Real Estate Record
NEW YOKK, 8ATUliDAY, 8ErTEM13Eil (i, l«7ij.
N'o. 6'JU.
Published Weekly by
QnM'Vdl Estate Jlccorb ^ssonattoii.
ONK YKAK, in advance.. ..SIO.OO.
Coinmunications should be addres.sed to
Nos. 315 AND 347 Buoaiiwav
RI.XTII .STlllCirr.
S e cor Olst, st, 100x80.
R \v cor (Wd st, lOOxloO.
N w cor (;-2d St. l()(ix(i().
\V s, I--'.").:") n (Wd st, .-lOxHlO.
E s, liK.l.'.; n (Kd .st, I5.:;"(xl0().
E s. 7;")..-) 11 l)-id .st, 12."ixluu.
N e cor CiMd st, lOOxKlO.
E .«, 1()()..5 11 bod st, •iO.oxO'.r).
N w cor (iod st, 10(1x7.5.
H w cor Ooth .st, lOCxlOO.
E s, bet 04th and 05th sts—block—200xl()().
AV s, bet 0.5tb and OOlli sts—block—'iOOx 100.
S 0 cor (jtitli st, 70x80.
\V s, bet (iSth and O'.lth sts—block—200x100.
AV s, bet ooth and 7()th sts—block—'iOOx 100.
S e cor 70tli st, I00xl0."i..'>.
N ecor 7()tb st, lOOxlOU.
\V s, bet Tlst and 72d sts—block—204x100.
W s, bet 72d and T:;d sts—block—204x100.
N 0 cor 7^2d st, .54.4x100.
H ecor78d st. l.'iOxKlO.
iS' w cor 7;-ld st, 102x100.
N e cor 7l-5fl .'•t, 'i7.'2x77.S.
E s, •2t.'2 11 7od st, 7.")x77.-S.
W s, bet 74tli and 7.-)tli sts—block—204x100.
E s, bet 74tb and 7r)tli sts—block—204x100.
\V s, bet 7.5th and 70th sts-block—204x100.
E s, bet 7.")th and 7(;th sts—block—t2()4.o;'.;xl00.
AV s, bet 7filh ami 7(ith sts—block—'ilMx.'si).
N ecor7(.thst, 51x100.
N w cor 77tbst, 15:^x100.
E s, 51.2 n 77th st, 51x100.
N w cor 7>>ili st, P20x75.
E s, '2.5.8 n 78tb st, 25.0x80.
E s, 51.2 n 78th st, 1.5:3x100.
AV s, bet Tilth and 80th sts, 204x100.
]S' w cor .SOth st, 102x100.
Es,, T.5xlOi).
E s, 100 n 80th st, 51..'5x100.
« e cor 80th st, 51.1x100.
E .s, 102.2 n SLst st, 80x100.
N w cor S'2d st, 102.2x'.)0.
AV s, i;iS.8 n 82d st, 14.7xi)0.
AV s, ]5SS n 82d st, •25.(i>^xy0.
Js e cor 82d st, 7:5x00.
I^ w cor 8:5(1 st, :d4x8().
\V s, :54 n S;5d St, 18.2x80.
AV s, 52.2 n 8:5d st, 50x80.
S vr cor84tlist, 10'2xl()0.
N vr cor 84th st, •25.0%x—.
W s, 2.5.0K 11 84tb st, 2.5.0)^x:34.2i^x(>7j.<.
AV s, 51 n 84th sl, '2.5.0>^,x07.1 i^x.82.2;4i'j.
AV s, 7(;.7>^.< n 84tli st, l-i7.«x8^2.22>j'.
N e cor 84tli st, 25.G>f5(i.8.
E s, 2.5.0>^ s SSth St. 51 lxS2.2.5:f.
S .s, 100 e uth av, ;500xl02.2.
S w cor Madison av, 20xl0-2.2.
N s, 100 e otb av, 300x102.2.
N w cor Madison av, •20x102.2.
