Estate Record
No. 400.
Published Weekly by
C. W. SWEET...............Pbesident AND Tbeasukee
PEESTON I. SWEET...........Seobetaey.
L. ISEAELS.........................Business Manageb
ONE YEAR, in advance....$10 00.
Communications should be addressed to '
C "W. S"^VI3ET,
Nos. 345 and 347 Bboadwat.
A few years ago The Eeal Estate Beooed
stood up boldly and alone in open combat witb
trade tinions and tbeir supporters. Many of
our readers will no doubt remember witb what
persistence we fought the great bricklayers'
strike from its very inception to its final col¬
lapse, while all otber journals were either only
lukewarm in their condemnation or openly
espoused tbe side of tbe "unions." Since tben
experience and investigation have revealed to
all conscientious "writers the baneful influence
of the conductors of trade unionism; and,
tbougb there has not in reality been one new
point made outside those embodied in our
arguments at the time referred to, they
have been re-written in so many ways as
to, present the subject in almost every con¬
ceivable light. In short, aside from a few polit¬
ical sheets and so-called trade organs, nearly
every paper in the country has, for many
months, been advising the ijtitting loose from
"society-'control of all mechanics who have the
least particle of self-respect and independence,
the effect of which, coupled with the hard times
and a not very remarkably gratifying experience
between workmen and those in whom they had
placed confidence as leaders, seems at last to be
a pretty thorough extihgiushmeht of some of
the most obnoxious "unions."
Workmen are now making more direct con¬
tracts "with employers than for many years, and
are enabled to accept employment whenever they
can find it, and upon such terms as may seem
best under the circumstances, without crawhng
on their knees, so to speak, to a "committee" for
permission • to earn bread and shelter for the
wives aiid little ones. "Neither does an honest
mechanic run the risk of assault, or possibly
murder, when he feels inclined to dispose of his
labor as his own inclinations may dictate, a few
examples of the ruffians, who resorted to
blows as an argument in favor of union¬
ism, through our courts of law having had
verjr salutary effect. It may be that
the Unions are only. dormant, and "will
awaken again should an opportunity be
afforded to "wield the old-time power; but our
impression is that they are pretty well squelch¬
ed, and that, the demagogues who as officers and
"committeemen" have about run the associa¬
tions are now without visible means ofsupport.
Exactly what these "orators" are to do for a liv¬
ing, now that there is no more resolutions to
pass—the execration of capital falls flat, and
workmen don't care a farthing to have anyone
to fight for their "rights" but themselves—it is
difficult to say. We "vsrould advise, however>
that they step down and out, and emigrate.
Everybody has had enough of them, and none
more so than the general body of workmen, out
of whose hard earnings they have been drawing
an income for years, until at last the victims
have awakened to the delusion under which
they were laboring.
Novemberi, 5,6,'8,9,10.
Beekman pi., e. s. (No. 27), 60.5 n. 50thst., 20x100.
Frederick Schuck to Mary McKeon. Nov. 3.$25,000
Boulevabd, w. b., 25.8 n. 92d st., 100x100. Abra¬
ham C. Tully to Edward J. Lewis. Aug. 20,
Boulevard, e. s., 125.8 s. 92d st„ 35.7xl06.1x"
Bloomingdale road, n. w. cor. 91st st., runsn.
8.10 X east to centre of road x south 8.10 x west
to beginning...........___............___..
Boulevard, n. e. cor. Olst st., 15.5x99.8x8.10
John D. Phillips and Samuel Cohen to Saul J.
Le-v^r. (% part.) March 31................nom
Boulevard, s. e. cor. 104th st., 101.9x133.5.....)
Boulevard, n. e. cor. 103d st., 101.10x231.8___(
Lewis J. Phillips to John D. PhUlips. June 18,
Boulevard, s. w. cor. 135th st.. runs south to]
centre line of block x west to Hudson River..
