July 2, 1881
The Real Estate Recorb.
Same-----N, Y. Mutual Gas Light Co. ('73)
Same-----J. D. Ottiwell. (1872)..........
Same-----J. H. Wilcox. (1872)..............
Rubino. Jacob—T. W. B. Hughes. (1876)___
Same-----same. (1877)......................
Sams-----same. (1877)....................'
Rosenbaum, Henry W.—Emma W. Alleia.
*Bay, James E.—Fifth Nat. Bank. (1877)....
Same-----.sa e. (1871).........
Same-----E. P. Steers. (1877)............."
Same-----G. D. Archer, recr. (1877).......
Same — James Rogers. (1876)............
Same—same. (1876)..........
**Same-----V. K. Stevenson. (1878) ...'.'.".
**Same-----same. (1878)...................
Smith, Margaret C—Cauda & Kane. (1881).
Sheridan, Daniel—W. T. Erickson. exr. ('77).
JSusemihl, Theodore—J. L. Mott Iron Works
Turinquist, Louisa—G. F. Tiemeyer. (1880).
Same-----same. (1880).....................
Van Veghten, Benjamin—Volney Green. ('79)
Van Buren, James—C. E. Miller, by assign.
Van Brunt, Peter W,—L H. Brown. " (1879)
Same-----G. H. Seiple. (1879).........
Van Brunt, Peter—J. C. Streeter. (1877)....
159 20
126 48
6-36 53
246 67
3,912 29
2,322 21
7,372 74
537 98
472 61
415 33
531 37
220 86
269 33
4,108 93
5,994 76
727 26
126 90
249 05
543 13
89 26
1,939 35
947 68
303 56
41 00
77 00
* Vacated by order of Court, t Secured on Appeal.
t Released. § Reversed. I Satisfied by Execution.
♦♦Discharged by going thronch bankruptcy.
June 24 to 30—inclusive.
Hanpert, Louisa (Ida Lippert. Cancelled.
Gansert, Geo. A. ( (1881).................... $1,130 28
Hickey, Patrick—T. McCann. (1873)......... $95 39
Hooker, Matthew—A. W. Shadbolt. (1881).. 167 05
Kolle. Phillip—Mary Hamilton. (1877)...... 30 50
Martin, Wm. R.—Pettier & Stymus M'fg Co.
(18T4) - ................................ 2,909 13
Martm, Mdhcent H.and W.R.—J. D. Phillips
(1874)..................................... 3,068 61
Raymond. Francis—A. W^. Shadbolt. (1881). 117 05
Schmitt, Valentine—S. K. Saenger. (1881)... 7124
Valentine, Ja-s. W. and A. J.—The Me¬
chanics' & Traders' Bank, Brooklyn.
(1880)..................................:,_, 512 62
Wilson, Charles-C. F. Risley. Released,
_ (1»79)...................................... 143 64
June and July.
30 Eighty-second st, n s, near 1st av. Frank
P. Wehrling agt Joseph Peters............ $98 00
28 Forty-third st, n s, 175 e 9th av. 25 ft front.
John J. Kenny agt William Rankin, Jas.
Cas.sidy and Wm. O'Neil.................. 68 56
29 Fourth av. n w cor 18th st, 5.3x140. Abra¬
ham Galland agt Joseph Wehrle..........2,650 00
30 Monroe av, n w cor Gray st, 50x100. An¬
dre* Mahoney agt John Boe and John S.
Perrv..................................... 28 75
27 One Hundred and Third .st, n .s. 175 w 2d
av, 75 ft front. Manchester & Philbrick agt
Elbert D. Howes...................... 1012 09
28 Same property. Patrick Allen agt Albert
E. Howes and Clements Trimble.......... 130 87
29 Same property. Millard & CoUingwood agt
Elbert D. Howes.......................... 175 00
1 One Hundred and Seventv-sixth st. s s, ex¬
tending from Washington to Madison av,
240onst; lOSon Miidison avenue and 40
ft on Washington av, Gustav Boehm agt
Ellen Corner............................ 350 00
28 Seventy-sixth st, n s, 175 w Av A, 25 ft front.
Frank M. Clemens agt James S. Briggs
and Joseph Peter.......................... 146 74
1 Seventy-sixth st, n s, 175 w Av A, 25 ft front.
Charles Schoen agt Joseph Peters and
James Briggs.............................. 75 50
28 Thirty-ninth st, s s, 400 w 3d av. 50x100.2, John
H. O'Rourke agt John G. Burlce.............. 404
28 Grand st, Nos. 341 and 343. n s, 70 w 10th st, 30x
100x43.9x—. Eben D. Newman agt Peter Hart
Mary Cooke, and Mary Evans............... 268
27 Fortieth st, n s. 182.6 e 3d av, 20x100. Thomas
Austin agt Henry L. Spicer & Robert W.
