Real Estate Record
Vol. XXSI.
NEW TORK, JUNE 9, 188:i.
No. 75
Real Estate Record Association
ONE TEAR, In adranee.....$6.00
Commmilcatlons should be addressed to
C. W. SWEET, IDI Broadway
J. T. LINDSET, Buainess Manager.
The following are the sales at the Exchange Sales-
room for the wi^ek ending June 9;
' Indicates that the property described has been btd
in for plaintiffs account:
44th st. No. 310 E,. s s, 2,5x100,5, four-story
brick flat, Charles W, Torrey............. $13,900
63d st, s s. 3''0 w lllh av, 25sl00,5, vacant.
Thos, Clarkin......................... 2,450
•liath st, No. 354 E,, s s, 2,5x118x37x00,8, two¬
story frome store and dweil'g, William
Weiamann ............................... 3,250
*131st sl, s w cor Bloomingdale road, 95,9x34,11
x97.4x25, three story frame store and
dwell'gand two-story bricks able on rear.
JohnSowarby. (Amt due. abt S3,6i5). .,, f,900
143d st, s s, 225 e Sthav, 25x90 11, t^io-story
frame dweU'g and two-story frame stable
on rear, Wm H, Lee (Amt d'le, abt
81,925) ................................. 3.700
Pleasant av, No, 431', w s, 16x68, three-story
stone frontdwell'g. David Oppenheimer.
(Amt due. aht 80,035) ,................. 6,150
Pleasant av. No, 435. w s, 15x100, three story
atone fronl dweil'g. J- S. & G. F. Simp¬
aon. (Amt due. abt S6,025)................ 7,300
47th St. Nos. 101 and 103, n w cor 6th av, 40x80,
two Ihree atory stone front dwell'ea, with
four-atory briok extension, J. G. Wendel. 61,100
47th st. No. lO'i W,, Q s, 20x80, three-story
stooe front dwell'K- Wm, S, Watson...... 22.600
79th st, Nos. 329 and 331 E,, n 8,54x102,3, two
four-story stone fronl flats. A. Adam___ 40,000
lOSth st, n s, 100 e Sth av, 5^x100,11, E, J,
Hancey ............................ 13,300
3d av, w s, 183 n 16Sth st, £9x100, two two-story
frame dwell'gs. S, J. Kaufman.......... 8,600
Lexington av. No. 4}7, e s, 15x57, four-slory
gone front dweil'g. Y. H. Morejon.
(Amount due, abt 812,.S0n).................. 11,900
Locust av s e cor Grove st, 50x100. Joseph
Etzel ..................................... 1,600
2d av. No, 933, n w cor 49th st, 20x59.6, five-
story briek store and tenem'i. M, Devaa-
ney ..................................... 25,100
2d av. No, 93S, w s, adj, 15x59.0, five-atory
brick store and tenem't. Philip Diehl..... 9,800
2d av, No. 9i7, w 3, adj, 15x59.6, flve-sloiy
briek store and tenem't. P, Diehl........ 10,050
49th St. No. 253 E., n s, 20,6x5!', four-story
brick tenem't. L, McCormack............ 11,800
J, p. B, SMYTS.
33d st. No. 120 W., a s, 25x37.3x2?.5x10,8. three¬
story brick dweil'g, Wiiham Arras, (Amt
due, abb $8,'i00)............................. 0,325
*BOth st, No, 349 W.. n s, 19.2x100,5, three-
story atone front dweil'g, Jacob L. Hal¬
aey. (2d mort,, tmoDul due, apt $1,375;
let mort,. »7,50n)..........................- 8,925
flth av, No. 595, w 8, 30x62, iour-story hrick
Btore and tenem't. George Kammer. (Bold
Sept.], 1810, for 815,075)................... 14,800
Pleasant av, No, 435. w s, lGxC6, three-story
stone front dweil'g. David Oppenheimer.
(Amt due, abt SG,025) .................... 6,150
Washington st, No. 507, e s, 30x77. threestory
tenem't. W. H. Olmstead................. 6,900
50th Bt, n s. S'O e Madiaon av, 60x100.5, vacar.t.
J. C. Clmton................................ 43,900
Total.................................... 8345,400
R. T. HARNETT & 00,
GrlfBth at, s a. abt 500 e Nelaon av, 35x100.
Alexander More ................... ------ J42&
New York av, w a, abt 135 s Qrifflth st, 35x100.
A. More.................................. 650
Devoe st n s, 47 w Humboldt st. 24x75. Alvan
Drayton................................... 1,875
Furman al, w a, 120 d Broadway, 40x100.
Frederick Breialenstien.................... 560
Furman st, w s, adj , 20x100. Same purchaser 270
Furman st, w s, llOs Bushwick av, 60x100. D.
R. Burney................................. 615
Furman st, w s, aii j,, 20x100, D, Crimmins___ 225
Furman st. w s, adj., 60x100, John Fishi r___ 660
Furman st, ws, adj.. OOxlOO. J. Fish»r ...... 675
Furman st, w e, adj , 80x100. Henry VVell-
hrook............................... SCO
Granite st. e s, 100 n Broadway, 60x100.
