No. 395.
Published Weekly by
0. W. SWEET...............Pbesident and Treasukek
PRESTON I. SWEET___.......Seobetaby.
L. ISRAELS........-----.............Business Ma'Sager
ONE YEAR, in advance___$10 00.
Commtuucations should be addressed to
Nos'. 345 and 347 Bboadwat.
Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, preced¬
ed by the name of the grantee, they mean as follows:
lst—Q. C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, i. e.,
a deed in which all the . right, title,. and interest of the
grantor Is conveyed, omitting-allxovenants or warranty.
2d—C. a. G. mean a deed containing Covenant against
Grantor only, In which lie covenants that he hath not
done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be im-
peaciied, charged, or Incumbered.
.....September 30, October 1, 2, 4,5, 6.
All right, titleand interest ia and to all real and
persona] property acquired under the last wUl
of Byam. K. Stevens. Eugene E. .^tevens to
Albert G., Alex. H., Fred. W., Josephine L.
Stevens and Frances M. wife of UrialiT. Tracy.
Sept. 2i...................................10,000
ALLBNst., e.s., 168i6n. Stanton st., 22x88. Ber¬
nard, B. McCafferty (Bef.) to Frederick Bohnert.
Sept, 28....................................9,500
BBdOME.st., n. s.. 100 e. Pitt St., 25x87.6. Charles
Beyer to Edward Beyer. Oct. 6...........12,000
Bboome St., s. .w. cor. Goerck st., 50x100. John
Sweeney (formerly McSweegan) to (Jilbert B.
Wood. Oct. 1...............................nom
BouLBVABO, n. e. cor. 109th st., runs north .176.9
X east 75 x soutti 31.9 x northeast 52.8 x south
161.6 io 109th St. X west 125. Joseph Wangler
to Saloide Loew. Feb. 26:...:.........;. 75,000
CANALst. (Nos. 211 ahd-213),n. a., 59.1 e. Baxter
St., 19;9x56.4. -Micliael A. O'Donoghue to Ann
O'Donoghue; Oct.. 6.......................25,000
Downing st., h. ff; (No. 19), 19x70..............}
Downing st (No. 21), 13x70...................j"
Martha Johnson to John Ritter. Oct. 1... .10,200
Sasie property. John S. Ross to Martha Johnson;
July 8. r,...------------.,...................10,500
Dutch st., n. w. s., 83.5 s. w. Fulton st., 21.10,
runs.a. w. 21'.10xnorthwest 101.8xnortheast
21.2 ,x southeast.49.6.± northeast 1.3 x south¬
east 51.10 to Diifchst; (Leasehold.) George.
F. Smith to Mary E. Smith.;..............4,500
GBBENWicA- St. (Nos. 787, 789, 791 and 793).... (
Abingdon stf. (Nos; l& and 20)...............j
Chai'les W. King! to Janies J. Kelso. (Lease-
hbldV) Sept. 27.;.....................___.nom
Hudson" st., e: s. (Nos: 86, 88, 92, 94), s. e. cor.
Leonard • st.^-runse. along Leonard st; 77.7 x
south along- aa-aJley":64;6-x west 50 to Hudson
Bt.x north along Hudson st.;90.7..............
Leonabd St. (No. 6), 20x:63x20x57.............._
Iffcemus'H. HoMes (Kef.) to Augustus C. Bech¬
stein. July 20......................:...... .5,000
Leonaed st., s. e. cor. Elm-st., 16.10x50x17.lOx
SO. Edwardr Binnse to Augustus V. Binnse.
.Sept.r 30;.........:.;.....:............... .27,000
MAiDBNlane, S.B., 35.3 w.-Libeirtyst. runs w. 38x
south: 215;llx-e. 7 X southeast 26.2 to Liberty
Bt. X east 17 x north 8.1 x east 7 x north 22.8 to
beginning. Maypr, Aldermen and Common-
ally of New York to Terence Farley. May
X.A..:......;;..;..:.. .v.....................29,250
Mangin st., s. J., 75 iiv Grand St., 25x100........)