S s, 2^25 e Madison av, 100x102.2.
S w cor 4th av, 75x84.4.
N s, IOO w 4th av, .50x102.2.
S s, IOO e 4th av, 300x102.2.
S e cor Lexington av, 20x102.2.
S s, 20 e Lexiugton av, 30x102.2.
N s, 145 e Lexington av, 50x102.3.
N s, 242 e Lexington av, 44x102.2.
iiiirnir.ri! sriir.c.r.
R s, 100 e 5tli av, 2-i5xl0:.'.^2.
N s, 100 e 5tli av, 75x102.2.
X s, 70 w JJadison av, .5(ixl(>2.2.
.\ s. 120 w Madisoii av, (k!x1()2.2.
S s, 100 e Madison av, 2()0xl(rJ.2.
N e cor Mudison av, 10(ix7ri.7J.^.
N s, 100 c Madison av, •2(,x70.7ii<,
N s, r2() e Madisoii av! .5xl(r2.^i. "
N s, 1'25 e Madison nv, 175x102.2.
N s, :5(10 e Madisoii av, 2()xl(i2.2.
N s, 100 e 4th av, 100x102.2.
N s, 5 w Lexington av, 125x102.2.
M e cor Lexington av, .5x102.2.
S 0 cor Lexington av, 2()x 102.2.
Ss, '20 0 Lexington av, l'2.(ixlO'2.2.
S s, 51 e Lexiiigtonmiv, :57.0xl02.2.
S s, 115 e LexiiiKton av, .50x102.2.
S s, •2-20 e Lexiiigtim av. 22xl()2.^2.
N e cor Lexington av. •2(ix 10:2.2.
N s, 20 e Lexington av, 25x102,2.
Kiiitrrv FiusT .st..i-;kt.
.S 100o.5tbav, SOOx 102.2.
0 cor JIadison av. 20x102.2.
.<, 1(10 e .5th av, •25x102.2
, bet Madison and 4tli avs—block,
s, 1(10 e4tb av, :{00x 104.4.
e cor Lexington av, 5x104.1.
s, 75 e 4 th uv, 1-25x1(12. i.
.s, 225 e 4lh av, •25xl0^2.2.
s, .55 w Lexington av, 50x102.2.
e cor Lexington av, •20x102.2.
s, •2(1 e Lexington av, 50x102.2.
s, 02 e Lexington av, 1 l()xl()^>.2.
e cor Lexiimton av, •20xl()2.'2.
s, 20 e Lexington av, 75.x 102.2.
s, 100 e 5tli av, av. 225x102.2.
s, Il0e5thav, •2-i5xl('2.^2.
.s, m) e 5th av, .50x1(12.2.
w cor Madison av, 10x102.2.
s, bet Madison and 4th avs—block.
.s, 85 e Madison av. 2'25.xl02.'2.
.s, 125 e4tli av, •25.xK«.^2.
s, ^2^25 e 4th av, •25x1(12.2.
s, :550e4th 20x102.2.
s, :^7()e4tli av, :50xl«2.^3.
e cor Lexington av, .5.\ 102.2.
s, •200 e 4tirav, 25xl02.^2.
.s, 5 w Lexington av. .'>()xI0^2.2.
w cor Lexington av, 5x102.2.
s, 87.I)j-.< e Lexington av, 70.8x102.2.
Chief Justice AA'aite, .sitting as Circuit Judge for
this circuit, has recentlj- decided the following; A
husband purchased propertj- with his own means,
and took title thereto in the nameof his wife,
with an understanding between them, that she
should make a will devising tbe propertj' to the
husband in case be survived ber. Subsequentlj',
and in Februarj', 1800, she died. Held, that not¬
withstanding the husband paid for the property
and the nominal title onljr was in the wife,
under tbe succession tax act of IStil the husband
is bound to paj- tax upon the devolution of the
title to bim. The fact that the will was made on
account of an agreement to that elfect by the wife
when she took title, rendered it none the less an
instrument creating a beneficial interest in the
husband on his death, and that, under the statute,
is the succession to be taxed.
