Tr£>^>XjE3Sd:EiT a?
EAL Estate
Vol. XXXI.
NEW TOEK, APEIL '21, 1883.
No. 788
Published Weekly by The
Real Estate Recosd Association
OSE ¥EAR, in advance.....$6.00
Conununications should be addressed to
C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway
J. T. LINDSEY, Business Manager.
The following are the sales at tbe Eschange Sales
room for the week ending April 20 r
• Indicates that the property de.icribed has been btd
In for plaintiff s account:
Houston st, No. 35 W., s s,-35x100. tbree-st^ry
brick lioiise aud one and two-story briclc
extension. Samuel J. Salomon ........... §27,050
Madison st, Nos. 153 and 155, n w cor Pike st,
51i4 '.,0, several frame buildings with stores.
George Samuels........................ 19,200
Stanton st. No. 277. s s. 2Ss51, three-story brick
store and dweU'g with one-story brick ex¬
teusion. E. Gutman....................... 5,300 cor 12>d â– t, 50.5s;100:.30.11s irreg.
Jefferson M. Levy.......................... 12,400
8th av, e s, adj., 40 5xB7.5x78. gore. Mary
Dwyer................................. 4,500
84th st. No. 16i W.. n s, 20x43.9, three-story
brick store and dweil'g. J, Cassin.-....... 0,850
49th St. No. 123 W.. n s. 25x100 5, two-story
frame shop, with two-storj' brick shop ia
rear. T. J. Duffy ....................... 13,000
7th av, No. 245. n e â– :â– -y 24th st. 32.3x50.2. four¬
story brick store and dweil'g, J, Cassin.. 16,500
7th av. No. 247. e s. adj. 21.6x59.3, four-story
brick store and dweU'g. J. Cassin......... 11,700
Tth av. No. 249, e s. adj.. al.6x79.3, four-story
brick store and dweli'g. C. J. West...... I3,S0O
7Ch av, No. 351, e s, adj.. 21.0x79.2, fonr-story
brick store and dweU'g. Philip Boyer..... 11.8.50
7th av. No. 253, e s. adj., 21.0x70.2, four-story
brick store and dweil'g, with one-story
frame exteusion. H. Gotlib............... 12,900
.7th av. No. 255, 6 s, adj., 2l.6xr9.3. four-story
hrick store and dweil'g, with onestory
frame extension. Jacob Mussel........... 13,400
â– IOth av. No. S5fi, 6 s, 40.6 n 56th st. lO.IlsG!,
fourstory brick store and dweli'g. Mar¬
tin Fos.................................... 10,200
.Broadway, No. 03, e s, 23,7x124.10 to No. 21 New
st, x20.Ss irreg. in three courses, four story
brick h didings. John Schermerhorn ___ 178,500
'Courtland st, No, 61, s s, 3).lls77.3, flve-story
brick bnilding Tbos. Auld................ 23,200
Front st.-No. 6'. n s, 18.9x83.11, four-story
brick building. E. A. Cruikshank.... — 15,400
Front st, No. 300. s w cor Fulton st, 20x5a.9,
four story brick buildiog. John Bohling.. 45,300
IFriJnt st, No. 198, s s, adj, 18x50.2, four-story
orick building. S, De itay............ 18,500
â– Front st, No. 19S, s s, adj, 18x57.1, five-story
brick building. S. De Kay................. 16.000
Fulton St. r)o.23, ws, 18.11x56.2x39.3 x irreg,
five and one-story bricit buildings. Chas.
P. Woodward£Co....................... 33,000
."Nassau st. No. 17, w s, 23.4x80, five-story
Stone front building. John Scherm-rhoru 100,000
New st. No. 26, e s, 22x24,9x irreg, three-story
brick building. F. W. Savin........,. 41,000
rPearlst, No. 31. n s. 21.11x103.7 to No. 30 Bridge
st, xSlxOB.O, tlirea and fourstory brick
buildings. Ottinger Bros................. 33,500
â– IGth st, No. 614. s s, bet Avs C and B. 35x103,
five-story briek tenem't F.J.Ford..... I3,.10O
leth St. No. 616, ss, 35x103, five-story brick
tenem't. M. J, Merriman................... 14,300
B. SltYTH.
Madison av, e "s, 80 s 79th st, 20x75, ^vacant.
