Broadway (No. 930). MitcheU HaUiday WUUam Edelstein..................85.45
Bridge at Macomb's Dam. The South
Brooklyu Saw MiU Co. agt Mayor, &c.3,()23,68
Delancey st, n, s, (No. 48), WiUiam H,
BroAvu agt Kessler <k Riderbach.......2.50.79
Eighty-first st., s, s„ 125 av. Istav. (Cont'n
to May 23, isro,) Timothy Buckley agt
J, Lundmarke.........................63,00
Eighty-fifth st,, s, s., 4 houses, 67.4 av.
Lexington av, John ReiUy agt, Martha
East St. (a lien not correct, laid over by
Lein Clerk for examination).............------
Forty-seventh st (No. 134 W.) James Lee
agt, Mr, and Mrs, Kennelly............188,36
Fifth av,, AV, s., bet 26th and 27th sts,
(Cont'n to Mav 27, 1876,) John C, John¬
son & Co, agt" Marietta Stevens.......700.00
Fifty-seventh st, n. s, (No. 227 E.)
(Cout'n to May 27,1876.) Murray & Finn
Forty-fifth st, n. s.,260 w, Sth av, (Cont'n
to jau, 16, 1874). John H. Edelmeyer
agt. Christian KoUe....................380.00
Henry st. (No, 73). AV, M, & R. H, John¬
son agt. George Sohlke................115.16
Seventy-eighth st, n. s., 205 e. 3d av. Kel¬
ly & Rogers agt. Charlotte Seebald.....540,00
Thirty-fourth St., a, s., 300 w. llth av.
CarroU & HoAvard agt,------...........131.25
S2 "DegraAV st, n, s., 250 e, Oth av,, 50x141,6,
Emmily M. MiUer agt Y^'^m. H. Hoover
aud Robert S. B-ates................$1,150.00
19 Hoyt st, n. e. cor. 1st st, 77.x70 (Nos. 3.5.5,
3.57 359, and 361), Jaines Stehll agt Mar¬
garet Corbett..........................110.00
24 Decatur st., n, s., 85 e. Throop av,, 200x
100. Peter Galloway agt John J, Quinn
and Fredk, T, Cowan...............1,750.00
24 Quincy St., n, s,, 75 e, Marcy av,, 90x—, 5
houses, Davis & Co, agt. J. Deasen-
24 Reid av., vr. s, (See Lien,) HaU, Remsen
& Hannah agt, George H, Horn........97.01
20 Margaretta st, s. e. s., 200 e. Broadway, 50
xlOO. Dauiel Scott agt Thomas Hagerty
and Moses May......................152.00
•20 Sarae property. Uriah Ellis agt. same..146,55
23 Margaretta st, s, s., 195,8 e, BroadAvay, 18
xlOO, John Mullen agt. same..........71,50
S2 Broadway, s. s., bet Macon and Halsey
sts., 10 houses. Francis S. Haas agt
Chas. Bonecamp and Louis Sattler.....150.42
Plan 385—Thikty-segond st., s. g., fko.m
BroadAvay to Oth av., one five-story marble bank¬
ing house, 96,9 and 110x40 ; cost, .$400,000 ; own¬
ers, Dime Savings Bank, Canal st, cor. Laightst;
. architect, S. D. Hatch ; buUders, Joseph Smith
Plan 3S6—One Hundred and Twentieth st,,
E, B,, 70 w, Av, A, one two-story brick stable, 8x
16 ; oAvner and architect, August Schluter, Av. A
and 120th st.; builders, John Welsh and H. Bart¬
Pl.\.n 387—Sixtieth st., n, s,, 275 e, 11th av,,
three four-story brick dAvellings, 25x60; owner,
&c., Thoraas Brophy, 428 AVest52d st
Plan 388—First aa^., s, w, cor. 12-3d st., one
four-story brown stone tenement, 3.5.2x60 ; owner
and architect, John O'Connor, 68th st, lst and 2d
avs.; buUder, P. Thornton.
