Real Estate Reco
Vol. XXXI.
NEW YORK, MARCH 31, 1883.
No 785
PublUhed Weekly by The
Real Estate Record Association
ONB TEIAB, in advance.....$6.00
Commimications should be addressed to
C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway
J, T. LINDSEY. Business Manager.
The following are the sates at the Exchaage Sales
room for the week ending March 31) :
• Indicates that Che property described has been bid
in for plaintiff's account:
R. V. aiaS'ETT A CO.
Oreenwich st. No. 315, e s, 2^x100, six-story
briclc store and tenem't and five-story
brick tenem't in rear. Fred. B. Low.....$37,20.t
Inwood st, n s, 150 w F st. S ix200. F. Gerdiog 2,00d
Lafayette pl. No 21, e s, 25x145, th -e --atory
brick dweil'g, wich extension and two¬
story biick stable in rear. O.B.Potter . 35,000
West 8t, No. 193, e a, 31.3x41.9, fonr-storyl
brick store and bui'ding............— I
Caroline st, Nos. 7 and 9, w s, 38x35,11, two f
three-Btory brick dweU'gs.............}
M, J. & D, F. Mahoney................... 34,800
33d8C, No. 333 E,, a s, 18.9x93.9, three-atory
stone front dweU'g. J. J. McManus____ . 10,300
153d st,na,72Sw llth av, runs west 81.6 tol
Hudson River Railroad xnorihivest 104.1
X east 110.9 x south 99,11............
158d st, s s, 700 w llth av, runs west IfiS.I to
Hudson River Railroad x southeast 101
X east 135.9 s north 99.11.................
A. Howe.................................. 18,009
New av, 2d weat oE Sth av, e s, 114.8 s 155th st,
38.6x98.9.\25x35, vacant. B F. Gerding... I,7H0
lst av. No. 839, w «. 24.'3x6', five-story brick
Stores and tenem't. Michael Kane ....... 13,550
fithav, n wcor!-4t;h st. 34.11x 00. Thos. H.
Higging.................................. 3.935
Sthav,'w s, a-ij .35x100. G Ross Winans .... 3.050
Sth av w 8. adj , iJSxlOO. Martin B. Brown ... 3,0;10
Bthav, ws, adj .aoxlOJ. Patrick SufTrin .. 3,000
Sthav, ws, 49.11 a 155th st, 60x10. Thoa, H.
Higgins ................................. C,t50
Bth av. s w cnr 15Ith st, 34.11x100. M. B.
Brown ............................... 3,400
Sthav ws, adj. 75x100. C. P. Britton........ 9,000
Sth av, w s, adj., 25x100. C. P. Britto a---------- '2.303
Sthav. ws, adj., 25x100. C. P. Britton......... 3.400
Sth av, w s, adj., 25x100. C. P. Britton........ 3,500
Sthav, n w cor 153d st, 34.11x100. R. W. Down¬
ing....................................... 3,200
13th av, 6 s, from 153d to I53d sts. 209.10x24.51
12th av, n w cor 152d si, runs west 4S0.8 lo >
westerly line of water grant, x north
199.10 X east 353 x southeast —...........j
O. Howe.................................. 8,000
Seven city lots on a new av llC.Sn northerly
Une of whit was formerly known as 17tith
at. F. E. Hanson........................ 2,100
SM lots on a new av, adj. Highbridge Park.
F. E. Hanson ............................ 2,635
10 lota on rear of above, and adj. Highbridge
Park, F.E.Hanson ................... 3,009
*46thsl. No. 157 E., u s, 16.8x100.5, four-Btory
stone front dweU'g. James B. Williams.
