Real Estate Record
No. 442.
Published Weekly by
C. "W. SWEET............President and Treasurer.
PRESTON I. SWTSET..............Secretary.
ONE YEAR, in advance... .$10.00.
Communications should be addressed to
Nos. 345 AND 347 Broadway.
The re-vival of trade among business men generally,
as reported in these columns last week, still continues,
and will soon lead to renewed confidence in New York
City real estate. Of course, it takes time, and consid¬
erable time, too, before the market can feel tlie effect
of it, but the long period of gloom is beginning to fade
away, and the future is looked to not with buoyancy,
but with a confidence which is encouraging. The
wholesale business community of New York, not only
those iu the drygoods trade, but also in several other
lines of business, are more than satisfied with the trade
New Y^oi-k has done during the montli of August, now
at an end. Large sales have been effected, and that,
too, upon terms quite agreeable to the sellers, long
credits having in numerous instances been discarded.
So far as the revival of trade generally is concerned,
evei-ytliing is worldng weU, but, in order to keep it so,
and iu order to retain for our city that reputation,
and consequently for our city's real estate that value
wliich they have maintained in the past, it is im¬
portant that the movement recently inaugurated by
some of our merchants to procure better railroad and
hotel facilities should succeed. New York must look
to its laurels. Other cities are working energetically
so as to catch the trade that is still with us. They
ofler inducements in the shape of lower r^tes for
freights and lower rates at hotels, items of great im¬
portance to Southei-n and Western merchants, even
if the goods they are after can be bought at a trifle
less here than in Baltimore, Boston or Philadelphia.
Property holders who are not benefitting yet by the
revival of trade, will find that co-operation with mer¬
chants now, just at the beginning of a new era of ac¬
tivity WiU benefit their real estate ultimately, because
they, the property holders, are the principal parties
who WiU gain or lose ultimately by either the increase
or decrease of commerce in our midst. A merchant,
if he does not do well here, can move to another town.
A property holder cannot He must remain here, as
be canuot take his property with him. A little more
public spirit then, a little more energy on the part of
property holders will aid New York not only in re¬
taining the trade it possesses to-day, but in increas¬
ing it ten-fold.
The following are the sales of the week at the Ex¬
change Salesroom:
Si.^h av., n. e. cor. 50th st, 1 four-story
iirench flat, brown stone front building,with
lot 24.4x100.5, to Thomas Atcher............ $33,697
lutth av., 6. s., 50.5 s. 66t.h st, 1 lot 25x100, to
M.Dupree.................................... 20,750
First av., e. s., 75.11 s. 125th st,l four-story
brown stone front dwelling and store, -with
lot, 25x75, to George F. Martens (Plaintiff).. 8,937
One Hundred and Twentieth st., n. s., 3S5 e '
2d av., 25x100.11....................
One Hundred and Twenty-fli-st st, s. s., 335
e. 2d av., 25x100.11................!....
(1-7 part), to O. P. Raynor.(Sub. to a dower
right, taxes, assessments, &c.)........... ' l 400
Thirty-sixth .St., n. s., 200 e. 3d av., 1 three-
story and basement brick house, with plot
of land, 33x98.9, to James Cassin........ .. 11 410
Fortyreighth st, n..s., .175 w. 1st av., 1 five- ' -
stoiy brick buiiding, with lot, 25x100.5, to B.
A. WiUiams (for Plaintifl)................... 8108
Attorney st. (No. 152) e. s., 100 n. Stanton St., ,
1 flve-story brick tenement house, with lot,
25x100.5, to John G. Payntar (Plaintiff)...... 14,525
One Hundred and Fourteenth st., n. s., 5'20 w.
3d av., one three-story and basement frame
house, with lot, 17.11x100.11, to the Mutual
Life Ins. Co. (Plantiff)........................ 4,000
Bowei-y (No. 57), e. s., 50.2 s. Canal St., one
four-stbi-y and basement brick house (front),
and one three-story brick house (rear), with
lot, 25x81.8x2.5x85, to Thomas B. Tappen et
at (Exrs. of Plaintiffs)....................... 34,030
Eldridge st, e. s., 131.7 n. Grand st., one three-
story and basement brick house, with lot,
19.1x88, to Frederick Kanfrey............... 0,200
One Hundredth st., n. s., 350 w. Sth av., one)
lot, 20x100.11...............................i
One Hundred and First st., s. s., 350 w. Sth (
av., one lot 20x100.11......................J
to Icynthia S. Campbell (Plaintiff)........... 3,000
One Hundreth st., - n. s., 450 w. Sth av., two"
lots, each 25x100.11.........................
