. May 1 .......100,000
King st. (Nos. 37 and 39), n. s., 248.7 e. V-a-
rick St., 50.9x100. George A. Boyce (Trus¬
tee) to William Cleary. April 1......... 25,000
Mott st. (No. 161), w. s., abt. 1.50 n. Grand st.,
2.5x100. Thomas Geraty to August L. Nosser.
(See Carmine st.) May 1................1S,.500
Park st. (No. 41), s. s., 25x abt. 97.9. (Fore¬
clos.) Francis C. Barlow to Edward Rich¬
ardson. Dec. 22. 1874..................11,900
Prospect pl., w. s., 17.1 n. 42d st., 10.8x54.
Isaac Unger to Rachael Unger. April 27.nom.
Pine st. (No. 88), n. s., 58.11 w. Front st., 16.10
x22.11xl6.11x22.10. Anna Adair, Geo. W.
White, and- William J. Sayres (Exrs. of Rob¬
ert Adair) to Edward T. McLaughlin, Jersey
City. AprillS...........................5,725
Renwick st. (No. 20), e. s., 330 s. Spring st.,
runs east 60 to alley, x south 10 x south¬
west 14 x west .50 to Renwick st., x north
20 to beginning. Edward F. Hopke, Jr.,
Hastings, Westchester Co., to Anna wife of
Henry Hellmers. (C. a. G.) April 7.....nom.
Rivington st. (Nos. 221 and 22.3), s. s., 50 e. Pitt
St., 50x100. Fredericka Moadinger (Extrx. of
John Moadinger) to Daniel Wettereau.
(Correction deed). April 27...............nom.
Roosevelt st. (No. 27), w. s., 25x70. John
Henry Schulte, Brooklyn, L. L, to Henry
Klee. April 29..........................20,000
Roosevelt st. (No. 48), s. e. cor. Bowery, runs
south 22.9 X east 100.6 x noith 24.11 x west
98.2 to Bowery, x southwest 3.4 to beginning.
(Foreclos.) Frederick Smyth to Elias G.
Brown. April 29..........................5,275
Rutgers st. (No. 24), w. s., 50 s. Henry st., 25x
84.7, Phoenix Remsen and others (Exrs.
Henry R. Remsen) to James Plunkett. Mar.
Ridge st., n. w. s., 66 n. e. Broome st., 34x75,
h. & 1. Wolf Boroschek to John Friedmann.
April 30.._______.......................11,000
Sheriff st., w. s., 125 s. Rivington st., 2.5x100.
Lewis Ash to George L. Smith. April 23..8,000
Sheriff st. (No. 63), w. s., 125 s. Rivington st.,
2.5x100. George L. Smith to Lehman Weil.
April 23.....,...........................14,500
Spring st. (No. 25), n. s., abt. 25 e. Mott st., 23.9
X114.6. Samuel Gjv^ams to James J. Sle-vin.
April 29...........:^....................13,075
St. Mark's pl. (No. 100)4), n. s., 238 w. Av. A,
12.6x94, h. & 1. Charles J. Goeller to Friede¬
rich Mohr.................................9,000
Spring st. (No. 282), s. s., 225 w. Hudson st., 25
x7o. Samuel C. Brown, Baltimore, Md., to
John 11. Heaselden. May 1.............11,500
Warren st. (No. 51), 2.5.1x80.5. (Lease 21 yrs.)
The Orphan Asylum Soc, New York, to
Joseph Agate, Yonkers. Per year........1,2-50
Warren st. (No. 51), 25.1x80..5. (Leasehold.)
John W. C. Leveridge (Ref.) to Joseph Ag¬
ate, Yonkers. (Partition.) April 29.....12,2.50
Wateh St., n. w. cor. Gouverneur st., 2.5.7x
67.11. Eliza wife of Robert McNally to Dan¬
iel Sweeny. April 22.....................6,.500
Wavehly pl., n. e. s., bet. 5th av. and Macdou¬
gal St., 27.6x134.11 to carriage or alley way.