Drummond............................... 80
29 Suydam st, s s, 100 w Hamburg av, 50x100. (ieo".
Lampert agt Mary A. Moore................. 82
25 Stockton st, s s. 460 e Marcy av, 25x100. John
Rueger agt J. hn Rapp...................... 1 0^7
28 Rodney st, s s. 210 w Bedford av, 268x100. Jo-'
seph M. De Vean agt John W. Smith & H. B.
Scholes............................ 432
25 Fifth av, n e cor, 40th st, 25.-3x100. Benjamin
F. Hobby & John G. Leeds agt Bridget Wha¬
len............................................. ^1
June and July. new tork city.
85 One Hundred and Thirtieth st, s s, 80 w 6th
av, 70 feet front. John Bell agt Thomas
Keenan and Waller W. Adams. (Lien
filed May 25, 1881) ................$3,066 55
25 Ohe Hundred and Thirtieth st, s s, abt 70 w
6th av, 80 feet front. John Farrell agt
Francis Keenan and Walter W. Adams,
o« ^(May 31.1881).............................. 185 00
^5 One Hundred and Fifteenth st, s s, 225 e 1st
av, -35 feet front. Thomas Dunn agt
Matthe IV Coogan. (May 26, '81)........... 275 00
27 Lexington av. w s, bet 113th and 114th sts.
Thomas H. Johnston agt John B. and Ann
E Davis. (June 15. 1881).................. 78 76
27 One Hundred and Thirtieth st, s s, 70 w 6th
av, 5 buld'gs. Patrick Hennessy agt
Thomas Keenau and Walter W. Adams.
„„ ^ (May 19,1881).......................... 148 50
29 N nth av, Nos. 214, 216 and 218. e s. Gustav
Weis agt----- Overington,- Jr. and Wm.
Price. (June28,1881)..........,........... 64 80
1 Sixtv-third st, s s. abt 125 e Madison av, 100
ft front. Stephen H. Mix agt James Camp¬
bell and John Keany (April 28, 1881).... 196 00
1 Third av, s e cor 95th st, 17.5x100. Thomas
McMahon agt Margaret C. Smith. (April
14,1881).................................2,500 00
*1 Same property. Same agt same. (May 6,
1881)............. ................... 2,500 00
*l Same property. Culbert Bros agt Thomas
Smith. (April 8, 1881)................. 455 89
*1 Same property. Elwood Hampton, agent,
agt Margaret C. and Thomas Smith.
Mayl0,1881).......................... 132 30
1* One Hundred and Twenty-seventh st, n s,
216.8 e 8th av, 16.8 ft front. James O'Hal¬
loran agt S. Stephens. (June 16,1881).... 108 62
* Discharged by depositing amoimt of lien with
June 24 to 30—Inclusive.
Oakland st, w s, 325 s Norman av. 25x100. Jas.
Dunn, assignee of W. H. Hall agt Joshua
Meigh. (Dec.6,1880).............-......... $50
Plan 713—Broadway, Nos. 14, 16, 18 and 20. one
ten-story red granite office building, 90 and 80x150,
with L on Beaver st, 50x100, mansard (ttree
stories in mansard), iron beams, fii-e proof arches
and sheet copper roof and copper cornices; cost,
$5.50,000; owner, H. H. Hunnewell, 87 Milk st,
Boston; architects, Shaw of Boston and W. P.
Anderson, 42 Exchange place, New York; build¬
ers. Smith, Prodgers & Co.
Plan 714—One Hundred and Forty-sixth st, s s,
350 e Willis av, one one-story glass and wood
store and dwell'g, 18x36, gi-avel roof, wooden cor¬
nice; cost, $600; owner, Elilian Klein, 125th st,
near 10th av; architect, Henry Pieriuff.
Plan 715—Third av, s w cor 69th st, one three-
story brick hospital, 74x50, slate roof, iron cor¬
nice; cost, $65,000; owners. Sisters of Charity,
City of New York, 68th st, 3d av to Lexington
av; architect, Wm. Schickel.
Plan 716—West Broadway, n e cor Franklin st,
one six-story brick store, 50.5x60.4, tin roof, iron
cornice; cost, $75,000; owner, Furman B. Rogers,
42 Willow st, Brooklyn; architect, J. M. Slade.
Plan 717—Broadway, No. 1460, one one-story
brick show-room, 12x60, tin roof; cost, $500;
owner, Peter Kearney.
