Estate Reco
Vol. XXXI.
NEW YOKK, APEIL 14, 1883.
No 787
Published WeeUy by The
Real Estate Record Association
OUE ¥EAK, tn sdviince.....$6.00
ConMmmications should be addressed to
C. W. SWF:&T, 191 Broadway
J. T. LINDSEY. Business Manager.
The following are the sales at tbe Exchange Sales
room for the week ending April 13 :
* Indicates that the property d~scrihed has been bid
in for plaint iff" s account:
ft. V. HARKBTT & CO-
Bowery, No. 33l,es, S6.Txl77s-xl74.6, three¬
story brick front store and dwellV with
two-story brick extension and two three¬
story brick houses in rear. Chas. F. Pegg $34,000
•Broadway. No. l.^OS (Tth av), e s, 30i:?0, three¬
story stone front d'-vell'g. Hairiet B. Ber-
deU. Right title, &c..................... 1,000
Mott St. No. 181, w s. SSxiO.i, two slory frame
Stores and dwell'gs. C, P. Naetliing....... B,T50
Hott St. No. 1P3, w s. adj , SSslOO, two-story
frame stores and divell'gs. E. N. & J. C.
Murphy ................................â– 9,250
WaahinRton sq. No. GO South. a4.1l2ll9xa9.1Ix
irreg.. four-story stjne frout dweil'g with
t«o-slory brick extension, M McCormick 28,300
20th Bt, No IM E., s s, 25.Hsll5, four-story
brick dweU'g and two-story brick as:en-
sion. Richard A. Browne.............. i7,4;0
SSth St. No, 4u3 aud 404 E.. s s, 50x08.9 x irreg.,
three two-st ir.y and one cne story brick
build'gs. John J. Clancy................ 10,000
SSthst, No. 830 W., s s, 35x98.9, three-story
hrick huUd'g with stable. Jefferson M,
Levy...................................... 11,850
*50thst. No. llfii^ W., ss, le.Sx—, two-story
brick and one-story frame si^ables. Har^
rietE. iierdell. (Right, title, &c).......... 300
67th st, n s, 340 w Sd av, 20x100.5. three-story
stone frontdwell'g- Lehman Levy. (Rent,
$1,300)........-....................... ..... l-?.350
Slth St. n s, 194 w Av A, 35.3x103.2, three-story
brick dvi-elPg. Chas. F. Pegg............. 6,600
esth st, a s, 194 w Av A, 25.3x102.2, two-story
hrick stable. C. F. Naething............ 4,GOO
8d av, n w eor42d st, lS.3xlOO, irreg., four two¬
story frame stores and dweU'gs with ex¬
tensions ^d two three-atory frame housea
in rear. S. D Jennings. (Rent, $.5,7HG).. T0,000
Plot, 319 w Av A and 24.3 a t Sth at, runs north¬
weat 94 x: s'juth 90.7 x east 94 x north
T7.1!. C. F. Naething.................... S 000
4Ist st, No. 236 W.. s s, 20x98.9 two three-
Btory brick buildings. Mary E. D^vyer___ 7,800
103d St. n a. 145 e Madison av, 35x100.11. vacant.
Jacob McNeill............................. s,9O0
101th St. s 8, 145 eMadisonav, 35x100.11, va¬
cant. JacobKorn......................... 3-250
•IS3d at, n 8, IGO e Sth av, 40x100.11, tA-o four-
stoiy stone front flats. Theo P. Jenkins.
. (Amt due, abt $9,735, prior mort. of $13,000
on each flat)............................... 3,000
p. F. HEYER.
13th St, No. 844 E., s s, 20.10z6S, four-story
brick store and tenem't. B. Wertheimar..
12th st. No. 3lC E., s a, 30.ICx6B, four story
brick store and tenem't. J. 1. West......
136thst, No. 140W., 6 B, ]3.9x99.11, fourstory
stone front dweU'g. E. H. Cobb. (Amt
due, aht$3,I6-J; prior n.ort $0.5.!0) .......
I36th st. No. 143 W,, a a, 18.9x99.ll, four-atory
stone front dweli'g, E. H. Cobb. (Amt
due, abt 83,163; prior morts. $14,500).. .
