February 5,1881
The Real Estate Regoro.
28 Spader, J. Van—D. D. Whitney
29 Schweickert, Frederick—W. Heinz-
4,511 74
mann........................... 3,095 20
2 Simons, Frederick A.—L. W. Bufcler.
2 Smith, Henry—G. V. Hecker.......
2 Sharp. Jane, and others, exrs. John
L.-Sharpe. dec'd—Brooklyn Whifce
Lead Co..........................
2 The exrs., &c., John L. Sharpe,
dec'd—Brooklyn Whifce Lead Co..
2 The Brooklvn Cifcy Railroad Co.—J.
Clare............. ........... 5,366 02
28 Wren, William C.—Goodyear Denfcal
Vulcanifce Co...................
28 Williams, Jr., Sefch—A. Nelson.....
28 Wunder, Edward M.—J. Rueger...
31 Yafces, Henry—M. Acker...........
--------• â– m^m «--------
63 25
195 62
183 67
182 67
171 67
131 12
109 53
751 64
Jan. 29 to Feb. i—inclusive.
Bogert, Henry S. J
Booth. James A vS, A. Pearce. (Jan 8,'77)
Bliven, Edward M. I
Burns, Thomas—G. L. Schuyler. (1875)___
Boyce. James. Jr.—P. M. Wilson. (1879) ...
JBoeae. Charles — Henrietta Bromberger.
Barrett. Henry J.—Leopold Zimmerman.
Bordenocrger. Louis—A P; Hinihan. ('79).
Bush. Balph I.—Charles Loughran. (IffTO)..
Brown. James and J. Gratz-J. F. Bauer.
Brady, James—Alex. Henry. (1879)........ 1,225 76
Same-------same (1879)............... 6H 6 i
ClarK. Sarah—F-ances G. Clark. (1880).....
Conner. Willam C, Sheriff, &c.—Henry
Whitman. (1876)...................
§=!ame-------Peter Gordon. (1877) ...;;...
SSame-------H C. Snebly. (r876)..........
Parae-------L B. Prince. tl876)...........
Cudlipp, Beuhen H.—Kusswli Sage. (1881)..
Clancey, Andrew—G. L. Schuyler. (1875)...
Cozzens, Fre l*-ric S.—S F Gregory. (1680).
Conner. William i'.. Sheriff, Ac—Anna C.
H. Gerken. (1877).......................
llSarae-------Central Bank o,! Westchester
Co. (11-76)..........................
llSame-------Henrietta Bromberger. ('77).
Hame-------C. C. Bingham. (1876)......
llConner, William C—H, J. Welch. (1878)..
jSanie-------Win. Clark. (187.5^.........
llSame-------L. M. Cohen. (18:6)......___
iDempsey, Patrick and Eliza J. — Henry
Wilson. (1878)..........................
Dempsey. Patrick—Hazard Powder Co. ('78)
lIDunlap.''homas—L. M. Cohen. (1876) ...
Davies, Thomas A.—Bussell Sage. (1881)..
Erhurd. George P.—h. a. Pearce. (1877) ...
Ebling, Philip and Wm.—Wm. Ulmer. ('81)
Goddard, George H. — W. M. Newmaii.
087.1).......................... .-.....
Geer. Edward Winslow—D. P. Eansom, exr
&c. fl881).............................
Green. Mrs. Annie Mi—P. C. Devlin. (1881).
Qatfnby, John V.—A. S. Jones, Jr. (1879)..
Hoffman, George-Hugh McCuUoch. ('75).
Hoopes, Evan T.—Elisha Bloomer. (1877)...
Huriburt, Charles F —S. A. Pearce. (! 877).,
Kingsbury. Herbert A.—S A i earcn. (77).
Kimber, Alfred—J. S. Macaulay. (1879)___
iKennedy, Barbara, as exirx, &c —D H
King. (1881)...........:............;.
IIKaim, Abraham and Maurice — Leopold
Haas. (1877)..................
Manin. William *l,—Anna H. (3ordon. ('80)
McManus, Patrick—A. G. Smith. 0875)
Mullon. Joha-Thos. Eldridge. (1881)...,...'
