EAL Estate Record
Vol. XVIir.
'No. 438.
Published Weekly by
0. W. SWEET...............President and Tbeasubeb
PRESTON I. SWEET...........Seceetakx.
OKTE YEAK., in advance___§10 00.
Communications should be addressed to
Nos. 345 AND 347 Bboadway.
The real estate market presented few if any features
of interest during the past week. Below will be found a
complete resume of sales at the Exchange during the
past week.
Riverside Park property holders have, picked up re¬
newed courage of late, owing to the attitude of both the
workingmen and the Department of Parks, and the scene
at Commissioner Martin's oflce the other day, when cap¬
italists, property owners and workingmen agreed upon a
united policy how to compel Comptroller Green to aban¬
don his opposition to the long called for improvement,
shows that the embryo park has still many friends, who
may succeed after all, sooner than was anticipated, in ac¬
complishing what has been so long and so perseveringly
demanded by many West-side property holders.
One Hundred and Seventh St., s. s., 113 e. ist av.,
16 lots, each 25x100.11; Av. A., w. s., extending
from 106th to 107th st., 201.10x100; 106th St., n.
8., 100 w. Av. A, 100x100.11 (leasehold), to Alex¬
ander Masterson (leased May 1,1876; ground
rent $1,000 per annum)....................... $12,300
One Hundred and Forty-third St., n. s., 375 w.
Boulevard, 4 lots, each 25x99.11, to W. T. Horn
(Plaintiff).................................... 2,000
Courtland av., s. e. s., 74 n. e. Milton St., 1 two-
story Irame house, with lot, 26x100. to Isaac V.
French (Plaintiff)............................ 700
One Hundred and Twenty-eighth St., s. s.. 311.3
e. 3d av., 1 three-story and basement brown
Btone front house, with lot, 18.9x99.11, to
Charles Drinker and C. J. Wilis (Trustees ana
Plaintiffs).................................... 4,300
Monroe st. (No. 156), n. s., 1 two-story brick
stable, with lot, 23.1x100, to- George H. Daly.. 5,700
Broome st. (No. 24), n. s., 75 w. Mangin st., 1
five-story brick tenement house, with lot, 25x
99.8, to Samuel Abrahams et al. (Exrs.)
(Plaintiffs).................................... 16,700
Villa place, s, e. cor. College av., 1 two-story
trame house, with plot ol land, 55x50, 23d
Ward, to Harriet Overhiser (Plaintiff)........ 3,596
Macdougal st. (No. 48), e. s., 180 n. Prince St., 1
two-atory and basement brick house, with lot,
20x75, to John Drummond................... 6,700
Rivington St., n. s., 50 e. Cannon st., 2 four-
story brick tenement houses; also 1 three-story
brick tenement house in rear of above, with
lease ot plot, to Bernard Amendet al. (tixrs.)
(l-aintiffs)...................................... 6,000
Eighty-lourih St., s. s.. 415 w. Sth av., 1 three-
story aud basement brown stone front house,
with lot, 20x102.2, to William Buhler......... 11,000
Fitteenth st., n. s., 230 e. 7th av., 1 three-story
aud basement brick house, with lot, 20x103.3,
to Joseph Bates............................... 15,050
Fi£ty-fiftU8t.,8. s.,141.8e. Sth av.. 1 four-story
brown stone front house, with lot, 16.8x100.5.
toRobertHoe (Plaintiff)...................... 17,009
Sixtieth St., n. s., 75 e. 2d ay., 1 four-story brick
tenement house, with lot. 25x100.5, to J. D.
Lynch (Plaintiff)............................. 10,000
One Hundred and Forty-eighth St., s. s.. 100 w. .
7th a v.. 2 lots, each 25x100.11. to R. D. Jarvis.. 1,400
One Hundred and Eighty-fourth st., a. s., 150
w. Utii av., plot of land, to James Gibson
(Plaintiff)..................................... 3,000
One Hundred and Thirty-third st., s. s., 95
w. 4th av., 1 three-story and basement brown
stone front house, with lot, 20x99.11, to New
iork Life Insurance Oo. (Plaintifl)............ 8,500
Fifty-sixth St., n. s.. 100 w. 2d av.. extending
through to 57th St., 100x200.10x67.6x183.9, fac¬
tory building, with lease of plot of land (leased
May 1,1872. term 21 years), to Israel Randolph, 18,000
ihird St., s. s., 499.6 w. Av. D, 1 three-story and
basement brick house, with lot, 22.7x106, to
Wm. Herlelgfa...,,..............,............ 8,700
Forty-seventh St., s. s.. 41 e. Oth av.,1 three-
story and basement brown stone front house,
with lot, 19x70. to E. Lord.................... 16,500
Fifty-first st. (No. 627-West), n. s., 1 four-story
brick tenement house, with lot, 26x100.5, to
Oriental Savings Bank (Plaintiff)............ 5,000
Eleventh av., w. s., extending from 72d to 73d St.,
204.4x175, to John Jacob Astor (Plaintiff)...... 56,600
One Hundred and Twentieth st., s. s., 140 w. 4th
av., runs s. to centre of block x west 100 x north
to 120th st. X east 85 to beginning, to Henry
J.Beers (Plaintiff)............................ 8,500
Total for week...............'............ $235,255
around." Advices from the South and Southwest indicate
that supplies will be wanted, and the probabilities
strongly favor a better market for standard goods.
