No. 437.
Published Weekly by
G. W. SWEET...............President and Treasurer
PRESTON I. SWEET...........Secretary.
ONE YEAR, ill mlvance___§10 00.
Communications should be addressed to
•O. TV. S'W.liJ.ET,
Nos. 345 AND 347 Broadway.
Fortv-sevonth sfc.,n.a., 400 e. llth av., 25x100.5,
toFai^uy Albert.............................. 10.000
Eleventti av., e. s., 148 n. SOth St., house and lo^,
24.8x100, to Francis Frey...................... 4,118
Thirty-seventh st., s. s.,350 e. 10th av., house
and lot, 25x98.9, to John Miers................ 6,700
The foreclosure sales during the past week reached the
extraordinary total of nearly one million of dollars; but
all tho property disposed of was purchased by parties in
interest at prices barely up to tho amount of the first
The most interesting sale of the week was that of four
blocks of land belonging to the Indnr^trial Exhibition
Company, bounded by Third aud Fourth avenues,
Niuety-tighth, and One Hundred and Second streets
Mr. Harnett sold one quarter interest of this property
for five dollars over the mortgage of $055,205. During
the sale it was considered that this proceeding was the
end of this much-talked-of company; but somehow the
projectors still continue to advertise their bonds to the
astonishment of those who are not acquainted with the
financial condition of the company, and who would be
glad to see an accurate statement of all matters con¬
nected with this concern.
Tho following is a summary of pubUc sales at the Ex¬
change during the past week:
Av. B, e. s., 86.1 n. llth St., four-story brick
house aud lot. 17.2x71, to WilUam MiUer...... $6,900
Av. B., e. s., adj., four-story brick house, and
lot, 17.2x93, to same.......................... 8,0C0
Ave and 13th st., s. w. cor., four-story bric'li
house and lot, 30.4x70, to T. H. Young......... 9 800
Fourth St., n..«., 276.3 w. Av. D, brick building
and lot, 20.3x96, to A. and F. Sterne.......... 7 700
Niuety-second St., s. s., 200 e. Sth av., 25x100,
to Emigrant Savings Bank (Plaintiff)......... 4 300
First av., e. s., 76.5Ji n. 47th st., slaughter
house and plot, 49.5^x05x25x15.6x70x69.6x26 8x
Gx49,9i!i.x80, to Henry Eisner (Plaintiff)....... 48,500
Filth av., e, 8., 68.10 n. 85th st., four-story brown
stone house and lot, 22x100, to V. K. Steven¬
son, Jr..................................._ _ 32 000
One Hundred and Tliirtieth st., n. s., 294'e'.'5tli "'
av., 16x99.11. house and lot, to Andrews Sober
(Plaintitf).................................... 9050
Tbird and 4th avs., from 98th to 102d st., i blocks
oi laud, each 201.10x900. the proposed site of
the projecled Industrial Exhibition Buildings
to D. and A. M. Alterton, and others, (v.- in-
teri-st).................................__^__ 655 205
Fourth av., w. s., 46 n. 18th st., house and* I'oV,
23xG0, to Ernst Knuder.................... 12 40O
Madison av., e. s., whole block front, from 76th
to 77th St., 204.4x45, to James W. Smith (Plain-
mil: •:;•"-.................................... *5,ooo
Jiiglitieth St., s. s., 150 6. 2d av., three-story
brown stone house and lot, 25x102, to Henry
D.Eauney (Plaintiff)........................ 7,625
imrty-seventh st., n. s., 80 w. 3d av., three-
story brown stone house and lot, 14.8x80, to C.
It. Harvey................................... g 250
Tentli av.. w. s.. Lot No. 3 on Map'No.'Ggi'ofFoVt
boorge property, to John H. Dickman (Plain-
â– ui'„';â– â– ••..................................... 6,100
J^iDgsbridge road, n. s., 150 w. Emerson st., lOOx
loO, house and lot, to George H. Peck (Plain-
.tiffl............................... 4250
Fjtty-elghth St., n. s., 95 6. Lexington av.VsOx
â– 11)0.5, to Catherine Weber (Plaintiff).......... 10 500
"ne Hundred and Twelfth st., s. s.. 119.7 e. 4th
av., house and lot, 17.1x100.11, to D. E. Kendall. 7.500
seventh av., from 131st to 132d st., 199.10x150.
