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Estate Record
NEW YORK, JUNE 80, 1883.
No. 798
Published Weekly by The
Real Estate Record Association
ONE VEAB, In advance.....$6.00
Communications should be addressed to
C. W. SWEET. 191 Broadway
J. T. LINDSEY. Business Manager.
Tbe following are the sales at the Exchange Sales
room for the weelc ending June 39:
• Indicates that theproperty described has beenbld
in for plaintiff s account:
*98th at, e e, 110 e 3d av, 135x100.5, five four¬
story brick' tenem'ls. Alfred Eehoe.
(Amouat due, about 53,057; prior morts.
$43,423).................................... 843.783
*lSOlh st. No, 342 E., S a, 30x100.11, threestory
brick (stone front) dweil'g. Cavl Sturiz
and ano., exrs., &c. (Amount due, about
$0,550)...................................... 10.000
TSd St, No. 148 E., s s, IBxl04.4. four-story brick
(stone front) d weirs'. Julian Anderson.
(Amount due, about $10,400)................ 17.100
Delancey St, No. 11. ss, 32x94,flve-story brick
tenem't and four-story brick tenem't on
rear. (Subject to mort. $13,000, reut $3,80-3
per annum). John Overbeck.............. 21,100
Goerck st. No. 37, w s, 25x100. threestory
brick tenem't and three-story hrick and
three-story frame dwell'gs on real-. Bern¬
ard Mclnerney......................... 6,200
•Old Boston road, n w s, abt 100 e Washington
av, 25.5s05sS5.5xB5. Johu Tbompson...... 4,006
Eivington st. No. 208, n e cor Columbia st. 25x
70. four-story brick atcre and tenem't.
Otto Frohwein. (Rent flrst floor aud store
$1,080 perannum)..................... 30,000
p. F. U£YER.
43th st, No. 318 E., s s, 21x100.5. four-story
brick (stone front) dweli'g. Chas. H.
Rath.................................... 30,514
*130th st.No. 135 W,. n s. 18.9x03.11, tbree-
story hrick (stone front) dweU'g. Robert
M. Strebeigh.' (Amountdue, abt SlO.llT).. 10.600
laCth st, No. 137 W., n s, adj, IS.O.-tBS.ll. three¬
story bricl: (stone front) dweli'g, E. A.
Tuttle. (Amountdue, about $10.7]?)...... 10,850
*I30th st, No. 139 W., n a, adj, 18.9x99.11. three-
Story brick (stoue front) dweil'g. Robert
M. Strebeigh, (Amount due, abt $10,717).. 10,800
Total.....................................$174 943
Corresponding week 1883................$132,475
In the City of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan
J. Cole and Cole Se Murpby have made tbe following
sales for the week ending June 39;
•Cambridge pl. w a, 126 n (Sates av, 24x100.
MaryE. Miller............................ $5,0CO
Chauncey st, s a, 100 e Reid av, IOOxIOO. Hen¬
ry D. Lott................................ 1,050
Court et. No. 531, e s. 10.6x80. Michael Pogar¬
ty....................................... 3,950
Crown st, s s, 233.4 -n- Utica av, 60.8x100, Flatr
hush. Mr. Cockran...................... 185
Clarkson st, n s. aht 150e Nostrandav. 50x
250.3 to Robinson st, Flatbush, two two¬
story frame dwell'gs. Ellen Rilliug....... 2,050
Clarkson st, n s. adj, 2'ix350.3 to Robinson st,
Flatbush, two-story frame barn. J. J.
Drake..................................... 600
Degraw st. No. 238, g s. 35x100, two-and-one-
half-story brick dweil'g with extension. A.
F. Drury................................... 5,225
Douglass St. No. 133, s s, 18 9xT0, two-story
briclt dweli'g. John Robinioti............ 2,250
Fulton St. s s, 31 w Clason a v, 20x105. l.H.
McCloskey................................. 3,025
Fultonst. s s. 320 w Albany av. 20x100. John
Babcock................................... 1,800
Hancock st. u s, 280 w Lewis av, 20x100. Wm.
R. Henry.................................. 570
•Hoyt Bt, n w a, 40 n e Bergen st, 30x75. John
Angus.................................. 3,650
Madison st. n a. 175 e Throop av, 40x100. E.
G. McGuire................................. 1,53)
Madison st, n 6, adj 40x100. Same............ 1,490
Madison at, e s, 150 n Liberty av, 50x100, East
New York. E. O. Folia.................... 230
Monroe st, s s, 175 e Throop av, 40x100. R. G.
McGuire.................................... 1,830
Monroe st.se, adj, 40x100. R. G. McGuire.... 1,730
Monteomery st, n s, 100 w Utica av. 155.6x100,
Flatbush. Mr. Cockran.......,........... 647
Pilling st, e s, IOO s Central av, ICOxlOO. J. L.