BuUd ers' and plumbers' hardware will have a proportion
ate share of the demand, but on mechanics' tools there
is some doubt. It is feared that the poverty of work¬
men throughout tfee country wiU prevent them from
purchasing, except as a matter of the most absolute
necessity, while in many cases "kits" will be sold for
want of use, and thus make a sort of second-hand trade
to interfere with new tools. The general stocks and as \
sortments on hand are now in good shape for any ordi¬
nary call. Few changes are reported, but we notice that
the blacksmiths' bellows of Newcomb Bros, are quoted
at a discount of 25 per cent., instead of 40 per cent, as
heretofore, and extrajlo. 10 per cent.; and also that the
Old Colony Iron Company have flexed their discount on
BRICK.-Some new work has been commenced, and shovels and spades at 25 per cent., inste^^
as formerly. The American Screw Company are now
contracts under way are in several cases requiring rather
larger amounts of stock, but a number of jobs have also
nearly or quite reached cover, and on the whole the in¬
crease of consumption, if any, is small. Buyers too con¬
tinue the old policy of simply taking enough for early
wants, and very seldom are supplies piled up much be¬
yond what the workmen wiU require to keep them goirg
for a week or so. Manufacturers in the meantioie are
using their efforts to keep shipments in this direction
down to a small compass, and are to a certain extent
successful, though since our last the management was
poor somewhere, and quite a Uttle accumulation hung
over the market fortseveraldays. This, of course, Kave
buyers an advantage, and the turn of prices was eas:er,
with a great many sales mane at equal to about 2"5c. shad¬
ing from last week. Holders have offered supplies
to the full extent ol the call, but without any
great pressure, and some are hopeful that a flrmer
tone may soon be infused. It is calculated that most of
tbe boats and barges are now at this end of the route,
and with reduced facilities for transportation and the
absence of necessity for taking extra pains to get stock
through, smaller leceipts are calculated upon. About
$4.50(^5.25 is the general range for Haverstraws, with
some very good lots sold at $4.75@5 per M. ' Up-
rivers" worth about $4©4.50 per M. Pale brick con¬
tinue in comparatively smaU supply, with a good fair
demand, and prices steady at $2.d0@3 per M. Fronts
are generally quoted ''without change," most dealers in
the flne grades meeting with a fair business, and obtain¬
ing former rates. We quote: Pale, per M. $2 25@3;
Hards, TJp-river, $4@4.50; Haverstraw Bay, $4.50@5.50;
Fronts, Croton—brown, $10; dark, $11; red, $12; Phil¬
adelphia, $23@27; Baltimore, $34@38. Yard prices, de¬
livery included. $2@3 higher on ordinary, and $5©6 on
CEMENT.—So far as the local demand is concerned
there does not appear to be much change on the mar¬
ket for Rosendale. About the regular buyers make
their appearance, order sufficient for temporary neces¬
sities and withdraw, resisting aU efforts to induce thom
to increase their orders. The shipping call, however, is
very fair, including a somewhat increased movement on
Eastern account, and this, with deliveries on contract,
keeps a fair amount of stock in motion. The regula¬
tion rates remain at $1.10 on "Creek." and $1.20 here;
but rumors are again current of "outside" stock selling
lower. Manufacturers of "patent" and special makes re¬
port a fair but not remarkably encouraging business,
Foreign has been moderately active, and remains about
steady for all the leading grades, though now and then
slight indications of a desire to force matters are notice¬
able among sellers. About 1,500 bbls. Portland have re¬
cently changed hands at $3.45@$3.75 from pier and yard.