McEntyre, P. B.—J. A. Grenz'^haca (IHSi).
Mosely. Nathaniel B.—Hy. Luyties. (1880)..
Pictert. Boz-l F.—W. F. Ovens (1880) ....
Pottle. Jonathan W—Eeuben Comins. ('79)
Peyton. Cornwall N.-S. A. Pearce. (1877)
Peiego. William H.—E. L. Merrifl»'ld. (1878)
Ross, John H.—E. G. Byrnes. (1877)........
Reynold. Felix—J. B.' Warden (188U)......
Reynolds, James L.—Cyrus Currier. (1878)
Schell. Edward P.-S A Pearce. (1877)....
Sloane. Christian S.—J. H. Screven, trustee
(1880) ..........................
Same-------same. (1880).................
Same-------same. (1880)...............".'.'. 2 987 30
Schi.ener. William L -John Timmes. ('79) 140 24
Sturges, Daniel H.—E. L. Merrifield. ('78)
Sullivau. Daniel J—Hv.Peetsch. (1881)...'.
Steele, Theophilus—Ann Fash. (1874)....
§The Bethlehem Iron Co.—J.. G. Sibbold
Tavlor. John D —G. L. Schuyler. "('l875)..*
Same-------1.A Isaacs. (1875).........
The Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New Yofk—
Russell Sage (1881) ..........
The Twenty Third Street Railway Co.—Eliza
J Groves. (1881).............
The Mayor, &c.-t-M. J. Bannon. (isSO)'.'.*..'
Same-------Ed Hilton. (7880)..... ;
Pame--------Wm. Edelsten. (1880) .
Sdrae-------Geo. Dowdell. (I8811)
Watson James H—Elisha Bloomer." ('77)
Wiley. Henrietta-T-Ferd. Maver. (1877).....
Young. James T —Stephen Cromwell. ('81).
$75 12
18t 42
123 54
261 80
97 37
3.'J4 50
33» 68
96 .35
126 61
2.708 15
265 35
3,139 22
118 18
421 58
184 42
159 97
306 10
1,837 18
261 80
603 90
318 05
121 87
5t.9 i3
3.=i4 40
124 8.1
5'-9 13
. 421 58
75 12
113 57
33.521 73
47 66
189 30
381 49
4,240 05
293 31
75 12
75 12
3,650 80
83 12
622 91
414 12
114 -.'2
446 64
446 94
109 46
359 20
17,320 13
75 12
543 6:^.
241 09
133 26
3.375 83
3.575 83
543 6H
367 92
l,9u8 73
1,582 28
184 42
.; 70 53
"-' 421 58
668 2.5
7,108 88
695 4fi
4.057 fS
l,Oi 2 41
298 31
196 11
2.452 93
♦Vacated by order of Court tSecured oh Appeal.
;Keleased. § Reversed. I Satisfied by Execution.
Jan. 28 to Feb. S-inclusive.
Bennett, James—L.A^Sprague (1878)..... $1.997 22
Boecber^ Henry L.-T. J. Morrell. (1873).... 606 75
Colver. Joseoh H ) , .
McDermott, John' f â– ^-<^^"e°- (1881).... 178 22
'-!oyle, Mary and Sarah, individ. and admrx.
r..„ ,. ^°^®~'''-H^urley. (1880)........... 156 14
<^rooke. Prank-rF. Anderson. (1880) Be-
versed ......... ... 7804
Eastman. Timothy C.-P; a Bate."(isso).',' 5,299 74
ar^^^-------same,,.;-a®0).tii.... .Z......... 6,45orBi
«rac, Cornehus-^P. H. Konig. (1877J. ....... 80 64 J
Griffin, Azariah—Isaac Hall. (1880)......... 393 79
Vlouch. Jacobine—J. J. Smith. (1880)...... 116 54
Mollenhauer, John—Mary A. Wilson. (1881) 313 02
Mc^'^wZ. H. I »-W-CampbeU. (1881). 39109
Boche, Edward and Mary C—H. J. Baker.
