June 30, 1883
The Real Estate Record
Eighth av, 3 e cor 143d st, 60x63, 2 houses.)
29 One Hundred and Forty-third at, s a. 63 e r
8th av, 25x40, 1 house....................)
William Bohr agt Patrick Whelan and
George Ferris.............................. 162 00
2Q Hull st, n w cor Hopkinson av, 100x100.
Jathes W. Ellis aet Margaretta Baur.
owner and same, and Johu Baur....... lOO 00
25 Fifthst, ss. lOOeOch av, lOOxliJO, Richard
F. Whipple agt Richard H. Heaaemau,
owner, iKC................................ 157 83
25 Decatur st, n s. 325 w Reid av, 50x100. Same
agt same as last.......................... 275 50
25 Fifth St. s 4, 100 w 6th av, 100x100. Wm.
Martin agt same as last................ 194 00
26 Fifth st, as, S7. IOe Othav, lOOslOO. James
W Ellis, agtsame....................... 69 00
25 Jefferaon st, n s, 195 e Tompkins av, 300s
IOO. K. F. Whipple sgt Daniel T. Mactar-
iaue, owner, and also with — Martin,
contractor................................ 2,086 00
26 Same property. T, G. WiUis agt same.... - 869 23
27 Lesington av, b w cor Nostrand av, 100x100.
T. B. Willis agt Charles M. Marsh and F.
Purdy, owner, and Thos. Welwood....... 107 31
25 Seventh av, n w cor i8th st 100x100, Nos.
530 to 530 7th av. Christian Lauenstein
agt Fredk. Schroeder, owner, &c......... 155 CO
NEW VORK crry.
q. Cherry St. Nos, 294 to 308.................I
^ Rutgers pl, Nos. 10 to 32...................)
Samuel A. Schoonmaker agt Carrie and
H. M. Lowenstein. (Lien liled July 32,'83) $253 63
23 Same propertv. Edward Van Ordeu agt
same. (April 14,1883)................. 242 06
26 Madisoa av, s e cor 59th st, ISHslSO. The J.
L. Mott Iron Works agt The Societe Ano¬
nyme du Panorama National des Etats
UQis. (Dec. 16, I'B-J).................... 160 00
sa Houston st, No.403 E.....................I
"' Second st, No. 393, s s.....................f
Adam Lahr agt Frank and Heury Merch.
(June 11, 1333)............................ 453 95
37 Same property. Sajie agt same. (June 33.
18S3)................................. 453 05
37 Same propertv. Adam Happel agt same.
(June 13, ie831......................... 171 53
27 Eighty-seventh st. No. 355 E., n s. 75 w Ist
av. Augusi Niewohner agt P. Uihlein and
Chas. Knack. (Mav 9, !885)............... 144 20
38 Tbirty-iif th st. No. 319 West, n a. Patrick
Gavigan agt J. N. Bradlev, et al. (Nov.
6.168-2).................................... 542 2S
28 Same property. Clinchy Sl Burney agt
same. (Nov. II)......................3,500 00
S8 Same property. Alfred Brumme agt same,
' (Nov.13)............................. 573 23
28 Same prooerty. Bradley & Currier agt
same. (No v. 9)............................ 799 43
28 Same property. E. F. Henzel agt same.
(Nov.2-2) ............................ 60 00
28 Same property. Wm. Murray agt same,
(DeC-2)................................ 50 00
28 Same property. J. 0. L. Becker agt same.
(Dec. 2i|)............................... 69 20
28 Same property. Cathariue Irvia agtaame.
(Nov. 23)................................... 618 65
28 Same property. Tbos. Comba agt same.
(Nov. 25) .................................. 42 25
39 â– t58th at, s s, abt 200 w 9th av, abt 75 ft
front. John StefCau agt John Cody.
(Sept, 13. 1882)............................ 49 50
30 tSame property. John Clyne agt aame.
(Sept. 13, 1683)........................... 49 50
-t Lien cancelled by order of Court and naoney re¬
June 23 to 29-incluaive.
5th St. 8 3. 100 -w 6th av, lOOxH 0. William Mar¬
lin agtR A Heaseman, owner. (June 25,
18S3)................................... 194 00
Decatur st, n s, 325 w Reid av, SCslOO, Owen
Leonard agt Mr. Heaseman, owner. (July
17, 1B8-J) ................................... 31 00
Same property. M, A. Maguire agt R. H.
Heaseman, owner, and W. H. Wells.