Plan 3S9—Little Twelfth st. (No. 17), one
tAvo-stoiy brick storage and dwelling, 2.5x35; own¬
er, AVm.KoUing ; buUder, Robert Cunningham.
Plan 390—Sixty-first st., n. s,, 155 e, 3d av,,
six three-story broAvn stone dwellings, 18x52;
â– OAvners, &c,. A, & S, BusseU, 106 East Slst st ;
.mason, B, Munday.
Plan 391—One Hundred and Thirteenth st.,
.B. B., 100 AV, 3d av,, one three-story brick store and
,dwelling, 20x43; owner, Adam Stemmann, 106th
Bt, bet 2d and 3d avs, ; builder, AndrcAV HaUey.
Plan 393—River and Ackerman sts., w. s.,
300 n. Riverdale av., Kingsbridge, one two-story
•dwelling, 18x36; owner, ChaB. Winegard, Kings-
,t»ridge ; architect and buUder, S.a.muel L. Berrian.
Plan 393—Division st,, s, s,, 1.50 w, Kings-
bridge road, Spuyten Duyvil, one two-storj' dAvel¬
Ung, 24x18 ; owner, John Croake, Spuyten Duy¬
vil; architect &c., S. L. Berrian,
Plan 394—FoRTy-EiGUTH st, (No, 419 AV,), one
five-story brick teneraent, 25x.55 ; owner and archi¬
tect, AVm, H, AVagner, 419 VVest 48th st
Plan 395—Fortieth st. (No. 268 W.), one five-
Btory iron and brick store, 2.5x71; owner, Geo.
H. Ranch, 620 Sth av.; architect and buUder, B.
S. Laforge.
Plan 396—Fifty-sixth st. (No. 315 E.), one
four-story brick tenement, 2.5x60; OAvner, Peter
Hoey ; architect, Theo. J. Beir; builder, F. Mc¬
Plan 397—Forty-eighth st. (Nos. 328,330, and
33'2). Three (Iavo double and one single) flve-
story broAvn stone tenements, 26.9 and 21.6x82,6
and 65 ; owner, John Strobel, 266 West 12th st,;
architect, James Stroud ; builders, Cockerill &
Plan 398—Dark lane, e, s., 1.50 n. Boston av,,
Kingsbridge, one two-story brick dwelling, 21x
27; owner and builder, George Dorman, Kings-
bridge ; architect and builder, Saml, L. Berrian,
Plan 399—Seventeenth st, (No. 4:)9 W., rear),
one two-story brick stable, 25.x20 ; owner, Alex¬
ander Derry, 439 AVest 17th st.
Plan 400—Second av., e. s., .50,6 s. .52d st.,
one fiA'e-story brown stone store and dweUing, 25
x75; owner, &c., M. A, Gayton, 9.53 3d av.
Plan 401—One Hundred and Twentieth st,,
n, a,, 175 e, 3d av,, five four-story brick dwellings,
20x56 ; owner aud builder, Hargrave O. Grovers,
Ellen St., Morrisania.
Plan 402—Spring st. (Nos. 6 and 8), and
Prince st (Nos. 8 and 10), four five-story broAvn
atone atores and tenements, 25x70 ; owner, Mich¬
ael Murray, 103 East OOth st ; architect, AVm. E.
Plan 403—Thirtieth st. (No. 121 AV.), ten
four-story brick dwellings, 25x.58; owner, John
Dorr, 485 Oth av.; architect, M. C, Merritt,
Plan 404—Delancey st. (No, 218), one five-
story brick store and teneraent, 25.6x60; oAvner,
Chas, A, Buddensiek ; architect, Fr, S, Barus,
Plan 405—Fifty-fourth st,, n. s., 64 e, 2d av,,
one four-story brick distillery, 36x88 ; oAvners, Mr,
Simes & Co. ; architect, Fr. S. Barus.
Plan 406—Fifty-fourth st. n. s. (rear), 64 e.
