xr, c.'T- ^-^'^^
Academy St....743, 939. 1
Alien St, south of Broome st___724, 1032.
north of Broome St....74:3, 704, 806. 851,
Amity st. (See West 3d st.)
Ann St.... 1009.
Attorney St....060, 899.
Bank St... 7(34,939, 1059.
Barrow st___70S.
Baxter st.... 040, 6(50, 743, 9(52,
Beach st...,85I. 8.52,
Beaver st___.584, 103:3,
Bedford st,,..852, 902.
Beekman st___irOO.
Bleecker st...,584, (503, 708, 10055, ia59,
Bloomingdale road,,.,545, 5a5, 724,876, 920.
Bond St. ...584, 040,9:39.
Boulevard, from 59th to 09th st___040, 743,
from 69th to 80th st,., ,9:39.
from 8 th to 92d st...,7G.5.
from 12.5th to 14.5th st,,, ,040, S'.tO,
from N.5th st to termination___041),
Bowery, south of Bivington st___962, 1059,
northof Rivingtonst.,..(560, 07.5. 708, 72.5,
Bridge st.,..S99.
Broad St....67.5, 899, 918.
Broadway, soirth or Canal st___.545, 640, 092,
from Canal to 4th st...,022, 07.5,827.828.
S91t, 1009.
from 14th to 34th st___07.5, 787, 985.
from 34th to 44th st....f84. 827, 828, 870,
985, 10.59.
from 44th to 59th st... .041, 7C55, 1009.
Broome st, east of Allen st___54.5, .540, 5(53, 584,
003, 622, CV»2, 800, 827, 919, 9S5, 1033,
bet Allen st and Broadway.... .546.
west of Broadway...,503, 622, 743, 828,
•ion > ) 1 I
939, -
Burling slip-----07.5,
Canal st, east of Broadway___004, 1059,
west of Broadway... ,622,
Cannon st___899,
Carmine st ,,, 708, 828, 985,
Cedar st___040, 743.
Centre st,,,,040, 000, 82S, 10.59,
Qbarltonst,,,,724, S99.
Chatham st, bet Frankfort and Baxter st___.540,
(540, 708. 899, 902, 985.
bet Baxter and Doyer st... .743, 103:3.
Cherry st,.., 540, 022, 743, 800,
Christopher st, bet Greenwich av and Bedford st
.,..060,724, 74:3,
bet Bedford and West sts___.564, 9(52.
Chrystie st___54(5, 075, 74:3, 8.52.
Clinton st,,, .50:3,(304, 092, 704.
Columbia st___13:39, 985.
Commerce st___708, 962, 1009.
Cortlandt st....G40.
Crosby st.,, .022, 675, 852, 939.
Crotonst ...910.
>, 5)85,
Delancey st, west of Clinton st___622, 040
east of Clinton st... .743, 785, 899, 911
1009, 1059.
Desbrosses st___764, 1033.
Dey st, east of Greenwich st___040, 806. 85
west of Greenwich,st___(540.
Division st___Ot'4, 675, 785, 919, 9ai
Doverst....5S5, 828,8.53.
Downing st... .622, 852.
Doyer st,... 1010.
Duaue st.... 640, a52, 985.
Dyekman st___785, 800.
East Broadway, from Catharine to Clinton st
546, 604, 092, 919,939.
from Clinton st to termination___962.
Eldridgest ,,.70S, 1009, 10.59.
Elizabeth st, south of Broome st___C40, 600,
north of Broome st....785, S99, 962, 1059.
Elm St....743,919, 939.
Emerson st___828.
Essex st, south of Broome st... .693, 1033.
north of Broome st... 675, 692,806, 828, 852,
876,985 . . . , ,
Forsyth st, from Division to Broome st .. .622,
806, 902, 1033.
from Broome st to termination-----540, S.52.
Frankfort St.....540, 504, 939, 1059,
Front st.,.,743,&52, 9a5, 10:33,
Goerck st, south of Rivington st-----(5-40, 708, 743,
87(5, 1009, 10;33, 1059.
Gouverneur slip.... lt'3;3.
Grammercy Park,. 985,
Grammercy Park (carriage way) — 092.
Grand st, from East River to Clinton st ,..899,
from Clinton st te Bowery... 743.
west of Bowery... .622, 70S, 1059.
Greenest ...919.
Greenwich st, south of Canal .st-----1540, 877,','19.
Grove st 504,
Great Jones st___54(5. 040.
Harrison st___9^5,
Hawthorne st___743,
Hester st. from Clinton to Eldridgest-----.584, 708,
806, 876, 919,
from Eldridge st to termination,, 040, 709,
Henry st, from Oliver to Rutgers st-----692,98.5.
from Rutgers to Grand st___692,764, 785,
919, 103:3, 1059.
Hillside st___5S.5.
Houston st, bet Broadway and Allen st___5(54,
800, 899, 919.
bet Allen st and East River,,, ,584,724, 764,
800, 877, 919.
Hudson St. south of Houston st... .704, 8.52, 899.
north of Houston st... .939, 1009, 1010.
Inwood st___005
James St....919. 9:39.
James slip....919.
John St....000, 092, 98.5.
King St....899.
Kingsbridge road....743, 744, il42, 1C.59.
Lawrence st-----1036.