(Jan.8).................................. 80 00
McDonough. at, n s, 3.50 w Reid av. Same agt
same. (J an, 8, 1683)....................... 237 00
Wall st, Nos. 40 and 4S, one seven-story granite
and brick building for bank and offices. 74.10
front, 45.9 rear x 194.7, brick roof; cost, $500,000;
ownera, Manhattan Co. and Merchants Bank, by
W. H. Smitb. president, 41 and 43 Wall st; archi¬
tect. W. W. Smith: builders, J. M. Tucker and
J. C. Hoe & Co.; irou -work, J. B. & J. M. Cor¬
nell. Plan 730.
Washington st, No, 383, one flve-atory brick
warehouae, 23.2 and 24.Si75.7 and 75.10, tin roof;
coat, about glG,0OO; owner, E. Titua, 70tb st,
near Sth av; architect, R. Mook; builder, Geo.
F. Codmgton. Plan 742.
Broome st. No. 433, one se-zen-story briek and
terra cotta store, 25x110, mansard, tin, slate and
tile roof; coat, |.?d.0OO; owner. Scovill M'fg
Co., 431 Broome st; architects, D. & J. Jardine.
Plan 722.
Suffolk at, Nos. 46 and 48, one five and three¬
story brick bakery, 31.8x83.7, size of ovens, each,
14x14, tinroof; cost, Sl5,00n; owner, Ludwig P.
J. Anger, 1503 4th av; architect, Juhus Boekell.
Plau 744.
6th st, Nos. 733 and 734 E,, two five-story brick
teuem'ts, 23x84, tin roof; cost, eacb, S 15,000;
owner, arcbitect and builder, Peter Schnefller, B6
2d av. Plan 726.
Av D, Nos. 119 and 131, w s, bet Sth and 9th
sts, one flve-story brick factory, 47xS3, tiu roof:
cosfc, $35,000; days work; ownera, Eobert and
Ogdeu Goelet, 2GI Broadwav; arcbitect, Jos. M,
Dunn; builder, Michael Reid. Plan 7-35.
Water st. No. 240, one four-story brick store,
35x78, tin roof; cost, S15,30ii; owner, Jobn H.
Jones, 137 Adelphi st, Brookiyu; architect aud
buiMer, W. A. Vanderhoof. Plan 749.
13th st, No, 20 East, one five-story brick, terra
cotta and Belleville atone apartment houae, 19.9
and 21.10xb8.6, tin roof; cost. $40,000; owner,
Thos, B. Tappen, 343 E. ISOth st; architect, J.
S. Wightman; builders, J. & W. C. Spears.
Plan 752.
lat av, Noa. 344 and 243, e a, bet Mth o.nd 1.5tb
sts, two five-storv brick atore and tenem'ts, 2-5.10
xS4, tin roof; cost, each, S;if),U(lO; owner and
builder, Wm. J. Gesaner, 1722 Madiaon av; ai-ch-
itect. F. W. Klemt. Plan 720.
ICth st. No. 435 E., one five-story brick tenem't,
3.5x73, tin roof; coat, Sl.600; owner. John
Schmitfc, 603 East 17th st; architect, J. Hoff¬
mann. Plan 739.
2lBtst, No. 341 E., one three-story brick stable
and dweU'g, 23x49, tin roof; cost, $6,000; owner.
Tbomas Humes, 334 Av A; architects, Rentz &
Wirz. Plan 731.
2.5th st, u s, 100 e llth av, one one-story frame
shed for storage, 43.63:33, corrugated iron roof;
cost,-------; owners, J. B. & J. M. Cornell.
Plan 728.
7th av, n w cor SSd at. one four and five-atory
brick lodging bouse and school, 44,8x85, manaard
roof, terra cotta blocks, slate and tin; cost,
$50,000; owner, Wm. A. Booth, President Ciiil-
dren Aid Society, 19 East4tbst; architects, Vaux
& Radford; buildera, D. C. Weeka Se Sou. Plan
45th st, n e eor Vanderbilt av, one one-atory
brick expreas office. 15x95.8, tinroof; cost, 14,500;
owner, American Express Co., 65 Broadway;
architect, E. H. Kendall. Plan 723.
57th st, Nos. -^66, 258 and 260 E., s s. 100 w 3d
av, two two-story brick factorv, showrooms
aud office building, 67 and 17.6x30 and 65,
gravel roof; total cost, $10,000; lessee, Adolph
Klaber, 165 East 61st st; architect, H. Fernbacb:
builders, J. L. Murtha and A. E. Fountaine.
Plan 731.
8th avenue.
Eoulevai-d, w s, 50 n 6(.tb st, one four-story
and basement brick and Connecticut brown stone
trimmed apartment house, 50x74 and 78, man¬
sard, alate and tin roof; cost, ?40,000: owner, J.
