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EAL Estate Reco
Vol. XXXI.
NEW TOEK, JUNE 16, 1883.
No. 796
Real Estate RecokdAssociation
ONE ¥EAK, in advance.....$6.00
Communications should be addressed to
C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway
J. T. IJNDSEY, Business Manager.
The following are the sales at the Eichauge Sales
room for the week ending June 15:
* Indicates that theproperty described has beenbld
in for plaintiff B account:
25th sl. No. 417 E,, n a, 25x98,9, four-story
briclc tenem't. E, K. Jackaon. (Rent,
Sl.eOO).................................. $12,000
SSth st, No, 419 E„ n s. adj, 25s08,9, four-atory
brick tenem't. E, K. Jackson, (Rent,
Sl.600).................................. ]2,5C0
2Btb st, No 419 E , n s, adj, 25x98,9, four-story
hrick tenem't, K. K. Jackson. (Rent,
$1,600).................................... 11,000
srth st, Nos, 330 340 E , s s, 84,9x100,8, three
four-story atone frout flata, Stephen Hen¬
derson, (Rent, ?3,64e eaoh) ............... G3,000
9Bth sl. n E, 150 w 8th av, 35x10011. Hugh
King..................................... 3.950
Mth St, n s, adj, aSilCO.lI. Hugh King........ 3,600
Boulevard, 61st at, 8th av, and Circle—hound¬
ed by, one-atory frame store and dweil'g
and one-story frame stable, C, G, Lincoln 330,000
49th st, E E, 3-3S 9 1st av, 7,1x100. W, J, Barnes, 11.750
Ay A, noc«r75thst, 61,1198. Geo, OlaErom,, 11,000
'Road lending from Fordham depot to Kings-
bridge, known aa the Poe eotiage, s e cor
laud of Mrs, Rowol, abt '2^ acrei, Nelaon
Stran?. (Amountdue, abH6,600) ....... 5,703
•Eailroad av, e a, lot 54 map of landa in parti¬
tion belonging to beir« of Thos. Bassford,
at Fordham, 50x100, Elizabeth L, Baiter 1.175
"Wetmore st, n a, lot 57 or aame map aa above,
dOiIOO. NichelasW. Phillipa ,--........ 1,635
North Sd av, e s, lOO s Rose st. a5s7P, two¬
story frame atore and dweU'g, Henry
Wilker.................................. 3,525
CSirystia et. No, 181, w a, S5i9S,a, four-story
brick tenem't aud stable. Leaaehold;
ground rent $300 p«r annum, taxea, &c.
AunaBrader............................. 9,000
laiBt 9t, Noa, (0, 63 and 64 E,. s s, 50x100.10,
thres threo-story atone front dwell'ga.
Albert Keogh, (Amt due. abt |18,00!>) ,, 37,000
•laOth at. No, 410 K,, e a, 18,9il00.10, four-story
brick teuem't, Louia B. Kinase and ano.
as trustees. (Amt duo. abt J9.D25)........ 0,500
120th at, No, 4ia E,, s s, 18.nxlOO.10, fourstory
briok tenem't. Louis B, Binsse and ano,,
as truateea. (Amtdue, abt89,92S)........ 7,250
p. F. MEVER.
128det,No.60 E..S 8,18,9x100.11, tliree-atory
brick dweli'g, Spencar A, Fanuing.
(Amt due, abt $8,826]................
13ld Bt, No. 64 E,, a a, adj, 18.9x100,11, three¬
story brick dweU'g. S, A. Fanning,
(Amtdue, abt $8,82;)....................
Tth av. No, 845, o a cor 21th st, 22x59.3, four-
atory brickstore and tenem't, Jas. Caasin
7th av. No. 957, e s, adj, 21.81:59.3, four-story
brick store and tenem't, J, M, Hare, ___
Tth av. No. 349, e s, adj, 21.0x59,2, four-story
brick store and tenem't, J, M. Hare.....
7thav, No, 251, e b, adj, 21,0x59,3. fourstory
brick store and tenem't. J, M. Hare.....
Tthav, No, 353, es, adj, 31,6x79.2, four-story
brict store and tenem't, Chas, E. Larned
Tth av. No. 355, e s, adj. 31.6x79.2. four-story
hrick store and tenem't, C. E, Larned___
J. F. B, savTH,
86th St. No. Sie E,, s a, 18,93:88,9, four-atory
brick store and tenem't. Wm. E, Cal-
*107th st, n s, 80 6 4th av, 120x100.11, new
buildinga in course of erection.......
4th av, n e cor 107th st, ISO.HxSO, vacant___
Peter A, H, Jackaon...................
•Lexington av, nwcor 107th at, 100 11x100.
107th st, n a, lOOwLexingtonav. 105x100,11.
Peter A. H, Jackson.......................
Total......................................... fil56.flOO
Corresponding week, 1883.................. J4I7,lfl9
In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs, T. A. Kerrigan
and J, Cole have made the following aalea for the
week ending June 15;
Ainslie st, s a, 75 n w from s w cor 10th at, IOO
x80 X irreg. Wm, H, Wells................ $35
'Chestnut st, n s, 35 w Evergreen av, 18,9x75.