2d av., one tAvo-story brick stable, 36x15; OAvner,
Mr. Siraes ; architect, Fr. S. Barus,
Plan 407—Thirtieth st,, s, s., 100 e. 8th av.,
two five-story broAvn stone stores and tenements,
25x73; owner, Chas, A, Buddensiek; architect,
Fr, S. Barus.
Plan 408—Forty-seventh st. (Nos. 217, 219,
and 221 E.), three five-story brick stores and ten¬
ements, 35x63; OAvner. Chas. A. Buddensiek;
architect, Fr. S. Barus.'
Bayard et (No. 82), raised one story, altered
front; cost, §1,500; owner, Henry Valentine;
builder, Robert Coles.
Bleecker st (No. 100), extension 10x33 ; owner,
H. A. Chalrin ; builder, Julius M. Dubois.
Bleecker at. (No. 335), extension 13x7.6; cost,
$500 ; owner, W. G. Paterson ; builder, J. Rod¬
Broadway (No. 1479), interior alterations ; cost,
$6,000 ; owner, John J. Astor; architect, P. Kis¬
sam ; builder, John Downey.
Broadway, n. e, eor, 156th st,, extension 33x38,
&e. ; cost, $30,000; owners, Ph. and AV. Ebling;
architect, A. Pfund ; builder,------Kaiser.
Catharine st. (No. 36), interior alterations ; coat,
$3,000; owner, Mr. Solamon; architect, Mr, J.
Boekell; buUder, George Vosgar.
Av. C (No. 155), alter upper part, &c. ; cost,
?.5,000; owner, J. Davenport; architect, Wm.
Dey st, n, w. cor, Greenwich st,, interior alter¬
ations, ifee.; cost, $3,.500; owner, Peter Lawlers;
architect, J. R. Onderdonk ; builder, Patk. Hy-
Av. D (No. 38), raised one story ; cost, $1,000;
OAA'ner, John AVillbroke.
Fourth Bt (No. 87 E.), interior alterationa, iron
columns under baseraent front; coat, $-3,500;
owners, estate Sarauel Clark ; architect, G. L.
Baxter ; buUder, Freeraan Bloodgood.
Fifth st (No. 539), extension 30x15 ; cost, $800;
owner, P. Daffa; architect, Chs. Sturtzkober;
builder, Wm. Shulz.
Fourteenth st, (No, 54 AV,), iron girder in front,
&c.; coat, $3,850 ; OAvner, Franeia F. Marehall;
architects, D. & J. Jardine ; buUder, A. C. Mc¬
Fourteenth st (No. 316 AA'',), extension raised
to four atoriea ; cost, $400; owner, P. Arnaud;
architect, Jos. M. Dunn ; buUder, AV. B- Pettit
Fortieth st (No, 529 AV.), raised two feet;
cost, $600; owner, <ke., Frank Deitz,
Forty-second st, n, s,, 300 e, Sth av,, interior
and wall alterations ; cost, $2,000; OAvners, St,
Mark's Congregation.
Forty-eighth st. (No. 13 AV.), extension 17x35 ;
cost, .-^4,500; owner, Henry Iverson ; architect, J.
E. Harney ; buUder, Linus Scudder.
Forty-eighth st (No. 15 AV.), extension 14x21;
cost, $3,500; OAvner, A. C. Taylor; architect,
Bartlett Sraith ; builder, Linus Scudder.
Forty-ninth st., n, s., 181 av. Sth aA'., raised fif¬
teen feet, interior alterations ; cost, §10,000 ; own¬
ers. Eighth Av. R. R. Co. ; architect, John Correja,
Fifty-firstst,«. s,,300e, 3dav., raised one story,
extension 20x10, &c, ; cost, $2,600 ; oAvner and
architect, Hugh McNichol; builder, John O'Brien,
Fifty-third st (No, 223 E.), extension 2.5x5 on
front; cost, $700; oAvner, Thomas Stokes ; buUd¬
er, Thomas Nolan,
Fifty-ninth St., s, s,, bet 9tli and 10th avs.,
Roosevelt Hospital, extension, &c. ; cost, $5,600;
owners, Roosevelt Hospital; architect, George E,
Harney ; builder. Marc Eidlitz,
Fifth av, (No. 42), extension 18.6x48, &c. ; cost,
$20,000; OAvner, T, B, Goddington ; architect, S,
D, Hatch ; builder, George Goddington,
Greenwich st, (No, 763), raised one-half story ;
cost, $1,.500 ; OAvner and architect, John Router ;
builders, A. G. Bogart & Bro.