Plan 718—One Hundred and Twenty-fifth st,
s s, 235 e 6th av, three five-story brick tenem'ts,
41.8x64, extension 22, tin roof, iron coi-nice; cost,
each .$30,0(10; owner, J. D. M^rsereau, foot East
125th st, Harlem River; architects, Babcock &
McAvoy; builder, not selected.
Plan 719—Eighth av, e s, 49.11 s 127th st, three
four-story brick apartment houses, 25x64, tin
roof, iron cornice; cost, each $10 000; owner,
Henry Weil, Mansion House, Brooklyn.
Plan 720—Thirteenth st. No. 714 East, i-ear, one
one-and-one-half story brick stable, 15 & 25x52,
gravel roof, iron cornice; cost, $1,100; owner,
Geo. Miller, on premises; architect, F. W. Klemt;
builders, F. Schmidt and J. Miller.
Plan 721—Sixty-first st, s s, 150 w 9th av, one
four-story brown stone tenem't, 40x68, extension
8, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $30,000; owner,
John Moloy, i:13 East 49th st; architect, A. B,
Plan 722—Sixty-first st, s s, 190 w 9th av, two
four-story brown stone tenem'ts, 30x68, extension
18, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, each $--iO,000;
owner, John Molloy, 213 East 49th st; architect,
A. B. Ogden.
Plan 723—Madison av, s e cor 131st st, one four-
story brown stone fiat, 19.11x70, tin roof, u'on
cornice; cost, $13,000; owner and builder, Samuel
H. Griffin and Harry S. Young, 417 East 113th
st; architect, J. H. Valentine.
Plan 724—Madison av, e s. 19.11 s 131st st, four
four-story brown stone flats, 20x63, tin roof, iron
cornice; cost, each $12,500; owner, architect and
builder, same as last.
Plan 725—Madison av, e s, 50 s 75th st, three
four-story brown stone dweil'gs, 16 8x56 and 67,
tin roof, iron cornice; cost, each abt. $16,000;
owner, Jacob Cohen, 321 Pearl st; architect, J.
G. Prague.
Plan 726—Greenwich st, No. 50, one one-story
iron and glass, 22 and 29x50, tin roof, iron cor¬
nice; cost, $5,000; owner, E. J. Burke, exr. 11
Morris st; architect, T. H. McAvoy; builders,
B. Sheridan and John Duke.
Plan 727—Ninetieth st, Nos. 159 and 161, one
five-story brick and brown stone apartment
house, 50 and 43x86, tin roof, iron cornice; cost,
$45,000; owner, John F. Gleason, 163 East 90th
st; architects, Ungrich & Walgrove.
Plan 728—Lexington av, n e cor 117th st, five
three-story brick dweil'gs, 34x20, tin roof, iron
cornice; cost, each $10,000; owner, William
Fanning. 712 Broadway; architect, J. C. Bume.
Plan 729—Lexington av, e s, 34 n 117th st, one
three-story brick dwell'g, 20x29, tin roof, iron
coi-nice; cost, $7,000; owner, William Fanning,
712 Broadway; architect, J. C. Burne; builder,
not selected.
Plan 730—Eighty-third st. No. 52, one three-
story and mansard roof dwell'g, 24x55, slate and
tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $15,000; owner and
ofcluteGt, Wm. Schickel, 346 Broadway.
Plan 731—Nineteenth st. No. .520 E., one two-
story brick stable, 31x37, tin roof, brick cornice;
cost, $1,800: owner and builder, The Steam Heat¬
ing and Power Co., 16 Cortlandt st; architect,
C. E. Emery.
Plan 732—Fifteenth st, s s, 226 e llth av, one
two-story brick factory, 50x60, tin roof, metal
cornice; cost,---------; owner, Seely R. Budd, 323
West 19th st; builder, J. Banta.
Plan 734—Fifty-fourth st. No. 126 E., one two-
story brick stable, 2.5x75, tin roof, iron cornice;
cost, $5,000; owner, L. V. Sone, 59 East ,54th st;
architect, R. W. Buckley.
Plan 507—North Sth st, s s, 150 e 4th av, two
three-story frame tenem'ts, 25x55; cost, each,
$4,000; owner, PeterKoelch, 3614th st; architect.
J. Platte; builders, B. Rauth & Bros, and Cl
Plan 508—Monroe st, n s, 375 e Ralph av, three
two-stor.y brown stone dweil'gs, 16.8x40, gravel
roofs, woo'fen cornices; cost each $3,800; owner,
P. Butler; architect and builder, W. Walsh.
Plan 509—Waverly av, e s, 325 s Greene av,
three three-story brick dweil'gs, 13.4x45, tin roofs,
wooden cornices; cost, total, $10,000; owner,
Thomas Read, 440 Washington av; architect and
builder, H. J. Smith; mason, J. K. Bentzen.
