ii Vol. XXX.
No 767.
Published Weekly by The
R SAL Estate Record Association
ONE YEAB, lu advance.....$6.00
Communications should be addressed to
C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway.
J. T. LINDSEY, Business Manager.
The foUowing'are the sales at the Exchange Sales¬
room forthe week ending November 24:
♦ Indicates that theproperty described has been bid
in forplaintiff"8 account:
Kingsbridge road, ne cor 171st st, 100.0x94.9x
100x01.9. A. Foise......................... SI,620
Kingsbridge road, s e cor 172d st, 100.Cx8l.9xl 0
X117.8. G.F.Gantz...................... 3,f00
Kingsbridge road, n e cor 17.'d st, 100x131.2x
94.6x88.6. V. K. Stevenson, Jr.......... 1,210
Kingsbridge road, s e cor 173d st, 23.10x125. E.
Crowley................................... 830
Kingsbridge road, e s, adi, 79.4x90.2x75x122.4,
B, FeUman............................. 1,080
170th st, n s, IOO e llth av. 75x100. A. Roe..... 1,320
170th st, n s, 100 w Audubon av, 75x100. P.
Fox..................................... 1,380
irist st, s s, 100 e mil av, 7r>x95. V. K. Steven¬
son, Jr................................... 1,0.50
171st st, s s, 175 e llth av, 75x95. V. K. Steven¬
son. Jr.................................... 960
171st st,ns, IOO e llthav, 75x95. P. V. Bussing 1,050
171st st, n s, 175 e llth av, 7.=ix9j. Th. bryn___ 1,110
172d st, s s, 100 e llth av, 75x95. V. Spader.... 1,170
n.'dst, s s, 175 e llth av, 75x95. J. R. Dorsett. 1,095
172d St. n s, 100 w llth av, 50x94.6. G. W. Mon-
nell........................................ 6-30
173d st, s s, 100 w llth av, â– ;5x100. J. A. Booth 915
Audubon av, n vr cor l70t'a st, S5xlC0. V. K.
Stevenson, Jr.............................. 650
Audwbon av, w s, adj. I.=i0xl00. P, Fox........ 2,160
Audubon av, s w cor 171st st, 20x100. V. K.
Stevenson, Jr.............................. 43j
Audubon av, n w cor 171st st, 20x100. Geo.
Dean.................................... 500
Audubon av, w s, adj, 75x100, Geo. D^an..... 1,080
Audubon av, s w cor ITJd st, 20x100, V,
Spader.................................... MO
Audubon av, w s, ad.i, 75x100. V. Spader..... 1,125
llthav. n w cor 170th st, 100x77.11 to Kings-
bridge road, xlllx29.9 on 170th st. J. K.
Dorsitt................................. 2,020
llth av, s wcor 17:st st, 95x77.11 to Kingsbridge
load, X.105.5X123.7 on 171st St. R.K.Saul.. 2,800
llth av. n w oor l7Ut st, 9.ix90, A. Foice____ l,(i20
. llth av, s w cor 172d st, 100x100. L. Sinsheim-
<>r....... ................................. 1,.300
Mth av. n e cor 170th st, 25x100. V. K, Steven-
son,Jr.......•.......................... 880
11 th av, es, adj, 75x100. V, K, Stevenson, Jr,. 1,140
mil av, s e cor l71st st, 20x100. V. K. Steven¬
son. Jr.................................... 600
llthav es, adj. 7.5x100. P. Feuring........... 1,230
llth av, n e cor 171st st. 20x'00. George Dean 625
llth av, es, adj, 7.'Jxl00, P. V. Bn.sMng........ 1,470
11th av, s e cor l7-'d st, 25x100. V. Spader.___ 640
llthav, es,ad3, 75x100. V. Spader............ I,t00
llth av, n w cor 17-'d st, 19.6x100. A, Roe..... 430
llthav, ws, adj, 7.5x100. A. Roe.............. 1,080
llth av, s w cor" I73d st. 25x100. J. A. Booth... 555
llth av, w s, adj, 75x100. J. M. Lichtenauer... 1,170
Broadway: No. f'52, ses. 25x199.6 to Crosb.v st,
x20xl99,U; No. 5.52 Broadwaj% .six-story
marble front building, and No. 90 Crosby
