Index to Real Estate Record.
Vol. XXXI.
The following Index of the CoaveyancdS and
Hew Buildings for Hew York City and Kings
County, as pubhshed in the Real Estate Re¬
cord during the first six months of 18S3, will be
found of great utility and value by those oE our
readers who have preserved all the copies of this
paper during that period. Great care has bean
observed to keep the Index up to the same per¬
fect standard as in the past. The pages are given
on which all transfers of realty can immediately
be found, and the streets and avenues are sub di¬
vided so that very few references are required;
for instance, transfers of property on Allen street
appear in eight numbers during the six months,
which in the Index are sub-divided into three
parts of the street, so that the least possible
trouble need be incurred, a transfer being found
by referring to but two or three pages, provided
it is known between what street? the propartj- is
located. The Projected Buildiugs are iudexed in
a similar manner, enabling all to readily ajeef-^
tain on wliat streets improvements Ijarfe been
made. Those desirous ol keeping'a permanent
file for reference should see that all the numbers
are complete, and have them bound. A suitable
binder can be had at the office of the Record akd
Gdide, 191 Broadway, corner of Dey street, price
one dollar.
Academy st___97.
Allen, south of Broome tt .. .185, 331, 365.
bet Rivington and titanton ... .97, 373,
north of Siantou ...49,145,353.
Amity (also see West 3d st) — 346.
Ann, east of Nassau st.... 139, IS5, 186, 321, 405.
Attornev, south of Broome st___139, 201, 331.
bet Broome and Rivington___300.
Bank.... 17.
Barrow___14ri. 316.
Bayard, east of Chrystiest----65, 265.
Beach....3-Jl, ^4.i, 265, 310.
Beaver....65. I:i9, 166, 3dl.
Bedford ...130, 390.
Beekman....201, 309,405.
Bleecker. east of Mott st.... 165, 301. 331, 389.
bat Mott and Broadway ...83,331.
bet South 5th av and Morton___33, 1S5,
301, 4^5.
west of Charles___201.
Bioomingdaleroad,...35, 65, 14S, 405, 4j5, 441.
Bolton road___130.
Bond....17, 51, 97, 185.
Boulevard, south of 6'Jth St....374.
from 69!h to S6th....l45, 247.
fromSeth to9id....65, 113.
froml)3d to lorth... .145, 390, 405, 441.
â– from lO'Hh to IDSth.. ..65.
from 14.5th to 155th.. ..441.
north of 155th ... 145, 390, 441. 444.
Bowery, south ••t Canal st.... 129.
bet Canal and Hester.... U3, 185. 345.
bet Hester and Delancey___33. 331.
bet Delancey and Stanton___1J9, 145, 457.
bBtStftntont.nd3d...],4!),2UI, 3il, 245, 265.
north of 2d....441.
Bowling Green___113.
Bridge ...8', 442.
Broad, north of 8tone st-. ..81, 97, 145, 309,374.
south of ytone ...309,353.
Broadway, south of Morris st ...65, 333, 441.
bet Morris and Exchange pi .. 49. 113.165.
bet Exchangepland Wall,....33, SI, 97,129,
bet Liberty and Barrlay___389, 390.
bet Barclay and Reade....65, 129.
betReade and Worth.. ..33, 129.145, 185,
bet Worth and Walker___33, 165.
bet Walker and Grand... .33, 97, 405.
bet Graod and Spring___SI.
bet Spring and Bleecker___1, 115, 145, isg,
391), 40.i. 4.57.
bet Bleecker and ytb....245, 333, 374.
bet-'4th and 40th ...346.
bet 50Lh and 59th....33, 425.
north <^f 59th.... (see Boulevard).
Broome, east of Lewis st___^45.
bet Lewis and Sheriff....I, 265,358, 390,
441, 457.
bet Sheriff and Ridge....65, 201,390.
bet Ridge and Essex___1,323.
bet Essex and Bowery___145. 231.
bet Bowery and Elm....SI, U3, 165, 309.
Det Elm and Sullivan — 1, iOl.
west of Sullivan.... 83,309.
Burling slip.... 3, 113.