Isaac Hall................................. 2,000
*TiUary st, s s, 103,9 e Pearl at, 35x100, Nicho¬
las ."^heridan............................. 1,714
Wyckoff st. No, 30, n s, 33x105. EUas P,
Burke...................................... 4,013
Albany av, w s, 20 n Pacific st, 3Ps87. A, F.
Reid...................................... 603
De Kalb av, n a, 125 e Stuyvesant av, 46,8x100.
John H. Schroeder....................... 1.225
*Flushing av, a a, 58 e Canton at 18x97, AUce
H, WaUace................................. 2,000
Total..................................... Sn,6l9
Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. Q. occur, pre¬
ceded by the name of the grantee they mean as follows
1st—Q. G. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed
i. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interest of
the grantor is conveyed, omitting all coveiiants or war¬
2d-—C. a. 0. means a deed containing Covenant
against Grantor only, in which he covcTiants that he
hathnot done any act whereby the estate conveyed may
be imveached. cliaroed or incumbered.
JONE 8, 9, 11, 13, 13, 14.
Bleecker st, n e cor Jones st, 25x75, No. 281
Bleecker sl, three-slory brick store and dwel¬
ling and No, iJl Jonea at, two-story brick
dweil'g. Edward H. Rogers, New York, and
Arthur H." Rogers, Genesee or Geneses, N.
y,, to Emily Rogers, Mort. $6,000. May
33. $12,000
Broadway, No. ITfiS, s e cor 57th st, 19,Cs60.6
to 57th St. xfi4,ll, gore, three-story brick
store and dweil'g, Dennis F. Hayes to Amos
R. Eno. Q.C. June 8. uom
Broadway or Bloomingdale road, n e cor Man-
batlau st, 75x100, four-slory bricfc store aud
dweil'g and frame stables. Sec Annie J. Fee-
han, daughter of Wm, Feehan, to James A.
Deering. Juue 8. 1,000
Ceutre st. No, 58, ses, 25x89x36 two courses x
81,f>, twc-story frame store and dweli'g and
three-story brick dweli'g on rear. Arthur
F. Swift, Brooklyn, to Edward B, Swift. All
title. April 5. nom
Delancey at, s w cor Ri'dge sb, 50x75, two five-
story brick stores and teuem'ts. Mary wife
of and Patrick H. McManus to George Ague.
Morts. $33,000. June 12. 46,000
Essex st. No. 133, e s, 135 n Rivington st, 25x
lOU, six-story brick store and tenem't and six-
story brick tenem't on rear. Henry G,
Nauss to Wendolin J. Nauss. J^ part. June
II. 13,500
Grand st, n s, 75 w Mangin st, 25x75- The
Mayor, Sec, New York, to Johu H. Hunter,
Brooklyn, and Charles H. ,Hunter, Caldwell,
N. J,, exrs. Eliza T. Hunter. Release, &c. 19
Houston st, s w cor Mangin st, 20x75. Release.
The Mayor, Alderman, &c-, to Samual H.
Pearsall. May 8. 101
Lewis st. No. 183, w s, 25 a 5lh st. 25x29.8,
three-Btory brick factory. Charles 8. De
Forest to Cornelius V. De Forest. 1-6 part.
Juue 1. 500
Ludlow st. No. 151, w s, 125,4 s Stanton st, 25x
87.6, five-story brick storeand teuem'nt and
four-story brick teuem'nt on rear. Samuel
Joseph to Pauhne Cohen. Morts. *14,000.
Juue 1. . 20,000
Liberty at, No. 51, nes, abt 13.6 s e Nassau st,
35,8x7Sx';5.7x71, five-story brick store. Wil¬
lett Bronson and Louise A. Roe, widow, to
The Brooklvn Life Ins, Co. May 83. 75,000
Madison st. No. 338, s s, 75.5 e Scammel st, SOx
37x19.11x38, three-story brick dweirg. Israel
Marks, New Brunswick, N. J,, to Fredericka
Maudelbaum. Q. U. June 8. nom
Maiden lane, No. 78, s s, 17.6x76.11x18.5x3x2.3
x74,I, six-story brick factory. Maximilian
Fleischmann to Christian J our gens on,
Brooklyn. Undivided )4 part, )4 of mort.
$10,000. Mays. 12,000
Mottst, No. 211, w s, 67.6 n Spring st, runs
north 30.1 xW6st71.11 xsouth 23.6 to aUey,
X east 22 x southeast 12 x east 40, five-story
brick {stone front) store and tenem't. Maria
L. Bmith, individ. and as trustee, to Helen
D. Burnett, Astoria, L. L Morts, 814,000.
June 5. 20,000
Same property. Bartholomew Smith et al.,
exrs. Anne Smith, dec'd, to same. Morts.