lo Isaac L. Kip (Plaintiff).................... 16,850
i^iverside av. and 104th st., n. e. cor., 114.5xl00x
112.5x100, to Trustees of Wm.Furniss (Plain-
â– R„,°'----:.....................................i 10.000
â– Boulevard and 102d st., s. e. cor., 76x100, to
pf^e.......................................... 8.500
ttreene st. (Nos. 194, lUX, 196 and 198), e. s., 222
s. Amity St.. 4 houses and plot, 82.10x70xll6.lx
70.toA. J. Dittenhoffer........ .............. 58,000
Total for week..............................$997,251
BRICK.—Eeeeivers of North Eiver hards are still
without many prospects of a decidedly encouraging or
stimulating nature. That a goodly amount of stock will
be wanted ou local account (including Brooklyn) there
is no doubt; but the indifferent manner and cautious
policy of buyers indicate a continuation of a slow, uni¬
form business, with small probabilities of infusing any¬
thing in the way of positive buoyancy on a basis of de¬
mand. A reduction of supplies may temporarily give
the selling interest an opportunity to advance prices;
but experience has shown that an increase of cost soon
affects consumptioH, and buyers withdraw to await a
reaction. The shipping outlets, too, as before noted,
aro very much smaller than common, and the market
has no good safety-vent through which to exhaust sur¬
plus accumulations. Business has been dragging along
slowly since our la^t, witijout any great change on cost,
and the position is nominally steady. Holders do not
torje sales, as it is evident that the leasi attempt to realize
would nec^'ssitate a concession, and sometimes have hard
work to obtain extreme quotations, few lots going above
$5.25 for Haverstraw and $4.50 for "Up-river," though
not many ol the latter are arriving. Pale brick are
worth about $2.50@2.75 on the average, but are not
plenty, aud now and then au extra fine cargo will reach
S3 per M. Fronts fairly active on the ordinary distribu¬
tion, and prices steady. There is said to be some uncer¬
tainly as to the grade to decide upon for one or two con¬
tracts now about being given out. It is to be hoped
that the superior advantages of Baltiinoies, to v;hich we
have before made refereuce, will uot be overlooked. We
quote: Palo, per M. $2.25@3; Hards, Up-river, $4©4.75;
Haverstraw Bay, $4 50@5.50; Fronts, Croton—brown,
$10; dark, $11; red, $12; Philadelptiia, $23@27; Balti¬
more, $34®38, Yard prices, delivery included. $2@3
higher on ordinary, and $5@6 on fronts.
CEMENT.—There is a little irregularity in the de¬
mand for Rosendale, some agents reporting slow sales
and others orders full up to the amount they have to
offer. Considering, hewever, that the offerings are
moderate, consequent upon the reduced production, and
allowing for the cautious consumption, the business
probably can only be called fair in a general way and
dull on local account. We continue to quote on stand¬
ard brands at $1.10 for Roseudale on "Creek" and $1.20
here. Foreign meeting with a moderate inquiry, to ar¬
rive and from store, and ruling about stexay, with fair
though not excessive offerings. We quote, from pier and
yard and according to brand, as follows: Portland, $3.40
®4; Roman, $3.60@4; Keene, $7.75@8 for coarse, and
$11.75@12for fine; Martin's, $7®7.25 for coarse, and
$11©11.25 for line; La Forge, Portland, $4.10®4.25a and
Lime of Teil. S2.85®3.
GLASS.—A few dealers in French window glass have
been doing a little better business, but this is not gen¬
eral, and the majority of the trade report a continua¬
tion of the dull tone, and not many satisfactory features
on the market. Stocks are full, and values remain nom¬
inaUy unchanged. We quote at 60 and 20@60 and 25
per cent, discount. English glass steady, but quiet.
American moderately active, and ruling about steady
for good brands, but developing no buoyancy.
HAEDWAEE.—A few buyers have made their appear¬
ance from the interior, and a moderate caU comes from
near-by and local sources, but the demand is by no
means active as yet, and dealers easily satisfy all cus¬
tomers. Stocks are now in pretty good shape, and price
lists continue to undergo revision for the fall trade.
Strap and T hinges continue unsettled and quotations
somewhat nominal, though 65®60 and 5 fi cent, dis¬
count are quoted by many. The manufacturers 01
wrought butts have issued a revised list making a reduc¬
tion on the cost of some of the leading kinds. The Stan¬
ley Works make the foUowing changes : Bronze narrow
butts are now quoted 20 fi cent, discount, before 15; do.
light narrow do. 30, before 25; bronzed light iuside
blind do. 30, before 25; loose pin and loose joint do. 30
and 6; light narrow smooth bright iron do. 30 and 5. be¬
fore 25 and 6; narrow do. 26 and 6, belore 20 and 5; nar¬
row butts 40 and 6, before 30 and 5; black flaps, inside
blind, and table do. 35 and 5, before 30 and 5; chest and
pew door do. 40 and 5, before 30 and 5; broad and re¬
versible do. 40 and 5, before 35 and 5; wrought hasps,
hooks and staples 40, before 30 and 5; heavy and extra
heavy hinges, strap aad T do,, long chest do., hinge
hasps, and crate hasps GO aud 5; bulk shutter aud flask
hiuges net, before add 20; and jaisanned screws, Ameri¬
can Screw Company's list of December 1st, 1875, 30, be¬
fore 15. Crooke & Co.'s list is as follows : Bright iron—
Narrow, 40 and 5 fi cent, discount; table, 35 and 5 do.