A., as suretj' for B., on an indebtedness to C.
& Co., executed to the latter a bond and mort¬
gage on bis real propertj'. C. & Co., desiring to
raise inonej' on the mortgage, gave an additional
bond which was signed bj' the individual mem¬
bers of tbe firm, but not iu the firm name. A.
failed to paj' the interest on the mortgage, as it
matured, and the all'airs of tbe firm of C. & Co.
were placed in the hands of a receiver. The
property was foreclosed and a deficiency arose on
the sale of tho s;iine which it was .sought to secure
from the .assets of tbe tiriii of C. Se Co. The re¬
ceiver coiitestcil upon the ground that the bond
was not signed in the lirm name, and tluit, there¬
fore, the assets of the lirm ought not to bo u.sed to
pav the deficieiicj- judgment.
The Court of Appeals adjudge that the bond,
notwithstanding its form, having been exectitoti
in the of the firm of C. Sc Co., and for
the benefit thereof, must be regarded na a co-
liarnership obligation and is pajabie out of the
assets of the lirm.
A. and B. entered into copartnership in a nior-
cantile B. to furnish the cajiital and A.
to give his skill and services in lieu of other capi¬
tal. The profits of the concern were to be divided
equally between the copartner.*--.
A. brou{;ht suit for a dissolution of the copart¬
nership, and for an accounting previous to the
time agreeil upon for u dis.solut ion of the firm.
The Superior Court bold, that A. has no interest
in the stock, excepting so for as in the progre.?s
of the business it might be converted into profits,
and he is not entitled to an accounting ujion a
basis of what profits might be realized on a sale
of the stock on liiind at the time of a decree for
A. agreed to loan B. $1,0-22 on bond and mort"
gnge. The loan was approved, and tbe bond and
mortgage drawn; the latterof which was put upon
record bj- the attoriiej- for A. A., however, re¬
fused to give the monej' on account jf a certain
alleged cloud iijion the title. AA'berenpoii B.
brought suit in assumpsit, to recover tbe ainouiit
The Marj'land Court of Appeals determine,
that the action for the sum agreed to be loaneil
could not be maintained, and stated that if aiij-
action would lie it woiihl onlj' be an action for
breach of contract in which the actual damages
and not the stiiii agreed to be loaned was recover¬
AVhere a wifo executed a mortgage and the
husband joined in the bond as suretj'. and the
niortgagoe accepted from the wife interest in ad¬
vance for a time bej-oiui that fixed by tbe bond
for the payment of the debt. Held that such
acceptance created an implied agreement to e.x-
teiid t'jc time of iiayinent of the debt, and opera¬
ted to discbarge the suretj-.
At the Exchange Salesroom, all sales held during
the week were pursuant to orders of courts, the
plaintiff heing the purchaser in every case. Among
the recorded conveyances are the following ; In con¬
sideration of the sum of §575.000. Dun, Barlow & Co.
have conveyed to Henry H. Cook, the block of land
bounded bj' Fifth and Madison avenues, Seventy-
eighth and Seventy-ninth streets (not Ninety-eighlb
and Ninety-ninth streets), as erroneously reported in
tho daily papers. This sale was effected in June last,
and at that time it was supposed that the purchaser
was Mr. D. O. Mills, of California. Mr. Cook has con¬
veyed to Mr. A. B. Smith, of the Ann of Dun.
Barlow & Co.. two lots on the east sid9 of Fifth ave¬
nue, 50.2 nortii of Eightv--third street, consideiation.
$75,000. Heber R. Bishop bas taken title to plot 100.5
x'2'25 on the southeast corner of Fifth avenue and
Sixty-seventh street, consideration. S"-50,0<:0. and the
executors of AVm. T. Garner have conveyed to Arnold
& Constable, for S2()O,0OO, two blocks on tbe east side