Manoin St. (No. 5), 8. 8., 160 vt. Grand st., 25x>-
100.. 1.....;....;.... ..;.;......;..........)
JamesdCi. Willis to Wilfred S; Willis......... .nom
Same property. Wilfred S. Willis to Margaret S.
wife of James L. Willis. Sept. 25...........nom
MOTX st;, w. s. fNo. 107), 25x100. Catharine C.
Byron-to Wilham J. Marrln (Ref.) (Q. C.)
Aug. 23.......................:........:.....250
Eivington st., n. s.. 75 e. Columbia St., 16.8x75.
Mary Dean to Matilda Storey.;........ .'.'.. 12,500
RrvniroTON st. (No. 26), n. s., 75 e. Chrystie St.,
25X100. George Groeling to Heinrich Seipel.
Aug. 3...................;....;...........30,500
Thompson st. (No. 218), e. s., 225 n. Bleecker St.,
25x85. Cornelia A. wife ol Richard Eells to
Thoinas W. Moore. Oct. 1............___20,000
UNrvBESiTY pi., w.' s., 43.3 s. 12th St., 38.3x78.6x
38x59.9. James Kirby, Margaret O'NeU, Sarah
■wife of Thomas J. CosteUo, James J. O'Neil, to
Rhoda L. wife of George M. Thomas. Sept.
Vaeick st., e. s., 50 s. Watts st., 25x100. Eosalie
Volkert to Samuel W. Twining. (Lease- .
Willett st., e. a., 100 n. Eivington St., 24x100.
Conrad Wendel to Joseph Ehehald. Oct. 5.26,000
2d St., s. s., 175 e. Av. B, 25x100. Joseph Belle¬
sheim to Elizabieth wife of Moritz Koppe. (Q.
C.) Aug. 19..................................nom
3d St., ] s. s., 408.11 w. Av. D, 22.3x105.9. Sophia
wife of Simon Pregenzer to John. Schappert and
JuUus C. Schlachter. Sept. 25............17,700
5th St., n. s. (No. 213), 180 e. 3d av., 25x97.,
Sylvanus Stephen and Josephine Garrison and
Wm. J. Taylor to Adam Folz. Sept. 28... .14,750
Same property. Alonso C. Farnham (Guard.)
to Adam Folz. (1-5 part.)...................1,631
7th St., s. s., bet. Av. A and 1st av.. Lot 14 on
Map Samler Farih,'. 25x93.10. (Leasehold.)
John Humer to Herman Weigand. Sept.
9th St., s. s., 258 e. Av. C, 25x93.11. Leopoldina
wife of Henrich Lisberg and Eosina wife of
Hetman WUd to Katharina W. wife of George
H. Zeiss. Sept: 28....................... .16,000
9th St. (No. 12 West). Henry W. Eaymond and
others (heirs-at-law of Henry J. Eaymond) to
.Juliette Eaymond (widow). Sept 29....... .nom
llTH. St., h. s., 143 e. Av. B, 25x103.3. Joseph
Frank to Lipman Frank, (y part.) Sept.
' 29.,...,....................................7,500
llTHst., n. s., 143 e. Ay. B, 25x103.3. Lipman-
Fr^nk to Joseph Eiigel....-.................nom
Same propertyi, Jbsseph Engel to Josephine -wife
of iLippman Frank. (G. a. G.) Oct. 6..... .nom
12xHi 8t.,n. s.,, 125.3 w. Greenwich av., 22x62.
, Ebenezer BaUey to Sarah J. Eust. Aug." 23.12,000
Same property." Joseph S. Eust to Ebenezer
; BaUey. Aug. 23...........................12,000
15TH':St., S.S., 155:6 e. Irving'pl., 74.6x84. Michael
Mujrray to George P. Elder. April 20-------74,000
18TH!St., s. 8., 400 e. loth av., 25x92, WUUam C.
Conner (Sherifif) to Melinda Simon. Sept. 23..140
20TH.st:,s. s:, 225 vr. IOth av., 16:8x91.11. James
' MUlUiin to David MUlUiin. . Sept. 30........7,500
22D St., s. s., 60 e. 10th av., 20x74. (Leasehold.)