Leonard St..,, 74.3, 962,98.5, 1010,
Leroy st.,,. (540, 1009, 1010, 1059,
Lewis st, from Grand to Houston st___584, 743,
876, 935, 1059,
from Houston st to termination___.564, 675,
764, 7&5.
Ludlow St. ..54(5, (540, 708, S06, 1010.
Macomb's Dam road.,..901. 920, 963.
Macdougal st.... 022, .852, 899, 1059.
Madison st, from Pearl to Rutgers st___622.
from Rutgers to Grand st___7S5, 8i8, 98.5.
Maiden lane___07.5, 828, 985.
Manhattan st___504, 5(55.
Market St.... (504, 98,5,
Marketfield st-----(375,
Meicerst... 764, 828, 899.
Monroe st, west of Jefferson st___584, (592.
eastof Jefrersonst....70S, 704, 828, 98.5.
Morton St. ..7a5, 919.
Mottst, from Chatham to Grand St....022, 040,
985, 1010.
from Grand st to termination — 640, 708,
725, 876, 899, 9a5.
Mulberry st, south of Grand st. ..9:39, 985, 1033.
north of Grand st___.540, 852.
Murray st....lOIO,
Nassau st___806.
New st___540,
New Bowery___785.
New Chambers st___584,
New Church st.... 640, 1032.
Norfolk st, from Division to Broome st—564,
675, 708, 764, 1010.
from Broome to Houston st___675,70S, 7a5,
North William St....546, 708.
Oak St....640.
Old slip.... 1059.
Oliver st___7(54.
Orchaid st, south of Broome st-----692. 743.
north of Broome st..,.632, 876, 899, 1010.
Park row___(540.
Park St....000, 919, 1010.
Pearl st, from State to Beekman st .,,584, 1010,
from Beekman st to Broadway___060, 708,
764, 80(5, a52, 919, 939,
Perry st.,,,(5(34.
Pike St.,,, (504, 09i.
Pine St....(522.
Pitt St.... 5(54, 919.
Prince St.... 660, 9(52.
Readest___.505, 870, 9)2.
Renwickst....(50(), 10.59.
Ridge St.....584, 9(32.
Rivington st, from Bowerv to Clinton st-----546
7a5, 10.59.
east of Clinton.... 54(5. 899, 940, 985.
Roosevelt St....584, 785, 939, 10,59.
Rose St....584. 852.
Rutgers St.... 640, 9a5.
South St.....540, (592, 9a5, 10:33.
South Washington sq (see "West 4th sti.
South William st.... 584.
Spring St.,, ,540, 604, 743, 806 940,
Stanton st, west of Clinton st, , ,564,604, 708, 985.
east of Clinton st .. .708, 7(54, 7a5, 8!19, 919,
i 1010.
Stone St... 584.
Stuy vesant st — 0 (2.
Suffolk st.... 540, 743. 9a5.
Sullivan S-... .584, 640, 692.
Thompson st, south of Prince st — 584, 743.
north of Prince st.,. .092, 828, a52.
Troy St.... (see W^est 12th st.)
Vandewnter st.,. 54(5, 743, HUO.
Varick st — 622.
"Walker st.... .546, .564, 675.
Warren st .. 919.
Washington st, south of Cortlandt st... ..584, 622.
from (Cortlandt to Canal sts ...640, 764,
940, 962, 103:3, 1059.
north of Canal st.,. .70S. 919, 962, 1059.
Water st, from Wliitehall to Beekman sts-----546,
604, 622, 640, (592,
from Beekman st to termination-----546,
5(54, .584. 692, 764, 7a5, a52, 899, 962,
Watts st,,., 70S, 8.52,
We,«tst, south of Laight st.,..O40, 743, 764, 806,
9a5, U'33, 10.34.
north of Laight st.. .708, 919,1059.
W^est Broadway.... 708.
West Washington sq —1033.
White St... .692, 743, 900. 1010.
"Whitehall St....852.
William st, from Stone st to Maiden lane-----584,
(592, 70S, 743, 7(54.
from Maiden lane to termination___546,
Willettst....S.52,962, 1010.
Worth St....806, 919.
1st St....940, 962.
2d st, from Bowery to Av A... .675, 725, 877.
east of Av A... .564, (392, 743, 877.
od st, bet. Bowerv and Av B___546, 743, 876,
east of Av B.... 919, 985, 1059.
West (late Amity stj... 828. 8.52.
4th st, east of Broadway-----604, 676, 70S, 9?.5.
bet. Broadway and Barrow st___708,785,
80(5. 852. 103:3.
between Barrow and West 13th sts___919.
.5tbst. ..70S, ;03,*3.
6th st, between Lewis st and Av B-----72.5.
bet. Av B and Bowery... .709, 828, 940.
7th St... .622, S(j6, 900, 10;33.
8th .st, east of Broadw:iy___640, 10.59.
west of Broad way-----764.
9th st, east of 1st av... .(575, 985, 1059.
bet. Istav wid Broad way.... 640, 70S, 764,
west of Broadway___7a5, 1033.
10th st, east of Av B... .(375, 70S, 725,962, 9S5, 986,
bet. Av B and 1st av... .092.
bet 1st av and Broadway___919, 1033.
west of Broadway,....564, 604, 1010, 1033.
11th st, east of Av B .. .640, 725, 744. 962, 986.
bet Istav and Broad way.... 584, 692, 828,
876, 940.
west of Broadway.,. .546, 899, 900, 986.