Fred, Breisteustiea........................ 930
Granite st, e s, adj,, 30x100. Same purchaser. 230
Granite sl. e s, 95 u Bushwick av. 3-10x95 3x—x
IOO, Geo. Valentine................... 3,400
Granite St. es, 110 s Bushwick av, 80x100, F,
Musson.................................. 800
Granite st, e s, adj., 100x100, J. Fisher....... 1,025
Grauitest e s, adj., lOOxlOO, J, Fisher........ l.tOO
Granite sl, s 6 eor Brooklyn Sl Rockaway
Beach R.R,, 113,Jx95,3x—, gore, G, Val¬
entine . -................................. 360
Granite st, indef. plot, adj. Brooklyn & Rock¬
away Beach R, R„ 4 lols. Ci. V^aleniitie .,, 300
Granite gt, e s, adj.. 100x27.Ux—x,8,9, G, Val¬
entine.................................. 100
McDonough st. n s, 260 w Sumner av, 30x100,
H.W.Schmidt ...................... 5,010
Bushwick av. s w cor Furman st, 20x110.
Joseph Leibman.......................... 610
Bushwick av, s s, adj., 80x110, J, Leibman— 1,600
Bushwiek av, s e cor Granite st, 20x110. J.
Leibman............................... 455
Buahwick av, a s, adj,,80x110, J, Leibman___ 1,400
Graham av,sw cor Varet at, 135x100, S. J,
Kaufman............................... 10,500
Stone av, a w cor Marion st, 30x100, G. Valen¬
tine ......................................... 675
Sloneav, aws, adj,,80x100. G. Valentine. 3,000
Stuyvesant av, w s, 50 s Pulaski st, 25x100
Thomas W. Hynes........................ 3,945
Total.......................................... $';6,730
Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre¬
ceded by the name of the grantee Ihey mean as follows
1st—Q.C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed
i. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interest of
the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬
•2d—C. a, O. means a deed containing Covenant
against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he
hathnot done any act whereby the estate conveyed may
be impeached, clmraed or incumbered.
In the City of Brooklyn, Meesra, T, A, Kerrigan, J,
Cole and A. H, Muller & Son have made the fol¬
lowing aales for the week ending June 8;
Broadway, s e cor Stone av, 64,10i—x64.10,
gore. G. Valentine........................ 8B0O
June 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Ann st. No. 37, n s, abt 25.6 e Hassan st, runs
north 39.1 x east 14,8 x south -20.5 x east 1,11
X south 8.9 to Ann st, x west 16,0, five-story
brick store and tenem't. Henry M. Johuson
to Benjamin Sire, Hanover, N. J. All liens.
May 15. exch. and 30,000
Beekman st. No. 50, n s, 130.7 w Gold st, 26.8x
90.7x26x36.7. four-story brick factory build¬
ing. Mary D. W, Felt to Alice H. Wallace.
Juue 3. nom
Beekman st. No. 60. n w cor Gold st, 33.3x56,7
x33.3x58,4, flve-story brick store. James
Wilkinson to Ida F. Fraser. >g part. All
liens, March 7, 1,000
Broadway, Nos. 419 and 431, n vr cor Caual st,
55x55x44,4x56, two four-stcry brick stores.
Ann Marshall, widow and devisee '£. W,
Marshall, to Mary L. Van Ness and Caro¬
line E, MarshaU, June 4. gift
Broadway, s w cor Bleecker st, 35x300 to Mer¬
cer st. several frame buildiugs. Amelia L,
wife of Esek H. Williams and Ferdinand
Stagg, substituted trustee, to Vernon K. Ste¬
venson. Couflrmationdeea, Ailtitle. May
1. nom
Boulevard, 6 s, 125,10 s 95th st, 41,11x140.6 to
former Bloomingdale road, x43,6xl38,3, va¬
cant, Alonzo R. Hamilton to Mary A. Peck,
widow, Mort. |5,i)U0. May 21. 8,000
Canal st, n s, 51) w Broadway, Right to use
westerly v/nll as party wall. Aun Marshall
to Mary L. Vjin Nessr Juue 3, gift
Canal st, Nos. 307 to 311, n e cor Mercer st. 78x
133 6 to tloward st, x75xl)S.9, two flve-story
stone front stores. Henrietta wife of James
M. Constable and Richard Arnold to Josiah
Belden, San Jose, Cat. June 6. 300 000
Cliff st, No. 51, n s, 27,1x83,4x30,6x82.11, five-
story stone front store, James Wilkinson
to Ida F. wife of James H, Fraser, X part.
All liens, March 7. l.COO
Cherry st. No, 124, n s, abb 90 e Catharine st,
abt S5x 105x ai^t 26x105, three-story frame
(brick front) store and tenem't, and two¬
story tirick tenem't ou rear. Sarah J. Pirs¬
son to Edward H, Pirsson. May 18, II.OOC
Cannon st. No. 90, e s, 200 n Rivington st, 25x
100, five-story brick store and tenem't.