; Noah Content to Asahel Deuel. Sept. 20___5,000
24th; St., n. 8., 677:6 e. 6th av., 24x98.9. John
: Morrissey to Charles Eeed. {yiaaTt; also %,
part personal property on premises.) Sept: 6,
: ; , ,40,000
25THist., 8. s., 160.3 w. Broadway, 25i98.9.. OUver
Hatrimann to Edward P. Darling. (Lease-:
; hold.) Sept 22.:::.:......................32,500
25th St., s. s. (No. -274), 120.6 e. 8th ay.,' 16.4x98.9.\ ,
Rebecca Gilkinson to Eebecca A. GUklnsbn.
: Sept. 30...................._____............8,000
27th St., S; w. cor. 9th av., 190x98.9 Francis A.
i Palmer to Gharles Johnson. {X part.) Sept.
1 29.:.....;;...;.:...........................60,000
27th sir., 8. s., 75 e. 10th av., 25x98.9' Garrett
! Murtaugh to Ann wife of James Murtaugh.
i May 7.,..:.....;...;.....:....:......... ..24,000
29th St., h. 8., 300 w, IOth av., 25x98^9.' W^Uliain '
i Sinclair (Ref.) to James E. Carpenter...... -.4,100
30th St., h. s; 190 w. Sth av., 20x981 Si. Charteg.,;
; Werner,to Ralchen Feldinan.; Oct: i... v.. .15,000
31ST st.^ 8. 8., iOOe: 9th av., 20x98.9: Myndert '
, E. Vah Oi-dt to Catherine wife of Peter Mead;,.
■ Sept: 17'.:;;.:::.:.:.::..... ..$i andother consid
Same properly. Catherine wife of Peter Mead to
Rebecca P. -wife of Myndert P. Van Ordt. Sept.
29............................$1 and other consid
32d St., n. a., 100 ,w. 1st av., 16,8x98.9., Edward
C. Eichards (Exr. of Henry G. CoggeshaU)
to EmU andTaullne Vbri Schoening.' (Q; C.) nom
32d St., s. s., 250 e. 10th av., 50x98.9. Joseph H.
Snyder to Calha,rine EdebOhl. Sept. 20... .35,000
33d St., 8. s., 275 e. 11th av., 75x98.9. WUUam A. '
Juch to Isaac E. Valentine. Sept. 28......64,000
34th St.. U.S., 150 w. 2d av., 25x98.9. WUliam
C. Barrett to Luther Redfield. Oct. 2.... .10.000
40th St., 8. s., 275 e. 2d av., 50x98.9. Charles N.
Martin to Ja;c6b Wick, Jr. Sept. 1........12,000
41ST St., n. s., 366.8 e. 2d av., 50x98.9. Thomas
Morrison to Bertha wife of PhiUp Levy. Aug.
42D St., n; s., 145.8 e. 6th av., 20.8x100.5.......)
43d St., s. 8., 145.8 e. Oth av., 20.8x100.5.|
Luther C. Voorhis to JosephB.F. Grady. .20,000
43d St., s. s., 160 e. 10th av.. 20x100.5. Epliriam
A. Eowland to T. Corwin Gettinger. Sept.
43d St., n. s., 225 w. 10th av., 25x100.5. Christian
Suppes to Adam Eeeg. {y part.) Sept. 22.8,000
46th St., n. s., 390 e. 6th av., 20x100.5. Henry
Burthett and others (Exrs. of Eliza C. Burt-
nett) to Edward M. Brown. Sept. 30......31,000
46th St., n. s., 100 w. 10th av., 60x100. George
W. McAdam (Eef.) to Francis H. Grefe. Sept.
47th St., n. 8., 350 w. 2d av., 26x100. Catharine
Bannen to WUUam Bannen. Sept. 7___.. .23,000
Same property. WUliam Bannen to John Ban¬
nen. (Ca. G.)..........................23,000
47th St. (No. 52), s. 8., 281 e. 6th av., 21x100.5.