(Am't due, abt $13,750) .................... 12,900
BEdst, No. 2.50E. S3, 15x100.5, ti.rea-story stone
front dweil'g. Henry Waters........ £,â– 135
vath sl. No. 318 E., s 8. 13.4x103.2, threestory
brickdwell'g. Timothy Donovan........ 6,260
At C, No. i3'J, e s. 33.t)x(i3, four-story hrick
atore and dweil'g and one-slory brick ex¬
tension. Jas. R. Breen.................... 13,000
Broadway, No. 771. n wcor Oth st, 33.3x97.4x
23x98.10, four-story briik buUd'g, Bun¬
nell's Museum; leased May I, 1871;
terms, 21 years; ground rent, $4,2tiO per
Sth St. No. 67 E . n s, 35x93 3, Ihree-slory
brick build'g; leased Hay 1, 1871; termi,
31 year^, $1,000 per annum..............._,
Geo. W. Lang............................. B,SOO
A. H. UULLER & 60H.
116th st. No. 322 E., 8 s. 30x100.10. three-story
stone front dweUp. H. W. McVicker.
(Amountdue, abt Si(l,300)................. 9,400
Broome st, No 400, u s, 25 4x111.8x25x106.4,
two-story brick dweU'g. John Callahan.. 15,400
Broome st, No. 402, n s, 25 3x70.7x21.7x71.6,
three-storj[ brick dweU'g. Geo. Thurm.., 14,300
Gouverneur slip. No. 6, w s. 20.\63.10. (Lease¬
hold leased to Way 1, 1885.) Smith Ely, Jr. 2,800
Madison at. No. 390. s s. 24.10x95.8, fourstory
brick dweil'g and threestory brick dweU'g
in rear. D. Buhler........................ 8,400
Pearl st, No. 5 -6, n s, near Centre st. 20x90x20
x93, hrick building. Henry Shea. (Lease¬
hold lease expires May 1, 1S90; ground
rent (fSUO per annum)...................... 2,600
8th at. No. 117 W., o s, 2.'ix9.).ll, threestory
brick dweU'g and two-story extension.
Michael Coleman................... 15.100
bth st, No J19W.. n s, 23x93.11, three-storr
brick dweil'g with two-sloiy extension. M,
Celeman.................................. 15,000
48th al. No 230 E., a a, 18 8xlO'J.5, ;lhree-atory
stone frontdwell'g. A. Isaacs & Son____ 10,150
69th sl, n 8, S00w8thav,B.xl00.5, vacant. John
Donovan................................. 13,060
69th St. a a, 350 w 8th av, 60x100.5, vacant, V,
K Stevenson, Jr....................... 13,600
116th st, n 3. extdg. from 13Ch av to Pier lins,
500x154.7. Jos. Larocque ................ 5,550
Riverside av. n e cor 116th st, 27x63.5x30.4x76.
4. Dr. Callan ............................. 7,300
Riverside av, e s, adj 36,10x76.4x30.3x90.3. W.
L, White............................... 6,100
Riverside av, e s, adj. 26.10x90.2x30.2x104. W.
L While.............................. 6,600, adj. 26.10x101x112.3. Joseph
Larocque................ ......... 7,550
Riverside av, s e cor !16th st, 25xl1 2x29.3. W.
L White ______ .................._____ 1.100
lat av, w a, 7G.8 a 8ltt st, 30.6x10 •. S. B. Small-
wood.................................. 2 925
Ist av, w s, adj., 40.11X1M. W. .). Barnes ..... 5,975
9th av. No. '234, e a 24.8x100, t"-o-story frame
dwrll'g. P. Fltzgi-rald..................... 8,050
p. p. MEYKK.
Pearl st. No. 59, w s, aht 3:i5xll3.1 to No, 24
Stone st, X 17.11x112.3, flve-story brick
build'gs. A. Easines ..................... 43,&J0
c. s. naowK.
*41st st, Nos. 30d and 203 E., ss. 50x18.9, vacant.
Rob't E. Dieia. (Amount due, abt §30,651). 19 000
Grand st, No. 490, n s, 35xlii0, two story brick
fnint s ores and dweh'g. J. H. Goodwin. 16,750
Willet st. No 4, e 8, 19x50, iwo-.story brick
dweU'g und brick extension. Martin Wier 7,300
133d at, n s, lOi) w Oth av. 100x99 II, six three¬
story stone front dwell'gs. Benj Richard¬
son, (.imovint due, aht £'4,-100; 0 prior
morts. ur f?,.^ each) ..................., 80,385
119th St. n s, 335 e 2d av, 100x100 I'l. (Ive four-
atory brick tenem'ts. Chas. G. Currier,
{.^mouutdue, abtSl-'.SSO)...............
