Real Estate Record
\ 'A,
AUenst....591, 835, 908.
Amity St.... 510, 669.
Ann St....818, 835.
Attorney st... .510, 653, 669, 707,746, 764, 818,835.
Baxter st.... 510, 529, 707, 782, 926.
Bayard St.... 591.
Beach St.... 559, 854, 908.
Bedford St....707, 800.
Birmingham st----559.
Bleecker st... .510, 559, 623, 637, 764, 782, 872, 926,
Bloomingdale road... .622, 746, 800, 854.
Bolton road----854.
Boulevard, 59th to 69th st... .782, 855, 926, 944.
Boulevard, 69tb to SOth st___746, 962.
Boulevard, SOth to 92d st... .529, 746.
Boulevard, 92d to 108thst... ,510, 559, 609,708, 764,
835, 855, 962.
Boulevard, 108th to 125th st... .545, 854, 927.
Boulevard, 125thto 145tli st....591, 637; 707, 890,
Boulevard, 145th st. to termination___890.
Bowery, south of Houston st___609, 669.
Bowery, north of Houston st... .609, 783, 835.
Broad st... .727, 782, 800, 856, 908.
Broadway, south of Canal st... .800, 854, 908.
Broadway, from Canal to 14th st... .591, 686, 764,
Broadway, from 14tb to 34th st... .632.
Broadway, from 34th to 44th st___577.
Broadway, from 44th to 59th st... .609, 669, 910.
Broome st., east of Broadway___510,529,577,591,
623, 707, 746, 782, 835, 854, 962.
Broome st., west of Broadway... .764, 890, 963.
C St....800.
Canal st., east of Broadway... .529, 727, 835.
Canal st, west of Broadway___510, 545, 637.
Cannon St....637, 855.
Carmine St....818, 835.
Cedar St....737.
Centre St....944.
Chambers st... .818, 873, 944.
Charles St.... 800.
Charlton St.... 737.
■ Chatham st... .764, 872, 927.
Cherry st... .515, 637, 707.
Christopher st.... 529, 632.
Chrvstie st... .577, 653, 669, 835, 908, 963.
Church St... .818, 835, 908, 927.
Clinton St....927.
Columbia St....669.
Commerce st___818.
Cooper St....669.
Crosby st.... 800, 908, 963.
Coenties slip.... 510, 963.
Delancey st., from Bowery to Clinton st___746,
855, 873, 944.
Delancey st, from Clinton to East River... .559,
746, 908.
Division st... .637, 653, 800, 937, 944.
Duanest....577, 783.
Depeyster st... .609, 800.
Downing st... .764, 818, 835.
East Broadway, from Chatham sq. to Canal St.,
669, 707, 764.
East Broadway, from Canal to Grand st... .818,'
Eldridge st... .707, 737, 746, 800, 890, 908, 963.
Elizabeth st... .545, 669, 737,746, 764, 783, 818,855,
890 944
Elm St...' 510,835,944.
Essex St... .577, 746, 800, 873, 937.
Forsyth st... .591, 669, 746, 764, 835, 873, 908, 963.
Frankfort st... .510, 609, 686, 707, 963.
Franklin st.... 559, 686, 963.
Front St... .577, 591, 686, 783, 800, 818, 855, 873.
Fulton St.... 539, 818.
. Goerck st,.. .609. 707, 835, 836, 908, 963.
Grand st, east of Bowery....539, 591, 622, 653,
669, 783, 937. -
Grand st., west of Bowery___707.
Greene st... .510, 653, 669, 686, 818, 855.
Greenwich st., south of Canal st___529, 577, 818,
Greenwich st, north of Canal st... .727.
Hester st... ..545, 669, 782, 800, 855.
Hamilton st.... 633.
Henry st, west of Clinton st... .539, 669, 937.
Henry st., east of Clinton st... .591, 609, 669, 686,
707, 764, 800, 818, 873.
