EX TO Real Estate Record
This Index of the Conveyances and New Build¬
ings for New York and Kings County will be
found very valuable by those of our readers who
have preserved the copies of The Record issued
from July to December, inclusive, as it gives
the pages on which the memorandum of all trans¬
fers of property during the period mentioned
above may be found, and this in a more perfect
manner than ever t efore—the streets and av¬
enues being subdivided so that very few refer¬
ences need be made—for instance, ti'ansfers of
property on Allen street appear in six numbers
during the six months, but in the Index it is sub¬
divided into three parts, so that you may find any
transfer by referring to but two pages, provided
j^ou know between what streets the property is
located. This is also true of the Projected Build¬
ings, TFhicb are indexed in like manner, enabling
ail to readily ascertain on what streets improve¬
ments have been made. The surest way to keep
your numbers together is to get a suitable binder
which may be had at The Record and Guide
oflELce, 191 Broadway, corner of Dey street, price
one dollar.
Albany St....706.
Allen St, south of Broome st.... 723, 1000.
bet Broome and Rivington st... .740, 951.
north of Rivington st___805, 903.
Amity st (see West 3d st).
Ann st wast of Nassau st. .. 1020.
eact of Nassau st....663, 685, 723, 740, 823,
919, 987.
Attorney st, bet Rivington and Stanton sts___
Bank St.... 905, 1035, 1037.
Barrow st___644, 967, 1085.
Baxter St....664, 951.
Bayard st, east of Uhrystie st___805, 823,
west of Chrystie st... .706, 903, 919.
Beach St...70S, 867, 1000.
Beaver st... .887, 904, 919, 9/J7.
Bedford St....905, 987.
Beekman st.... 6S5, 740, 987.
Bleecker st, east of Broadway___1069.
bet Broadway and Morton st___919, 937,
bet Morton and Charles sts___805, 867, 951,
1000.1019, 1069.
Bloomingdaie road....706, 805, 938, 951, 1021,
Bond St....823, 887, 9i9, 1000, 1019.
Boulevard (also see Broadway), south of 69th
st ...887.
from 75th to 80th st... .937, 1069.
from 92d to 108th st.... 644, 805.
from lOSth to 130th st... .666, 9.31.
from 135th to 155th st... .706, 970.
north of 155th st... .663, 758, 790, 903.
Bowery, south of Canal St....919, 1000, 1035,
bet Canal and Grrand sts ... 919, 1035.
bet Grrand and Delancay sts___1000.
bet Delancey and 3d sts-----663, 951, 1069,
Bridge st .. .044, 1051, 1052.
Broad st, north of Stone st... .740, 846, 1035.
south of Stone st .. .664, 905.
Broadway, south of Morris st___967, 1085,
bet Liberty and Barclay sts.,..663, 967,
987, 1035.
bet Barclay and Worth sts___758, 1051,
bet Worth and Walker sts....846,'1051,
bet Walker and Grand sts ... 1051.
bet Grand and Bleecker sts...790, 823,
919, 1000,1085, 1101,
bet Bleecker and 9th sts.... 790, 823.
bet 9th and 14th sts... .740, 1052.
bet 14th and 24th sts .. .706, 740, 823.
bet 24th and 40th sts... .953, 1069.
bet 45th and 50th sts.... 887.
bet 50th and 59th sts... .685, 823, 970,1035,
north of 59th st (see Boulevard).
Broomest, east of Ridge st___723, 887, 1051.
bet Ridge st and Clinton sts___1000, 1051.
bet Clinton and Essex sts___758, 774.
bet Essex and Eldridge sts... .644, 685, 774.
betEldridge st and Bowery___903, 1000,
bet Bowery and Wooster st___663, 723,
758, 967, 1069.
Canal st, between Broadway and South 5th av
...,846, 919. 1051,
bet Souuh 5th av and Laight st.....919,1019.
west of Laight st___706, 1019, 1101.
Cannon St....951, 1019.
Carmine st.... 644, 723, 1085.
Catharine st, north of Madison st___740, 951,
1019, 1101.
south of Madison st___663.
Slip.... 1000.
Cedar St....987, 103.5.
Centre st, south of White st___919.
north of Whitest.. ..663, 664, 1019, 10.36.
Chambers St....7,58, 967, 1035, 1051. 1085.
Charles st, east of Hudson___967, 1085, 1101.
Charlton st ...774, 1069.
Chatham st.... S23, 1035,
Chatham sq... .740, 951.
Cheny st, bet Dover and James st___805.
bet Rutgers and East St....8-23, 1069, 1101.
Christopher st... .663, 805.
Chrystie st, south of Bi-oome st___1019.
north of Broome st... .707, 723.
Church st, south of Chambers st___1019, 1035'
north of Chambers st___723, 1051.
Cbnton st. south of Broome st,.., 644,
north of Broome st... .805, 1019, 1051.
Coenties slip___887.
Columbia st ...823, 90.S.
Commerce st___905.
Cortlandt st....663, 723, 790, 951, 967, 987, 1000.
Crosby st, south of Spring st___790, 1035, 1051.
north of Spring st... .805, 967, 987, 1085.
Delancey st, east of Mangin st___758.
bet Mangin and Lewis sts___685, 740, 758.
bet Lewis and Columbia sts ... 663,768,1085.
bet Columbia and Pitt sts___903.
bet Pitt and Clinton sts.-.. .919, 967, 987.
bet Clinton and Orchard sts.... 663, 951.
Desbrosses st ... 740.