Norton..................................... 350
Steuben st, e s, 150 s Myrtie av, 25x100. Mar¬
garet Cronin............................... 6-5
Utb St. No, 349. n s, 16.8x58. two-story stone
frontdwell'g, Jobn Eobinson............ 3,150
llthst, No. 351-355, n s, adj, 60x about 57.7,
three two-story stone front dwell'gs. J,
Eobinson................................ 9,300
*Ilth st, u e s, 2O0 n w 3d av, 25x100. Geo. E,
Haydock.................................. 900
I3th st, n s, 161.2 w Otb av, 35x178. John Rob¬
inson ................................... 1,000
•17th st, s s, 375 e 5th av. 50x100, Wm. E. Stod-
art.................................. 3,500
33d St. s s, IOO w 5th av, 100x100. F. Tomhnsou. 950
38th st, n s, 154.1 e Bth av, 100x1 0. Mr. Mc¬
Carthy..................................... 330
SSth st, B s, 350 e5th av,'150x100.2, New Utrecht.
P. J.'Conneil.............................. 378
85th st, n s, 100 w 14th av, 50x100, New Utrecht.
Mr. Hughes.......................-......... 91
Atlantic av. n ecor Schenetady av, 151.2x99.1.
Fred. Herr............................. 2,000
Bus''wick av, s w cor Van Voorhis st. 50x100.
Thos, Donohue........................... 860
Christopher av. w s, 100 n Rapelye av, 75x100.
J. j:^ Drake .............................. 1.0
Christoperav.ws, adj , 100x100. J.J. Drake,
EastNewYork........................... 196
•Clermont av, e s, 305 s Greene av, 20x100.
Chas. H. Eussell........................... 7,500
Central av, s e cor Pilling st, 211x100. D. P.
Darling................................... 75
Centralav, s s, adj, 40x100. D. P. Darling..... 130
Central av, s s. adj, 60x100. Joseph T-nzer.., ISO
Central av, s s, adj, runs east 20 x south 118,10
X west lOO X north 20 x east 20 x north IOO.
Geo. A. Sraith.............................. 155
Franklin av, s w cor Lexington av, 40x71.3.
Mr. Campbell.............................. 3,6C0
Franklinav, w s. adj, 20x71.3. Same......... 1,400
Park av, s e cor Grand av, 25x00. Frank John¬
son ........................................ 1,275
Park av, s s, adj, EOxSO. F. Johnson........... I,7S0
*Prospect av, w s, 236 n Greenwood av, 50x50,
Flatbush, The Brooklyn Trust Co........ 250
Rapelye av, n s, extdg from Christopher to
Stone av, 200x100, East New York. J. J.
Drake.................................... 4O0
Stone av, es, 100 n Rapelje av, 175x100, East
NewYork. J. J. Drake.................... 350
Oth av, No. 191, n e cor Sackett st, 20x100,
three-story stone front dweU'g. Dr. C.
Hubbard............................... 10,475
14thav.n ecor 84th st, lOOslOO, New Utrecht.
T. Carman................................ 120
Total......................................... $87,945
Wherever tlie letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur.pre-
ceded by the name of the grantee they mean as follows
ist—O. C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claijndeed
i. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interest of
the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬
2d~C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant
against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he
hathnot done any act whereby ihe estate conveyed may
be impeaclied, charged or inaumbered.
Jdne 23. 33, 25, 26, 37, 28.
Broadway, No. 545, w s, 175 n Spring st, 25"!
xlOO, four-story brick store. (
Mercer st, e s, 175 n Spring st, 35x100, two- f
story brick extension. j
Henry A. Mott, admr. Eliza Mott, to Warren
Ackerman, Scotch Plains, N. J, June 26. }^
part. $26,033
Same property. Henry A. Mott. admr. Maria
M. Hobby, tc same. % part. June 36. 52,0G7
Broadway, No. 545, 25x100.
Mereer st, e s, 175 n Spring st, 25x100.
34th st, u s, 300 w 5th av, 35x126.6, with 13
foot right of way across rear.
Mary wife of William BuhUr, Eliza E. Un¬
derbill, Caroline wife of Edward B. Light,
Ellen and William Underhill, aud Emily
wife of DeWitt C. Light, heirs. Sec, W. Un¬
derbill, and also heirs of Martha M.. Under¬
bill, to Warren Ackerman, Scotch Plains, N.
J. Q. C. Jan. 17, 1881. nom
Broome st. No, 60, n s, 75 e Cannon st, 35x75,
two-story frarae dweli'g- Edward M. Wil¬
lett to Mary E. wife of Eben F. Bacon. June
18. 3,750
Bowery, No. 186, w s, 35 s Spring st, 25x100,
three-story brick buUdiug and one-story ex¬
tension. Henry Waters to Helen B. wife of
Silvanus S. Biker. M. $15,000. June 28. 40,250
Chrystie st. No. 161, w s. 124,11 n Delancey st,
25x155.5x25,3x153.3, flve-story brick store
and tenem't and four-story frame tenem't on
rear. Mary C. wife of Feter F. T. Hansen to
Charles Vonhof. Mort. $12,000. June
35. 35,000
Division st. No. 92, n a, 49.2 e Eldridge st, 34.7x
66x31.10567.2, with use of alley across rear,
three-story frame store and dweil'g. Annie
â– wife of Marks Cohen to P.ebecca Speesman,
widow. All liens. June 26. nom
Division sfc, No. 51, and No. 64 East Broadway,
begins Divisiou st, soutb side, 100 west Mar¬
ket st,i35xl37,4 to East Broadwayx 35x137,4,
four-story brick store. August'Marschall to
Harris Cohen. Mort. $17,500. June 12. 33,000
Division st, s s, 50 w Rutgers st, 25x123.4 to
East Broadway, x25£l33.1. Catharine Ann
Hedges to Johu F. Halsted. June T. 11,000
East Broadway, n s, C1.6 e Market at, 24x133.1,
to Division st, x34xl33.4, No. 80 East Broad¬
way four-story brick tenem't. No. 09 Di¬
vision st tbree-story brick store and dweli'g.