st, seven-story brick building and four-
story brick buUding in rear. N. Silver-
stein .................................... 111,000
Broadway, No. 514, ses, 25x199.0 to Crosby st;f
No. 551 Broadway, sixstory marble front
building and No. 92 Crosbj' st, four-slory
brick building. Henry Brash ............ 130,2.50
Chatham st. No. 185, s s. 28x77.2 to New Bowery,
x3J.7x56.2, three-story marble front French
roof house. G. W. Qiiackenbass......... 33,000
Peck slip. No. 12, w s. 20.2x61.2xl4x—, five-
story brick bouse. W. C. Lesster......... 13,2.50
Waters!, No. 251, n s, 19..3x50.10x)e.llx.51, five-
story brick house. Ottinger & Bros........ 10,250
SOth st, No. 323 E.. n a, 19.5x98.0, three story
stone front dweU'g. Cedar Strouse. (Amt
due. abt $6,000)............................. 8,5CO
84th_st, No. 343 t*^. n .o, 20x97.6, four-story brick
house. Peter A. H.Jackson................ 7,550
44lh st. No. 550 W,. s s, 25x100.5, two-story
frame dwell'g. "William Mulry............. 4,650
S.'th st. No. 317 E., n s, 25x103.3, fonr-s^ory
stone front apartment house. Peter R.
Egan....................................... 1-2,000
82d st, Nos. 410 to418 E., ss, 12)xl03.2, five four-
story stone front tenem'ts. Wm. Hall.
(Amt due, abt $'2-3,750)................,..... 50,U
*85th st, Nos. 325 to 831 E.,n s. 100x103.2, four"!
four-.story stone front tenem'ts..........|
86lh st, Nos. 326 to 332, s s, 100x102.2, four !
four-story stone front tenem'ts...........|
85th st. No. 319 E., n s, i;5xl02.2, four-story I
stone front tenem't......................J
John Boss. (Amt due, abt $43,850)........ 92,5C0
*86th st. No. 348 E., s s, 25x102.2, four-story
stone front tenem't. Denis Brassill...... 5,C00
*Av A, s e eor 89ih st, 00x100, three four-story
stone front stores and tenem'ia on avenue
and two tbree-story stone front dweU'gs on
street. John Boss. (Amtdue, abt $19,550}. 21,000
llth av. No. 794, s e cor 55lh st, 25..5x75. four-
story brick apartment house. Samuel
McMiUan..................................... 16,C00
Clinton pl. No. .52, s s, 25x120, four-story brick
dwell'g and two-story extension and two¬
story brick stable. N. J. Newitter. (Lease¬
hold)........................................ 11,000
West Broadway. Nos. 162 and 164, s w cor
York st, 43x00x33x54, vacant. Morris B.
Baer..................................... 16,.500
13tb st. No. 18 W., s s, 2.5xl18.4x-xll3.8, two¬
story brick stable, L, J, Callahan......... 15,200
13th St. No. 23 W., n s, 25x103.3, five-story
brick buUding. OttingerBros............ 21,000
21st St, No. 20 E., ss, Sl0x92, three-story stone
front dweU'g. F.P.Foster. (Rent, $2,500) 40,500
oth av. No. 70, s w cor 13th st, 20x115, flve-
story brick mansard roof dwell'g, and
two story brick stable in rear. B. Rich¬
ards........................................ 62,5t0
5tli av. No. C8, w s, adj, 25x115, four-story
brick dweU'g, and two-story extension,
. and two-story brick stable in rear. A, R.
Eno......................................... 41,250
*Clermont av, e s, 187,1 n Park av, 25x100. N.
L. Duryea................................. 2,:300
*Lexington av, s s, 225 e Nostrand av, 75x100.
Abraham Wolf............................. 1,500
Total.. ^........................•............ 541,080
19th St. No. 217 W., n s, 25x99.10, four-story brick
store and tenem't and four-story brick Icn-
ement in rear. W. Blulry..................