136thst, Nos. 144 and 146 W.. a s, ]S.Bx99.!],
two four story stone front dwell'gs. E. H.
Cobb. (Amt due. abt $3,363; prior morts.
$14 SOO on each! ........................ 35 oOO
*133d St. s S. 450 w 6th av, 50x99.11, four three
Story brickdwell'gs. SarahH. Wentworth.
(3d mort., amt due, abt $11,700; Ist mort
^, 89.500)..................................... 33,500
•1st av. No. 60o, w s, 24.8x75, four-story brick
store and tenem't. Edward Winslow.
(Amt due, abt $9,000)...................... 8,900
•Walton av, nw cor I49th st, llOxlOOs—xlOO.
Henry L, Morris. (Amt due, abt$6,000). .
•eth Bt, No, 63 E., n s, 36x93.3. thren-story brick
Store and dweil'g. Widiam W. Seymour
and ano., esrs. (Amt due, abt $14,350)...,
Uth st, Nl. 3IS E.. a s, 24x103.3, four-story
stone front dweU'g. Chas J. Goeller
•Madison av. No, IbTS, e s, 18x100, three-1
story stono front dwell'ng.
Madiaon nv. No. Ib73. e a. adj., 18x100, three¬
story stone front dweil'g.
Madison av. No. 18T1, e a, adj.. ISzlOO, three-
Story stone front dweU'g. J
Arthur W. Austin. (3 morts,. amt due on
each, aht 816,150)...........................
94th st, s 6 cor 10th av, 3-35x37.6x—xl01.3, va¬
cant. J.Alexander ...................... 40,700
Sttli St, No. 35 E.. n s, 25x92, three-story brick
dwellg with extension. F,. C. Preiss ___ 31,000
fith av, secor llth St. 31.6x70.1x5!ixllT. brick
and frame buildings. J. H. liallautine ... 39.250
UOth St. Nos. 13-139 E.. n s. 75x 00.11. four
four story brick flats. E. C. Bell. (Amt due,
aht $15,000, prior morts. ]J10,000. aub-
sequeut morts. $29,000)..................... 40,700
'â– Sth av. No. 363, e s, I7.6xl35x irreg , five-story
stoue front dweU'g. Virginia B. Mactier.. 60,000
Rennick st. No. 38, e s, 31x(i0 3s2i.l0xG0.3, two
story brick dweU'g. Henry Birby......... 7,6ro
I46th st, n s, 335 E. Willis av, 28x100 to Mill-
brook, s—x71. Timothy Donovan........ 3,510
In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan,
J. Cole, Cole & Murphy, J. C. Eadie, W. O. Sum¬
mer, R. V. Harnett & Co. and A. H. Muller & Son
have made the following sales for the week ending
AprU 13:
Alley running east from HIcks st bet Jorale¬
mon and Remsen sis, s s, 337 e Hicks st, 35.3
x53.6x35s5G.5, being a stable lot ou rear of
Joralemon st lot. Marv J. Wright.....85.556
Cooper pl, e s, 100 s Herkimer st. 44x100 .....|
Lewis pl, wB, 93 s Herkimerst, 46x100.......j"
John Pickering........................... i ooo
Delmonico pl, n e s, 43 n w Ellery st, 35x93 Sx
;8.0xT9.5. H. LoefHer ................... 605
Delmonico pl, nes, adj., 25x79.5x38.9x93.3. H.
Loelller................................... 530
Delmonico pl, nes, adj., 35x6 .'.5x28.9x79.5. H.
Loefiler..................................... 450
Delmonico pl, nes, adj., 25x50.11x23.9x6-i.S. H.
L- lelHer.................................. 5f 0
Delmonico pl, nes, 64.3 i! e Hopkins st, 35x'
.50.11x-28.9x36.8. W. Kolb................. 3T0
Delmonico pl. s e cor Hopkins st, 63.4 on each
stx36.8. H. Loeffler...................... T15
Dunham pi, w s, near landing place of Peck
Slip Ferry, 35x9J.U. Chas. Seidei-zabl...... E,OIO
EUery st, n s, 46.1 e Delmonico pl, 75x100. "^.