Dey st, bet Church and Greenwich sts___644, 663,
723, 740, 758. 903, 951, 967.
Division st, east of Clinton st . .'.967,1052.
bet Clinton and Essex sts___723, 790, 1051.
bet Essex and Allen sts.... 707, 887.
west of Allen .st... .707. 805, 823, 1051, 1)01.
Dover St....740.
Downing st___1101.
Doy erst.... 663.
Dyckman st___970.
East Broadway, b.-t Catharine and Market st___
644. 967,1035.
bet Market and Jefferson sts.. .-.967, 1101.
east of Jefferson st___1051, 10.52, 1101.
Eastern Boulevard,, (see Av A.)
Eldridge st, south of Hester st... .740, 1035, 1052.
bet Hester and Broome st___790, 987, 1019.
north of Broome st___987, 1052.
Elizabeth st, south of Broome st___867, 1019.
1035. â– '
bet Broome and Spring st___664, 823,
1000. ' '
north of Spring st .. 1052, 1085.
Elm St....758, 10.52.
Essex st, south of Hester st.,. 79f).
bet Hester and Delancey st....663, 723,
1000. '
north of Delancey st___846, 987,1000, 1085.
Ferry st,...1035.
Forsyth st, south of J^roome st ... 740, 805.
north of Broome st... .707, 1000, 1052, 1085.
Franklin st, bet Church and Hudson st ,â– ,.774,
823,919. '
west of Hudson st___740.
Frankfort St. ..707.
Front st, south of Maiden lane. ..709, 740, 888,
987. '
bet Fulton st and termination.... 774, 1052.
east of Montgomery st ... 774, 1052.
Fulton St....645.
I Gansevoort st___823.
' Goerck sfc, south of Delancey st....7l)7, 758,1035.
Gold St.... 1035,
Gramercy Park... .664, 9\9, 967.
Giand st, east of Columbia st ,.. 1085.
bet Ridge and Suffolk sts .,. 740,1052, 1085,
bet Suffolk and Ludlow sts..., 707, 774, 951,
bet Bowery and Broadway .. 664.
bet Broadway and Wooster sts..., 1052,
bet Wooster and Thompson sts___908,1019.
indeft.... 903,
Greene st, south of Prince st___1051, 1069,
bet Prince and 3d sts,,,, 805,1000,1019,1052,
northof 3dst....774,
Greenwich st, south of Cedar st. , .967, 1019.
bet Park pi and Reade st... .967,1069, 1085.
bet Franklin and Canal sts___707,1035,
north of Canal st.... 740, 823.
Grove St. ..644,987.
Hester st, bet Essex st and Bowery___774, 1085,
Hillside St....740.
Horatio st, east of Hudson st... .758, 1035, 1101,
west of Hudson st..,. 1052.
Houston st, west of Sullivan st___774. 1052.
bet Sullivan st and Bowery___823, 887.
bet Bowery and Allen st___664.
bet Essex and Pitt sts... .664, 919.
Henry st, from Oliver to Rutgers st___644, 685.
from Rutgers to Clinton st___919, 967,
east of Montgomery st___1085.
Howard st___644.
Hudson st, south of Laight st,.. ,740, 823.
north of Laight st... .728, 967,
Inwood st___1085.
Isham st___759,
Jackson sfc___774,
James st___707,
Jane st,...664, 724.
Jay St....707.
Jersey st .740,1085.
John st-----740.
Jones st ... 758.
Jumel terrace... .♦'64, 685, 687, 707, 903.
Kingsbridge road....664, 685,706, 707,740, 742,
758, 845, 908, i085,
Laigbt st, bet Canal and Hudson sts___685, 723,
west of Hudson st... .724, 1053,
Laurens s", see South 5th i»v,
Lawrence st.. - 664, 6&5, 887, 937, 951.
Leonard St....758, 846.
Leroy st... .774, 1001.
Lewis st, south of Stanton st___758, 1069.
north of Stanton st... ,805, 846, 1035,
Liberty st, east of Broadway-----663, 987,
Lispenard st .. .708, 774, 823, 1035.
Ludlow st, south of Grand st-----664, 1101.
bet Grand and Rivington sts___740, 937,
1001. 1035.
north of Rivington st....805, 1085.
Macdougal st, bet Houston and West 3d sts___
664, 1020.
Madison st, west of Catharine st.... 1001.
bet Catharine and Montgomery sts___740,
967, 1101.
bet Montgomeiy and Scammel sts___987,
bet Scammel and Jackson sts.,..823 887.
Maiden lane, east of WilUam st... .867, 967, 1035.
west of William st.... 846.
Mangin st, south of Delancey st—758, 1001,
north of Delancey st.. 740, 867.
Manhattan st... .644, 664, 686, 937.
Market st... .740, 1020, 1086.
Marion st, south of Spring st .. .740, 758, 1036.
Mercer st. north of Prince st,.., 823, 919,
Monroe st, bet Pike"'and Clinton sts___644, 1001,
bet Clinton and Gouverneur sts___685,
bet Gouverneur and Jackson sts___867,
east of Jackson st,.. .644, 758, 823.
Montgomery st,.. .908, 1069.
Morton st... .644, 823, 919,
Mott st, south of Hester st.... 10.35. 1052,
north of Hester st... .707, 905, 1001.
Mulberry st, south of Bayard st....758, 1019,
1030, 1053,
north of Bayard st,.. .846, 919, 1052.
Nassau st, south of Liberty st-----774, 987,
north of Liberty st... .846,1085, 1086.