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Vol. XX.
Academy st-----714.
AUen St... .558, 615, 809, 849, 869, 930.
Ann St....598, 733.
Attorney st-----849.
Bank St.... 751,
Barrow St.... 577, 948.
Baxter st;.. .615, 714, 948, 1009.
Bayard St....647.
Beachst....540, 7.51, 989.
Bedford st... .679, 769, 910.
Bleecker st... .631, 663, 679, 695, 714, 849, 889, 948.
Bolton road.... 578.
Boulevard, from 59th to 69th st... .930.
Boulevard, from 69th to 80fch st....733, 789, 889,
948, 989, 1009.
Boulevard, from 80th to 92d st... .839.
Boulevard, from 93d to 108th st....733, 809, 849,
870, 1009.
Boulevard, from 108th to 135th st... .789,930, 948,
Boulevard, from 135th to 145th st... .597, 615, 631,
733, 869.
Boulevard, from 145th st to termination-----.579,
680, 733, 769, 788.
Bowery... .598, 680, 733, 1009.
Broad St....869.
Broadway, south of Canal st... .597, 631, 751.
Broadway, from Canal to 14th st... .558, 597, 663,
751, 930, 948, 1009.
Broadway, from 14th to- 34th st... .751, 788, 948,
Broadway, from 34th to 59th st... .889, 930.
Broome st, east of Broadway___597, 598, 695, 714,
733, 769, 789, 930.
Broome st, west of Bi-oadway___578, 714, 769.
Burling slip.... 1009.
Canal st, east of Broadway-----631.
Canal st, west of Broad way.... 679, 680, 695, 733,
889, 910.
Cannon st... .751, 969, 1009.
Carmuie st.... 647, 695, 769.
Catharine st... .578, 598, 733.
Cedar St.... 889.
Centre St....679, 789.
Chambers St.... 839, 889, 1009.
Charles St....889.
Chatham st... .597, 598, 663, 679, 680, 695, 733, 810,
910, 9,30.
Chatham sq___910.
Cherry st... .849, 909, 910, 948.
Chestnut St....889, 969.
Christopher st.. ..598, 679, 733, 889, 969.
Chrystie St... .558, 597, 680, 751, 948.
Church St.... 631, 930, 1009.
CUff St... .558, 714, 733, 1009.
CUnton St... ..540, 558, 751, 789, 910, 930, 1009.
Columbia st... .541, 598, 631, 733, 889, 989.
. Commerce st... .769, 910. 930.
Crosby St....889.
Delancey st... .695, 849, 910, 969.
Division St.... 680, 889.
Duane St....73.3, 1009.
DePeyster st....647.
Dominick st___578.
Downing st___631.
Dry Dock St... 631.
Dyckman st___.579.
East St....930, 989.
East Broad way.... 647, 789, 869, 889, 910, 948,
1009. . .,,,,,
Eldridge st... .541, 597, 647, 663, 695, 751, 809, 889,
930, 969.
EUzabeth st... .558, 598, 663, 829, 889, 949.
Elm St....733, 949.
Essex St... .558, 578, 631, 695, 714, 889, 910, 930.
Forsyth st... .647, 663, 751, 809, 869, 889, 989, 1009.
Frankfort st... .,578, 695, 714, 733, 769, 809.
Franklin st... .679, 789, 809, 989, 1009.
Front St... .647, 7.51, 789, 809, 869, 889, 1009.
Pulton St... .597, 598, 647, 733, 930.
Goerck st.... 541, 663, 695, 789, 889.
Gold St.... 829.
Grand st, from Bast River to CUnton st___541,
615, 809, 910, 930.
Grand st, from Clinton st to Bowery... .558, 809,
869, 889.
Grand st; west of Bowery... .695, 829, 849, 889.
Greene st... .558, 615, 631, 680, 809.
Greenwich st, south of Canal st... .541, 578, 647,
679, 789, 949, 969.
Greenwich st, north of Canal st.., .597, 889, 891,
.949, 969, 1010.
