Real Estate Record
Vol. XVI.
No. 392.
Published Weekly by
C. W. SWEET...............Phesident and Treasobbb
PRESTON I. S'WEET...........Secbetakt.
L. ISRAELS.........................Business Ma.'SAgeb
ONE YEAR, in. advance___$10 00. -
Communications should be addressed to
Nos. 345 AND 347 Beoadwa-s:.
At the hour of writing this we have as yet no
detailed reports from the Convention of lumher-
men, held at Chicago during the past few days;
and, -while we hope that, in the language of the
call for the Convention, "a, more general ac¬
quaintance and interchange of opinions amone;
members of this great industry wEl result in '•
benefit to the trade generally," we doubt if the
Convention wiU have good results, so far as the
trade in this section of the country is concerned.
The general complaint in the Eastern markets
is that the Western producers are (by means ol
the special rates of freight) sending their lum¬
ber direct to the consumers at prices with -which
wholesale dealers cannot compete. It will be
difficult to con-vince "Western producers that the
abandonment of such a policy would ultimately
tend to their own benefit, and still it is just this
question that to-day more than anything else
interests all lumbermen east of Buffalo, and
should be the principal one to be discussed in a
national convention. The merchants at Albany,
Burlington, and other Eastern centres of the
lumber trade would in a body attend a conven¬
tion, no matter where held, if the Western men
would make up their minds to discuss this
knotty question, and listen to the arguments of
those in the East, whose experience cannot fail
to be of advantage to their Western competi¬
Since -writiag the above we have received a re¬
port of the proceedings at Chicago, showing that
o-dr presumptions were right. Nothing has as yet
been said as to the great question affecting the
interest of the lumber trade in this section of
the country, though we must admit that the
subject actually discussed is one of equaUy
great importance. The absence of valuable
statistics, as. to the lumber production, con¬
sumption, and export has heretofore been
a subject of great detriment to the trade
and to its proper development. We are
glad to see that our Western brethren have had
their eyes opened to this fact, and soon hope to
record a reform in this line.
Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, preced¬
ed by the name ol the grantee, they mean as follows:
lst—Q. C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, i. e.,
a deed in which all the right, title, and interest of the
grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or warranty.
2d—C. a. G. mean a deed containing Covenant against
Grantor only, in which ho covenants that he hath not
done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be im¬
peached, charged, or incumbered.
« < 1^ â–º I
XJndeb the manufacturing act, corporations
may nowbe formed for the purpose of construct¬
ing and usiag machines for dredging and filling
of land, anddock building, or for the construc¬
tion of inland wharves and basins, and the pur¬
chase, improTesaeut and sale thereof.
September 9,10,11,13,14,15.
Academy st., on a line drawn parallel thereto and
distant 150 e. therefrom, at a point on said line
150 n. VermUyea av., runs thence e. 50 x
thence n. 150 to proposed southerly line or side
of Kingsbridge road x thence w. 50 x thence s.
150.7 to beginning, lots 109x110 on Map of
Dyckman Homestead. Nicholas A. Lespinasse
to John Corbet........................... .§2,650
Baxter st., e. s., 85.2 n. Park st., 116xl00.6xll2x
100.6, \\. & 1. Isidor Falk to Sophie wife of
Charles A Buddenslek. June 8.......... .150,000
Bowery (No. 132). (Leasehold.)..............I
Elizabeth st. (No. 104). (Leasehold)..........}
Minnie wife of Philip Tobias to Charles
Delancey St., s. s., 80 e. Sheriff st., 18.6x87.6.
George Herdtfelder to Charles Kreuder, Haver¬
straw, N. Y. Sept. 1.....................27,000
Delancey st,, s. s., 106.6 e. Sheriff st., 18,6x87.6.
(Leasehold.) George Herdtfelder to Charles
Kreudeif, Haverstraw, N. Y................10,000
DESBR03SE3 St., n. c. cor. Washington st^ 20x50,
h.&l. {y part.) Bernard Shea to Timothy
Shea. (B.&S.) Aug. 21..................3,000
Same property, (y part.) Margaretta -wife" of
James H. Hewlett, Babylon, L. I., to Timothy
Shea. (B.&S.) Aug. 10...................3,000
Eldridge st., e. s., 104.1 n. Blvlngton St., 24x
87.6. George Herdtfelder to Charles Kreuder,
Haverstraw, N. Y. Sept. 1................15,000
Essex st., w. s. (No. 37), 25x87.6, h. & 1. Fanny
wife of Isaac Reinheimer to Ephraim L. Snow.