Brian McKenny............................ 14,400
J. p. B. SJIYTH.
"127th st, n 3, 335 w Oth av, 60x100.6, vacant. F.
J. WaU.................................... ll.OOJ
40th st, No. 534, s s, 250 w lOtli av, 23x100,
frame bouses. David Stevenson.......... 3,050
94th st. No. 157, n s, 95 e Lexington av, IS.Sx
100.8, tbree-story stone front dweil'g. C.
Kinsley............................. 16,000
9Ith st, No. 159,18.9x109.8, similar dweU'g. G.
Kinsley............................... 16.050
94th St. No. 161, 18.10x100.8, similar dweU'g.
E.M. Cutler.............................. 15,000
94th st, Nn. 1G3, 18.1x100.8, similar dweli'g,
E,M. Cutler.............................. 15,100
eith st. No. 165, IS.gsIOO.a, similar dweil'g.
George Oliver........................... 15,000
9tth st, No. 167, 18.8x100.8, similar dweU'g.
Geo. Oliver................................ 15,000
*3Bth St, Nos. 260 and 263 W., s s, 44.2x50, five-
story brick factory. Amasa Spring.
Leaseiiold; leased May I, 1882, terms. lO
years. (Amount due, abt $:4.500) ........ 1,000
*29th st, No. 308 W.. s s, 18.9x98 9. four-story
stone front dweil'g. Amasa Spring. Lease¬
hold; leased Mayl, 1S69, terms 31 years,
(Amount due, abt $7,400)................... 10,221
131st St. s s, 250 e Sth av, 75x99.11, four three¬
story stone front dwell'gs. (Amountdue
aht. 84.500; prior morts. 615,490, $15,100
and $1,800) Robert Lindsley ............ 40,990
Post road leading from New York to Albany,")
sws, lots 43 and 4^ on map of Mary C.
P. McComb laud at Kingsbridge, contains
3 roods and 10 poles..................
Old Post road. â–¡ s, lot 44 on same map, con¬
tains 2 roods 30 poles ......___..........^
John Parsons, (Amountdue abt $11,990}..., 2,405
*lst a^, s e cor 97lh st, 100,11x395 to esterior
bulkead line East River, together with all
rights, title, &c„ to land in front of and
adjoining said property, vacant. Thomas
J. McCahiUandaQo.,exrs ................ 35,000
37th St. No. 320 W., ss, 25x98.9, two-story brick
Store and dweil'g and two-story frame
dweil'g on rear. Joseph I. West........... 7,900
7Gthst, No, 355 E., ss, 18.9x103.2x19,c93.9, three¬
story framedweU'g. John G. Ruggles ... 4,100
Total...................... ............$020,376
In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan,
J. Cole. K. V. Harnett & Co., E. H. Ludlow & Co.
aud L. Mesier have made the following sales for the
week ending April 19:
Stagg st, Nos. 99 and 101, n s, 20x50x irreg,
frame bouse. Stephen Bros...............
Old Bushwick av, n s, 40 e Jnhnson av, 39.Ox
09.8x32x58.2, three story frame bouse with
' stores. Jobn Maizenholder................ 4,3'.0
South 4th st. No. 31. n s. '^UxJOi, threestory
brick building with brick building iu rear,
Michael L. Bradley........................ 4,225
*Bennett av, w s, 185 u Baltic av. East New
York. Henry Peetsch................
*llth St. s s, 105.9 w 4th av, 16x100. Stephen
Taher............... .. ..........
^Diamond st, n s, 100 w Schenectady av, 87.10
XlOO. John R. Halsey and ano., exrs., &c.
Mafrnolia st, s e s, 53j s w Central av, 25x100.