(1874)................................ 17705
Boss, John H.—E. G, Byrnes. (1880)........ 99 40
Same-------same. (1877)................... 241 09
Pe"re|o!'Wm'H. [ ^- ^- Mirnfleld. (1878).. 543 63
The Brooklyn City B. R. Co.-Margt. Lieber¬
with. (1881)............................. 1,155 02
Van Aulen, William C—J. E. De Laney.
(880) Renewed....................;... 79 77
White, Bebecca—J. T Daly. (1873)........ 1,152 87
Wiarda, John—F. Herterich. (1880) ....... 328 71
Jan ;and Feb.
; 7 One Hundred and Twenty-flfth st, s s, 60
w Ist av. 75 ft front, 4 buildings. James
Crowley agt Margaret and Martba
White ... .............................. $380
29 Seventy-third st, s s, 160 e 3d av, 150 ft
front. Stephen A. Bannon agt William
Noble and James H. Darrow and others.. 1.000
4 Third av, s w cor 108th st, 75x100. 4 lots.
Patrick Dempsey agt Edward Oppen¬
heimer Joseph Meyer and George W.
Walgrove................................ 950
31 Stuyvesant av, n w cor Pulaski st, 100x175.
Johu Bueger agt John Firmbach...... $300
*31 St. Marks av. s s, 170 e Carlton av. 80x100.
The Simond Manuf'g Co. agt John E.
Syles..................___ ............ 80
27 Kent av. Nos. 368 and 370, w s. 69 8 s Park
av. 50x100. Michael J. J. Reynolds ngt
Kobert Ford and The Father Matthew
Temperance Lodge and Association No. 7 620
OJ Fifih St. ns, 9)9 w 6th av, lOuxloO.......; (
"" Fif 1 h st, n 8, 3U0 e 5ih av, 100x100 .....f
James Harley agt George W. Brown, and
Edward Kenna--------- ..;............... 653
31 Bergen st, s s. 88.4 e 4th av, 40x100. C B.
Sheldon agt George W. Brown and Ed¬
ward Kenna ............ ............... 175
o, Fifth st, n 8, 300 e 5th av, 100x100.......I
Fifthst, ns, 500e5thav, lOOxUO.........(
C. B. >-heldon agt George W. Brown and
Edward Kenna___...................... 525
♦Discharged by depositing amount of T<ien with
-------------------♦-•-»-------------'â– —' »
Jan. 27 to Feb. 3—inclusive.
Utica av, w s, 99.1 n Atlantic av, 5('xl00.
Bobert Given agt Maria J. Burgess.
(Jan. 1, 1881)................. ............ $1,950
B U IL DUN G« F±i y.J Ci'^T li a.
Plan 48—Seventy-second sfc, n s, 100 e Madison
av, nine four-sfcory brown stone dweU'gs, 20, 22,
25 and 27x65. irreg. in depth, fcin roof, iron cor¬
nice; cosfc, $23,000, $.:5,(J0.t, $33,000 and $3.5,0(0;
owner, archifcect and builder, Roberfc B. Lvnd.
41 E. 84th sfc. .
Plan 49—South sfc, Nos. 375, 376 and 377, one
fcwo-sfcory brfck storage building, 75x140, gravel
roof, iron and brick cornice; costj $16,00»; owners,
W. H. Nichols & Co., 41 Cedar sfc: architecfc, E.
Gandolfp; builders, J. B. Woodruff and Samuel
L. Bergstrasser. ; ,
Plan 50—Mulberry sfc, Nos. 142 and 144. one six-
sfcory brick factory, 50x90, plasfcic, slate and
asphalfcum roof, iron .cornice; cosfc, $30,000;
owners, Hardman & Patteri, 446 Broome sfc;
architecfc, J. Hoffmann. '
Plan 51—One Hundred and Tenth sfc, s s, 155 e
4fch av, three three-story bfown sfcone flats. 16.8x
50. and extension 10x11, tin roof, iron cornice;
cosfc each $9,0.10; owner, A. M. Jenny. 220 E.