Canal, east of Baxter st.... 65, 129, 301.
bell Baxter and Broadway___17, 65, 81.
bet Broadway and South 5th av___97, 331,
•.;9n, 309, 405.
bet South .5i,h av and Laight... .309.
Caunon, south of Rivington at....81, 113, 129,
2^1, 3U9.
bet Rivington and Stanton___165, 226, 246,
248, 4^5.
bet Stanton and Houston.... 17, 245.
Carlisle ..,290.
Carmine..., 130, 245.
Catharine, north of Madison st___129, 165.
south of Madison.. ..201, 331, 29u, 390.
slip.... 44!.
Cedar, east of Broadway....17, IS, 49, 130, 331.
west of Broadway___17, 245.
Centre, south of White st,... 165, 435, 443.
Chambers ...65, 245, 390.
Charles, bet 4tb and Hudson... .1, 49,139, 145, 265.
west of Hudson st . .66,333.
Charlton.. 165, 185, 390.
Chatham....!, 17.
Chatham sq ...165.
Cherry, bet Dover and James st___185.
bet James and Market.... 335, 309, 405.
bet Market and Rutgers.... 17, 18, 146, 441.
bet Rutgers and East___17,145,333,334,
457, 45S.
Christopher....33, 49, 345.
Chrystie, southof Canal st. ...6.5, 97,221, 309.
bet Canal and Broome___33, 65.
north of Broome st....l, 4,57.
Church, south of Park pi... .33, 81, 97,139, 145.
Clark .186, 232.
Cliff, bet John and Beekman,. ..145, 201, 23l,40.n.
bet Beekman and Hague fit___246.
Clinton, south of Grand... .65,81, 97, 333, 290, 374.
bet Broome and Rivington___65. 145,
333, 265.
north of Rivington----309.
Columbia, south of Rivington st___1.
north of Rivington... .49, 66, 345, 309.
Courtland....65,353, 374, 405.
Crosby, bet Grand and Spring.... 17, 81, 139, 221.
norih of Spring___1.
Delancey, east of Lewis st....333, 457.
bet Lewis and Columbia,,,.49, 113, 457.
bet Columbia and Pitt....81, 130. 145, 332.
bet Pitt and Clinton___49, 290, 425.
btt Ulinloa and Norfolk... .81, 97, 245,
334, 374.
bet Norfolk and Orchard.. ,.97, 185. 441.
west of Orchard.... 130, 145, 201,203. 405.
Dey....97, 3U9, 390.
Division, east of Clinton St....165, 345. 333, 405,
bet Clintiin and Essex___145. 333. 353.
bet Essex and Allen....33, 333,435, 457.
west of Allen.... 113, 16-5, 365, â– .â– 91), 457.
Dover... .353.
Downing ...130.
Dry Dock....'!29, 130, 202,
Duane, bet Broadway and Hudson. ...33, 245.
west of Hudson ...17,165.
indeft... 97.
East Broadway, bet Catharine and Market st....
113. 165. 309, 33.:i, 457.
bet Market and Pike.. ..17, 65, 333, 457.
bet Pike and Rutarers,.. .33, 97,130, 146,
365, 333. â– !57.
bet Rutgers and Jefferson ...309, 333.
bet Jefferson and Clinton___130, 309. 333.
bet Clinton and Montgomery___1, 16), 1S5,
345, 333.
east of Montgomery___1, 290.
Eastern Boulevard ispe Av A).
Edgecombe road ... 17, 3:i, 19, 6-5, 67, SI, 82, 83,
97, 133, 202, 22i, 346, 354, 366, 411.
Eldridge, south of Hester st ...139,^33, 390, 309.
bet Hester and Broome 17.
bet Broome and Rivington .. .1, 33, 65.
north of Rivington ..17, 353.
Elizabeth, south of Spring st___1, 113, 130, 165.
north of Spring ...1, 185.
Elm, north of White st... .17, 97, 390, 353.
Essex, south of Delancey st ... 309, 457.
north of Delancey....82, 130, 145, 435.
Ferry ...97, 202,346.
li'orsyth, south of Canal st___82, 265.
bet Canal and Broome___33, 145, 346, 309.
north of Broome___I, 65, 222, 3U9.
indelt ...82.