Sept. 9....................................22,760
James st., e. s., 4.4 n; New Bowery, runs thence
n. on James st. 22 x thence e. 13.3 to n. w. b.
of New Bowery, x thence s. w. along New
Bowery 34.2 x thence w. 6 to beginning. Isaac
Levy to David Salomon. Aug. 26..........7,200
Maiden lane (No. 153), cor. Fletcher st., 20.3x
62. John D. Fisk, Brooklyn, to James W. El-
well. Sept. 10............................26.000
Market sup, w. b. (No. 97), 25x46. WUliam B.
Dugaa, Brooklyn, to Mary Dugan (widow).
Sept. 3....................................12,000
Obohabd St., e. 8., 87.6 n. Grand at., 25x87.6, h.
& 1. Rosalie wife of Herman Wiegand to
August Hartwig. May 11.................35,000
Pine st. (No. 66), n. s., 246.11 e. William St., 23.4x
80. â– John Middleton to Jesse S. Blydenburgh.
June 19...................................30,000
Stanton St., s. e, cor. Chrystie st., 100x75......}
Stanton st., s. s., 100 e. Chrystie st., 25x100___j
Ann E. Barreiras to E. Ellery Anderson. (B. &
S.) Sept. 9................................nom
Wall St., n. s., adj. land of W. Denning and 1
W. Jones, 25x112...............:...........I
William st. (No. 64), 24x106...................\
6TH St., s. s., 181.3 e. 6th av., 22x97............
5TH St., n. B., 181.3 e. 6th av., 22x97............j
James K. Warren to Warren Hardenburgh,
New Brunswick, N. J. (1-24 part.) (C.a.G.)
Nov. 26,1873................-----:. ..consid. omit
Water st., n. s., adj. land ot Robson and W. L.
Simers, 62x82, 4th Ward. Mary WeUs, Brook¬
lyn, to Mary Harrisson. Jan. 7,1858........nom
Same property. David Harrison to Mary WeUs. lom
8TH St., s. s., bet. 5th and McDougaU sts., 25.6x100.
William B. Chisolm and Jefferson Coddington
(Trustees of George P. Rogers) to Jonathan
H. Crane, Englewood, N. J. 21 years, per
Uth St., s. s., 269 w. Av. A, 26x94.8. John G.
SchuU to Cnarles Langschmidt. (Sub. Morts.
$12,100 and taxes since 1871, and -water tax of
1876;) Sept. 1.........7..................14,100
12th St., n. s., 400 e. 5th av., runsth. n. e. 160x1
th. e. 61.10 X th. 8. w. 155 x th. w. 42 X th. s. I
w. 19 to 12lh St. xth. w. 8 to beginning.....1
12th St., n. s., 376 e. 5th av., runs th. n. 126 x \
th. e. 26 X th. s. 126 to 12th st. x th. w. 26 (
to beginning...............................j
Nathaniel Jarvis, Jr. (Ref.), to Edward Smith.
(Foreclos.) Sept. 6.......................11,100
13TH St., s. s., 245.6 w. Av. A, 24.3x103.3. Mar¬
garetha wife of Adam Dietrich to John C. F.
Roemer. Sept. 10........................18,000
14th St., s. 8., 163 e. Av. B, 25x103.3, h. & I. (%
part.) Wm. Hauptmann to Franz Backs (Sub¬
ject to Morts. $13,000.) Sept. 9............4,000
22D St., s. s., 87.6 e. 7th av., 18.6x85.6. Atkins
Stover, Brooklyn, to Dr. Lucy BeU. Aug.
25th St., s. 8., 150 w. 1st av., 25x98.9, h. & I,
Margaretha Boell to PhiUpp Wurster. Sept.
26th St., s. 8., 475 e. 9th av., 25x98.9. Terence J.