Kolb..................,................ 3,9!0
EUery st, n e cor Delmonico pl, 46.1x77.6x79.5
to Delmonico pl, x 43. W. Kolb........... 1,330
Hewes st. No. 146, ber Lee and Bedford ava,
23.3x100, three-story stone front dweil'g.
Johu Keller................................ g ooo
Hopkins at, a a, 63.4 e Delmonico pi, 2Bx50.11
xS8.9x36.8. W.Kolb ...................... 370
Hopkins st, a a, adj., 35x03.5x28.9x50.11. H.
Loefiler ................................. 500
Huntington st. No. 145, n 3, 41.3x100, two-story
brick buildiog. J. M. Schet.......... 1 950
Navy at, e s. 108 n Fulton st, 30x100.6. R, J.
Wither.................................... Il.COD
Nelson St. No. 101, n a. 39.5x97x67. Ix irreg, two¬
story frame dweU'g. Hemy Crab........ 1 050
Nelson st, s s, 140 e Clinton st, TSxlOO. J. M
Schet..................................... 2 150
Sedgwick st. ss, 100 w Columbia st, 14'i.9xl00,
brick and frame buildings. Chas. A.
Schieren................................... 6,WO
Smith St. No. 48, w s. 18.5x78, three story brick
dweU'g. A.Henry...................... 0,050
''Speucer st, w s, 1079 n Myrtle av, 50x1150,
John A. Effray and ano., esrs., &c.... 3 GOO
South Gih st. No. 6G, 25.4x103, three story brick
dweil'g. Mr.Eeiley..,................ 7 lOO
De Kalb av, Noa. 2-'3 and 335, n s, 38 I0x73.10s
28.9x79 3. Benjamin Isaacs ............... 13,850
*De Kalb av, a a. 30 w Sumner av, 20x100.
Elbert H. Bogert ......................... 1,000
Prospect av, e s, 75 n Butler av, 196x350x54.2x
378. Jacob Gebhard...................... 300
*Sumner av, n w cor Kosciusko st, 20x75. Jo¬
seph Post................................ 1,100
*Sumner av, w a, adj , 30x7S. Chas S. Mc¬
Coun ------................................. 1500
'Sumner av, e a, T5 n De Kalb av, 30x100,
John Ordronaux ........................ 8 300
6th av, n w a, 30 3 w I&th st, 8ix80. J. J.
Drake....................................... 1.360
Total...................... ..............$87,480
April 6, 7, 9, 10. 11 and 13.
Beach st, s ecor Hudson st.53.llx93x53.ll3:
91.7, No, 43, four-story brick store and
tenem't, No. 40 four-story brick dweil'g.
Elizabeth S. Eelly, et al., extrx. aud trustee
W. Eelly, dec'd to Patrick and Thomas
Lenane. Apr. 9, §34,000
Broadway, e s, 30.3 a Worth st. runs south 75
X east 150 x south 75 to Pearl st, x east 35 x
north ISO to Worth st, x west 75 x south 30
X west 100 to beginning, being Nos. 336, 338
and330 Broadway, 94, HOaud 9b Worth st,and
552 Pearl st, flve-story stoue frout store,
Eliza wife of and Edward 8, P. Arnold to
. Wm. E. Tefft. Kpart, April 5. 201,000
Sameproperty. Harriet wife James A, Hay¬
den, Mary wife Abram B. Hart, aud Jamea
R. Whiting to Eliza wife Edmund S. F, Ar¬
nold. M part, April 5. 393,750
Broadway, Nos, 6iil, 6S7, 689 and 709.
Mercer st, Nos. 19G, 31S and 830.
South st, No. 157,
Westst, n e cor Watts st, 135xl03.9xl35x
West st, Nos. 18a, 183, 134 nnd 185.
Washington st. No. 730.
Chambers st. No. 303.
Laurens sl, as widened, now South Sth av,
Nos. 19, 31, 33, 25, 22, 24, 33, 35, 37 and 40.
Goerck st, Nos. 55 and 57.