Plan 510—Stanhope st, s s, at junction Myrtle
av, two two-story frame dweil'gs, 14.6x30, exten¬
sion, 6x12, tin or gravel roofs; cost, $800; owner,
Wm. Coit, 44 Court st; architect and builder,
Baldwin Pettit.
Plan 511—Prospect av, s s, 200 w 5th av, five
three-story brick flats, 20x45, felt roofs; cost,
each, $4,000; owner, D. Doody, 598 5th av; archi¬
tect, H. R. Searle.
Plan 512—Myrtle st, s s, 166 e Broadway, three
two-story frame flats, 22x45, gravel roofs; cost,
$2,500; owner, F. Herr, 778Broadway; architect,
Peter Johnson; builders, G. Cuttler and Johnson
& Bros.
Plan 51.3—Concord st, s e cor Adams st, five
four-story brown stone flats, 23x65, gravel roofs,
wooden cornices; cost, each, $8,000; owner, Thos.
H. Bi-ush, 4th av, near Bergen st; builder, J. M.
Plan 514—Greene av, n s, 100 w Throop av,
three three-story brown stone dweil'gs, 16.8x42,
tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $4,800;
owner, M. A. De Revere, 436 McDonough st;
builder, J. De Revere.
Plan 515—Eagle st, No. 166, s s, 250 e Manhat¬
tan av. one three-story frame tenem't, 25x50,
gravel rocf; owner, --------- Seibel; architect, F.
Weber; builders, M. Vogel and Henry Eggers.
Plan 516—Patchen av, n s, 300 e Van Brunt st,
one one-story frame store, 17x25, tin roof; owner,
H. Watcher, on premises; builder, C. M. Detlef-
Plan 517—Aberdeen st, w s, 100 from Broad¬
way, one two-story frame dwell'g, 22x35, and
one one story frame shop, 25x30, tin roofs; cost,
total, $2,500; owner, Mt. Klein, 15 Leonard st;
builders, Mr. Beyer and J. Rueger.
Plan 518—Hancock st, s s, 2-^0 e Nostrand av,
three three-story brown stone dweil'gs, 20x45,
tin roof, wood coi-nice; cost each about $8,000;
owner and builder, H. A. Weed, 243 Putnaai av;
architect, M. J. Mori-ill.
Plan 51.*—Park av. No. 74 and 76, two two-
story frame dweil'gs, 20x40, tin roof; cost each,
$2,200; owner, Conrad Guthard; builder, J. J,
(c Plan 520—Hart st, s s, 150 e Lewis av, one
three-story frame tenem't, 20x40, tin roof; cost,
$2,575; owner, James Gannon, 604 66th st, Nevr
York; builders, Mr. Beyer and J. Rueger.
Plan 521—Chauncey st, s s, 75 e Patchen av,
two two-story dweil'gs. 18.9x35, extension 12x13,
tin roof; cosi, $1,500; owner and cai-penter,
Robert Given; architect, A. HiU; mason, E.
Plan 522—Hudson av, w s, 161.5 s Concord st,
one three-story brick factory, 17.10 and 2-1x60,
gravel roof, brick cornice; cost, $3,7t)(»; owner'
A. Levy; architect and carpenter, Mr. Rae;
mason, P. R. KeUy.
Plan 523—Clinton st, w s, extending from
Atlantic to State st, one six-story flat of eight
stores and forty suites of apartments, 180x91.6,
gravel and slate roof and iron cornice; cost,
*2Te,000; owner, E. Fougera, 7th st, near 6th av;
architect, M. J. Morrill; builders, Drummond &
Plan 524—Third pl, e s, 100 e Court st, two
four-story brick apartment houses, 25x50, tin
roof, iron cornice; cost each, $12,000; owner, E.
H. Kellogg, 45-^ Heni-y st; architects and build¬
ers, BlaisdeU & Co.
Plan 525—Sth st, n s, and w of 2d av, rear of
1st basin, one two-story frame factory, 57.6x80,
gravel and glass roof; cost, $4,250; owner, U. S
Animal Oil Refining Co., 30 Water st. New
York; architect and builder, D. E. Harris.
Plan .526—On Canal being 161.6 from 2d av,
and online n s Sth st, one one-story brick boiler,
&c., room 10x40, gravel roof; cost, $250; owner,
architect and builder, same as last.
Plan 527—Second st, n s, bet Hoyt and Bond
sts, six two-stoi-y brick dweil'gs, 16 8x38, gravel
roof, -wood cornice; owner and builder, Chester