We quote from pier and yard and according to brand,
as follows: Portland, $3.40@4; Roman, $3.50@4; Keene,
S7.75@8 for coarse, and $11.75©12 for flne; Martin's,
S7@7.25 for coarjse, and $ll@11.25for flne; La Forge,
Portland, $4.10@4.25; and Lime of Teil, $2.85@3.
GLASS.—The demand for French window glass, or for
that matter for all kinds, continues moderate, and the
market generally has a dull, flat tone. All the usual out¬
lets appear to be either closed or requiring an unusually
small amount of stock, and show no indications of in¬
creasing the movement at present. Holders and manu¬
facturers, however, are comparatively firm in their views;
indeed many assert that they have "got their backs up"
and do not propose making any important concessions.
StiU, on a flat market the buyer always has more or less
advantage, and to good customers a Uttle "easing off"
occasionally takes.place. On the French list the discount
remains at about 60 and 20@60 and 25 per cent.
HARDWARE.—So far as business accomplished is con¬
cerned the market remains dull, and the distribution of
goods is moderate. A great many dealers, however^
seem to coDBider the outlook as encouraging for a good
falltraiie. Western buyers liare commenced "looking
quoting flat head iron and brass wood screws 52J^ fi
cent, discount, and round do., 40. The RusseU & Erwin
Manufacturing Co. have also advanced their prices on
flat head iron wood screws to 55 and IX ^ cent, dis
LATH.—"Nothing new" is about the sum and sub^
stance of the information tendered reporters in search
of "points" to write up on the lath market. ReceiveiB
and manufacturers continue to keep in close correspond¬
ence in order to regulate the supply as near as may be
to the wants of the market, while buyers give little or no
attention to matters until they actually require stock,
then, flguring amounts down to just about as close a
point as possible on what they know they can use to ear¬
ly advantage, come forward, make their purchase as soon
as they can, pay whatever the market rate may be, and
withdraw, resisting all attempts to induce them to operate
with greater treedom. On Saturday last a cargo was sold
at $1.45 ^ M, under a sort of pressure to realize, the
owner being anxious to quit stock, and striking a bad
market day; but since then there has been nothing of¬
fered under $1.50, and this appears to be about the rate
at present writing.
LIME.—The general volume of business continuea
slow and unsatisfactory, and somewhat behind expecta¬
tions. Most of the arrivals of Eastern are placed soon
after arrival, as great care is taken to prevent, if possi¬
ble, more coming out than can be handled to advantage.
The quantity required, however, is discouragingly
small, and with the unremunerative rates current
manufacturers and agents generally seem quite dis¬
gusted over the ruling condition of affairs. Just at the
moment there appears to be a scarcity of lump in yard,
and a somewhat increased offering could probably be
placed to advantage. State lime shows no change, the
demand running moderate, and prices as before. The
production is kept low, and this prevents an accumula¬
tion of stock. We quote nominaUy as follows: Rock¬
land, 85c. 'f, bbl. for common, and $1.25 for finishing;
North River. 60@65c. '<§, bbl. for common, and $1@1.25
for finishing.
LUMBER.—To a moderate extent the market in a
wholesome way has probably been more encouraging for
some dealers than last week, but there is no general or
positive improvement, and in a great many instances we
hear continued grumbling, loud and deep. Grumbling
to be sure, has to a ciartain extent become a chronic af¬
fection with the lumber trade, and force of habit brings
complaint to the lips of numbers who are getting their
full share of whatever is going on; but.even at its best,
and on the reports of those who may be considered the
most sanguine, the business actually accomplished in
aggregate is only tair. Buyers adhere to settled habits,
those operating on home account taking just the nicely,
calculated quantities required for known necessities and
"no more lor the present,'' while shippers confine them¬
selves absolutely to the limits of orders in hand. As a
general thing values show no quotable change, and are
nominally steady, but uo well-secured or cash buyer
would experience much difacultyin obtaining conces¬
sions from so-called market rates. Stocks and ;as-
soitments are ample and attractive, or where any
thing may bo short it can soon be made good, and
about the only thing lacking: is a good, uniform outlet
lor what dealers have to offer.
Eastern spruce does not appear to have changed much
on the general condition of affairs from reports made for
some time past. Now and then receivers are to be found
talking a little uppish, bnt it is as a rule soon discovered
that they are likely to have some stock in, and naturally
desire to pave the way. The test of actual sales, how¬
ever, develops about the old range of values, on which
$12©14maybe named for good fair random to prime
special, with sometimes $1 off the inside figure for com¬
mon, and possibly slight, additions to the extreme for
something extra choice and difficult.
White pine on home account continues in dull, uncer¬
tain demand, the disttlbutlon being In small parcels and