Grand st. No. 74.
Bowery, No. 265,
Greenest, No, 31.
Broome st, No. 13,
Duane st. No. 141.
Christopher st. No. 169.
16th at, No 148 W.
7th av, n e cor 32d st, 98.9x100.
10th av, w a, 3.5.5 a 44th at, 75x100.
29th st, s s, 400 w fiih av, 1011x98.9,
.-^-Ith st, n s, 375 w 3th av, 150x100.5.
18th st, n s, 500 w 7th av, 50.6x93,
Oth av, w s, 69.8 a 30th st, 18.8 x irreg.
Albert A. Eingsland to George L. Kings-
land, Mt. Pleasant, Augusta L. Jones, Cor¬
nelius F. and Walter F. Eingsland and Mary
H, wile of Williani W. Tompki'is, New
York, and Geo. L. Eingidand and ano.,
trustees H. P. Eingsland. Undivided share.
April 7. 84,000
Same property. Geo. L. Eingsland and ano.,
trustees, to Albert A. Eingsland; excepting
some portions thereof. April 6. nom
Bowery, Nos. &), 83 and 81, w 3. 75.4 s Hester
bt, 75.1x111.3x7.5.4x111.3, three six-story brick
stores. James R. Whiting to Eliza, wife of
Edmund S. F, Arnold, Harriet wile of James
A. Haydeu, and Mary wife of Abram B.
Hart, l.^ part, Mort. $6,0 0. April 9. 30,937
Caunon at, Wo. 13'3, e s. 75 s Houston st, 2.5x50,
three-story Irnme brick front dweil'g. Mar¬
garetha wife of and Johu Steeg to Bernhard
and Rosa Seller. Apr. 3. 6,550
Carmine st, No. 39, n s, 85x100, flve-slory brick
store and tenem't. George Reichardt to
Luke Higgins. Mar. 31. 87,000
Cedar st. No. 97, n w cor Temple st, 85.3x
60.10x35.3x61, threestory frame and brick
store and dweli'g.
Cedar st. No. 99, n s, 35.3 w Temple at, 35x
CD.8x85x6.'.10, three-story brick store and
Robeit C. Blancke, Linden, N. J., and Rud-
dolph C, Blancke, Roselle, N. J., to Caroline
Blance, Linden, N, J, Mort. |36,000; taxes,
&c. Mays, 1881. 36,000
Ce:mrst, Nos. 97 and 99, n w cor Temple st, 60.3
x60. lOx-50.3x61. Caroline wife Ferdinand
Blancke, Linden, N. J., to Charles Blancke,
Sandusky, O. Mort. $30,0UO. March 15. 20,000
Clinton pt, Kos. lOS and 110, being Sth st, s s,
60.5 w Macdougal st, runs south 23.10 x west
5.7 X soutb 1 3 X west 39,6 x north 85.1 x east
alone Blh st 45 to hesinning, two four-story
brick dwell'KS. Ellen L, Hogan to Clara M,
Peugnet. March 10. nom
Columbia st. No, 75, w s, 40 n Rivington st,
80s:49.8, five-story brick store and tenem't.
Elias Neumann and Caroline his wife to
Joseph Hlavac to Bernard Freund. JHort,
$5,500. April 10, 10,150
Delancey st. No. 143, s s, 50 w Suffolk st, 3.5k
lOU, three story brick front store and dweil'g
and four-story brick teuem't ou rear. Par¬
tition. Peter L. Mullaly to Catharine CI an¬
der,- April 10. â– 13,000
Delancey st. No. 141, s s, 75 wSuffoIk st, 35x
lO'ii, three-story frame (brick front) atore and
dweil'g and four-story brick teum't on rear.
Peter L. Mullaly to. Catharine Clauder.
Partition. April 10. I4,C00
Divi^ion st. No. 333 and;No. 346East Broadway,
three-st<u-y brick atore and dweil'g on Divis¬
ion st and three-story brii;k dweil'g on East
Broadway. Gustav Mendelson to Rehecca
wifeof Bernard Blumberg aud Liba wif j of
Louis Blumberg, Mts. $10.00u, AprH 10. 16,500