Duffy to Christopher. Mooney..............7,650
27th St., 8. s,, 460 w. 6th av., 20x98.9, h. & 1.
George Herdtfelder to Charles Kreuder, Hav-
ers'.raw, N. Y. Sept. 1....................15,000
30th St., s. 8., 150 e. Sth av., 26x98.9. Catharine
Knorr and John Brunner to Harriet C.
Smith................................... 27,997
33d St., n. s., 150 w. lst av., 25x98.9, h. & 1. Chris-
tepher Bock to Randolph Griggenheimer.
Sept. 10...................................16,000
37th St., 8. 8., 150 e. Sth av., 50x98.9. Thomas E.
Agnew to John Hays. Sept. 2.............43,000
38th St., U.S., 200 e. 2dav., runs e. 26 x north
122,6 X west 125 X south 11.9 x southeast 110.3
to a point 64.4 n. 38th st. x south 64.4 to begin.
Jane C. wife of Patrick J. Smith to August L.
Nosser. Sept. 7...........................13,000
38th St., s. s., 40 w. Lexington av., 20x24.9, h. &
1. Andrew Smith to Andrew Smith, Jr. May
39th St., n. s., 175 e. 10th av., 25x98.9. Magnus
Weiman to Julius Beck. Sept. 14..........12,000
39THBt., 8. 8., 300 w. 10th av., 25x98.9. Sarah
wife of John E. Hatch to Robert SomerviUe.22,000
40th St., 8. s., 175 e. 4th av., 25x98.9. Fanny
Levy to Louis N. Levy. Oct. 7,1874........nom
41st St., n. 8., 100 w. Oth av., 100x98.9. Hen¬
rietta -wife of Louis SUberstein and Rosetta
wife of Herman Steinert and PhiUp Levy to
David Dinkelspiel, Edward Oppenheimer and
Henry Hyman. (Q. C.) Sept, 14..........nom
41st St., n. s., 100 w. 9th av., 100x98.9. EUas G.
Levy to David Dinkenspiel Edward Oppen¬
heimer and Henry Hyman. (Q.C.) Sept. 14.1,500
42d St., n. s., 327.10 e. Broadway, 20x100.5 (%
part.) Margaret A. Frost to Mary L. Frost.
May 23.....................................8,000
48th St., 8. s., 245 w. 6th av., 20x100.5. SaUie
Newman to AmeUa Frank..................nom
49TH St., s. s., 160 e, 3d av., 20x100.5, h. & I. Wm.
P. and Ambrose M. Parsons to Mary S.
51ST St., n. s., 125 e. 2d av., 75x100.5. Sylvester
Murphy to David Dinkelspiel and Edward Op¬
penheimer. Sept. 14......................80,000
52D St., n. s., 275 e. Uth av., 25x47.3. (Lease¬
hold.) WiUiam H. Morse to John Furlong.
Sept. 4......................................200
52d St., n. 8., 275 e. Uth av., 25x47.3. (Lease¬
hold.) John Furlong to EUen wife of WiUlam
H. Morse...................................nom
52d St., n. s., 225 e. 9th av., 20x100.5. Patrick F.
Maginn to John Rooney, Brooklyn. (Q. C.)
Sept. 1............................-.......2,000
63d St., n. s.. 194 e. 1st av., 20xl00?6. Joseph
Meeks (Ref.) to Andrew Koch. (Foreclos.) 8,000
63d St., s. 8., 254.4 e. 2d av., 23.10x100.5........)
Av. A, e. 8., 24 n. 3d St., 24x100...............V
5thSt., 8. s., 225 e. Av. A, 25x96.2.........----)
Lud-wig H. Hasse to Ferdinand Jaeger. Aug.
53d St., s. s., 254.4 e. 2d av., 23.10x100.5.
Av. A, e. s., 24 n. 3d St., 24x100.........
5th St., s. s., 225 e. Av. A, 25x96.2......
Ferdinand Jaeger to [Johanne -wife of Ludwig
H. Hasse. Aug. 17.........................nom
54th St., n. s., 75 w. 10th av., 25x50.5. Sophie
-wife of Charles A. Buddensiek to Luia S. wife
of August Kurosky..-.....................16,500