H. Gautier, 32 Sth av; architect. H. J. Harden¬
bergh â– builders, Jno. Banta and Jeans & Taylor.
Plan 743.
67th st, n a, west of lltb av, eight four-
atory brick tenem'ta, 25 and 23.3x65, tinroof;
cost, each. $10,000 ; o-wner, George Kuhn;
architect, G. J. Carey; builder, not selected.
Plan 746.
5th avenue.
78tb fit. No. 487 East, one four-atory brick
tenem't, 25x58, tin roof; cost. $S,O0O; owner and
builder. John Goerlitz, S45E. 49bhat; arcbitect,
J. Boekell. Plan 735.
Ist av, e a, 51 a 81st st, four flve-atory bnck
tenem'ts, 25x85, tin roof; cost,------; owner and
builder, Pbiiip Braender, Av B, bet 84th and
85th sta; arcbitect. W. Graul. Plan 717.
lat av, e s, extdg from 85th atreet to 86tb at,
oue four-story brick grammar achool, 204.5x54
and 89, tin roof; cost $159,000; owner. Mayor,
&c New York, 146 Grandat; architect, D. J.
Stagg. Plan 733.
3d av, w a, 35.5 a 94th at, three flve-atory brown
stone tenem'ts, 25 and 26x71, and extension 5,
tin roof; cost. each. §15,000; owner, Catharme
Fettretch, 143 W. 135th st; architect, J. F. Bur¬
rowa, Flan 718. ^ ^ ^ . ,
112th st, ss, 350e 2d av, one four-story bnck
and brown stone trimmed teuem't, 2.5x53, tin
roof- cost, $9,000; owner, Ratze Bunke, 319 E.
112th st; architects and bmlders, Wm. Fernschild
& Son. Plan 741.
3d av. No. 21U0. s w cor 115tb st, one six-story
brick and stone tiimmed lodging house, 32.2x95,
tin roof; cost, about *40,000; owner, Darma G.
Crosby, 99 Nassau st; architect, Bart. Walther.
Plan 734. , __ ...
120th st, No. 413 East, one four-story brick
teuem't, 18.9x56, fcin roof; cosfc, ------; owner,
Louia B. Binsse, 40 W. 19tb sfc; architect, W. H.
Hume; builder, nofc selected. Plan 740.
89th at, s a, luO w 3d av. one four-atory
brick and Wyoming sfcone tenem't, 39,10x60.8
and 16 6. tin roof; ccst, each, *28,000; owner,
Chas E. Rhinelander, 105 E. ISfch sfc; architect, G.
h. Poat; buildera, Peter Tostevin's Sona and
Peter Loonam, Plan 747.
89th st, s s, 139.10 w 3d av, one four-story brick
and Wyoming Valley sfcone fcenem't, 15.3x60,8
and 10.3x16.6, tin roof; cost, ?14,000; o-wner,
Cbarles E. Rhinelander, 105 E. ISthst; archifcecfc,
Geo. B. Post; builders, P, Tostevin's Sona and
Peter Loonam. Plan 748.
8th avs.
125fch st, s s, 235 e 6th av, flve four-story brick
stores and tenem'ts, two 30x65, two 28.6i!65 and
one 38x65, wifch an extenaion on tbe 28 foot house
of 30x3-2, tin roof; total cost, $100,00(1; owner,
John A. Hardy, Sing Sing, N. Y.; architects,
Cleverdon Sc Putzel. Plan 745.
5th av, e a, 74.11 s 128th sfc, one three-afcory Con¬
necticut brown sfcone and brick dweU'g, 35x51.6,
tin roof; cosfc, $20,000; owner, Charles J. Fisk, 5
Nassau at; architects, C. W. Romeyn & Co.;
budders, A. Brown, Jr., audH. C. Twezey. Plan
133d st, n s, 325 e Sfch av, fcwo three-sfcory and
basement brown stone dwell'gs, 14X.50, tiu roof;
cost, each, $10,000; owner, R'>berfc Lindsay, 3SSJ5
lst av; architect, J. H. Valeutine; buiider, J.
Hutcheson. Plan 750.
138d sfc, u s, 853 e Sfch av, four three-story
and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 16x.50, tin
roof; cosfc,[eacb, §11,000. owner, Roberfc Lindsay,
23-25 1st av; arcbitect, J. H. Valentioe; builder,
Jno. Hutcheson, Plan 751.
Cliffcon sfc, n s, befcween Tintou and Union avs,
teu fcwo-story and cellar frame dwell'gs, 16x2.5,
and tbree two-story a_d cellar frame dwell'gs on
both Tiu ton and Union avs, 16.Sx"i5, being sixteen
in all, tin roofs; cost, each. $1,500; owner, A.
