Real Estate Record
Vol. XXX.
No 762,
Published Weekly by The
Real Estate Record Association
ONE YEAR, in advance.....$6.00
Communications should be addressed to
C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway.
J. T. LINDSEY. Busmess Manager.
A liberal price wfll be paid at this ofiice for the
following copies oE The Real Estate Record:
Vol, I—Nos. 1. 4, 5, 0, 19
—.------------4-* ^----------------.
The following are the sales at the Exchange Sales
room for the week ending October 20:
* Indicates that the property described has been bid
in for plaintiff" 8 account:
LOUIS mesier.
Bank st. No. 40, s, s, 19x91.3, two-and one-half
story brick Iront frame he use and one-
story brick shop in rear. A. Altmeyer.
(.Kent, S180 and subject to life lease)........ $.'5,500
Bowery, No. 2-i, i w s, :^5,3x99.6x25x97,8, four-
story biick and onestory bricK htuse in
rear. Catharine R. Thoma j. Utent, $2,4(0.
taxes, &c).............................. 35,300
Bowery, No, G.ii4, e s. 36.4x80x36.9x79.30, four-
Ptory brick house Geo Ruckert. (Kent,
$l,i5:i=i, taxes, &c)............................ 36,100
Broadway, No. 212, n ecor Fulton st, 2^.0x76.
flve-story brick building, french roof. M.
A. J. Lynch. (1-25 part).................. 32,C0O
Broadway, No. 393, n w s. 2.5x100.5, five-story
brick (stone front) house and one-story iu
rear, L. Spencer. (Rent, $13,000, taxes,
&c)....................................... 335,000
Broadway, No..448, s e s, 25xl20.2x24.10x320.:3,
• flve-story brick iron front house. L.
Spencer. (Rent, $6,000. taxes, &c).......333,060
Canai .st. No. 331, n e cor Greene st, a0.1x77.31
x20.6x81.9, onethree-and-one-balf atory and
one tliree-siory brick houses. W, A. Spen¬
cer. (Rent, .•ii.3,000)........................ 41,000
Catharine sdp. No. 6. w s. 20.3x40, four-story
brick dwell'g, Isidore Cohen. (Rent,
SI.OjO)..................,................. 10,000
Ulniich st, Nos. 01 and 03, e s, 50x50, portion
five story brick warehouse. Estate H. D,
Aldrich (Rent, $1,500)................ 31,800
C!hurch st. No, 2.34, n w s, 20.2x74.31x39.9x74.31,
three-story brick house. W. A, Spencer.
(Rent, $3,800. taxes, &c)............... 33,000
Chambers st. No. 49, nes, 23,3x351.7 to No. 27
Reade st, x25.0x151,6, five-story brick store¬
house, J. I. Campion. (Rent, $12,000).... 133,500
Chatham st. No, 43, s s, 20.1x52 7 to North Wil¬
liam St. x36 30x41.3, two and one-half-.story
frame building. Henry Hart, (Rent, $1,200,
taxes, &c.)................................ 22,000
Crosby st, Nos. 13,35 and 37, ses, 75x300, three
three and one-half-story brick and one
four story brick houses. .John Burke.
(Leased as long as grass grows and water
runs)...................................... 30,000
Division st. Nos, 1G6 and 3661^, n s, 28x302.3x
2,5.2xS9.3, two and-one-half-story frame
house. H, Conkling. (Rent, $840) ....... 11,750
Division st. No. 186, n s. 21.6x60,8x19,0x69 3,
th'-ee-s'ory frame dweU'g and one-story
fratue dwell'g in rear. Louis Brulcwitch.
(Rent, $300)............................... 6,725
East Broadway, No. 303, s s, 24.31xl00x24.3x
99.11, three-and-one-half story brick house.
