Vol. XVI.
No. 393.
Published Weekly by
C. W. SWEET...............President and Tbeasubeb
PRESTON I. SWEET...........Secketabt.
L. ISRAELS.......1....!.....;'...'.••Business Ma'sageb
ONE YEAR, In advance....$10 00.
Communications should be addressed to
Nos. 345 and 347 Beoadway.
The amendment to the bmlding law ia the
City of Brooklyn provides that no building
shall be erected, or its erection commenced, or
any alteration made in any building already
directed or hereafter to be erected, unless proper
plans and specifications shall have been filed in
the department of fire and buildings, and a cer¬
tificate ol approval granted therefor.
All foundations shall be started not less than
three feet below the surface of the earth, and
carried up to the first tier of beams, on a good,
solid bottom, and in case the nature of the earth
should require it, a bottom of driven piles, or
laid timbers of sufficient size,, shall be laid to
prevent the walls from settling; the top of such
piles or timber bottom to be driven or laid be¬
low the water Une, and all piers, columns, posts
or pillars shall be started on a bottom in the
same manner as foundation walls. The footing
or base course under all foundations, and under
all piers, columns, posts or pillars resting on the
earth, shall be of stone or concrete, where, in the
judgment of the commissioners, the nature of the
ground or the weight to be sustained may require
it, and if under a foundation wall, shall be at
least twelve inches wider than the bottom width of
the said wall; and if under piers, columns, posts,
or pillars or truss girders, shall be at least twelve
inches wider on all sides thnn the bottom width
of such piers, columns, posts or pillars, and not
less than twelve inches in thickness; and if
built of stone, thestone thereof shall not be less
than two feet by three feet, and shall be at least
eight inches in tliickness; all base stones shall
be well bedded and laid edge to edge; if the
walls be built of isolated piers, there must be
inverted arches, at least twelve inches lihick,
turned under and between the piers, or two foot¬
ing courses of large stone, at least ten inches
thick in each course. All foundation walls shall
be built of stone or brick, and shall be laid in
cement or lime, and sand mortar, and, if con¬
structed of stone, shall be at least eight inches
thicker than the wall next above them, to the
depth of sixteen feet below the curb level, and
shall be increased four inches in thickness for
every additional five feet in depth below the said
sixteen feet}- and if built of brick, shall be at
least four inches thicker than the wall next
above them, to a depth of sixteen feet belowthe
curb level, and shall be increased four inches in
thickness for every additional five feet in depth
below the said- sixteen feet. ■
In the City of Brooklyn, no court can vacate
or reduce any p ssessment in fact or apparent,
whether void or voidable, on any property, for
any local improvement, otherwise than to re¬
duce any such assessment to the extent the
same may have been in fact increased in dollars
or cents, by reason of fraud or irregularity, and
in no event shall that proportioii of any such
assessment which is equivalent to the fair value
of any actual local improvement.be thereby dis¬
The provisions of an act applying to all life
irsurance companies authorize such com¬
panies to purchase, hold, or convey such real
estate as'may have been mortgaged to it in good
faith, byway, first, ofsecurity for loans previously
contracted; second, such as shall have been con¬
veyed to it in satisfaction of debts previously
contracted in the course of its dealings, or such
as shall have been purchased at sales upon judg¬
ments, decrees, or mortgages obtained or made
for such debts; all such real estate as may be so
acquired shall be sold and disposed of within
five years after such company shall have ac¬
quired title to the same unless the Superintend¬
ent of the Insurance Department certifies ihat
the inlerfst.t of the company will suffer materially
by a forced sale of such real estate.
Title eight of the act to amend the charter of
the City of Brooklyn is amended by adding
thereto the foUowing: "It shall not be lawlul
for the purchaser of any property that may have
been or may hereafter be sold for unpaid taxes,
assessments, or water rates, to charge or receive
more than ten per cent, per annum interest
upon the money which said purchaser may
have paid for such property and taxes, nor
more than fifty cents for each notice now by law
required to be served by such purchaser upon
the owner, moitgagee, lessee, or assignee of
such property."
Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, preced¬
ed by the name of the grantee, they mean as follows:
1st—Q. C. is an abbreviation for Qait Claim deed, i. e.,
a deed in which all the right, title, and interest of the
grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or warranty.
2d—C. a. G. mean a deed containing. Covenant against
Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not
done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be im¬
peached, charged, or incumbered.
September. 16,17,18, 20, 21, 22.
Allen st. (No. 4), 24x80. John W. Harper and
others, to Tamisseu Harp-er (widow). Sept.
Baxter st., e. s., 85.2 n. Park st., 50x100.6___
Baxter st., e. s., 160.2 n. Park St., 37xl00.6x
Sophie wife of Charles A. Buddensiek to Isi¬
dor Perl. Sept. 17......................$120,000
Baxter St., e. s., 110.2 n. Park, 25x100.6. Isidor
Perl to Stephen Bateman and Stephen W. ,
Peterson. Sept. 21....................... .nom
Baxter st., e. s., 135.2 n. Park st., 25x100.6. So- '
phie wife of Charles A. Buddensiek to Stephen
Bateman. Sept. 15...... .----.............nom
Bbnson St., e. s., indeft. location, 13x61.8, Mat¬
thew T. Brennan to Timothy Brennan.
Aug. 2:....................................4,000
Broad st. (No. 9), commencing at n. w. cor. ot
No. 11 Broad St., runs n. e. along Broad st.