24tb st. No. 454 W., s s, 14 8x80, three-story
dwell'g. E, H. O'Brien. (Leasehold;
leased May 1, 1S06; teriui-. 31 years; ground
$70.......................:................. 3.523
21th st. No 456 W., .s s, 14.8x80, similar dwell¬
ing, John W. Irving. (Leasehold; same
terms as above)........................... 3,550
24th st. No. 4.58 W.. s s, 14.8x30, similar dweU'g.
Sam'l MiUiken.............................. 'a.tOO
24th St. No. 458 W., s s, 14.8x80. similar dweU'g.
Philip BIcDowell. (Leasehold; same terms
as above)................................ 3,525
24th st. No. 460 W., s s, 14.8x8i, simUar dwell'g.
Fred. W. Hencken. (Leasehold; same
terms as above)......... ................ 3,575
2d av. No. 750, e s, 16.5x100, four-stor.v brick
store and tenem't, Daniel Cunningham.., 8,300
2d av. No. 7.53, e s, adj, 10.5x100, similar dweU'g.
Daniel Cunningharr........................ 8,050
2d av. No. 754, e s, ad.j, 16,,5xl00, similar dwell¬
ing. Daniel Cuiininghatu.................. 8,075
Waverley pl. No. 120, s s, 22x104 x irrrg x 97,
tbree-story brick dweU'g and two-Etory
extension. Chas. A. Fox................. 1-S,CC0
110th st, s s, 36.8 e Madison av, 16.8x100.11,
three story stone front dweU'g. J. H. Flick 10,C00
110th st, R s. adj, 16.8x100.11, simUar dwell'g.
J.U.Flick................................ 9,.50O
144th st, n s, 304.5 e 3d av, 2,5x100, two-story
frame dweU'g. Abraham Piser. (Amt
due, abt $2,700)............................. 2,825
Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre¬
ceded by the name of the grantee Ihey mean as foUows
1st—Q. C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed
i. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interest of
the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or icar-
2d—C a. O. means a deed containing Covennnt
against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he
hath not done any act whereby ihe estate conveyed may
be impeached, charged or incumbered.
In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. J. Cole, D. M.
Seaman andT. A. Kerrigan have made the following
sales for the week ending November 24:
*Broadway, n e cor Margaretta st, 17x80. John
IT. Ross, trustee............................ $1,000
*Hari ison st. w s, 08.5 n vv Hicks st, 29.3x70.
K. 0. McVickar........................... 2,000
Quincy st, n s, 375 e Suraner-av, uQxlOO. B. JIc-
ConneU. (Morts. $10,000)................. 14,:332
York st, Nos. 33, 35 and 37, n w cor Washington
st, 56x49.10, three and two-story frame
Stores and dweU'gs on York st, and No. 78
Washington st, three-story frame dweU'g.
Francis Marke.v............................ 9,250
*13thst, nes, 97.10 nw9thav, runs northeast"
to farm line R. Perry, x northwest to
point 147.10 southeast8ihav, x southwest
10 I3th st, X houtheast 450................
12th st, s w s. 19 s e Sth av, 340,3x25x-30i'.3x3 .,
Interior lot. at poiuton division line between
farms Richard Berr.v and Adriance Van
Brunt, and distance 122.10 s CiSth av, runs )â–
south to centre line cf block, bet 12th
and i3th sts, x east along centre line 25 x
north to division line aforesaid, x north¬
west to beginning':......................
Also that part of lots 241 to 248 inclusive, on
map Henr.v L. Clark, which lies south of
the centre line of 12th st. as now laid out.
â– Thos. T. Buckley. (Morts. $10,500).......' 11,293
November 17, IS, 20, 21, 22, 23.
Bond sfc, No. 17, s s, 3.51 eBroadway, 37,Gxll4.5
to alley, tbree-story brick dwell'g. "WiUiam
F. Ruxton, exr. and trustee Sarah M. Grin¬
nell, to Moss S. Philb'iJs, Brooklyn. Oct. 31,
Same property. Sylvia H. wife of Williara F.