Houston St., East... .529, 818, 836, 855.
Houston St., West___510.
Howard St....800.
Hudson St., south of Houston st... .510, 609, 622.
Hudson St., north of Houston st... .577, 609, 622,
Harrison st....539.
Jacob St..,,783,
James st....545.
James slip___737.
Jane St....609.
Jefferson st___855.
John St....944.
Kingsbridge road....577, 609, 637, 669, 686, 746,
836, 855, 873.
Laightst....510, 854.
Leonard st... .559, 336, 937.
Leroy st... .591, 609, 707, 873,
Lewis St... .529, 653, 669, 707, 727, 835, 927.
Ludlow St... .529, 545, 637, 653, 686, 707, 764, 818,
Macdougal st___653.
Madison st... .653, 686, 746, 783, 800, 818, 908.
Maiden lane, 707. 737, 937.
Mercer st___818.
Monroe st... .591, 653. 686, 707, 855, 890, 908, 937.
Morton St....818.
Mott St... .577, 591, 637, 800, 818, 855.
Mulberry st... .623, 623,669,737, 764, .782, 800,855.
New St....800, 908.
New Church St....800.
Norfolk St.... 545, 707.
North Moore st___944.
Oak St....529, 855,
Oliver St,,.. 8i8.
Orchard st.,, ,653, 669, 707, 746, 764, 855, 908.
Park St....6.53,
Pearlst.:..529, 764, 855.
Perry St....890.
Pike sUp....746.
Pitt St.... 529, 800.
Prince St....836.
Ridge St....591, 746.
Rivington st....510, 577, 591,653, 669, 746, 818,
836, 873.
Robinson st___836.
Roosevelt St....609.
Rose St....944.
Rutgers St....669.
Sheriff st.., .686, 836, 963.
)Smeeman st___818.
South St... .510, 591, 637, 727, 800, 836.
Spring St.... 539.
Stanton st... .727, 782, 90S.
Suffolk St.... 545, 559.
SuUivanst....890, 963.
Thompson st.... 539, 633, 818.
Vandewater st___545.
Vestry st___510.
Walker st.... 591, 855, 908.
Wall St....591, 890.
Washington st., south of Canal st___539, 818.
Washington st, north of Canal st___787, 944.
Water st....510, 545, 609, 637,686,707, 836,855,
944 963.
West st..'.. 559, 746, 836, 908.
West Broadway.... 609, 686, 963.
WTiitest....908, 944.
WiUett St... .545, 686, 746, 800, 872.
Wooster st.... 707, 737, 746, 890.
1st St....836, 908.
3d St.... 577, 687, 783, 873, 890, 908.
4th St., east of Broadway... .539, 937.
4th st, west of Broadway... .669, 944, 963.
5th st.... 633, 783, 800, 818, 85.5, 908, 909. .
6tbst....765, 800, 872.
7thst....559, 653, 746, 873. "
8tbst., east of Broadway....645, 623, 637," 653,
9thSt., east of Broadway. ..539, 545, 559, 577,
687, 818, 856. ^ ^
9th St., west of Broadway... .746, 836, 873.
10th st, east of 1st av... .653, 909.
10th st, bet. 1st av. and Broadway....SOO, 855,
10th st, west of Broadway... .545, 691, 707, 737,
llthst., eastof Istav.. .591,653. .
11th St., bet. 1st av. and Broadway___746, 890.
11th St., west of Broadway... .836, 872, 963.
13th St., east of 1st av... ,577, 653, 783, 800, 937,
13th st, bet, 1st av, and Broadway___818, 937,
13th St., west of Broadway....510, 529, 545, 855,
873 944.
13th St., east of 1st av....545, 577, 637, 669,687,
707, 727, 788, 801, 818, 909.
13th St., bet. 1st av. and Broadway.. .559,'637, 945.
13th st,, west of Broadwav.... 653, 818.
14th St., east of 3d av... .591, 609, 633, 818.
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