EAL Estate Record
NEW YORK, MAHOH 3, 1883.
Ko. 781
Published Weekly by Tlie
Real Estate Uecord Association
0?fE TEAK, in adyauce.....$S.O0
CoomiunicationH should be addressed to
€. W. SWEET. 191 Broadway
J. T. LIND8EY, Business Manager.
The following are the sales at the Exchange Sales
f9om for the week ending March 2 :
• Indicates that the property described has been bid
in for plaintiff t account:
Attorney St, No. 33, e s, 26.GsI0\ three-story
brick dwell'ganri three-story brick dweil'g
in rear. Tobias Krakauer.................$11,430
Attorney st. No, :A, b b, 33x100. three-story
brick dweli'g and three story hrick dwellg
In rear. Tobias Krakauer................ 11,300
Cliff at, s w cor Ferry st, 31x55.1x57.10 x irreg;
Noa. 46 and ^3 Ferry st and 73 ClifT st, five-
storv brick store. William Clyde........ 3B.700
Goerckst. No. 3), ws,35xi0i), twostory brick
stable. William R. Foster................ 5,050
Grand st. No. 531, n s, 35x7.5, three story brick
and frame house with twostory brick
extension and two-story brick storehouse
on rear. William R. Foster............... 15,600
Mulberry st. No, 30. e e, 31x85, threestory
brick and frame store and dwell g and sev¬
eral frame houses on rear. William Lalor. 9,000
Suffolk St. No 78. es, 33.-^xlOO.twostory frame
store and dweU'g and one story extension
and twostory framedwell'g on rear. H.
H. Brown ................................. 8,0aO
Wooster st, 8 e cor Spring st, 51x53.11x51x51.3;
No. 00 Wooster st, t â– o-story brick dweil'g,
No. 9J Wooster and Nos. 13^, 140 and Ui
Spring st, three three-story brick stores
and dwell'gs. L, Ungrich............... 36,000
Iflth st, Nos. 315 and 217 E . ns, 5'saO.lO, two
four fit rv brick stores and tenem'ts.
Daai I Edwarda.......................... 26,500
fflth Bt, Ko. 319 E., D 3,30.4x90.10, fourstory
brick store and tenem't. Petor A. Cassidy 12 500
Sth st,,2i4x93.1!K irreg, four¬
story brick store and lenem't aud four-
slory brick tenem'ton rea-. D. Euhler... 11,000
â– Slat St. No. 317 E.. ns. 22.5x93 9, three-atory
brick dweil'g. Peter Schneider............ 3,300
*18thst. No. 1".7 \V., ns. JRsa0 3.iwo story brick
stable. Richard U. Nichols .............. B.IOO
filth St. No. 447 E., n s. I8.9xl0i 3, three-story
sloae front dweil'g. A. C. Bams......... 11.500
Grand st. No. 345. s s. 31 10x75, three-story
frame store and dweil'g. J. L. O'Brien... 23,600
Ludlow st.'No, 50. 6 s, 25x87,0. threestory
fi'ame dweil'g and one-story brick stable in
rear. Ellen O'Donohue................ 12,500
37th St. No. 3.30 \V„ B s, IS 9x98.9. three-story
brickdwell'g. Ellen O'Donohue .......... 12.900
•139th SI. ss, 135 6 8thav. 3J.3x9:i 11, Four-story
stone front Hat. John L. lirew.iter........ 7,350
•ISBthst, ss, adj., 3J.3xS9.ll, four-story stoae
front..well'g. John L. Brewster.......... 7,403
*129thst, s s, adj., 83 8x119.11, four four-slory
stone front dwell'gs. John L. Brewster.
(Morts.. &c., $J6,16S)...................... 47.168
•97th st, ss. 300w llth av, 35x100.11, vacant.'
96ih St. n s, 300 w llthav. S5x toon, vacant..
Riverside Drive, a ecor 97th st, 1054xi2x
lOu.11x31.11 on 97ihst, vacant. .........
