EAL Estate Record
Vol. XVI.
No. 396.
Published Weekly by
C. W. SWEET...............PuEsmEKT and TKEASOnEB
- PEESTON I. SWEET...........Secketabt.
L. ISEAELS.........................Business Manaqeu
ONE YEAR, isi advance....^10 00.
Communications should be addressed to
c. ^w. ■^'W'Ei^rr,
Nos. 345 AND 347 Bro.\dway.
Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, preced¬
ed by the name oi tbe grantee, they mean as follows:
lst—Q. C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed. i. e.,
a deed in which all the right, title, aud interest of the
grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or warranty.
2d—C. a. G. mean a deed con taining Covenant against
Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not
done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be im-
peaiihed, charged, or incumbered.
October 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13.
Baxter St., e. s., 160.2 ii. Park St., 41xl00x37x
100. Isldor Perl to Darius C. Newell. Sept.
Broome st., n. e. cor. Cannon st., 50x75. Michael
Schaehtel to Hyatt Lyon. Oct. 11..........55,000
Broome st„ n. s., 50 e. Cannon st., 25x75. Isaac
B. Willett to Mary E. wife of Eben F. Bacon.
Sept. 11...................................20,000
Christophek St., B. s., 59.4 e. Bedford st.. 25.6x
81.8X24.X8G.9. SaUie A. Gould to Mary Green.
Sept. 24,...................................nom
Delancey st., s. s, (No. 49), bet. Eldridge and
Forsytli sts., 25x100. Charies Weitz to Charles
Liebow, E.ist-New York. Sept. 6..........25,000
Delancet St., s. s., bet. Eldridge and Forsyth sts.
(No. 49), 25x100. Charles Liebow to Sophia
Weitz. Oct. 7............................25,500
East Broadway, s. s. (No. 309), 24x76.3. James
Mackliti to John Overbeck..........•......16,000
Febrt St. (Nos. 26 and 28), 50x95. Maria A. wife
of George S. Gelston to Henry G. Lapham.
Oct. 7.....................................52,500
FoRSTTn St., e. s. (No. 18), 25x100. (Lease¬
hold.) Thomas Boese (Eef.) to Benj. Deitz.
Oct. 11.....................................12,000
Front st. n. b. (No. 290), 34 w. Rooserelt, 22.11x
74.4x25x74.7. Augustine W. Daly to Louis K.
AibrOi (Subjectto Mort. $16,000.) Oct. 6. .nom
Front st., n. s. (No. 288), 66.n -vv. Eoosevelt,
22.11x74x25x74. (Subject to Mort. $16,000.)
Oct. 6..........—... .—................. .nom
Gansevoort st.. s. s.. 200 e. Washington St., 23x
87.4. Mary E. Hoe to James C. Hoe. Oct.
Graherct park, e. s., 39.5 s. 21st St., 19.8x80.
Richard H. Bowne to Charies Ely and Amand
E. wife of Curtis Judson. Sept. 28.........nom
Henby St., u. s., 121.4 e. Jefiferson st., 25x87.6.
Mary Eyan to Margaret T. wife of Jarues Rus¬
Henry st., s. S., 263.3 e. ScammeU sc, 24x—.
Leonard Anspach to Abraham Stern. Aug.
Same property. Abraham Stem to Cfiristina
wife of Leonard Anspach. Aug. 25........26,000
Houston st., s. s., 68.4 e. Eldridge st., 25x75. An¬
drew Kuhner to Charles Junghans. Oct.
Same property. Charies Junghans to Magdalena
Kuhuer. Oct. 8..........................26,000
Houston St.,-8. s., 40w. Pitt sfr., 20x50. Anua
wife of Bernhard Joachim to Jacob Hartman,
Mount Vernon. Oct. 11..................17,026
Ludlow st., w. s. 150 s. Grand St., 25x87.6. Yal-
entlne Rink to Herman Bernhardt........2i;,900
Ludlow st., w. s., 150 s. Grand st., 25x87.6. Her-'" .,
mann Bernhardt to Eosina wife of Valentine
Rink. Oct. 6.............................25,000
Ludlow st., vr. a. (Nos. 41 and 43), 25x87.6. Isaac
Elsbach to Louis Hershfield. Oc*-13. <.. < .40,000
Pike st., e. s. (No. 49), 21.10x40.3, irreg. Nathan
M. Rosinsky to Sarah Solomon. Sept. 22. .11,600
Reade st. (No. 177). Charles J. Regler, Jr., to
Emma Peters, Stuyvesant. N. Y............nom
Same property. FrankUn Peters to Charles J.
Segler, Jr. (One-sixth interest and one-fifth of
one-third interest.)........................nom
Stanton st., s. s., 80 e. Norfolk St., 20x50. Julia
wife of Isaac Elsbach to Ebenezer K. Rose.