George H, Benner and Loren?. Zeller to
Jerome L, Renner. Subiect to morts. June
2. 17,500
Same property. Edward J. F, Werder to
George H, Benner and ,Lorenz Zeller of Ben¬
ner & Zeller. Morta, §11,00'. May 36. noni
Courtland st, No. 39, interior lot, now forming
part of No. 39 Courtland st, but late a por¬
tion of premises No. 115 Liberty st, 23,6x27,
George W. Tubbs to Jefferson M. Levy. May
25, nom
Division st. No. 34S, n s, bet Attorney and
Ridge sts, —x93xl7,4x101, two-story brick
store and dweil'g. Emily J. Atkinson, Els¬
worth L. Striker and Joseph M. L, Striker,
heirs Margt, Emma-is, to Charles Laue.
May 16. 5,604
Same property. Release from lien of legacy
by Mary, Teresa, Mary T., Mary E,, Joseph
D. D. and Jobn K. Murphy. June 4.
Delai csy st. No. 8, n s, 112,10 e Bowery, 20x
75.10, two-story brick store and dweil'g.
Agatha Kelsch to Chailes Holzapfel. June
B. 9,000
Frontst, No. 16, n s, 31x70x33,6x70, flve-story
brick store. Elbridge T. Gerry aud Almy
G. wife of aud Frederic Gallatin, devisees J.
B. Goelet, to Hannah G. Gerry. X part.
May 15. 6,960
Front st, No. 18, and No. 17 Water st, being
Front st, n s, 34,9 w Broad at, runs north
143.7 to south side Water st. at point 40.6
west of Broad st, x west '.'3,11 x south 143.10
to Front st, x east 21.1: No. 18 Frontst, four¬
story brick store. No, 17 Water st, four-story
brick store. Elbridge T. Gerry and Almy G.
wife of and Frederic Gallatin, devisees J. B.
Goelet, to Hannah G. Gerry. )4 part. May
15, 15,000
Gouverneur st, No, 60, e g, 25x79,9x35x79.6,
four-story brick store and tenem't and four¬
story brick tenem't on rear. Samuel and
Jonas Weil, individ. and, with F. Sulzberger,
exrs. J, Weil, to Abraham Levine. Mort.
§4.000. June 1. 9,350
Grand st, Nos. -577 and 577)^, s s, 110 w Corlears
st, 30x06.5x36,8x83,5, flve-story brick store
and tenem't. Smith Ely, Jr., to Conrad
Weber, Mort. |6,I10U. June 1. ' 16,500
Gold st, Nos. 63 aud 64, ses, bet Fulton st and
Beekmau st, 38.4_xl8x36.6x44.6, also rear lot
adj. ou the east the southerlyportion of above;
ruus south 10.10 x west 19 x north along east
side of above premisea 9.9 x east 20.4. Lucy
A, Dumont, Brooklyn, to AdaUne L. Gregg.
Morts. «25,000. nom
Greenwich st, Noa, 738-744, w s, 25 n Perry st,
ruus west &3 x north 49.8 x east 25 x north
36,10 X east 48.6 x 46.5 to Greenwich st, x
south 103,2, two and three-story brick iron
foundry. Caroline S. Herring, widow and
devisee S. C. Herring, to Johu Glass. C, a.
G. June 1. 26,0C0
Houston st, No. 431, s w cor Columbia st, 31.6x
47,9, three-story brick store and tenem't.
Marie Petri to Conrad Petri, Mort. $5,5110.
May 16. 16,000
James slip, Nos. 10 and 13, s e cor Water
st, 50,8x45x50.5x45, two fourstory brick
stores, James Wilkinson to Ida F. wife of
James H. Eraser, }£ part. March 7, all
liens. 1,000
Kingsbridge road, plot begins 375 e of Dyck¬
man st, X 169 north Vermilyea av, runs
south 19 X west 75 x north 1.^7 to Kingsbridge
road, X southeaut along road 64 x southerly
139,4 to poiut 13 east of place of beginuing. x
west 13 to said place beginning. Everett P.
Wheeler to William E. Butler. C, a, G.
May 31. 1,150
Madison st, No. 295, u s, 33 w Montgomery st,
,i3x6S, two-story brick dweU'g, Johu W,
Gorman, Dodge City, Kansas, to William J.
Dougherty. All title. April 26, 1,000
Same property, Williani J. Dougherty to
Mary E. wife of Th-mas Bell, Juue 2, 1,250
Minetta st, e s, 114,6 s Minetta lane, 35x67,6.
Jobn P. Hopper, Ridgewood, N., J,, to Kate,
wife of George Miller. Mort. $3,000. Mav
31, 6,"300
Perry st. No, 84, s s, 81,8 e Bleecker st, 20x95,3
x20x95.3, three-story brick dweli'g. Mary
L, Sheafe, widow and devisee JohnF. Sheafe,
dec'd, to Horace S. Ely, as trustee of Louisa
S. Freeman, Q. C. May 14, nom
Fine st, s s, 111.5 w Nassau st, 0,8x73.11,
Alexander Duncan, Providence, R, I., to