104th sfc; architecfc, J, H. Valenfcine; builder,
Jacob Jenny.
Plan 52—One Hundred and Twenfcy-second sfc,
n s, 76 e 1st av, three four-sfcory brick flafcs, 2ox53,
tin roof, iron cornice; cosfc, each $9,000; owner,
Joseph Murray, 315 E. 116th st; archifcecfc, J. H.
Valentine; builder, Joseph Murray.
Plan 53—Greenwich st, s w cor Charles sfc, one
five-sfcory hrick store.and tenem'fc, 40 and 14.10x
61 and 67. fcin roof, iron cornice; cosfc. $18,500;
owner, Frederick Steinle; architecfc, Wm. Jose.
Plaii 54—Baxter sfc^ Nos. 120 and 122, one six-
story, brick factory and warehouse. 50x85 and IOO,
gravel roof, brick cornice,cp.sfc, $20,000; owner,
L Hamburger, Hesfcer sfc, cor Elizabefch sfc; archi¬
tect, Wm. Jose.
Plan 55—Sixfcy-fi'rsfc sfc, s s, 200 e lOth av, nine
four-story brown sfcore fcenem'fcs, 22.2 and 22.8x62,
fcin roof, iron cornice: cosfc, each $I2,0(jO ; owner
Hnd builder, John Livingston, 304 E. 58th st;
a chitecfc, W. P. Burrougls.
Plan 56—Fiffcy sixth st, n s, 50 w 4th av, on?
four-story brick dwell'g, 15x55. fcin_roof, iron cor-
nic:e;.cosfc, $10,00(1; ewneri Elizabeth Greer, â– 87
E. 56fch st; architeet. Pr:'B^'fis^V Bmldejrr M.
GreeiC'v -:r:'--. :-:^<- â– --â– :â– :^-'--j:. . ^:â– â– ^ :- â– â– â–
Plan 57—Ninety-fchird sc. s s, 125 e 2d av, one
one-sfcory brick sfcable, 12x12, gravel roof: cosfc,
$40; owners, O'Neil & Darmscadfc, 93d sc, near
2d av.
Plan 58—Fiffceenth st, Nos. 407 and 409 W., one
two-sfcory brick stable, 36x30, fcin roof, brick cor¬
nice; cosfc, $2,001; owners, H. Vehslage Bros;
builders, John Hankesson and James P. Longan.
Plan 59—Suffolk sfc. No. 95, one five-sfcory brick
tenem'fc, 25x60, tin roof, iron cornice; cosfc,
$10,000; owner, Henry Gotfclieb, 92 21 av; archi¬
fcect, A. H. Blankensfcein.
Plan 60—Fif by-fourth sfc, No. 427 E., one five-
story brick tenem'fc, 25x55, tin roof, iron cornice;
cosfc, $10,(100; owner, M, Loehr, 425 E. 54fch st;
architecfc, A. H. Blankensfcein.
Plan 61—Seventieth st, s s, 100 e 3d av, two
four story brown stone fcenem'fcs. 25x66, fcin roof,
iron cornice; cost, $12,0;)0; owners and builders.
Frame & McGirr, 2117 3d av; archifcect, J. C.
Plan 21—Ralph sfc, w s, 290 s Cenfcral av, one
fcwo-sfcory frame dwell'g, 17x30, gravel roof;
owner, Eliza Phillips, 81 Ralph st.
Plan 2-4—Mauhafcfcan av, e s, 60 s Calyer sfc. two
one-and-fcwo-sfcory frame sfcores and dwell'gs. 20x
25; owner. I. J. Vanamburgh; builder, Stephen
Plan 23—Flushing av,' Nos; 919 to 922, one two-
sfcory frame factory, 140x50, gravel roof; builder,
D. D.ivis.
Plan 24—Monroe st, n s, 275 e Nostrand av,
one two-story and two three-sfcory brown sfcone
dweU'gs, 16.8x40 and 16.8i42, tin roof, wood cor¬
nice; cosfc, $5,0u0 each: owner, architecfc and
builder, A. A. Reeve. 253 Lewis av.
