The Record and Guide.
arch S't
March "tt, lit=-
SOUTH OF 14th street.
Greene st, s w cor Houston st, two six-story
brickl stores, comer 48xl(X).3, the other 47x85
and 7 foot extensions, tiu roofs; total cost, $150 -
000; owner, Wm. Astor, 23 VVest 36th st; archi¬
tect, W. Schickel. Plan 305.
Duane st, Nos. 177 and 170, one six-story brick
store, .50.8x85.9, tin roof ; cost, $18,000 ; owners,
John J. Jenkins, 347 West 33(1 st, and Johu I.
Lagrave, 17 East 53d st; architects and buUders,
F. & W. E. Bloodgood. Plan 380.
Grand st. No. 580, one flve-story brick tenem't
and store, 3.5x55, tin roof ; cost, $11,000; owner
and architect, Wm. R. Foster, '38 Canal st ;
buUders, Peter Tostevins' Sous and Guy Culgin.
Plau 375.
Henry st, s e cor Clinto"..- —s''~^i.'" i -i
tenem't, 33^24, tm roof- \*' V'fTj^'^^'^'y'iT
F. Huuer, 336 Madisor,^'"^'' *8 000; owner, Johu
Jr Plan 376 - -*''' architect, Geo. Vassar,
SuffoUc st. No, y—T . * , v • , i „,i
35.4x83, tin .-'â– ••â– -"^^ Sf'^'^ ^""^ ^T"^'
Malevilta. i'dorecost, *19,000 ; owner Charles
Plan 301-'ft.....'^â– '1 st; arclutect, W. Graul.
Welles, John "
b7-= .ewton, P'ay, Nos. 1'23 mid 135, oue six-story
i9 Nichol, 38.9x76 aud 19, tin roof; cost, $3.5,000;
c; Ella V. A. Dayton, 3.56 West 57th st, and
â– aiers; m-chitect, John C. Burne; builder, not
^elected. Plan 309.
10th st. No. 196, one five-story brick and brown
stone teuem't, 35x83, tin roof ; cost, $23,000 ;
owner. Anthony Richert, 36 East 31st st; archi¬
tect, W. Graul. Plau 307.
13th st. No. 531 E., rear, one two-story brick
shop, 35x30, tin roof; cost, $1,.500 ; owuer, Jacob
Rosenstein, 137th st and 1st av. Plan 306.
16th st. No. .528 W.. one two-story brick factory,
87x75, tin roof ; cost, $4,000 ; owner, Amedee
Castaing, 433 West 15th st ; architect, W. C.
Westervelt; buUder, uot selected. Plau 388.
30th st, s 3, 100 e 1st av, one five-story brick
factory, 100x98.9 and 60, tiu roof ; cost, $40,000 ;
owner, Jacob DoU, 331 East 13th st; architect,
Chas. Sturtzkober. Plan 397.
19th st. No. 1-24 W., one six-story brick aud-
stone store and lofts, 25x96, tin roof; cost, $'25,000;
owner, Edward Janson, 120 West 19th st; aichi¬
tect, J. Hoffmann. Plan 300.
Broadway, n e cor .5;id st, five one-story brick
stores, -20x80, tin roots; total cost, $12,000; owner,
Cecile Rusch, Bergen, N. J.; architect, C. C.
Haight; buUder, L. H. WUUams. Plan 311.
â– loth av, w s, 25 n 47th st, flve five-story brick
tenem'ts, 25.1x82, tin roofs; cost, each $15,000;
oivner, Chas. Lindner, 1st av, s e cor Oth st; ar¬
chitects, A. Pfuud & Sou. Plan 314.
5th avenue.
63d st, B 8,300 e 2d av, one one-story brick office,
12x30, gravel roof ; cost, .$500 ; owner, Mary D.
Peyster, 113 East 36th st; arclutect, Emlen T.
LitteU; builders, Moran & Armstrong. Plau 281.
63d st, s s, 200 e '2d av, rear, oue three-story
brick stable, 50x50. gravel roof ; cost, $8,.500 ;
owner, ai-chitect and buUders, same as last. Plau
77th st, s s, 175 w 2d av, two five-story brick
tenem'ts aud stores, 3.5x83, tiu roofs ; cost, each,
$18,000 ; owner, Henry Lipman, 142 East 73d st ;
architect, G. W. Spitzer. Plau 293.
74th st, n s, 70 w 3d av, one five-story browu
stone frout tenem't and store, 30x01, tui roof ;
owner. Christian F. Bruggemann, 175 East 74th
st; architect, J. H. Valentme. Plan 308.
104th st, n w cor 4th av, one four-story brown
stone tenem't, 18x62, tin roof; cost, $13,000; owner,
architect and buUder, William FemschUd, 324
East 114th St. Plau 203.
106th st, s s, 130 w 4th av, three four-story
apartmeut houses, 29x(iO, extension 17x21, tin
roofs ; cost, each, $20,0()0 ; owner, Hugh Mc-
GilUvi-ay, 1611 Lexiugton av; architect, John C.