Water lot, bounded north by 135th st.^ east by
line of original high water mark, south by cen¬
tre line of block bet. 134th and 135th sts., and
westerly by w. s. of 13th av.... .•............,
Pauline wife of Henry Bucking to Charles J,
Osbom. Nov. 1....................___114,400
Boulevard, e. s., 124.11s. 138th st., 25x111.10x1
26.4x120.1.............. ;;.................. V-
Academy St., n. e. cor. Vermilye av., 150x175..)
Howard W. Coates to Charlotte wiie of John H.
Morris, (y part.) June 8.......;.........nom
Bboadwat (No. 167), w. s., 25x103............)
2d av., n. w. cor; 12th St., 26x90...............)â–
12th St., n. s., 90 w. 2d av., 20x51.9............)
Ehrich Parmly and others to Mary M. wife of
Charles H. Ward. Sept. 25................nom
Broadway, e. s., 59.5 s. Maiden lane, 17.4x68x"j
Broadway (Nos. 170 and 172), 59.4x68x62.8x68. [
37th St., s. s., 196 e. 7th av., 14x92.4x14x92.9.. j
38th St., n. Sy 335 vr. 5th av., 25x98.9...... .. J
Mary M. Ward and others to Ehrich Parmly.
Sept. 26............................;.......nom
Broadway, s. e. cor. Bond st., 29x130........./
38th St., n. s., 278.9 w. 5th av., 56.3x98.9......)
Ehrich Parmly. Mary M. wife of Charles H.
Ward, and Julia "wife of Frederick BiUings to
Ehrich Parmly, Charles H. Ward and Frederick
' Billings (Trustees). Sept. 25..............nom
Broadway, w. s.,. 19.10 n. 41st st., 20,11x81.3x
20.4x84.2. Frederick Follett to Edward J.
Lewis. Sept. 17,1874.....................16.009
Broadway, s. w. cor. 42d st., 51.3x125.10x49.4x;
112.1. Frederick Follett to Edward J. Lewis.
July 24,1874............................. 32,000
Broadway, s. w. cor. 57th st., runs south 30.6 x
west T.9 X northwest in a diagonal line 151 to a
point 9.3 s. 57th st. x northwest in another
diagonal Hue 37 to a point 59 e. Sth a"v^. x east
182 to beginning. Reuben H. Cudlipp to Thos.
R. McManus." Aug. 18. (Q.C)........... 55,000
Bboadwat, e. s., 50.1x217x50x214. Benjamin F.
Raynor to George H. Peck. (C. a. G.) (^
part.) Nov. 8............................1,000
Broadway, e. s., 305.1 s. e. Sherman av., 50.lx
217x50x214. Benjamin F. Raynor to George H.
Peck.. .(C, a. G.) (H part.) Oct. 8.......;i,000
Broome st., s. s., 55 e. Columbia St., 24.9x100.
Frederick Folz to Amalie "wife of Peter
Schuessler. Nov. 1........................25,000
Canal st., n. s. (No. 115), 18.6x24.6x19.6x24..)
Canal St., n. s. (No. 117), 61.11 e. Chrystie st., v
John Barander to George Barander. Nov. 1..100
Clinton St., e. s.,75 s. Madison st., 25x93.7x26x
93.6. Henry D. Purroy (Ref.) to Christian
Brennemann. Oct. 29....................7,700
Crosby st., e. s., 42 s. Spring st., 72x100. William
Schlfferto Adolph Kaufmann and Ferdinand S.
M. Blum. Nov. 1........................30,000
Delancey st^ n. vr. cor. Norfolk st. (No. 130),
26x51.8. "William Siegel to Bertha "wife of
Philip Levy. Nov. 10......................4,467
Delancey St., n. s,, 50.3 vr. Norfolk St., 25x69.8.
Thomas Morrison to Nicholas Knorr, Elizabeth,
N. J. Oct. 23............................28,000
Division St., n. s. (Nos. 100 and 102), 24.7 w. Al¬
len st., 49.2x110x43.9x88.2. James Wilmore to
William P. Cook (Assignee). (Leasehold to se¬
cure creditors.) Nov. 1....................nom
Hudson st., e. s. (Nos. 86,88,90 and 94), s. e. cor.