Grove St., 1.889, 890.
Hague St.... 733.
Hester st___889. â–
HamUton st... .'969.
Hammond st___597.
Henry st... .631, 733, 769, 869.
Horatio St....597, 989.
Houston st, East....61.5, 680, 751, 769, 789, 839,
869, 989.
Houston st, West.... 809.
Hubert St....949.
Hudson st, south of Houston st___598, 695, 733.
Hudson st, uoi"th of Houston st....541, 695, 869,
Jackson St....578, 663.
Jay St....647, 910.
John St. ..839, 849.
King St....714, 769.
Kingsbridge road..., 558, 578, 663, 695.
Laight St... .679, 714, 889.
Lawrence st... .558, 597, 849, 869.
Liberty st, 679, 839, 930.
Lewisst.....541, 615, 789.
Lispenard st-----839.
Ludlow St... .615, 631, 989.
Macdougal sfc... .680, 733, 809, 889, 949.
Madison st... .578, 598, 615, 647, 695, 733, 849, 889,
Manhattan St....632.
Maiden lane___714.
Market St... 839, 910.
Marion st... ..541, .578, 615, 949.
Mercer st___714.
Minetta st... .598, 647, 733.
Minetta lane___695.
Monroe st... ..541, 889, 910, 949, 1009.
Morton St.... 558, 910.
Mott St... .631, 889, 930, 969, 1009.
Mulberry st... .558, 578, 597, 598, 615,680, 733, 789,
829, 889, 930.
Mm'rayst....615, 647.
Nassau st... .598, 647, 733.
New Bowery___889.
Norfolk St... .714, 751, 849, 930,
North Moore st.... 891, 1010.
North Yfilliam st... .663, 733.
Oak St....889.
Oliver St.... 910.
Orchard st... .558, 695,869, 910.
Pearl St... .558, 578, .598, 615, 631,647, 733, 769, 809.
Perry st... .541, 663, 680, 714, 733, 829.
Pine St....889, 989.
Pitt St....910.
Piatt St....829.
Prince st.... 541, .578, 631, 849.
Readest....5.58, 989.
Ren wick st___910.
Ridgest.....558, 680, 714.
Rivington st... ..541, 615, 751, 839,'849, 910,-969.
Rose St....839. ' . .
Roosevelt st___.541,751.
Rutgei's st___541.
Ryder's Alley....680.
Sheriff st... ..578, 769, 969, 990.
Sniff en court.... 695, 889.
South St.... 1009.
Sprmg St... .558, 714, 809, 889, 910, 930.
Spruce St....541, 839.
Stanton st. . .578, 598, 680, 714, 733, 789, 809, '889,
State St....869.
Suffolk St....541, 698.
SuUivanst....558, 839.
Thompson st... .578, 598, 663, 751, 869, 910, 930.
Tompkins st... .930.
Vandewater st___541, 849.
Veseyst....679, 889.
Varick st....631.
WaUier st.... 647,949, 969.
Warren st....769.
Washington st, north of Canal st, 598, 663, 733,
769, 809, 889, 910, 949.
Waber st.... 869, 889, 949.
Watts st.... 631, 751, 989.
West St....631, 679, 770, 969.
West Broadway....695, 733, 809.
White St....558, 695.
WhitehaU st....695,
WiUettst....809, 869.
Woosterst....615, 789.
Worth St....969.
1st St....829.
8dst...,680, 714, 889,989.
3d st,East....647, 714, 733, 789, 969, 989, 1009.
3d st. West (late Amity st).... 597, 598, 679, 733.
4th st, east of Broadway....598,'680, 790, 889,
850, 910.
4th st, west of Broadway....631, 809, 889, 890,
910, 930.
5th St.....558, .5.59, 680, 714, 789, 809, 850, 949, 969.
6th st,... 890, 910, 949, 1010.
7th St... .559, 578, 631, 733, 751, 949.
8th st, east of Broadway-----1,010.
9th st, east of Broadway... .615, 680, 733,809, 810,
'889, 869, 910, 930.