Ales. F. H. Miller.......................... 1,850
Monroe st. n s, 110 w Throop av, 25x100. 8. R.
Lounsbery............................... 3,335
*Degraw st, s e cor Bond st, 60x100. Mr.
Brooks ................................. 3,350
28th st, s w s, 350 n w 5th av, g,",xl00.3. F. W.
Gonitis........................ ............
Butler st, s s, 204.6 e Rochester av, 85x100. W.
B Lynes................................
Butler st, n s, 191.1 e Rochester av, SSxlOJ. W.
B.Lyles ...............................
Carroll st, ns. 143.4 w Rochester av. 199.3x1^
block. E.G. Sullivan...................
Decatur st, No. 436, s s, 13.6x100, frame dweil'g,
William Dausou....................... 1,330
Decatur st. No. 438, s s, 13.0x100, frame dweil'g,
L. Beer..............................
Decamr st, Noa. 438>^ and 440, s s, 4CxltO, two
frame dweU'gs. S. Condit______.........
Lincoln pl. No. 723, n s, 10.8x106.7, three-story
stone front dweil'g. John N Eitel........
Lincoln pl, No^73.3, 11 s, 16.8x1117.5, tbree-story
stone front dweU'g. A E. Johnson......
Macon st. No. 330, s w cor Sumner av, 30x100.
three-story Btone frcnt dweU'g. Rufus L.
Macon st. No. 300, n s, 20s'00. three-story
stone front dweil'g. C. T. Carret.......
Macon st, No. 340, ss, 30x100, three-story stone
frout dweU'g. C. T. Carret..............
Macon st, s s, ,S55 w Lewis av, 20x100, vacant.
Patrick O'Reilly........-.................... 1,025
Macon st, ss. 95 w Lewis av, 240x100, vacant.
C, T. Carret............................ 11,400
McDouougli st, No. 231, n s, 30x1 0. three-story
stone front dweU'g. Isaac Heilbrun...... 5,335
McDonough St. Nos. 333 and 335, n s, 40x100,
two siniilav dwell'gs.. C. T. Carret ___ 11,050
McDonough st, No. 3^7, n s, 30x^00, similar
dwell'K- David Hoyt..................... 5,550
McDonough st, No. 339. â–¡ s, 30x100, similar
dweli'g. Matthew Robb................ 5,500
McDonough st, No. 23l, n s, 30x100, similar
dweli'g. W. M. Foulks ................... 5,525
McDonough st. No 233, n s. '30x100, similar
dweU'g. Abraiiam Deuylie ..............
McDonough st, Nos. 235 aud 2J7, n s, 40x100,
two similar dwell'gs. Patrick and Ber¬
nard O'Reilly..........................
McDonough st, No. 239, n s, '20x100, similar
dweU'g. Matthew Robb_____............. 5,500
McDonough St. Nos. 341 aod 243, n s, 40x100,
two similar dwell'gs. Wm. H. Woglom... 11,300
McDonough st, No. 245, n s, 30x100, similar
dwellg. Mrs. M. O. Addoms............... 5,600
2, OuO
3,6 JO
McDonough st. No. 247, n s. 20x100, similar
dweU'g C. T. Carret...................... 5,600
McDonough st, ss, 1T5 e Sumner av, 100x74,10
X—X5S.10. vacai t. C. T. Carret............ 3,100
President st. No. 476, s s, aOxiOO, threestory
frame dweil'g with two-story frame
dweU'g in rear. H- K. Doherty........... 2,200
President st. s s, 153.8 w Rochester av, 188.8x
U block. E. O. SuUivan................... 800
llth st, Nn. 336. bet Oth and 7th avs. two-story
brick house, two-story stable etc.. 150x100
Jacob Cohn.............................. 9,550
Clermont av. No. 428, w s, 20x100, threa-story
brick dweU'g. Eugene F. O'Connor....... 8,000
Lewisav, sw cor Macon st, 100x95, vacant.
G. T. Carret____.......................... 4,850
Lewisav, uw cor McDonough st, 100x95. C.