S. Jacobs. (Kent, $3,000)......;...'...... 33,350
Eldridge t-t, No. 52, e s, 20.30x66.6, three-story
brick house. H. Conkling. (Rent, $800).. 30,000
Eldridge st, No. .52!^, e s, 20.30x66.6, simUar
building. H. Conkling. (Rent, $720)..... 9,325
Elizabeth st. No. 40, s e s, a5x55, two-story
frame house and two-story brick shop in
rear Chas. 0. olden. (Rent, $:i60)........ 7,500
Elizabf-th st. No. 44, e s, 25x300, two-and-one-
half story (brick front) frame house and ^
two-slory brick shop. Charles Golden. ,
(Rent, $420)................................. 33,675
Elizabeth st. No. 298, e s, 23,lx 5x23.1x73.6,
three story frame house. H. Conkling.
(Rent, $280)..............â– ............... . 8,400
Forsyth st. Nos. 181 to 1851^, n w s, 75x100, four
three-story brick houses. W. A. Spencer.
(Rent, $660 each).......'.................. 32,000
Gold st. No, 34, ses, 23,lix98.30xJ3x98.11, two¬
story brick shop, shed and coal yard. John
W. Mason. (Rent, $600. taies,' <6e)........ 1,0 0
Grand sr. No. 39, s s. 22.6x72.6, brick house.
James Carr. (Rent. $550).................. 8,850
Grand st. No. 73, s s, 22x75.4, four-story brick
(iron front) house and one-story in rear.
Mayer Eisemann. (Rent, $-.'S8, taxes, &c) 7.850
Grand st, No. 341, secor Ludlow st, 23,13x7».9,
three-story frame (brick front) dweU'g and
two-story brick dweU'g in rear. Henry
Waters. (Rent, $1,500, taxes, &c).......... 31,000
Grand st. No. 399, sws, 20.1x80.1, three-story
brick house. Cath. R. Thomas. (Rent,
Greene st. No. 6, e s, 22.10xl00,5x29.6x irreg.,'
two-and-one-half-story brick house and
one-story in rear. W. A. Spencer. (Rent.
Hester st. No. 102, sws, 25.7x300.9, three-story
frame house. Aug. Berbert. (Rent, $750
taxes, &c)...................... '
Lispenard st, No. 10. sws, 20x69, two-and-one-
half-story frame house, shed, &c. W C
Lester. (Rent, $600, taxes, &c).......
Maiden lane. No. 86. sws, 27x331.7, to No 35
Cedar st, x27,2x irreg; No. iO Mfliden lane,
thre»'-and-one-half-stor V brick building and
one-story in rear;No. 15 Cedar st, four- tory
brick house and one-story in rear. E H
Kellogg. (Rent, $3,600)..........'
Mercer st, w s, 72.4 n Canal st, 37x47,5x33.3x
52,4, three-story brick building and one-
story brick extension, W. A. Spencer
(Bent, $2,600) ............:........ .... â–
Mulberry st, No. 25, w s, 2,5x74x2 2.3x69, ibree'-
story frame house and stables in year D
H Dugro, (Rent, $300, taxes, &c)....
New Bowery, No. 32, nws, 3i..5x55 to No. 36
Roose\elt st, x 24.33x30 6, =wo-story brick
honse. W. A. Spencer. (Rent, $450, taxes
North William st. No. 38, e s, 36.31xl8.3x'2b.ix
7.6. four-s ory brick house, J. B. Simpson
(Rent. $420)..................... ^
Pearl st, No. 480, e s, 23.33x339.1x25 4x irreg. two-
and-one half-story brick house and brick
house and frame stable in rear. John
Boyd. (Rent, $900)................
PeUst, No. 33, sws, 25.4x81.3x24.9x89 b. two¬
story frame loft and four-story brick hous-e
in rear. F, A; Conkling. (Rent, $425,
taxes, &c).............................
Prince st. No. 134, sws, 25x301, three-and-one-
half-story brick house. Benj. Van Raclin
(Rent. $900) ......................
Prince st, No. 138, s s, 25x103, two-and-one-half-'
story frame (brick front) dwell'g and one-
stoiy brick stable in rear. Blorris O'Brien
Spring st. No 94, s w s, 2-x50,8, five-story brick
(stone front) house. C. F. Wildey. (Rent
Spring st. No. 3.'^4, s s, 20x80, three-and-one-
half story brick building, John SuUivan
(Rent, $1,000).. .............