Imogene Borden to Samuel Holmes, Montclair,
N.J. (Q.C.)..............................nom
47th St., 8. s., 137.6 e. 7th av., 18.9x100.4. Annie
M. Halley to Joseph Becker. Sept. 29..... 20,000
47th St., n. 3., 200 w. 9th av., 25x100.5 George
F. Burch and Chariotte McKenzie to Julius
: MUler. Sept. 21.............■..............24,500
48th St., s. S.,150 w. 5th av., 26x100.5. (Lease¬
hold.) George McKenzie to Henry HUton..40,000
49th. St., n. s., 200 w. 10th av.,. 50x100.5 Jacob .
Wick to Charles N. Marlin. Sept. 25..... .32,000
52d St., n. s., 64 w. 1st av., 36x100. WiUiam A.. .
Juch to Isaac E. Valentine. Sept. 25. .;...2,500
62d St., n. 8., 359 e. 1st av., runs n. 62.9 xsouth-'
eastuntUit strikes a point distant 519 e. lst
av. X south 36.10 to 52d St. x west 160
52d St., n. s.,137;9e.lstav., runsn. 102i7x'3outh-
east until it strikes a point distant 194 e. lst
av. X south 92.6 to 52d st. x west 56.3.
52d St., n. s;, 319 e. Istav., runs n. 70 x south¬
east until it strikes a point distant 339'e. lst
av. X south 66.5 to 52d.st, x west 20,....,
WiUiam A. Juch tolssac E. Valentine. April"
26...................:...............;;. .170,000
53D St., n. s., 194 e. Istav., 20x100.5. Andriew ''
Koch to David M. Koehler. Sept. 18;...; -.16,000
55TH St., n. Si, 100 w. 9th av., 20x97. (Lease--
hold.) Peter Finlay to Catherine P. Gal¬
56th St., 8. s., 70 e. 3d av., 20x75.4.. Mary E. -wife"-
of John Kennedy to. Edgar Jerome. Oct. 1.. 2,000
56th St. (No. 36), n. a., abt. 625 w. 5th av., 25x
100.6. Eebecca wife of Henry E. W.'DavieffV
to Thomas Mmford...........:;........;; ;65,000
56th St., ,n: s., 175 e. 7th av., 25x100:5. - Thomas'
H. Landon (Eef.) to John Eoss.' (Subjectto
mort. $5,000, with int. from Dec. 1,1874). Octiil
57th: St., n. s., 175 e. 10th av., 25x100.5..:..
57th St., n. s., 200 e, 10th av., 56x100.-----,.;
Charles N. Martin to Jacob Wick. Sept... ._^OiO0P:
58th St., s: a., 95 w. Madison av.,- 25xi00:6. Wnj;;-
W; Eose to Francis S. wife of Joseph-RbflKrii
: Matavah, N. J. AprU 5....................20,100
eOTH St., 8.'S.',-295 W; 2d av.,- W.2xio8.6i', JohlliD.: -
Taylor and Thomas Bruns to Frederick Zit^l. ,v
Oct. 1..................-... ..;,■........>..:.. .16,090
60TH St., s. s., 123 e. 3d av., 19.2xl0ft.5.3 John D. -s
: Taylor to George M. HarpeU., Sept 22.., .>l'?,0P0
62D St., n. 8., 371.8 e. 3d av., 33.4x100.6; JohnD. /
Crimmins to John T. MiUer. Sept. 29.....18,200
64TH<st., s. s., 156.3 e. 2d av., 76xl00i5. Wm. A; ..
Juch to Frederick Haubner. Sept. 26...:.48,,000
66thSt.. 8. s.^ 300:6. 1st av., 50x100.5,. Wm.: A. ,...
Juch to Frederick Haubner.: Sept. 25...,.12,000
66TH St., a. 8.231.3 e. 2d' av.,18'.9xl00.5. Wm. A. :'
Juch to Peter Zimmerman.- • Septi 20:___14,000