One Hundi-ed and First st; s. s., 450 w. Sth
av., two lots, each 25x100.11................
to same buyer................................. 7,500
Eleventh st., s. s., 269 w. Av. A, one five-story
brick tenehient house, with lot, 25x94.8, to
Martin Wendling............................ 7,100
Forty-fifth St., n. s., 200 w. 2d av., two five-
story brick tenement houses, with lots, each
25x100.5, to Philopena Fuchs.................. 24,612
Eighth av., n. w. cor. 143d st, one plot of land
One Hundred and Forty-fourth st., s. s., 100
w. Sth av., one lot, 25x134.11, to "WiUiam
Reid (Plaintifl)................................ 7,500
One Hundred and Twenty-eighth st., u. s., 264
e. 4tli av., one three-story and basement
brown stone front house, with lot, 10x99.11, 10
to Francis Bjn-ne (Plaintiff's Attorney)...... 6,7
Elton St., n. s., 100 w. Morris av., one two-
stoiy frame house with lot, 25x100. to
Michael Quinn (Plaintiff)................___ 860
Sixteenth st., s. s., 119 w. av. A, one five-story
brick dweUing-house ^vith store and lease of
lot, 25x103.3, lease dated Jan. 1. 18G9, term
20 yrs, gi-oimd rent, $300 per annum, to
Charles Kinlien (Plaintifl).................... 5,000
Pike slip (No. 175), e. s., 47 n. Water St., one
six-story brick warehouse, lot 23x49, to
Thomas Smith................................ 4,125
Total for the week.......................$211,954
BRICK.—The demand does not increase for any de¬
scription, and the market, as a whole, remains in a
very duU condition. Hard bricks have realized about
former rates, but extreme figures were reached with
difficulty, and, if any thing, buyers have had more
advantage than last week. Indeed, $5 |9 M for Hav¬
erstraw is the exception rather than the rule, and a
great many sold at-$4.75 do\vn to $4.1.3}^@4.25, while
"Up-River" brought only $3.75. Pale brick are
quoted about as before, as a lower figure would en¬
tail a loss, but there is scarcely enough doing to fix
a value, and figures, in reality, are only nominal.
The receipts, considering the wants of the market,
have been fuU, and the production continues about
the same, as for sometime past, we understand, but
one of our principal receivers assures us that a more
general stoppage of work is pretty sure to take place
during the present month. Fronts of aU kinds are
quiet in proportion to the apathy iii the market for
commons, and prices remain nominally unchanged.
We quote : Pale, ^ M, $-2.25@2.75 ; hards, Up-River.
p.75@4.2o ; Haverstraw bay, $4@5 ; fronts, Croton—
brown, $10 ; dark, $11; red, $12; Philadelphia, $23
@27 ; Baltimore, $84@3S. Hard prices, delivery, in¬
cluded, $2@3, higher on ordinary, and $5@6 on
GLASS.—French window glass has been in fair and
rather improvipg demand, and the market, on the
whole, is somewhat more cheerful. Supplies and
assortments balance the call, however, and about
f oi-mer rates are, as a rule, accepted. We quote at 60
and 20@60 and 25 per cent discount. American selling
very weU, and is called firm, though occasionally
some dealers indulge in a little cutting under to se¬
cure good orders. EngUsh glass unchanged.
HARDWARE.—The demand is not remarkably ac¬
tive, and buyers stiU refuse, to make up any very
large invoices, but taken aU in" aU, ti-kde is very good
and dealers appear satisfied. On most leading styles
prices rule steady. A new hinge has been introduced
called the Centennial Spring Hinge, intended for
dooi-s of hotels, churches, depots and other buildings
where constant use demands the best possible mate¬
rials and constraction.