Water st. No, 383, ses, 83.5x45x23,1x44.33, foii'r-
story brick house and one story in rear
W.A.Spencer. (Rent, $3,:^aO)...........
White st, No. lir., s e cor Centre st, 25.3x80x
20,3x—, twostory brick house, and one-
story brick house, one-story frame house
shanty. &c. D. Knabe. (Rent. $3,.5C0)....
White st. No. 337, s s, 23,8x—, two-story brick
house. John Boyd. (Rent, $600).....
White st, No. 119, s s, 23,8x—, two-sory brick
house. John Boyd. (Renf, $650) ..
White st, Nos. 316.138 and 320, n e cor Cenire
st, f)8.6x73.2x58.6x77.4, three two.and-one-
half-story brick houses and th-ee-story
and one-story brick houses on Centre st.
Joseph Kuntz. (Rent, $2,560) ...........
Wooster st. No. 236. ses, 20,0x5 i, two-and-one-
half story brick house. Miss Cath. Wolfe
(Rent, $600. taxes, Ac.)......
4th st, Nos. 31, 33 and 35 E., s s, 75x132x75x130.
four story brick building, "Turn Hall."
Francis Schneider.............. ...
38th st. No, 340 W., s s, S3x92, two-story brick
stable. H, Conkling, (Rent, $1,000)
Sd av, No, 272, w s, 2l,6xV5, three-story brick
house. J.J.Mathews. (Rent, $3,200)___
e. h. luulow & CO.
78th St. n s, 3.50 w 9th av, 100x102.3, vacant
W. R.Smith........................
79th st, s s, 350 w Dth av, 50x102.2, vacant. A
3d av, s e cor Olst st, 25.8x110. Jacob Riippert.
3d av. e s, adj, 75x1 lO. Jacob Ruppert.......
3>l av, e s, adj, 2.5x100. Jacob Ruppert........
93stst, ss, 110e 3d av, 30x300 8. Jacob Rup¬
pert ....................................
91st St. ss, adj, 50x300.8x irreg. Jacob Rup¬
pert ......................
3d av, e s, 50.6 s S'dst, 25.2x300. Wm Fern¬
*39th St, No. 224 W., s a. 20.7x98.9. three-story
frame dweU'g, Citizens' Savings Bank.
(Amount due, abt $30,500)..................
4th St. No. 199 E , n s, 25x96.2, flve-stoiy brick
house. Chailes J. Goeller. (Leasehold:
leased May 3, 3879, for 20 years; ground
rent, $350 per annum)...................
Allen St, No. 98, e s, 24.9x87 6, five-story brick
store and tenem't. Fred'k Pflueger. (Amt
due, abt $16,250)......................
llth st. No, 724. s w cor Dry .Dock st. 21.1x75.4,
three-Story brick store and dwell'g. John
Callahan. (Amount due, abt $5,750)......
84th St. s s, 305 e 3d av, 50.10x102.2, vacant. Jo-
» seph Husson...............................
•^eOth st, n s, 133 e Ist av, 25x300.4, vacant. Wm.
W. Dyckman, admr. (Amout due, abt
$3,375).................. ....:.......:..... 2,700
98th st, n s. 37-5 e 9th av, 25x300.33, vacant. N.
B. Sandford. (Amount due. abt $2,550) ... 3,850
*133ih st, n s, 350 w 3st av, 36.8x300.10, four-
story brick dweU'g and three-stoiy frame
dwell'g in rear. Harriet W'atkins......... 3,000
*333ih st, n s, 366.8 w 3st av, 16 8x3'0.10, four-
story brick dwell'g and three-story frame
dwell'g in rear. Harriet Watkins......... 3,200
*I33thst. n s, 383.4 wist av, 36.8x110.30, four-
story brick dwell'g and three-storj- frame
dwell'g in reai-. Harriet Watkins......... 4,300
Nassau st, e s, extdg from Cedar to Liberty st,
381.8x330.8x374x315.30, old Post OfBce
building. H. H. Cammann.............. 650.000
*78th st,ns,394wAvA,2.5x302.2, vacant, Johu
C. Boettner. (Amount due, abt $:i,250)..., 3,200
83d st. No. 509 E., n s, 29 8x102.2, four-story
stone frunt tenem't. Jacob M. Newman.