Franklin, east of Church st... .17, 365, 390.
west of Church....97, 166, 309.
Frankfort.... 1, 186, 354.
Front, westof Maiden lane___1, 202, 365, 405,
441, 457,
bet Maiden lane and Fulton... .3-54.
east of Fulton.... 246, 333, 334.
Fulton, east of Broadway..,.S2, 130, 185,322,354,
west of Broadway.... 145, 223.
Goerck, south of Delancey st.., .203, 222. 354,457.
north of Delancey___345.
Gold, north of Fulton at.,..202,.374, 405.
Gouverneur slip___310.
Gramercy park ...333, 354.
Grand, east of Columbia St.. ..202, 309, 405, 435,
bat Columbia and Willett ...3ii9.
betWillettand Ridge....65. 146, 266. 457.
bet Ridge and Suffolk....809, 833, 374.
bet Suffolk and Ludlow. ...233, 457.
bet Ludlow and Bowery___130, 333.310.
bet Bowery and Broadway ... 208, 223, 335.
bet Broadway and South 5th av.... 17, 65,
97, 245, 441.
Greene, south of Broome st... 345.
bet Spring and Prince.... 1, 17, 98, 146. 310.
bet Prince and 3d .33, 65, 146, 310, 374.
Greenwich, bet Rector and Cedar sts.... 65, 333,
bet Cedar and Park pi... .130, 166.
bet Franklin and Laight___118,
bet Laight and CauaL...S3, 333, 854.
bet Canal and Houston....!, 11«, 114, 390,
bet Barrow and West 11th....1, 97, 130,266,
333. 405.
north of West 11th.... 17, 113, 145, 186,202.
Grove.... 332, 333.
Great Jones___185,
Henry, from Oliver to Market st___333.
from Market to Rutgers___33, 146, 2S3,
290 310 333
from'Rutgers to Clinton.. ..113,130, 146.
from Clinton to Montgomery___1, 202,
290, 333, 390.
east of Montgomery___303, 310.
Hester, east of Essex st___130, 146, 333,310.
bet and Allen___130.
bat Allen and Bowery.... 130, 185, 202, 246,
west of Bowery.., 222.
Horatio, east of Hudson st... ,33.
west of Hudson.... 146, 3U2.
Houston, west of Bedford st-----185, 186.
bet Bedford and Sullivan___266.
bet Sullivan and Bowery.. ..66, 130, 222,
354, 390.
bet Bowery and Allen.. ..17, 65, 83.
bet Essex and Clinton___441.
bet Clinton and Pitt___65, 346, 390.
east of Willett st... .333, 405, 435.
Howard....33, 40.5.
Hudson, southof Laigbt St....82, 130, 221, 354.
bet Laight and Canal... .33, 83, 354.
betCanal and Spring....332, 290, 333.
north of Houston,., .203, 332,
lnwood....98, 130.
James....49, 65, 310, 405.
James slip... .83. 166, 203, 405.
Jane... 35, 146, 203, 266.
Jefferson.,,.366, 333.
Jersey....], 186, 203.
John ...33.
Jones.. .,435.
King....146, 333, 374. 390.
King^bridge road.... 17, 20, 33, 65, 83, 97, 98,
146, 20a, 336, 310, 390, 405.
Laigbt, westof Hudson st.,..130, 354.
Laurens, (see South 5tb av).
Lawrence, 113. 130, 167, 310, 356.
Leonard..,.!, 33, 374.
Leroy-...322, 266, 354.
Lewis, bat Delancey and Rivington.... 49, US.
bet Rivington and Stanton..,.!, 17, 65.
bet Stanton and 4th-----1, 146, 166, 346,
310. 441.
northof 4th....l66, 425.
Liberty,east of Broadway....18, 65, 83, 98, 166,
west of New Church .... 17, 348, 374.
Ludlow, south of Hester st... .186, 203, 246, 290,
bet Hester and Grand .... 233, 457.
bet Grand and Rivington ----333, 310.
. north of Rivington .... 130, 166, 346, S90,
406, 425.
MacDougal, south of Houston st....113,233.
bet Houston and West 3d___1, 17,354.