Bessie Jacobs. (Amount due, abt Sl9,600), 13,600
80tb st. No 49 E., n s, 19xr4i irreg, four-story
briclc dweil'g William Lalnibeer ........ 16,300
57th st. No. 559 W.. ns, 10 8x100.5, three-story
brick dweli'g, Edward Gray............ S,900
6lh av. No. 10, n w cor eth Bt. 38 6x100, four-'
Story brick dweil'g.....................
Sthst, ns, 100 w Sthav, 25x03.11, vacant.....
Q. W. Carrington .........................
E. H. LUnLOW & CO.
Union pi, 4!h av. No. 53. e s. 25.0x100, four-
Btory brick house. Arthur D. Weeks......
L. llQSIEa
Mth st, No. 3E., ns. 60x139, four-story brick
building. J. C. Hull. (Leasehold; ground
rent. S3.0TO per annum)................
.eOth st, ns, w Av A, 49.7x103,3. S. Mc¬
Av A, n e cor 80rh st, 25.BxQ8. S. McMillan....
â– .1st av. e s, 5:i.0 n 80th st, 40,5x10(1.5. S. McMil¬
lan.............*........................ 10,2:0
ast av, es. 103,3 n 80 th st, 5lxi:!6.G. 8. McMil-
116th st. No. 33(E., ss, IG.SxlOO.lO, three-story
Btone front dweil'g. H. L. Grant. (Amt
due. abt SS.ICO, lst m"rt. S5.0O-) ......___ 8,50J
I16th Bt, No. 3?d E., s s, lU,8x100,10, threestory
Stone front dwellg. H. L. Grant. (Amt
due, abt 82,400, lst mort. 56,000)........... 8,500
J. p. B. SlrVTH.
Market st. No. 87. s s, 30x31, '.hrie-story brick
dweil'g. John J, Flvnn ................ 5,950
SOth st. No. 401 E , n s. 19x69. four-story brick
tenem't. Patrick iMcNally............... 7,OC0
35th st. No. lOJ E.. n s, 18 9x93.9, fourstory
stone front dweil'g C. R. Cheever....... 23,000
31st st. No, 363 W., s s, 20x93.9, four-story
brick dweU'g. Louis Grumbert. (Amt
due, abt $7,300)............................ 13,935
Elton av, e a, part of lot 730 on map of MelroEe
South, 45X1U0. William Williamson....... 1,500
p. p. MEYER.
Houston Bt, No. 70 W., n s, 3! 0sT5, threes ory
brickdwell'g. A C. Kingsland........... 11,759
*39th .'â– t. :<o. 306 E., s s. 20xr7.5x3ixS6.9, two-
atory frame store and dweil'g. Orlando
R E, Pell ............................... 6,100
33d st, Ko. 3<i; W.. 8 s, 20x93.9, three-story
stone frout dweil'g. Michael Hahn......, 25,00j
'Broadway, No. 531, c s. 25x100x33x400, five-
story stone front store. J^ interest. Rich¬
ard S. Einiuet. (3d mort., amount due,
abt 856,500.)............................... 25,001
SKUUEiLy.'V, N. C.
In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan
Cole & Murphy and J. C. Eadie, have made the fol¬
lowing sales for the week ending March 3:
•Park pi, n w cor Franklin av. 135x131. Marie
E. Tenney (Morts. $2.000)............. $3,500
Union st, No 380, u s, 3Jx90, three-story stone
front dweil'g. Chas. Gentes............ 7,450
Vine st, No. 33, 21.19x102, two-story brick
Btable. J. P. Taafe..................... 5,£25
South 3i St. No. 359, n s, 25x130, frame aweU'g.
Win. Laiiiig....................... 2,000
Souih :id st. No. 381, n s, 35xiao. frame dweil'g.