(Amount due, abt $4,400)................ 36,365
4th av. No. 334, w s, 10.4x63,0x36,6x56,7, three-
story brick store and dwell'g. Geoi-ge F
Cornell...................................... io,400
Tolal ..............................?2,117,360
•----------------4 « »----------------
In the city of Brooklyn, Messrs. Cole & Murphy
and J. Cole have made the following sales for tbe
week ending October 20:
Fulton St. s e cor Sackman st, 25x300, vacaut.
P. J. Kennedy...................... $800
*Nassau st, w s, 3,025 n3st st, 100x1.50, New
Lots. Benjamin .Ricks................. 3,405
*Navy st, e s, 50 n Boliver st, 25x75. W. H.
Mead, 2,000
York st. No, 1*4, s s. 25x75, three-stoiy frame
dweU'g. Catharine Carr................ ;^,000
York st. No, 136, s s, 25x75, three-story frame
dweirg. Patrick Broderick........... .. ;i,025
South 7th st, s e cor 2d st, 23.6x80, Jobn Ry-
ley, (Moris. $1.380)...................... 16,480
*Pro8pect av, n ,s, 3.55 w 5ili av. 19'.xll2.9x395.3
X129.1. Julia A. Sanger ................. 5.000
*St. Marks av, s s. 3r<;.8w Franklin av, 33 4x
30'. Philip E. MOlson. (Morts $8,000).... 3,3:W
Total........................................ $a3,840
BRICKS.—On Common Hards there has been a
somewhat irregular market, but on the final result
sellers appear to be holding their own first rate, and
in some instances feeling very confident over the sit_
uation. Soon after our last, arrivals commenced to
run up rapidly, and in three days some twenty-eighi
barge loads with about as many sailing vessels had
put in an appearance rather to the surprise of all
hands, but especially so to buyers, who had been led
to"expect a continued light oft'ering The iv suit was
an immediate withdrawal of bids and o ders, to a con¬
siderable extent, and a sort of stand off in expectation
that under the heavy Accumulation some pressure to
realize would follow. Holders, however, not onl>-
failed to exhibit any great anxiety, but sto^'d out
flrmly, and we are tmaware that even small ft action¬
al shading took place, aiid e-entuaby buyers finding
they were gainiug nothing renewed the demand,
cleaned out the oft'ering somewhat rapidly ai d le-
stored the former strong and health.y tone with prices
well up to figures ruling at the date of our last report.
Quotations as now made show about $7.00(a7,y5 per
M. for Jerseys: $7.00(g,7,5'> for JJp Rivers; $7,.5('(g:i
8.00 for Haverstraws, with 25c. and eveu 5tc.
in some instances to be added for choice and
fancy stock. As usual, for some time past, the
supplies handled have gone largely into consumers
hands, but there is evidences of a growing
among dealers who, having run their supply down to
about as low a figure as seemed safe under the
present conditions of the market, have added to the
strong tone by stopping competition against fresh
cargo an ivals and come into the market as buyers to
make good the depleted accuniu'ations. More or less
work is still going on along the River but the produc
tion is greatly cut do.vm and said to be rapidly taper¬
ing off to final entirp suspension for the season. Pale
Brick seem to be selbng quite as close as the better
grades and remain firm at $4,00@$45;i per M, and
some of the best at $4,75. Fronts in good demand
and firm with no reduction made in the cost of any
first-class goods,
GLASS—The movement of window glass is not very
liberal and is in the main confined to orders from reg¬
ular sources to the extent of ear.'y wants. In pretty
much all cases, however, sellers speak cheerfully and
confldently, the foreign stock remaining under good
control, the domestic product in small accumulation