$14,000. June 5, nom
Montgomery st, No. 63, e s, befc Cherry and
Monroe sts, 23.6x60. Julia Crowley to
Thomaa, Johanna, Dennia, Edward and Mar¬
garet E, Magner. )4 part, June 8. 3,000
New st, No. 26, e s, 24,5 n Exchange pl, runs
east 24.9 x north 7,10 x west I x uorth 14,7 s
Tvesb 24.7 to New st, x south 23 to beginning,
three-slory brick building. Partition. Ham-
Oton Cole to Frank W. Savin, May 8. 41,000
Orchard at. No. 181, w s, 125 u Stanton st, 25x
87,6, flve-story brick store and tenem't and
four-story brick teuera't on rear. Amelia
wife of Lewis Frankliu to Franz Schilp.
Mort. $12,000. June 14. 35,750
Orchard st, n e cor Division sb, 58,10x46x36x
5J.5, Nos, 126 and 128 Division st, two bwo-
slory brick stores and dwell'gs, aud No, 130,
two-story brick dweU'g. George Uehlinger
to John Stemme, Juue 14. 17,500
Park pl, No, 14, s s, abt 225,10 w Broadway, 2i
x75, four-slory briek store. Release mort.
George G, Kip to Thomas D. DoWilt, Pel¬
ham, N. Y. June 13. nom
Sameproperty, George G. DeWibb, Jr., exr.
and trusiee T. DeWitt, to William F.
Chrystie. 5-5.5 part. June II. 5,428
Same property. Thomas D, DeWibb, trustee
•â– â– C, J. DeWitt, to same. 6-140 parb June
11. 1,828
Same properfcy. Lewis D. Mason and ano.,
exrs, and trustees T. L. Mason, to same,
6-175 parfc. June 11. 1,303
Same prcperfcy. Edward DeW. Mason, Brook¬
lyn, OS trustee of T. W. Mason, toEame, 6-175
part, June 11. 1,303
Same propertv. George G. DeWitt, Nyack,
Alfred DeWilt, Staatsburg, N. Y., and
Helena DeW. Chambers, widow, Yonkers,
N. Y,, to same. 18-35 part, June 11, 19,543
Sameproperty, William A. DeWitt, Buffalo,
Frederick N. DeWitt, New York, and
Thomas D. DeWitt, Pelham, to same. lS-140
part. June 11. 4,886
Same property. Elizabeth D. M. Blake to
same. 6-175 parb. Juue 11, nom
Same properby. Lewis D., Edward DeW.
and Alfred DeW. Mason bo same. 18175
part. June 11. 3,908
Same properby. Release from judgmts. Lewis
D. Mason and ano,, exrs, and trustees T. L.
Mason, bo William P. Chrysbie. 6-176 part.
June 11. Dom
Pearl sb. No. 480, n a, 23,11x119, ]x'.J),4xll9.6,
two-story brick storo and dweli'g and one¬
story frame shop on rear. Charles Neaiis to
Thomas R. Jackson, M, $8,000. Juue 1.14,000
Peck slip. No. 33, w s, bet Fr'jnbst and South
sb, 19x52.3. five-story brick store. Elinor L.
Smibh, infanb, bvH. Louise Smith, guard,, to
Wilfred Smith." Brooklyn, 14 part. May
29. 1.062
Sarae property. Asa and Elbert W. Smith,
Norwalk, Conu., and Howard H. Smith,
Brooklyn, to same. C. a. G. % part. May
39- 6,375
Washington sb, Nos. 508 and 510, w s, 143 n
Spring sb, 40.3x115x40x115, four-story bricfc
warehouse. Release morb. Mary E,, Sarah
E, and Francis E, Curry, Greenburgh, N.
Y,, to Frederick Baker. June 4. nom
Same property. James Bird, exr. S. Olm¬
sted, to Frederick Baker. June 1, 44,010
Sameproperty- James and J. Everett Bird,
Cyrus and Charles, Jr., Olmstead, Evelyn
Sacchi, Alice, Rachel, Emma S. and Ann
Olmstead, Tarrytown, N, Y., Florence G.
Woolverton aud Mary J, Olmstead, New
York, Nancy J. Chichester and Ann M.
Waite, Pound Ridge, N. Y., Alfred P,
Avery, Katonah, N. Y., Silas O, Avery,
Brewslers, N. Y., Edwin, Frances, Isabella
K. and Wm. H. Olmatead, New York, and
James Bird, Tariytown, as trustee of B. F.
Olmstead, to same. Confirmation deed.
May 18. nom
Same properfcy. Lewis S. Olmstead, Mon¬
mouth, 111., and Silas Olmstead, Galesburg,
111., tosame. Confirmation deed. May 18. nom
Washington st, Nos, 507, 508 and 510. Release.
Annie E. Varick, North Tarrytown, to Fred¬
erick Baker. June 8, nom
Waverley pi, Noa. 188 and 190, w a, 19.5 n West
10th st, 37,8x75, two two-slory brick and
frame dwell'gs. Wm. S. Verplanck and
ano,, exrs. of J. P. De Wint, to Theresa wife
of John Schappert. June 5. 13,500