149th 8l, g s, 100 e 10th av, 75x99.11, two-story
frame stable. C. W. EearuBy. (Amount
due. aht $7,250......................
Lexington av. No. 9?. s e cor 27th st, 24.8x95.
three-story brick dwe I'g, Z'-Iiaa M. Jew¬
ell, (Amountdue, abt $6,550).............
*Courtland av, w a, lot 193 on mJ.D of the vU¬
lage of Melrose, 50x100 Mary A. Rohr.
(Amount due, abt 84,30 ) ................
ISSth st, No. 46 W.. s s. 26.6x99.11, three-story
stone front dweU'g, and brick aiable on
rear. G. Burling—...................
118th at. No. 527 E.. n s. 30.5x100 11, two-story
brickdwell'g. Wm. Mitchell ..............
7,0 0
eaooKLYN, IV. s.
In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan,
J. Cole. Cole & Murphy, Jaa. C. Eadie, and A. H.
MoUer & Soo have made the following sales for the
week ending March SO:
Ewen st. No. S03. w s, 35x100, four-story brick
dweU'g aud threestory brick housein reai' $10,450
Grand st, No, 564, a s, 34.4x100, vacant. Phillip
Licht.................................... 4,050
Hallst, es, 90.10s Myrtle av, 22x75, A. Lag-
nasky............. ..................... 3,330
*Herkimer st, s s, 377.8 w Albany av, 70.5x
133 11x13.10x185 G, Lydia A Robina, extrx 3,900
Market at, e a, aht 701 S Brooklyn andl
Jamaica pike, 350xl.',0 ..................1
Locust st, e a, 153 n 3d st, 100x30J to Rapelye f
Geo. A. Bennett ....................... 1,450
Quincy st, secor Marcy av, 33.4x100 J. C.
Otten.............. .,,.................... 1,035
Quincy st, s s. adj, JO 'xIOO, Henry Tompkius. 5,125
Quin<;y st, â–¡ s, IOO w Throop av, 75xIC0. Htn¬
ry Tompkins.............................. 3.100
Quincy st, n s, 3.'0 w Sumner av, 40x100. Paul
C.Grenoius............................... 1.490
Quincy st, n s, ailj, 40x100. P. J. Connell..... 1,530
Quincy st, n s, adj, aOxlOJ. Simou Ash........ 810
Schermerhorn st. No. 313, u s, 2ixlOJ.9. three¬
story hrick dweU'g, EUeu Pii^rson........ 6,980
SpeiiCer st, No. 3i. e s, 35x100, two frame
houses. A. Griil........................... I'SS
Stagg st. No. 151, n s, 23x100, three-story brick
dweil'g and two-story brick house in rear.. 6,100
TiUary sC, s S. 103.9 e Pearl at. 25x100. two¬
story brick and frame dweU'g and two-
Story brick dweil'g in rear. Josejih Crane 1.930
Union st, n w cor Clinton st, 90x75. Jas. S. T.
Stranahan........................... 9,000
Washington av. n e cor Clason av, 63.3x71.8x
' 27,9, Ann Muraune ....................... 20
'Carlion av, e s. 556.7 a Fulton st, IG.SxlOJ.
Edward Brandon.......................... l.SCO
Central av. n e cor Suydam st, abt 24 6x aht
88. H. Schultz..................... 800
Gates av. s s, 153.6 w Lewis av, 3^.10x100.
DennisShehan....................... 15.500
Union av, Ko. 113. w s, 25x119.8 to llth st,x
37.5k irreg, two-atory frame dwell'gand
stable. John Owens.................. 3,600
Fiankhu av. No 583, w s. 30x80, three-story
stone front dwall'g. J. R. Connor ___ 5.500
Reid av, n w cor Kosciuskost, 60x72 .....
Kosciusko at, n s. 73 w Reid av, 16x100 ....
'Kosciusko st, n s. 120 w Reid av. 16x100...
Kosciusko st, D s, 16Sw Reid av, 16x100___
Kosciusko st, n s. I84 w Reid av. 16x100....