John Cumin.............................. 1,015
Soutb 3d sf. No. 36), a s, 20.3x120, frame dwell¬
ing. Hy. Hehvig........................... 1.5(10
South 3d Pt, No. 365. n s. 2.ixl3', two-storv
fi-Hme dweil'g. H.W. Clifford ........... 3,8l'0
llth st, ws, aht 130 n South 3d st, 30x50, va¬
cant. Jonn and Wm. Q. Murphy ......... 1,225
♦Atlantic av, n a, 93.8 w Ciasou av, 40x85.4x
irreg. Mary P. Pease .................. 3,000
Marcv av. n w cor Lexington av, 20x100. Eli
Nelson..................... ......... 1,575
Marcy av, w s, 2(1 n Lexington av, 20x100.
John Eckersley -------................. 950
Marcv hv, w s. 40 n Lexington av, 20x100. G.
W Ihrig............................... 900
Marcy av, w s, 60 n Lexington av, 40x100. G.
W.lhrig.................................. 3,000
Sth av. No. 719, e s, 25x100, three-story frame
dweil'g. Ann Quinn....................... 3,309
♦Schenectady av, w s, extdg from Diamond to
Garden st, 2M on Schenectady av, x 100 ou
Garden sf. x 137.10 on Diamond st, x 100 iu
rear. John R. Halsey and ano ........... 350
Wherever the letters Q. C, and C. a, G. occar, pre¬
ceded by the name of the grantee Ihey mean as follows
lst—Q, C, is an abbreviation for Quit Claim, deed
i. e.,a deed in which nil the right, title and interest of
the grantor is conveyed, omittijig all covenants or war¬
2d—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant
against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he
hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may
be im,peached. cliarged or incumbered.
Feb. 23, 21, 26, 27, 23, Marcs 1.
Ann st, No. 61, 2ii 2xll8x-3-1.8xI13, five-story
hrick factory building, and one-story brick
shop on rear. William O. Allison, Eugle-
wo.'d, N". J., to William G. Selleck, Eugle-
â– wood, N. J. Morts. $2i.0m, Peb. 3, S:>li,500
Attorney st, No. 11>, w s, 611.2 s Grand st, 18.8x
20, three-story brick dvrell'g Jacob Uerii-
steiu to Noah James. Mort. $i,Oiili.
March 1, 4,000
Bowery, No. 11, e s, abt I0.> n Division st, 2ix
61.4x31,1x01.4, five-sti-ry stone front factory
building. Harriet wife of Jam?8 A. Hayden
toJohn Stemme. M. S1U,00'. Feb. 24. 2n,000
Same properly, John Stemme to Conrad Doi-
mann and Louisa his wife. Mort, §10.OUO.
Feb. 26, S7.50O
Bowery, No. 186. w s, 2,5 3 Spring st, 23x100,
three-story brick building, and one-story ex¬
tension. Partition. Amasa A. Redfield to
Henry Waters. Feb. 2S. 3.5,300
Broadway, No. 6S, ses, abt 133 n Exchange pi,
runs southeast 119.5 to New st, x southwest
2^.10 X northwest 58 3 xnorth 1.4 x north¬
west 63.2 to Broadway, i northeast 32.5, No.
63 Broadway and No, 17 Newst, flve-story
briek build's. Partition, Thomas L. Ogden
to Harvey Kennedy, March I, 170,000
Broadway, No. 245, ws, 25x103x25x101.3, l
Murray st, sws, part lot 233 Church farm, I
13.6x50. r
six story brick (stone frouti office building. J
Lawson Valentine to George Munro. Morts,
i;i50,000. March 1. 190,000
Broadway, No. 318, s e cor Pearl st, 2-5x100,
five-story brick store and office building.
Partilion. Amasa A. Redfield to Orlando B.
Pottar. Feb. 28. 131,100
Beaver st, No. 1, n s. 33.1 e Broadway ruus
north 49.1 x east 10.4 x north 9.0 x north 14.3
X east 3.4 x north 1 x east 9.3 x south 70.10 to
Beaver st, x west 23.2, four-story brick store.
Partition. Thomas L. Oeden to Mary E. A.,
Josephine J. S. and Ella V. E. Wendel.