9th st, west of Broadway... .559, 647, 680.
10th st, east of Istav, 616, 733, 809, 839, 910, 969.
10th st, bet 1st av and Broadway___559, 989,
10th st, west of Broadway....733, 839, 890, 949,
11th st, east of 1st av....541, 578, 615, 631, 949,
11th st, bet 1st av and Broadway___631, 869.
llthst, west of Broadway....541, 559, 597, 890,
13th st, east of 1st av....615, 647, 663, 769, 839,
13th st, bet 1st av and Broadway-----789.
13th st, west of Broadway....578, 751,.789, 809,
13th st, east of 1st av... .578, 695, 850, 890.
13th st, bet 1st av and Broadway... .598, 615, 789,
13thst, west of Broadway....559, 598, 616, 714,
733, 949.
14th st, east of 3d av....695, 7.51, 810, 890, 910,
14thst, westof 6thav.....541, 559, 789, 839, 930.
15th st, east of 3d av... .809.
15thst;bet 3d and 6th avs....559, 850, 910.
15th st, bet 6thand 8th avs... .616, 680, 789, 809.
16th st, east of 3d av... .541, 559, 680.
16th st, bet 3d and 6th avs... .598, 809, 869.
16th st, bet 6th and 8th avs... .598, 829, 890.
16th st, westof 8th av....541, 598, 616.
17th st, east of 3d av. . ..598, 647, 714. '
17th st, bet 3d and 6th avs.... 969..
17th st, bet 6th and 8th avs... .616, 631, 789, 1010.
17th st, west of 8th av.... 869.
18th st, east of 3d av.... 680, 969. â– â– -S ;^i^ :
18th st, bet 3d and 6th avs.... 559, 578. si :-
18th st, bet 6th and 8th avs.... 969.
ISth st, west of 8th av.... 930, 989.
19th st, e^t of 3d av... .541, 969, 1010.
19th st, bet 3d and 6th avs-----631.
19fch st, bet 6th and 8th avs.... .598, 989.
19th st, west of 8th av.... 679, 789, .930.
80th st, east of 3d av... .616, 714, 769,
SOth st, bet 3d and 6th avs.... 809, 869.
SOthst, bet 6th and 8th avs....559, 695, 890, 910,
31st st, east of 3d av... .616.
21st st, bet 3d and 6th avs .. .890, 910, 1010.
81st st, bet 6th and 8th avs... .910.
21st st, west of 8th av... .598, 663, 869.
83d st, east of 3d av.... 769.
33d st, bet 3d and 6th avs... .889.
32dst, bet6th and8th avs....663, 714, 769, 949
989, 1010.
88dst, west of 8th av....631, 647, 769, 789, 869,
949, 1010.
83d east of 3d av... .714, 869, 910,
83d st, bet 3d and 6thavs....949.
83d st, bet 6th and 8th avs... ..559, 631, 679, 809.
33d st, west of 8thav... .695, 714, 949, 1010.
34th st, east of 3d av... .829.
24th st, bet 3d and 6th avs... .949.
24th st, bet 6th and 8th avs... .578, 663.
84thst, westof 8th av. ..714.
85th st, east of 3d av... .769, 789, 969.
25th st, bet 3d and 6th avs... .7.34, 809, 850,
35th st, bet 6th and 8th avs....541, 598.
85thst, westof 8th av. ...541,679,989,1010.
86th st, east of 3d av... .541, 949.
36thst, bet 3d and6thavs....631, 647, 839.
86th st, bet 6th and 8th avs... .616, S89. 869, 910.
26th st, west of 8th av... ..598, 809, 890, 910, 949.
87th st, east of 3d av... .631, 789.
87th st, bet 6th and 8th avs... .578, 930.
37th st, west of 8th av.... 541, 680.
88th st, east of Sd av... .647, 789.
28th st, bet 3d and 6th avs... .598, 890, 1010.
28th st, bet 6th and 8th avs.... 631.
28th st, west of 8th av... .695, 810, 890, 910, 969.