Deckel-, Sll Forrest av; architecfc, W. VV. Gard¬
ner; builder. Peter P. Decker. Plan 736.
llOtb st, w s, 395 w Sth av, two three-sfcory
brick tenem'ts, 18x.55, tin roof; cost, each. $5,000;
owner, Teraoce Kane, 137th st uear 7th av;
architect and builder, H. L. Spicer. Plan 737.
143d st, n s, 70 w WiUis uv, fcwo four-story
brick tenem'ts. 18.3x36, tin rooE; cosfc, $5,000;
owner, Augustus Gareiss, 639 E. 141sfc at; archi¬
tect, A. Arctander. Plan 715.
168th sfc, s a, 150 w Union av, two two-sfcory
frame dwell'gs, lSx44; tinroof; cost, each, $3,500;
owner, Henry B. Hall, Jr., 16Sfcb sfc, near Union
av; arcbitect, W. W. Gardiner; builder, H.
Ketcham. Plan 72 â– .
Courtlandt av. No. 602, e s, 75 a 155fcb sfc, one
two-sfcory frame fcenem'fc, 25x50; tin roof; cost,
$3,000; owner, Charies Gloede, 647 E. 158th st;
architecfc and builder, Louis Falk. Plan 733.
Sedgwick av, w s, 450 s Morris Dock Station,
one fcwo-sfcory frame dweil'g, 2Ux30, tiu roof;
cosfc, $3,000; owner, Leah J. Fenno, 226 B. 50fcb
sfc; architecfc and builder, H. Ketcham. Plan
Sfc. Ann's av, e s, 50 a John st, one fcwo-atory
frame dweil'g and sbed, 21x48, tin i-oof; cosfc,
$3,000; owner. Ph. and Wm. Ebliug, Sfc. Ann's
av c^r l36fch afc; architect aud buUder, L. Lauter,
Plan. 738.
Willow av, n w cor 137th st. one two-sfcory
brick store and dweli'g, 30x40, tiu or gravel
roof; cost, about $5,000; owners, Merritt &. HaU,
138tb afc and Southern Boulevard; ai-chitect and
builder, S. H. Merrifct. Plan 716.
Plan 677—Norfch 7th st, No. 203, n s, 69.6 e Sd
st, one three-sfcory frame tenem'fc, 31x27, fcin r-oof;
cost, $1,000; owner, Messrs. Haviland, Fulton afc
cor Columbia Heighta; buUders, S. Rippingale
and S. Bufcfc.
678—Ten Eyck st, n s, 100 w Buahwick av,
one threestory frame tenem'fc, 35x47, fcin roof;
cost, $4,500; owner, Charlea Meyer, 304 Meraerole
st; arcbitect, F. Holreberg.
679_(Jerry sfc, No. 73, w s, 175 n Harrison av,
one fcwo-story frame tenem'fc. 25x40, tiu-roof;
cost. $3,500; owner, L. Gundel, on premises;
builders, H. Bruchhauser aud Geo. Ross.
680—Hull sfc, n a, 175 e Saratoga av, ten two-
sfcory and basement frame dwell'gs, 17.6x36, tin
roof; cost, eacb, $3,000; owner and buUder,
John Baur, 89 HuU sfc; archifcecfc J. G, Glover.
681—Lafayefcte av, n s, 195 w Reid av. two
two-story and basement frame dweU'gs. 30x40;
cosfc, each, $2,400; owner, architecfc and builder, â–
Wm, J. Baxfcer, 1013 Lafayefcte av.
6S'2—Lynch st, s s, 355 e Harrison av, two fcwo
and three-story frame church and dwell'gs, 25
and 15x60, tin roof; cost, fcofcal, $7,000; owner,
architecfc and builder, WiUiam Diehl, 36 Mc¬
Kibben sfc.
683—Middleton st, s s, 860 e Harrison av, two
three-story frame teuem'ts, 30x46, tin roof; cost,
each, $3,500; owner and builder, F. Herte, 126
Norfch ith St.
tj84—Warren at, n s, 73 e Bond st, one three-
atory brick tenem'fc, 83.5x50, tin roof, wooden
cornice; cost, $5,000; owner, Michael McCanu,
Warren st, cor Bond sfc; archifcecfc, T. F. Hough¬
ton; builders, 0. Nolan and D. Ryan.
685—Park av, n a. befc Tompkins av and Del¬
monico pl, fcwo three-sfcory brick tenem'ts, 35x
85, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, each, $5,600; own¬
er and builder, Valentino Bruchhauser, on prem¬
ises; archifcect, A. Herbert.