The manufacturers say :
It has two flat coil springs, very powerful. It has a
heavy solid pintal, giving much less friction than a
hollow pintal.
It has broad solid bearings in the knuckle, which do
not wear down readily and let the door sag. It is fast
joint, and can be used for either right or left hand,
aUowing the dealer to cany less stock, and the
builder wiU never get the wrong hand. It is conve¬
nient to put on or take off the tension. By actual test
it has an average of 50 per cent more power than
other spring hinges, in common use, of same size.
The Union Chaiu and Cable Company are quoting
chain as follows : 5.16, 734c.; %, 6^c.; 7-16, Gc; y,,
5%c.; 9-16, 5c.; %, 4:14c. Net cash in 30 days. Free
on board cars in Pittsburgh.
LATH.—There does not appear to be any really
new general features in this mai-ket since our last.
Up to the present writing the amount available has
been small, and quite a number of dealers were in
want of stock, a position which gave seUers the ad¬
vantage, and induced a pretty Arm holding out for
$1.50 %i M. The demand, however, can neither be
considered free or improving, and much of an addi¬
tion to the amount of supplies offering would make
a surplus.
LIME.—'Tis the same old story in this market
The demand from aU quarters continues moderate,
the suppUes are regulated to the wants of trade, and
about former prices retained, but receivers and busi¬
ness generaUy in a very unsatisfactoi-y condition. At
both the eastward aud in this State the number of
kilns lamnihg is unusuaUy small, and there is no in¬
ducement to materiaUy increase the production at
present. We quote nominaUy as foUows : Rockland,
85c. per bbl. for common, and $1.25 for finishing ;
North River, 60@65c. per bbl. for common, and $1@,
1.25 for finishing.
LUMBER.—^Business on the wholesale market con¬
tinues to move moderately, and that is about aU. The
shipping demand requires nothing beyond the parcels
sent out to fill freight room or an occasional small
special order: local caUs, although now and then
swelling to a fair aggregate, are not continuous or of
sufficient magnitude to make any serious inroad
upon stocks ; while dependent domestic points seem
to be consuming very sparingly, and seldom find it
necessary to send in orders to replenish stock. All
our dealers, however, are using great cai-e about
purchasing or ordei-ing forward additional supplies,
and there is not much pressure upon the market, ex¬
cept from interior manufacturers, who now and then
make an eflort to convince the trade of the safety ef
investment in lumber. These efforts do not appear to
be greatly appreciated, or, at least, are not acted
upon to any extent. In the midst of. the duU business,
however, we find some of the principal dealers again
nurturing a hope of a larger and more general move¬
ment dm-ing the incoming FaU, and hail this, at least,
one cheerful sign. EspeciaUy, as having gone through
the test of a remarkably protracted period of de¬
pression, values have, in aU probabiUty, reached the
limit of shrinkage, and more Ukely to improve than
to further favor buyers.
Eastei-n spruce has continued to arrive moderately,
yet, on the whole, there has been sufficient for the
limited demand, and seUers gain no advantage—in
fact, it is evident that it requires the most careful
management on the part of agents and their con¬
signors to prevent too great an accumulation, and a
very Uttle sui-plus would undoubtedly cause much in¬
convenience. In some instances, there has recently
been a slight increase of special orders, but with
j buyers positively refusing to exceed former figures.
I We quote at $11@$12.50 for random, possibly $13 for
' choice lengths, in smaU cargo ; and $12 50@$i4 50
I for specials, the extreme for extra difficult.
• White Pine not quite so active, but, in some cases, a
fair distribution is being made, and the market may
be caUed about steady. Home consumptive wants
afford the best outlet, few of the exporters having any
orders at present. The arrivals are limited, but ex¬
ceed the outlet, if any thing, and the stock sUghtly
increases. On the general range about former prices
, are reported as current. We quote nominally at $18
â– @19 !$ M for shippers, 10 inch and upwards ; $15@17
do. for do., 10 and 13 inch, and $13.50@15 for box, 8
and 13 inch. BuUding timber, $30@35.
YeUow pine remained steady at about former ra,tes,
and agents generaUy are unwnling to contract ahead,
except at a pretty f uU margin, as this is a precarious