Leonard st. Leonard st. (No. 6) runs e. along
a. a. Leonard st. 100.7 x south 57 x west to
Hudson St. to a point 90.7 south from point of
beginning x north along Hudson St. 90.7.
Augustus C. Bechstein to William S. Loew.
Nov. 1...................................63,500
LE"m[s St., s. e. cor. Houston st., 25x70. Frederick
Rmg, Jr., to Herman H. Wilbers. Oct. 1. .14,500
Murray st., s. s., Lots 236, 237, 238, Church]
Farm, each 25x75..........................
Park pi., n. s. (No. 9 and 11), 37.6x75.6........
Park pi., n. s. (No. 13), 200 w. Broadway,
24.10x75.................................. 'i
Park pL, n.s. (No. 15), 224.10 w. Broadway..
Park pi., n. s., 162 w. Broadway, 86.7x76......,'
Murray st., s. s., 178.4 vr. Broadway, 75.2x75.5. J
Ehrich Parmly and others to Julia wife of
Frederick Billings. (Partition). Sept. 25. .nom
New Bowery, e. s., 60.9 S.-w. Oak st/, 19.6x70.7x
19.4x69.6. (Leasehold)'. Louis Newman, to
David Hirsch. Oct. 11 ..;..;..............nom
Same property. David Hirsch to Isaac Kraft.
Nov. 3.....................................nom
Pearl st. (No. 247), 14.6x50. Samuel B. Howard'
and S. H. Gary (Exrs. of George L. Gary) to
Nathaniel H. Gary, Brooklyn, {y part.)... ;5,'000
Same property. S. E. Howard and • J.. H, Gary
(Exrs.) to John Currie. (% part.) Nov. 3.. nom
Same property. Mary W, Gary, Mary A. "wife of
Nelson G. Carman, Jr., to Nath. H. Cary. (Q.
C.) (3^ part.)..............................nom
Same property. Mary W. Gary, Mary A. wife of
Nelson G. Carman, Jr., to Isaac H. Cary and
Maria M. Hastings. (Q.C.) (% part.)....nom
Same property. John Currie to Isaac H. and
Nathaniel H. Cary and Maria M. Hastings. {%
part.) Nov.3.............................nom
RiviNGTON St., s. s., 112 e. Mangin st., 22x75.
Nathan M. Rosinsky to Sarah Solomon. Sept.
Spruce St., n. s., 78.8 w. Gold St., runs northeast
51.1 X southeast 18.11 x south"west 8.6 x south- -
east 6.9 x southwest 46.7 to Spruce st.|x north¬
east along Spruce st. 26. Henry Bucking to
Charles J. Osborn. Nov. 1.....;..........34,000
Washington st., vr. a. (Nos. 528, 530 and 532). 104
s. Charlton St., 104x69. Joseph Walker to John
C. Spencer. Nov. 4...............•........20,000
Water st. (No. 612), 24x64. Lewis K. Albro to
James K. Jackson. (Subj. to Mort. $1,000)..3,500
7th St., s. s., 83 w. Av. C, 25x90.10. Sellgman
Solomon and Julius Katzenberg to John G.
Schmidt. Nov. 5..........................12,000
7th St., s. s., 144.5 w. 2d av., 24.5x90.10. George
Kinney (Exr. of Eliza G. Kenney) to John
Harper. Nov. 1...........................13,500
8th St., s. 8., 402.5 e. Av. C, 24x97.6. Alfred
Mclntyre (Ref.) to John Muth. (Subj. to Mort.
and judgment $9,858.)..................... -1,000
IOth St., s. s., 300 e. 1st av., 25x99.7. John Neu¬
bauer to Henry Wissemann. Nov. 1.......21,000
i2TH St., s. s., 216.4 w. Av. C, 16.8x103.3. Wil¬
liam. Johnson to J. AUyn Reeves. July 29..10,000
16th St., n. s., 220 e. 6th av., 21x92. John Barry
to CaroUne Barry. Nov. 8................16,800