Plan 25—Nassau av, s s, 125 e Oakland st. one
fchree-sfcory frame fcenem'fc, 22x37, gravel roof;
cosfc, $3,300; owner arid architecfc, Stephen P.
Silcox, 549 Leonard sfc; builders, Israel Reed and
S. P. Silcox.
Plan 53—Madison av, n e cor 36fch sfc, one and
fcwo-sfcory stone and brick exfcensionsi 59x3, tin
roof, iron cornice, old brick walls first story re¬
moved and iron girders inserfced, bay windows,
conservatory, &c., portion of walls under-pinned;
cost, abt $5:i.0O0; owner. J. P. Morgan: archi¬
tects, HerfcerBros.; builder, Mtarc Eidlifcz.
Plan 54—Broadway, No. 49, repair damage by
fire; cosfc, $1,197; agenfc, E. R. Robinson, 102
Broadway; builder, E. Smith.
Plan 5.5—One Hundred and Twenty-flfth st.
No. 67 E., one-sfcory brick exfcension, 11.6x25,
gravel roof, new door and new show wmdows in
fronfc; cost. $450; lessee. J. E. Borton. on
premises; builders, W. W. Adams and E. H.
Plan 56—Bowery, No. 140, take out three win¬
dows, put in five and raise roof three feet: cost,
$400; owner, John Callahan, on premises, archi¬
tecfc, P. H. Coles; builder, R. H. Casey.
Plan 57—Ninefcy-ninth st, s s, b 0 e lOfch av,
raised cne story, flafc and mansard, slate and tin
roof, vestibule and interior alterations; cost, —-^;
owner, G. Didier, on premises; architect, A. L.
Plau 58—Tenth sfc. No. 516 E., flafc four-ply
gravel roof, iron cornice, also four-sfcory brick
extension. 22x27.3. four-ply gravel roof, iron cor¬
nice, re-cons rucfced internally for apartment
house; cost, ------; owner, Robert Sfcuyvesanfc;
archifcecfc. S. D. Hatch.
Plan 59—Ninth av, No. 492, one-sfcory brick ex
fcension, <!0x20, fcin roof, fronfc and interior alfcera
tions; cosfc. $12,000. owner, John Steets, on
premises; architecfc, J. M. Forster.
Plan 60—Third av. No. 2038, front improved;
cosfc, $.500; owner, Sfcephen Weickert, on prem¬
ises; builders. John Schukropfc & Son.
Plan 61—Thirfciefch sfc, No, 141 E., new brick
and metal cornice; cosfc, $75; owner and archi¬
tect, W. P. Esterbrook, 150 Ease 30th st; build¬
er, (George Mulligan. :
Plan 6i—South Fifth av. No. 217, three-story
brick exfcensions, 15x5, fcin roof; cosfc, abfc $450;
owner, James O'Brien, 53 Grand sfc; builder,
John Leiselen. , ' _ '
Plan 63—Chambers sfc. No. 199, laised one story,.
&c.; cost, $a,500; owner, David S. PaigOj. 353
Spring sfc: archifcect, P.O. Hatfield.
iPian 64—Lafayette pl.No.9, partitions revbmed
and girders and iron columns inserted; cost,—'â– ;
lessees, Geo. Routledge & Son, 416 Broomei st;
architect, J. B. Perkins.
Plan 65—Ninety-eighth st, n s, 300 e 9fch av,
raised seven feet, flafc or riiansard. fcin or slate
roof; cosfc, $400; owner, O. W. Cruikshank, 681
Broadway; archifcecfc and builder, P. J. Walsh,
Plan 26—Grand St. Np. 246, one-story brick ex-
tensioUj 18x27.6, tin roof, wood cornice; cost,
$250; owner, Mr. Parker; archifcect, J. B, Alex¬
ander. .- ..
Pla»27—Hudsonav.se cor'Yorfc."st,bs^eiaent
floor raised, &c,"; "cost," "|^j owner, Sarah M..
istrlekland, 31 Cedar Bt. - ^^