(Lease 21 years.) Mary A. C. Rogers ("vvidow,
<kc.) to Elizabeth M. Conkling. Per year..1,000
West st. (No. 234.) (5 years' Lease from 1873.)
Arthur Donnelly (Admr.) and Richard War¬
ren to Hermann Segelken, Hoboken, N.
William,St. (No. 267), n. s., 94.9 w. Pearl st., "|
abt. 20.4x64.6.............................I
William st. (No. 269), n. s., 74.9 w. Pearl st., (
20x—......;......................;...... j
W'illiam Wagner to Frederick Hoch. Febru¬
ary 25...................................25,000
Willett st., w. s., 125 s. Rivington st., 25x100,
h. & 1. Katharina Dexheimer (widow) to
George A. and Barbara Meier, Brooklyn..33,000
Washington pl. (No. 15), 100 w. Mercer st., 25
xlOO. Augustus V. Binsse to Thomas Barron;
April 30.................................30,000
3d St., s. 8., 135 w. 2d av., 20x61. Margjiret
wife of Edwin Goraez to Anthony Reichardt.
April 26................................10,U50
4Tn St., s. s., 363.3 w. Av. D, 22.11x96. Mayer
Schutz to Carl Krog. April 28...........14,.50O
7tii St., n. s., 225 e. 2d av., 2.5x97.6. Johanna
Kaiser (widow) to Elise N. Eickhoff. May
1 .......................................23,.500
9th St., s. 8., 185.11 e. Oth av., 16.8x93.11. Mar¬
garet wife of Stephen T. Russel to Adelia K.
wife of James E. Broome. April 26......21,-500
IOth st., n. s., 64.4 e. Dry Dock St., 41.8x72.
Ann wife of Lewis Mawson, and others (heirs
at law of Samuel and Sarah Philips, dec'd)
to Philip Miller. Aprill................24,750
West 12Tn st., s. s., 59.2 e. Sth av., 20.Gx62.1x
29.11x82. Eder V. Haughwout, Madison,
Morris Co., N. J., to Isaac J. Myers. April
14th St., n. s., 125 e. 7th av., 25x98x30.llx
116.11. (Partition.) John W. C. Leveridge
(Ref.) to George Cbesterman. April 30. .22.400
16th St., 8. s., 185 e. 6th av., 20x103.3, h. &1.
John Hardman to the College St. Francis
Xavier, New York. April 30............2^1,500
16th St., n. 8., 27.5.2 w. 9th av., 24.11x92, h. & 1.
(Foreclos.) Charles H. Hildreth to Henry
Lipraan, New York. April 30, 18'J5.........400
17th St., n. 8., 194 e. Ist-av., 25x92. (Parti¬
tion,) John W. C. Leveridge (Ref.) to Pat¬
rick Trainor. April 30..................11,100
18th St., s. 8., 194 e. 1st av., 25x92. (Parti¬
tion.) John W. C. Leveridge (Ref.) to Pat¬
rick Fennelly. April 30.................10,000
18th St. (No. 130 E.), s. s., 130.3 e. Irving pl.,
13.6x92. h. & 1. Adolf Klaber to Charles
Eimer. April 30.......................15,250
18tu St., s. s., 485.6 w. oth av., 24.6x87. The
Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church to Charl¬
ton T. Lewis. April 6...................24,600
19th St., n. 6., 420 w. .5th av., 2.5x92. William
Mackay to Richard Irvin, Jr. April 26 . .30,000
19th St., s. s., 148 w. Sth av., 16x70 (except
Strip off w. 8., 45 s. 19th St., 7x2-5.) Michael
Cavanagh to John E. Davis. April 28.....9,650
20th St., 6. s., 217.4 e. 6th av., 32.8x92, h. & 1.
Margaret L. Winslow (widow) to Elizabeth
A. wife of Roswell D. Hitchcock. April
20th and 21st sts., centre line of block, 237.4 w.
2d av. (irreg. interior gore and stable). (Lease¬
hold.) James L. Harway to William R. Ren¬