Bume; bmlder. not selected. Plan 310.
87th st, n s, 106.6 e 1st av, eight five-story brick
(stone trimmed) tenem'ts, "25x67, tin roofs; cost,
each $18,000; owner, Thomas Moore, '240 East
71st st; architects, Thom& WUson. Plan 31.5.
6'2d Rt, s s, 300 e 10th av, one five-story brick
tenem't, 25xt>5, extension, 5x12.8, tin roof; cost,
$13,000 ; o-wner, JuUa Renaud, 343 West 131st st;
architects, Cleverdon & Putzel. Plan '284.
62d st, n s, 100 w 9th av, five five-story browu
stone tenem'ts, 25x88 and 84, tiu roof; cost, days'
work ; owners, GiUie, Walker & Lawson,* 5'3S
West 51st st; architect, M. L. Ungiich ; builder,
days' work. Plan 302.
135th st, s e cor St. Nicholas av, five flve-story
brick stores aud tenem'ts, 30x78 tin roofs ; cost,
----- ; owner, James Cassidj-, r24th st aud St.
Nicholas av; architect, Geo. J. Cai'ey. Plau 304.
9th av, s w cor 93d st, oue five story brick and
Vermont marble apartment house, tin roof; cost,
about $1.50,000; owner, Mrs. E. S. Auchmuty, 61
University pl; architects, Renwick, AspinwaU and
RusseU; buUder, The New York Trade School.
Plan 813.
ROKTH OF 125th ST.
139th st, n s, through to 130th st, 425 e 12th st,
one three-story brick cai--house aud stable, .50x
199.10, gravel roof; cost, $40,000; owner, St.
Nicholas Construction Co., Daniel D. Wylie,
Pres., 697 Madisou av: arcliitects, Thayer & Rob¬
inson ; buUder, Thos. Dobbin. Plan 277.
132d st, u s, a7o w Tth av, eight three-story aad
Plan -278—Quincy st, u s, 200 w Sumner av,
five two-story browu stoue dwell'gs, '211x42,
tin roofs, wooden cornices: cost, eacii $5,000;
ovmer, Wm. Johnstone, 324 St. Johiis pl; arclu¬
tect, I. D. Rej-nolds.
'279—Bergen st, s s, 125 e Nevins st, oue four-
story brick tenem't, 2.5x55, aud one-story brick
stable, 35x20, tin roof, woodeu cornice; total
cost, $10,000; owuer, John Harvey, 637 e 16th st.
New York; architect, I. D. Reyuolds; builder, O.
-280—Linden st, n s, 300 w Bushwick av, four two-
story nud basement brick dweU'gs, 20x40, tin
roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each $4,000 ;owner, S.
M. MIeeker, 64 Brotidway; architect, E. F. Gaylor;
biulder, J. Rueger.
381—Van Cott av or .5th st, s s, 156.6 e Union
av, one one-story brick smelting works, 50x()0, tin
roof; cost, $4,000: owner, D. Culhane, 87 4th st;
architect, A. O. Hoddick.
382—Marion st, n s, .50 e Itockaway av, oue two-
story frame dweU'g, 19.4x:i5, tin roof; cost, $1,800;
owner, AVm. M. Sweeney, 1.535 Broadway; builder,
P. Modest.
2.83—Beaver st, Nos. 04 and 66, one one-story
frame stable, 16x13, tin roof; cost, $150; owuer,
Johu Ilerschfeld, ou premises; architect, F.
284—Marion st, n e cor Howard av, fouj- two-
story frame dweU'gs, 18.9x33, and one-story exten¬
sion, 11x14, brick tUled, tini-oof; cost, each *2,.500;
owner and arclutect, Augustus B. Pettit, 283
Chauncey st.
28.5—Walworth st, w s, about 250 n De Kalb av,
oue one-story frame shed, 16x16, gravel roof; cost,
$75; owner, E. D. Vrooman, 217 Spencer st.
-2s6—Evergreen av, e s, 75 n Suydam st, one
two-story frame stable, 13x25, tin roof; cost, $192;
owner, H. Brouchies, Suydam st; architect, F.
Holmberg; buUder, F. Stemmler.
2S7—Evergreen av, Nos. 351 and 3.53, oue one-
story frame factory, 14x16, gravel roof; cost, $50;
owner, C. G. GaUagher, 99.5 De Kalb av; builder,
Chas. WUsou.
4.5 semeut brown stone front dwell'gs, 10 and 1.5^
J , tin and slate roofs ; cost, each $8,000 ; owner,
aac E. Wright, 198;i Madison av ; architects,
Cleverdon & Putzel. Phin -289.
140th st, n s, 195 w Sth av, oue one-aud-a-half-
stoi-y frame stable, 30x15, gravel roof; cost,-----;
owner. Patrick Halpin, 140th st, near Sth av.
Plan 378.
Tth av, w s, Ijet 145th and 146th sts, one two-story
frame engine repair-shop, 102xl!)s, tin roof; cost,
$17,000; owner, &c., Manhattan K. R. Co., No. 71
Broadway. Plan 398.