T. Carret................................. 5,000
Stuyvesant av. No. 188, w s, 18.9x100, two-story
frame dwoil'g. Samuel Marks.......... 1,660
Sumner av, s e cor Macon st, 40x95. William
Zang..................................... 8.010
Sumner av. n e cor McDonough st, 100x95. J.
F. Saddington............................. 5,275
Wherever the letiers Q. C. and C. a. G, occur, pre¬
ceded by the name of the grantee they mean as follows
ist— a7i abbreviation for Quit Claim deed
i. e.,a deed in which all ihe right, title and interest of
the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenajits or war¬
ranty. ~
2d-—C. a. 0. medJis a deed containing Covenant
against Qrantor only, in which he covenants that fte
hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may
be imijeached. chartied or incambered.
April 13, 14, 16, 17, 18,19.
AUau st. No. 19, w a, 75 n Canal st, 25.2x65.7,
five-story brick store and teuem't. Rosetta
wife of He man Steiuert and Isidor Abra¬
hams to Israel L, Fraeger, Mort. $l3,3i8.
April 3. §18,000
Bayard st, Nos. 3 and 4, u ^v cor Forsyth st,
.51l.6x4!).I0x5u,*is49.9, two sis - story brick
stores and tenem'ts. Mathilde wife of Theo¬
dore Von Ellert to Mary Monell. April 16,
Mort. $20,{IOt). 36,000
Bowery, No. 283, e s, 23 n Houston st, 26.10s:
7^1.1x27,2x70.1, two-story marble front atore.
Foreclose. John H. Kitchen to Myer Finn.
Mort. §2.5,000, March 32. 11,500
Beach st, No. 15, u s, 40 w Pt. John's alley, 30x
SO, four-stoi'y brick tenem't. Isabella Harri¬
son, widow, indivil and with others, exrs. *
William H.irrison, dec'd, to Karl F. Mayer.
Mort. SS,OOI). April 17. 14,000
Same property. Assent to sale. Isabella Har¬
rison, widow, to exrs. of William Harrison,
who sell to Karl F. Mayer. April 19.
Broome st, No. 83, n e cov Columbia st, 25x37,
two-story frame briek f store and dweU'g.
Bridget McKenna, widow, aud Eridgat
Brettmaim, widow, to August C Hassey.
Mort. *3,000. April IS. 8,500
Charles st. No. S'li, s s, 112.6 e Bleecker st, 25x
100, three-story frame brick front dweli'g.
Frank J. McPherson to Johu B. McPherson.
April 13. 30
Same prop>;rty, John R., Edgar and Georgia
McPhersou to John B, McPherson, Mort.
§3,500. April 13. 3,000
Clintou st, JNo. 115, w s, 71.7 s Delancey st, 17,8
x7o, four-story frame brick front store and
dweil'g, Maria wife of and August Homaun
to Max Loewenthal. Mort. S3,0U0. April 14.
East Broadway, No, 146, n s, 800.S w Rutgers st,
25x6L 1x25x61.9, flve-story brick store and
teuam't, Auke Dooper to Bernhard Friend.
April 16. 19,500
Frankliu st, No. 83, ns, 35x100, flve-story brick
(iron front) store, Jarvis Slade, New York,
and George M. Patten, Bath, Me., to Mary
Hart. March 15, 85,000
Front st, No. 107. e s, 43.3 n Jones lane, 21.1x73
xal.lx71.I0, foitr-story brick store. Michael
Lienau, Jersey City, to Edward Rafter.
April 14. . 45,300
Forsyth st, Nos. 1-7, s w cor Bayard st, runs
south 45 to Division st, s west 66 x north 46.3
xnortheast33 to Bayard st, x 80.3, three
six-story brick stores and tenem'ts; Nos. 6i-
66 Division st, two six-story brick stores and
tenem'ts. Joseph M. Pease to Sarah Corn-
well. All title, April 8, 1876. nom
Kama property, Sarah CornweU to Eliza A,
Pease, X part. April 8,1876, nom