Duncan iUarkenzie..................... £50
Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. Q. occur, pre¬
ceded by thenameof the grantee I hey mean as follows
1st—Q.C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed
i. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interest of
the grantor is con veyed, omitting all covenants or war¬
2d-~C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant
against Qrantor only, in which he covenants that he
hathnot doneany act whereby the estate conveyed may
be impeached, ch^-raed or incumbered.
March 23, S4, 26, 27, 28, 29.
Attorney st, Nos. 32 and 31, e s, l.W n Grand st,
.51.Bxl'.'O, two three-story brick dwell'gs and
two two-story brick dwell'gs on rear. Re¬
lease of dower. Sarah A. Ludlow, widow,
to George G, Hallock, exr M. Ludlow, dec'd.
March 23. nom
Broadway, No. 298, e s, 3'1,10x87.6x23.5x87,6,
with party wall and strip on south side,
also gore extdg from rear of lot to Republi¬
can all''y, being 16.3 on rear of said Broad¬
way 1 it, 14.3 on Republican alley and 42.8 on
east side, portion of four-story brick store.
David S, Williams, Ocaia, Fla., to Phila A.,
Miriam and Clara Williams, Flushing, L, I.
Q. C, March o. nom
Bleeckerst, No. 3i3, three-story frame store and
dvfell'g, Exteiiiiouof time in which to sell
above real estate. Charles G. Fairman, Super¬
intendent o£ the Insurance Department, New
York, to The Honceopathic Mutual Life Ins, -
Co. March 19,
Bleeckerst, No, 4IS, eS; abt 65.11 s Bank st,
20.7x50, four-story brick sture and tenem't.
William F, Schneider to Henry H. Davis.
Mort. ?8,350. March IS. uom
Sameproperty. Henry H. Davis, Brooklyn,
to Margaret wife of William F. Schneider.
March 12. uom
Bowery, Nos. 316 and 31S, and Nos. 2 and 4
Bleecker st, hep ins Bowery, s w cor Bleecker
st, 40.5x98.10x40.3x95.7; Nos. 3.0 and 31S
Bowery, four-story brick store and tenem't
on rear; Nos. 4: to 8 Bleacker st, two four¬
story brick stores and tenem'ts, Robert Ir¬
win to Abraham and Raphael Ettinger.
Mort. S.'ie.OOO. March 29. 115,000
Broome st, s s, 35 e Pitt st, 50x80, two five-story
brick stores aud tenem'ts. Nicholas Schach-
tel and Henry Gerlach to Henry W, Nie¬
mann. Moits. $17,000. March 28. 37,750
Broome st. No. 523, n s. 30 w Thompson st, 30x
75, two-story brick store and tenem'c. The
National Fire Ins. Co, to Moritz Ballowa.
March 39. 7,500
Beekman st. No. 60, n w cor Gold ^t, 33.33:
56.Ss-3.2x58.4, five-story brick factoiy build¬
ing. Jame; H. Fraser to James Wilkinson.
3^part. All liens,taxes, &c. March 7. 1,000
Canal st, southerly cor Baxter st, 7.5x99.9x74.8
s99.4; Nos. 316 to 320 Canal bt, three five-
story briek stores and tenem'ts; No, 95 Bax¬
ter st, twostory fi-ame stable; Nos. 97 and
Q7}4. two threo-ftory brick stores and
tenem'ts. Catharine Donohue ard ano.,
exrs. and trusiees Rosine Lynch, to Clara J.
Lynch, iu trust March 34. nom
Catharine st, N'^. 54, w s, about S3 s Madison
st, 23,5xo5, four-story brick build'g and one¬
story brick extetisiDU. Htnry H. Man, ref.,
to William Matbews, Harrison, N, Y. Mort.
£10,000. March 2Q. 16,000
Cliff st. No. 51, n s, 37,1x83.4x20,6x83.11, five-
story stone front store. James H. Fraser to
James Wilkinson. }^ part. All liens, &C,
March 7. 1,000
Delancey st. No. 8, n s, 113.10 e Bowery, 20x
75.10, two-story brick store and dweil'g. Hen-