Irvington, N, Y. March 1. 65,000
Beekman p], No. 37, es, 60.5 n 50th st, 30x100,
fourstory stone frout dweil'g. Leopold
Mayer to Lazarus Miozesheimer. Mort.
S7,0U(i. Feb. 3L 13,500
Beekman pi. No. 29, e s, S0.5 n ."iOth st, 20x100,
fourstory stone front dweli'g. Edward
Coles and Hester B. his wife to Francis W.
Coles, Jersey City. Mort. $9,lj00. Dec. 19.
1S83. 13,000
Cannon st, Nos. 15 and !7, w s, 56 s Broome st,
44x71, two five-story brick stores and tene¬
ments. Charles Hess to Lewis Ash ani Ed¬
ward Felbel. Q. C. Jan. 3. nom
Same property. Louis Erulewitch to Anthony
McConnin, Mort. §16,439. Feb. 33. 25,300
Same propertv. Lewis Ash and Edward Fel¬
bel to Louis Krulewitch. Morts. $13,43tf.
Feb. 26. 35,000
Catharine st. 35)^ and 27, e s, IS s Henry st
33.11x74.5x33.7x78, two three-story brick
stores and dwell'gs. Kaufman Hirsh to
Joseph B. Koplik. Morts. $11,000. Feb.
37. 24,000
Church st, e s, abt 71.11 n Cortlandt st, runs
northerly along Church st, abt 50.9 x east 3.7
X southwest 5'J.ri to beginning, gore. Abel
Bemiett, Binghampton, N. Y., Mary A.
Johnson, widow, same place, and Isabel E.
Johnson to Heury Naylor. Q. C. Correc¬
tion deed. Jau. 31. nom
Canal st. No. 49, n s, 43 9 e Orchard st. 21. lOx
49, four-story brick storo and tenem't. Ber¬
nard Cohea and Woolf Eudel to Bertha Sol¬
omon. Mort. S9,5'10. March J. 14,.50O
Canal st, s w cor Eldridge st, 100x75, No. 23
Eldriuge st, four-story brick tenem't; Nos.
&6-93 Canal st, four-story brick factory
building. John R. Lewis to Samuel D. Bab¬
cock. C. a. G. Mirt. §3o,000. July 28. nom
Charles St. n s, 24-3.1 e Bleecker st, 30x94.Sx
20x94.9; No. 7 Van Nest pi, three-story brick
dweil'g. Andrew Fletcher to Mary Wil¬
liams. March 1. 13 350
Crosby st, s e cor Spring st, 43x100x4SxlOO,
two two-story brick stores and dwell'gs on
Crosby st, and three-story brick store and
dweU'g on Spring st. Mary A. Goll, Eliz¬
abetb, N. J., and Sarah I. Conklin to Marie
L. Carhart et al., exrs. Thomas F. Carhart.
March 1. 45,000
Dry Dock st, No. 15, n vr s, 95 s w 12th st, 26x
84, four-story brick store and teuom't. John
J. Jones and ano., exrs. and trustees D. Jones,
to Lucy A. Buhler, Brooklyn. All title.
Feb. 27. nom
Dry Dock st, No. 17, n w s, 75 s w 12th st, SOx
84. four-story brick store nnd tenem't. Fran¬
cis K.. Mary D, S. and George A. Thayer, Jr.,
Brooklyn, bv G. A. Thayer, guardian, to
Lucy A. Buhler. Fob. 27. 1,014
Dry Dock st, n w s, 75 s w 12th st. 46x84. Wil¬
liam H. Dannat ct al., trustee J. J. Jones
and others, to Lucy A, Buhler, Brooklvn,
Feb, 27. 8.286
Same property, Jane J. Thayer, Brooklyn,
and Atala W., Arno'd and Jeniiie J. Thayer,
children Jane J. Thaver, to Lucy A. wife of
Daniel Buhler, Brooklyn. Q. C. Dee. 11. nom
Same property. Su^an J. Dannat, Mary J.
Griffith, Jane J. Thayer, Margaret A. and
John J. Joues, heirs D. D. Joues, tosame
Q, C. Dec, IL nom