Hester st, n, av, cor, Elizabeth st, top AviudoAvs
enlarged ; cost, $.500 ; OAvner, AVm. KruraAviede ;
architect, Julius Boekell,
LudlOAV st (No. 142), front altered; cost, $300 ;
owuer, &c., L, Kahl,
Mott st, n, s,, 300 av. Morris av., extension 18.x
12; cost, $1,000; owner, &c., Edward K. Robb,
Nineteentli st, (No, 309 AV,), rebuild chimney ;
cost, $300 ; OAvners, estate James Kelly; builder,
WiUiam Newton,
Nineteenth st, (No. 343 AV,), raised six feet;
cost, $1,300; owner, Samuel Marsh; architect,
Robert AVUson,
Ninth av, (No, 745), extension 14x35; cost,
$1,.500; OAvner, Herman Hoefer; architect, C. F.
Ridder, Jr.
One Hundred and Twenty-second st. (No. 312
E.), raised one story; cost, $800 ; OAVuer, ttc, Ed¬
Avard Hunt,
Pitt st (No, 121), front altered ; cost, $150 ;
owner, George Kraiiz; builders, Jacob Kraus
Prince st. (No. 199), reduced fifteen feet; cost,
$225; OAvner, G. H. Behrend; buUder, Jacob
Ridge St. (No. 31), rebuild part south Avall; cost?
$300; OAvner, AA''m. Vanderrainden.
Seventh st. (No. 245), raise 1.6, new cornice;
cost, $-200 ; OAvner, James Little ; builder, Richard
Seventeenth st (No. 402 E.), door in Avest wall;
cost, $300; owner, John C. Leader ; buUder, J. J.
Sixty-ninth st, n. s., 100 w. 10th av., extension
11x21; cost, $1,000 ; owner, R. J. BroAvn ; build¬
er, Joseph Smith.
Second av. (No. 1106), extension 18.5x3, &c.;
cost, $3,000; owner, ------ Herold; architect,
Fredk. Jenth ; buUder, not selected.
Sixth av., n. e. cor. Sth st, raised one story,
&c.; cost, $3,300 ; OAvner, John AV. Earil; build¬
er, Geo. A. Davis.
Sixth av. (Nos. 631 and 623), opened into one ;
cost, $.500 ; owner, Chas. Brood ; architect, Chas.
Burk ; builder,------McDonald.
Sixth av. (No. 642), extension 20.6x31; cost,
$1,400 ; OAvner, B. Aymar ; architect, &c., B. S.
TAventy-flrst st. (No. 308 AV.), raised Iavo stories,
extension 4x38, &c.; cost, $3,000; OAvner, James
Reilly ; architects, Bragaldi, Marshall & Co.
Thirty-fifth st, n, s., 3.50 w. 10th av., extension
40x98, &e. ; cost, $15,000 ; OAvner, J. P. Hale ;
builder, P. J. Vanderbilt.
Thirty-sixth st. (No. 32 AV.), extension 15x22,
&c.; cost, $5,000; owner, Alexander Frazer;
architects, D. & J. Jardine ; builder, M. Gehegan.
Thirty-seventh st. (No. 417 AV.), front altered ;
coat, $1.50; owner, John Herames ; builder, John
Thirty-eighth st. (No. So AV.), extension 17.4x
39.3, girder in rear wall, &e. ; cost, $5,000 ; own¬
er, Jaraes Barclay ; architect and buUder, Edward
Thirty-ninth st. (Nos. 318 and 330), piers under
back shop; cost, $300; owners, Geo. Jardine &
Son; builder, P. O'Hara,