Sept. 1.....................................nom
Thompson st.. w. s. (No. 27), 20x80. Charles
Seitz to Jacob David. Sept. 30...........110,000
Varick St., e. s.. Lot No. 72 Map Church Farm,
24.1x100. Gerard M. Stevens (Ref.) to Benja¬
min B. Johnston..........................8,800
5th St., s. s., 287.4 vr. 2d av., 20.9x92.4. Maria
'Wife of John Schafier to Katharina Schmitt.
Oct. 12.....................................17,000
llTHSt., n. s., 190,3 w. 5th av., 40xl03.3x39.7x
103.1. George Spicer to Eliza Luff. Oct. 9. 17,500
13th St., n. s., 443.6 w. 2d av., 16.6x103.3. Eosa
Sanchez De Recio, Concepcion A. wife of Fran¬
cisco Sanchez, Isabel S. De Agnero to Mariana
BeLancQiirt De Sanchez. (Q. C.) Oct. 5___4,047
13th St., n. 8., 443.6 vr. 2d av., 16.6x103.3. Ed¬
ward D. Gale (Ref.) to Mariana Betancourt De
Sanchez. Oct. 1..........................10,900
18th St., n. s., 250 w. Gth av., 50x84. Richard
Arnold and Jamos M. Constable to Aaron Ar¬
nold. (C.a.G.) Oct.l..................35,000
19th St., s. 3., 165 e. Av. A., 25x92. Jerome Buck
(Ref.) to John A.. Siebert. (Subj. to Mort.
$6,000.) Oct. 13...........................1,000
19th St., s. s., 183.6 e. 2d av., 20.11x92. Julia
wife of Isaac Elsbach to Moses Finkleston.
Oct. 13....................................13,160
22d St., n. s. (No. 207), 50.7 w. 7th av., 16.8x49.4.
James M. Melville to Edward Wright. •
Sept. 11...................................14,000
22d St., n. s., 200 e. 8th av., 25x98.9. Frederick J.
Brown to Catharine M. Brown, Brooklyn. June
. 1...........................................nom
30th St., s. s. (No. 340), 147.6 vr. 1st av., 22.6x
93.9. Terence Farley to John McEntee. Oct.
32d St., n. 3. (No. 4.31), 336.3 vr. Oth av., 21.3x98.9.
Frederick i-bberls to Casper Batsche. Oct.
35th St., n. s., 166.8 vr. 2d av., 16.8x98.9. Joseph
Spitz to Phili[jina Schiffer. Oct. 1..........8.0U0
38th St., s. s., 237.6 e. ith av., 14x98.9. Luther
liedfleld to Amasa A; R<!dlield. (Subject to
Mort. $8,000.) July 29, 1874...............nom
38th St., h. s., 460.9 vr. 9th av., 64.3x98.9. Mar¬
garet wife of Deuis Horgan to Martha Ruck.
Oct. 1.................................... 38,000
40th St., n. s., 325 e. Sth av., 25x98.9. James P.
Ledwith (Ref.) to William E. Sturges. (Sub¬
jectto Mort. §5,000 and assessment $202.) Oct.
42d St., n. s., 175 e. lith av., 24.7x105. Oliver L.
Jones to Annie wife of James A. Cummings.
Sept. 25................................. .15,000
46th St., s.s., 197.8 vr. Broadway, 18.8x105. Thos.
H. Landon (Ref.) to John Campbell. Oct.
47th St., n. s., 150 e. 2d av., 150x100.5.........1
48th St., s. s., 125 e. 2d av., 100x100.5.........j
47th St., s. 8., 225 w. 1st av., runs w. 100 x |-
south 130.5 X east 75 x north 30 x east 25 x |
north 100.5..........-----..................J
Caroline Clausen and others to Henry Ciausen,
- Jr., and George C. Clausen. (C.a.G.) Mrcb.l. nom
47th St., s. s., 169.4 w. 10th av., 30.8x100.4. SaUie
A. Gould to Mary Green. Sept. 4.......... .nom
48th St., s. s., 546 vr. 5th av., 16x100.5. (Lease-
Jiold.) Charles Harriman to Elizabeth wife of
V. Mumford Moore........................21,000
Same property. V. Mumford Moore to Charles
51st St., n. s., 150 e. 7th av., 25x100. William
Sinclair (Ref.) to John Belzer. (Subject to
Morfc.$3.900.) Oct.4.......................3,825
52d St., n. w. cor. Broadway, runs west 1.8 to land
ot SerreU x north to Broadway x south to be¬
ginning. Daniel Butterfleld to Christian Blinn.
' April 26....................................nom
Same property. Lewis May to Daniel Butter¬
fleld, April 26...-.........................;. .3,000
52d St., 3. s., 256 e. 2d av., 19x100.5. Lawrence
P. Cummings to Frederick A. Conklin. Sept.
52D St.,n.s.,399.6 e. Sth av., 0.6x100.5. Michael
W. WaU to Christian Blian. May 29..........450
eOTHst., s. s., 22.6 w. Lexington av., 20.6x100.