Ruxton, London, Eng., to same. Nov. 7. nom
Bleecker st. No. 32.5, e s, 20.11 s Christopher st,
19.10x7(:5.3xl3.6x2.5.5x.54:9, tivo-story brick
store and dweU'g. William H. Streeter to
James Kearney, Franklin, N. J. Nov. 1.5.12,000
Canal st. No. 431. n w cor "Varick st, runs west
26 G X north 28.11 x west 1.5 x north 0.8 x on
irreg line to alley, x east 4.2 .ilong alley to
"Varick st, x south along street 6i, i hree-story
brick store and tenem'fc. Walter L, Cutting,
exr, Gertrude Cutting, to Michael and John
Brenuan. Ocfc, 18, 12,000
Canal sfc. No. 381, and Nos. 238, 240 and 24-2
South .5fch av, begins Canal st, n w cor South
.5th av, 33.1x80x0.7x82.6, four-stoiy brick
store and dwell'g. Richard O'CSormau to
Johanna wife of Hyman Leii^ziger. Nov. 23.
Cannon sfc, No. 90, e s. 200 n Rivington sfc, 25x
100, five story brick store and tenem'fc. Hen¬
rietta wife of Herman Blaskopf to Edward
J. P. Werder. Mort. .?6,000. Nov. 17. nom
Catbarine st. No. 36, w s, 73..5 ii Madison st. 18.3
x9S 9x18.3x99, four-story brick store and ten¬
ement. Flora wife of Selitn Marks to Joimie
wife of Isaac Nebenzahl. Morfc. §S,o00. Jan
9, 1878. LS.OOO
Same properfcy. J'ennie wife of and Isaac Ne¬
benzahl to j. Langdon Ward. In trusfc. Morfc.
$8,500. Nov. 18. nom
Chrystie st, e s, 75.5 s Broome st, 2.5x100.
Declaration of trusfc by Lisette wife of George
Church sfc, Nos. 61 and 63, e s, 50x50, portion of
five-stor.y brick warehouse. Partitiou. Philo
T. Ruggies to Elizabeth W. Aldrich, widow.
Nov. 20. 31,fc00
Centre sfc, No. 249, w s, 131.3 s Broome st, 21 3x
04.10x20.10x65.3, three-story frame (briek
front) store and dwell'g. Moses Levi to Es¬
ther Mann. C. a. G. May 6. 8,000
Clinton st, No. 17, w s, 175 n Stanton st, 25x100,
five-story brick store and tenem'fc and four-
story brick cigar factory in rear. Coatraefc.
Daniel Zimmerman to Mary Monell. Octo¬
ber 14. 18,000
Eldridge st. No. 65, w s, 155.9 n Hester sfc, 20 lO
X 100.3x21.3XlOO.ll, three-story briok and
frame dweU'g. William Cahill to Nathan
Manne. Morts. $6,750. Nov. 20. 10,300
Elizabeth sfc. No. 44, e s, 25x100, two-and-one-
half-story (brick front) frame house and two¬
story brick shop. Partition. Philo T. Ru"--
gles to Charles Gulden. Nov. 20. 13°675
Grand sfc, No. 39, s s, 2-3.6x7r?.8, brick house.
Partition. Philo T. Ruggies to James Carr"
Nov. 20. 8,850
Greene sfc, No. 103, w s, 25x100, three-story
frame (brick front) store and tenem't, tbree-
story frame dweU'g, and two-story frame
stable in rear. Gustav and Julius Witten¬
borg to Isidor Cohnfeld! Nov. 15. 22 500
Greenwich sfc. No. 112, s w cor Carlisle st, - 267
x81.3x35x75,8, three-story brick store and
tenem'fc, and fchree-story brick store and
tenem't on Carlisle st. Foreclos. Francis
E. Parker to John H. Schutte. Nov. 20 2o S"**
Mulberry st, No. 59)4, w s, 146.3 s Bayard ^t
14.9x112.4x19x110.10, five-story brick sto're
and tenem't. S. Van Rensselaer Cruger to
Antonio Cuneo. Mort. §8,000. Mar. 3i. 12 OOO