do.; loose pin (rcversitde), 40aud 5 do. do.; loose joint,
40 and 5 do. do. Patent-faced iron (bright and smooth)
—Narrow, 25 and 5 fi cent, discount; light narrow, 30
and 5 do. do.; li ;ht inside blind, 40 and 5 do. do.; light
inside blind, loose i)in, 2-inch, GOc. per doz., 5 fi cent,
LATH.—We find very much the same general features
ruling on this market noticeable since tbe season first
fairly opened. The demand is small„not only here, but
from all points to which sellers usually turn for relief,
and repeated trials have shown the impossibility of
forcing a more liberal outlet, buyers taking just about
what they know they can use and then stopping short.
Mauutiicturers and receivers therefore have to bring all
their judgment to bear upon the regulation of supplies
to the outlet, aud their success in tbis matter deter¬
mines values. An even balances keeps prices about
steady, a positive scarcity alone wilt give au advance,
but only a slight surplus causes weakness, and an accu¬
mulation of a very few unsold would be pretty sure to
result in a break. As we write there does not appear to
be much stock offering, and the market is quoted firm
at $1..')0 per M.
LIME.—The geaeral market continues rather dull
aud wi hout many features that can be called new or in¬
teresting. Eastern arrives moderately, as it is useless to
order it forward tintil wanted; but receivers complain
and say they would be much pleased lo see an increased
and more deeply interested attendance of buyers even
at the comparatively low rates ruling. State stock, too,
is in small supply, neither the price nor demand present¬
ing attractions to manufacturers, and'the kilns are not
likely to be started up until general consumiDiion com¬
mences to assume more encouraging proportions.
Ou all grades prices remain much the same as before,
though it is probable that COc. would be accepted for
full cargoes of State. We quote nominally as follows:
Rockland. 85c. fi bbl. for common, and $1.25 for finish¬
ing; North Eiver, 60@65c. fi bbl. tor common, and $1®
1.25 for finishing.
LUMBER.—The wholesale market generally must still
be written dull, both as regards coastwise receipts or
the disposal of supplies from the interior through
agents and dealers' hands. There has in some quarters
been rather more business doing than last wsek, and
there seems to be a disposition to magnify this into a re¬
vival of trade, but; it is simple lolly to put forth such
nonsense, as it only tends to mislead and injure all in¬
terested. A few operators, through good luck in stum¬
bling over customers, or • who inay happen to control
certain outlets or peculiarly desirable goods, are very
naturally to be found now and chen in cheerful mood,
but the general average of the trade are unable to ob¬
tain any encouraging distribution of their stock. The
consumption keeps within the same narrow, cautious
channel, and the export outlet shows no signs of widen¬
ing. Stocks here are not as large as usual by any means,
but fully in proportion to the drafts made upon them,
even with the moderate arrivals to make good deficien¬
cies. Buyers, in fact, are simply working along on the
hand-to-mouth policy, find what they require without
difficulty, and refuse entirely to be frightened into an¬
ticipating their wants by any cry of short supplies.
Speculation is decidedly out of fashion on the lumber
Eastern spruce has arrived in moderate quantities, and
one or two buyers, who happened to be temporarily
pressed for stock, bid comparatively full figures and
seemed anxious. The demand, however, was by no means
general, and it is suspected that even the apparently
willing operators were merely bold because they were
sure of getting no stock, and would fall back into an in¬
different tone ona very slight increase of offering in
hopes of discouraging receivers and obtaining conces¬
sions. Poor or even only good randoms are nominal,
but cannot be depended upon above $12; choice would
not readily exceed $13, while it must be a remarkably
fine special to command better than $14 f, M. Pickets
dull at $8 for common, and $10@11 for clear, inch.
White pine seUs moderately on local consumptive ac¬
count, and a few parcels have been taken to fill shipping
orders. Supply and assortment, however, are alike
equal to aU calls, and holders still willing to accept
tormer rates. It is hinted that recent offers of stock
have been made from the interior at very low figures,
especially for cash, and that some of the "private terms"
sales reported on distributing markets would show much
under currently named figures. We quote at $18@19 fi
M for shippers, 10-inch and upwards; $15@17 do. for do.,
10 and 12-inch, and $13.50@15 fi box, 8 and 12-inch.
Building timber, $30@35.
Yellow pine ia steady, and on orders meets with somQ