Cathariue A. Hedges to David Block. May
28. 13,000
East Broadway, n s, 50 w Rutgers st, runs ]
north ys to New Canal st, x west 38.5 xl
soutli 106 to East Broadway, x east 25. [
East Broadway, a s, 61.6 e Marketst, 24x66.5 |
x24x66.8. J
Release mort. Tha Mutual Life Ins. Co.,
NewYork, to Catharine A. Hedges. June
Sl. 17,000
Emerson st, w s, 100 n Vermilyea av, 25x100,
vacant. Maria Driuan to Sarab J. Drennan.
May aa. nom
Essex st. No. 70, e s, 75 s Broome st, 25x75, five-
story brick store and teuem't. John Welker
to Heory Ehrenfeld. Q. C. June 32. 608
Front St. No. 60, w s, 37.2 n Cuylers alley, 18.8
xS3.3xl8.8x83.11, four-story brick building.
Partition. Hamilton Cole to Elhridge T.
Gerry. May 8. 15,400
Grandst, Nos. 581, 5S3 aud 58f), s s, 33.4 w Cor- ,
lears st, runs west 70 x south SO.S x east 30.10
s south 21 X east 41.S x uorth 70, three five-
story brick stores aud teuem'ts. Lewis J.
Phillips et al., exrs. Matilda Phillips, to Wil¬
liam Buhler. Juue 10. 33,800
Grand st, No. 470, u s, 50 w Willett st, 35x100.
Bernhard Magen to Nathan aud Jacob Magen.
X part to each, being a distribution of co¬
partnership property. June S3. iluom
Grand st, No. ail, s e cor Ludlow st, 21.10x75,
tbree-story frame brick fi-out store and
dweil'g, and Nos. 58 and GO Ludlow st, two¬
story brick store and dweil'g. PhUo T.
Ruggles, referee, to Antonio Minaidi. June
21). 31,000
Mangin st, 6 s, 100 s Delancey st, 25x100,'
vacant. Mort. on this )4 of *;8,00l).
Delancey- st. No. 313, s s, 25x75, four-story
brick store and tenem't.
Mangin st, w s, 105 s Delanceyst, 20x100, one- â–
story frame (brick front) stable.
Delancey st,, ss, 50 e Mangin st, 25x75, portion
of tbree-story brick store aud dweli'g and
coal yard.
Caroline wife of Jaines Ray to Catharine A.
Anthon. )^ part. See Tompkins st, &c.
June -7. nom
Roosevelt st, Nos. 3, 5 and 7, s w s, 45 s e
Chatham 3t, 49.11x49.11x47.7x51.1, new buUd¬
ings projected.Ann 8. Dudley, widow, Phila¬
delphia, Pa., to William D. Foulke, Wayne
Co., Ind. Aprilll. 5,000
Suffolk St. Nos. 46 and 48, e s, 125.11 n Grand
St. 33.10x100.7, two four-stcry brick dwell'gs
in rear, one five and three-story bakery, pro¬
jected. Abraham Siegel to Ludewig F. J.
Anger. Mort. $5,000. Jime 27. 13,000
Sheriff st. No. 56, e s, 175 n Delancey st, 25x
100, three-story britk store and tenem't.
Henry Michel to Harry Hirscbman, Cincin¬
nati, and Adolph Cohen. Mort. $13,000.
Juue 14. 17,500
Tompkins st, w s. 100 s Delancey st, 35x100,'
vacant; )-i part; mort. SS.OOO.
Tompkins st. No. 25, w s, 50 s Delaucey st. 35
x75, threestory brick tenem't; mort. $3,500
Delanceyst, No. 275, ss, 93,0 e Columbiast.
18.9x75, tbree-story frame (brick front)
dweil'g; M part; mort. $8,000.
Goerck st, No. 31, w s, 125 n Broome st, 25x
lUO. one-story brick stable; )', part; mort.
$8, UOO.
Catharine A. Anthon to Caroline Ray. J^
part. See Mangin st, &:c, Juue 7, nom
Willett st. No. 122, e s, bet Houston and Stan¬
ton sts, 3l)XlOO, four-story brick store and
tenem't and portion of three-story brick shop
on rear. Jacob Kopp, Brooklyn, to Samuel
Kopp. June 23. 8,100
Water st, u s, abt 73 e Jefferson st, 48x117 to
Cherry st, x48xll9.7. Release mort. The
Mutual Life Ins. Co. to Catharine A. Hedges.
June 31. 3,000