26.3 to Lot 7 Broad st., thence along the same
n. e. 17.9 to land of JohnMel x southeast 51.5 x
southwest 14.6 to land of Mechanics' Bank x
northwest. 10 x along la;hd of Peter LoriUard
81.3. Anna Louisa Meyer to Anthony J. Drex-
el. (Q. C.) March 1, 1872..............; .nom
Bboome st. (No. 522), n. s., 105 e. Varick St., 25x
84.4. Margaret Whelpley and others (heirs at
law of John K. Whelpley) :o Francis T. Garret¬
son. Sept. 18.............nom and other consid
Same prcpertv. Sarah L. wife of George K.
Whelpley to'Francis T. Garretson...........nom
Same property. Henry E. Davies, Jr. (Bef.), to
Francis T. Gan-etson. Sept. 18.........----6,775
CLiNTONst. (So. 23), w. s., 100 n. Stanton, 25x
100. George Barchfield to Peter Stahl. Sept.
Clinton st., w. s., 175 n. Stanton st., 25x100.
EUzabeth wife of Henry Solms to Anna J.
Schmid. Sept. 13.........................18,300
Division st. (No. 295), including gas fixtures.
(Contract.) Solomon Levy to Benjamin Gold¬
smith. Sept. 16...........................5,000
Downing st., n. s., 221 w. Bedford st.. 19.9x90..)
Downing st., n. s., 240:9 w. Bedford St., 19.4x90 >
49th St., s. s., 450 w. Oth av., 25x100...........)
Amanda M. wife of WilUam J. Hall to Amanda
M. Senior (Executrix of Ed. H. Senior). Aug.
Eldridge St., w. s., 80 n. Delancey st., 20x60.
PhlUp H. Benk to Jacob Neh'rbass. Anril
Grand St., n. s. (No. 380), 75 e. Norfolk st., 25x)
Grand st., n. s., 75 w. Suffolk St., 25x100......)
Timothy B. McEvoy to Thomas Phelan, Flush¬
ing. ■ Sept. 7..............................50,000
Hamilton st. (No. 30), s. s., 272 w. Mark.t St., 25.3
xl03.8x25xl04. Joseph D. Powers to Charles
GUmore. (Subject to Mort. $5,000.) Sept.
Hester st. (No. 102). (Leasehold.) Christopher
Helmholz to Christy Helmholz.............1,000
Maiden lane (No. 139), bounded e. by Fletch-")
er St., containing 17 feet on Maiden lane and
FlGtctiGr st
23d St., s. S., 462.6 w. 7th av., 18.9x98.9........
56th St., n. s., 100 w.7thav., 50x106.6x50.6x
7lST St., s. 8., 125 w. 8th av., 100x100.5........
51st St., 3. s., 550 e. 10th av., 25x100.5.........
46th St., s. B., 216.4 w. Broadway, 18.8x100.5..
61ST St., n. s., 51.8 w. Madison av., 21.8x25.5..
9th av., e. s., 100 n. 57th St., 25.5x100........
Also rear strip on s. s. of lot, 20 e. of Oth av..
65th st, s. s., 250 w. Sth av., 75x100.5.........j
Francis Martin to John CampbeU........387.000
Monroe st., n.w. cor. Corlears st., runs north'
59.6 X west 20.10 X north 7.0 to Grand st. x
west 70 X south 80.6 x east 20.10 x south 76.3x
east 62.6....................................
Broome st., n. w. cor. Columbia st., 50x87.6___
Sullivan St., w. s. (Nos. 66 and 68), 142.8 n.
Broome St., 42x55.9x46.5x76.................
8th av., s. e. cor. 39th st., 98.9x100............
8th av., n. w. cor. 38th St., 98.9x100..........
35th St., s. s., 225 e. 7th av., 25x98.9..........
34th St., n. s., 228 e. 7th av., 22x98.9..........
41st St., n. s., 125 w. 6th av., 25x98.9..........
Priscilla Cohen to MatUda wife of John D.
PhUips. June 10......................... .nom
Park st. (No. 87). (Leasehold.) Giochimo
Balettl and Francesco Casassa to Domenico
Sheriff st. (No. 63), 125 s. Eivington St., 25x100.
Lehman WeU to Eosalia wife of Isaac Net¬
Spring St. (No. 212), bet. SulUvan and Macdougal
sts.; also aU other lands and premises held by
grantor as executor. John S. GUes (Exr. of
i Anthony Eabel) to Samuel M. Purdy. Sept.
St. Marks pi., s. s., 276 w. 2d av., 26x120. Geo.
H. Fasten to Bertha W. wife of Humphrey H.
Smith. June 8........................... .25,000
Washington st., w. s., 87 n; Perry st., 75.6x24x
81x23. (Leasehold.) James L; Willis to WU-
fred S. WUUs. Sept. 16....................nom
3d St., n. 8., 327 e. Av. B, 20,3x96. EmUe Bene¬
vlUe to Christopher MUler. Sept. 14....... .5,000
3d St., S. s., 386.2 w. Av. D, 22.9x105.9. Michael
Metzen to John Baierlen and Franz Closins.
Sept. 15.:.;................................exch
9th St., 8. s., 313 e. Av.B, 20x76. WiUlam C.
Spiekerman to Sebastian Hubschmldt. Sept.
20................;................... ...10,000
9th St., s. s., 270 6. University pi., 25x93.11.
(Leasehold.) J. C. Davis (Admr. of Walter
Greene) to Sarah wife of Henry J. Blake___nom
IOth St., (No. 390), s. s., 93 w. Av. C, 25x
92.3. Joshua Davenport to Lizzy M. wife of
Jonathan G. Davenport. Sept. 11..........3,110
llTH St., n. e. cor. Dry Dock st., 99x103.3. James
A. Murphy and others (heirs at law of James
Murphy) to George W. Qulntard. Sept. 17.. 11,500