Rebecca wile of Abraham Kastor to Eliza wife
of Solomon Bamett. Oct. 7..............20,750
eOTH St., s. H., 225 e. 11th av., 25x100. Thomas
AV. Smith to Susan Lynch. Aug. 12........4,500
71ST St., n. s., 150 w. 3d av., 16.10x102.2. Thomas
J. Fitch to Edwin B. Gurnee. Oct. 9......15,000
71ST St., s. 3., 575 vr. 3d av., 25x100.5. Henry
Beer to William H. Payne. ■ Sept. 22...... .10,600
73d St., n.s., 155'w. 3d av., 20x102.2. Adelena
T. wife of Charles S. Robert to Frances E. Rut¬
ter. Oct. 6................................15,000
74th St., n. 3., where the same is intersected by
high water mark on the shore of East River,
ruDS n. to land of John Matthews x northwest
to a point on the westerly side of land intended
ior Av. B, 102.2 n. 74th si. x west 348 x south
102.2 X east to beginning. Eobert McCafferty
to Terence Farley. Sept. 29...............10,000
74th St., 8. s., 160 e. 3d av.. 25x102.2. WiUiam
Sinclair (Ref.) to William Evans. Oct. 7.... 3,825
74TH St., s, s.. 260 e. 3d av., 25x102.2. WiUiam
Evans to Alice O'Brien. Oct. 8............1,000
74th St., s. s., 180 e. Madison av., 20x102.2. Wil¬
liam C. Conner (Sherifi') to Horace C. Skin¬
ner. Sept. 29..............................500
74th St., s. s., 200 e. Madison av.,- 20x102.2 Wil¬
liam C. Conner (Sherifi') to Horace C. Skinner.
Sept. 29....................................500
76TH St., n. 3., 250 w. 1st av., 75x102.2. Magda¬
lena wife of Frederick Rabenstein to Samuel
Zeimer. Oct. 11.......................... .39,200
76TH St., s. s., 180 w. 2d av., 25x102.2; Anna E.
Spring (widow), Elizabeth P. Spring (widow).
Jennet wife of Hai-ris Wilson and John H.
Riker to Patrick Monteague. (Subject to aU
taxes and assessments since 1857.) July 9-----929
78TH St., n. s., 255 c. 3d av.. 25x102.2. Edward
Brosemer to Randolph B. Martine. (Subj. to
Mort. S15,000, and mechanics' lien $113.) Oct.
12........................................ ..nom
78th St., s. s., 278.4 e. 3d av., 13.4x102.2. Ben-
'lamiu F. Curtis to Charles F. O'DonneU. Oct.
78th .St., n. s.. 280 e. 8d av.. 25x102.2. Samuel
Cohen to Jacob David. (C. a. G.) Oct. 7... .6,000
78th St., u. s., 212.6 w. 4th av., 37.6x102.4,
Gideon Fountain lo Mary H. wife Thomas
McLeUand. Jnne 24......................29,000
82d St., s. s., 64 c. 2d av., 36x51.2. Benjamin C.
Wetmore to Martin McMidUn. Oct. 11.....24,000
83d St., s, s., 275 e. .^th av.. 20x102.2. PermeUa
AV. D. wife Horatio P. AveriU to Susan G.
'Wife Henry A. Tilden. Sept. 15..........47,000
84th St., n. 8. 100 w. Sth av., 75x102.2. Griffith
Rowe to Charles G. Havens and Joseph H.
Godwin. (Subj. to Mort. $15,000, taxes
and assessments.) Sept. 24.................nom
86th St., s. s., 100 w. 2d av., 145x102.2........)
85th St., n. 8., 100 w. 2d av.. 145x102.2.......)
WiUiam C. Conner (Sheriff) to Horace C.
Skinner. Sept. 29...........................765
88th St., si S;, 100 w. 3d av., 52.1x100.8. Louis
Hershfield to Isaac Elsbach. Oct. 10......54,200
90th St., s. s., 106 w. Lexington av., runs at"
right angles with 90th st. 152.3 to Harlem
Commons X northwest in a diagonal Une 198.2
to s. s. 90th St. xeast 126.3..................
90th St.. n. s., 123 e. 4th av.. runs e. 2 x north
100.8 X 'west 85.8 to Harlem Commons x south¬
west 131.5................................ _
Susan J. Harris to Hannali IngersoU. Oct. 1.
(Subj. to Morts. $12,000).....;;....:.;.....5,000
102D St., middle line, 100 e. 9th av.,runsn.to
- middle Une 105th sfc. x west 150 to middle Une
Othav. xsouthioa point distant 101.10 n. of
northerly line 104th st. x west 137 x south to
middle line 104th st. x west to e. s. Croton
Aqueduct x south as it mns to middle Une of
block bet. 102d and 103d sts. x east 150 to mid
die line of Oth av. x south to middle Une 102d
St. xeast 150 to beginning. Alexander MiU r
to Ann wite of Bobert MarsHaU. Oct. 4,-... .nom