8th av, e s, bet USth and 146th sts, three sections
of trestle work, aU joined for storing cars, &c.,
119x.5tX), to be one-story high and of yellow pine;
cost, $21,000; owner, &c., same as last. Plan 2',)9.
23d and 34th WARD" E"
Bathgateav, '^. s J.8.5.5 ^.-^j^ ^j ^n^ t^^,o.stor/o
*'2I,"u>'.cuK, <Jlx27, shingle roof; cost, $3,000;
owner, E. S. Westeott, 1883 Washington av; ,
buUder, Wm. R. Holder. Plan 201.
Kingsbridge road, n s, 17 e Courtlaudt aVj one
one-aud-a-half-story frame stable, 3.5x34, shingle
roof; cost, $2,000; owner, Nettie Lynch, 5.58 Lex¬
ington av; architect, C. Abbott French; buUder,
not selected. Plan '2i87.
Simpson st, w s, 1.53 n Home st (at l()8th st),
one two-story fi-aiue dweil'g, 18x43, shingle roof;
cost, $3,750; owuer, B. Bengtsou; architect, J. N.
GUlespie. Plau 296.
Walnut st, n s, 1.50 e Jerome av, one two-story
frame dweU'g, '22x35, tiu roof; cost, $1,6(X); owner,
Julius Kaesemeyer, Jerome av aud 173d st. Plan
133d st, s s, 200 e Willis av, oue one-storj- frame
dancing platform, 200x60; tm roof; cost, $10,000;
lessee, August Baur, Southern Boulevai-d and
WUUs aV; architect, A. Arctander. Plan 290.
147th st, s e cor Southern Boulevard, two three-
story frame dweU'gs aud stores, 20x40, tin roofs;
cost, each, $1,500; owner, Wm. Ryan, ou prem¬
ises; buUder, T. C. Suedecker. Plan 274.
149th st, n s, 1'25 e Courtlandt av, one four-story
brick aud frame teuem't, 25x56, extensiou 15x11.6,
tiu roof; cost, $6,000; owner, George Ott, 14Uth st,
near 3d av; ai-chitect, Julius Ka.stner. Plan 285.
164th st, No. 759 E., one three-story fi-ame
dweU'g, 32x40, tin roof; cost,-----; owner, Mary
Schiff, 755 East 164th st; architect, Louis Falk.
Plan 395.
169th st, s s, 50 w Union av, one tiiree-stoi-y
frame dweU'g, 22x40, tiu roof; cost, $4,000; owuer,
Peter Lotz, 9.89 East 169th st; architect and
builder, Louis Falk. Plan 294.
Madisou av, e s, 216 s Fite-h st (24th Ward), one
two-story frame dweU'g, 18x43, tin roof; cost,
$2,200; owner, Albert Ayres, 1793 North odav;
architect, W. W. Gardiner. Plan 273.
Riverside av, s s, adj N. Y. City & N. R. R.,
one-story frame newssiand, 9x16; cost, -----;
lessee, Jos. H. Godwin, Kingsbridge. Plan '279.
Washiugtou av, w s, 188 u Bayard st, one two-
story frame dweU'g, 18x26; tin roof; cost,-----;
owuer, Patrick Doran, 1663 3d av. Plan '292.
3d av, u w cor 141st st, two four and three-story
brick tenemt's and stores, 31 and '29.6x83 and 19x
Oi, tin roofs; total cost, $23,000; owuer, Johu
Bates; .527 East 141st st; architects, Cleverdon &
Putzel. Plan 283.
Gambril st. No. 388, n s, about 100 e Marion
av, one two-story frame dweil'g, 19.8x46, shingle
roof; cost, $2,6(J0; owner, Charles Sci-j-mgeour,
835 trreeuwich st; aichitect and builder, F. D.
MUler. Plan 312.
293 18
2,2-27 00
711 21
97 70
83 .50
-288—Vemon av, s s, 300 e Lewis av, one three- ^-,—,-------------------------, -----------
story brick dweU'g, 17.1x35, tiu roof; cost, $2,300; ' Humboldt st; architect, Th. Engelhardt,
owner and buUder, Henry Grasman; architec F.
289—6th av, s w cor Prospect av, ten three-st*..
frame tenem'ts, 18x45 and 10.8x4.5, tin roofs, ii
and brick cornices; cost, average, $3,.500; owue
ai-chitect and buUder, James H. Darrow, 490 8t
a V; mason, not selected.
290—Halsey st, n s, 178.6 w Broadway, on,
three story brick cur-house and stable, 310 and
HH.7x'2O0, gravel roof, iron and brick cornice;
cost, $35,000 ; owners, Brooklyn City R. R., 10
Fulton st; arceitect, A. W. Dickie.
291—21st st, s s, 150 w Tth av, one one-storf
frame dweU'g, 18x34, tin roof; cost, $400; ownei
Martin B. Graver, '248 21st st; builders, J. Thr»
son and G, H«.iau"-i'. ii. ""
14 WeUmau, (Jeorge F.—M. S.'li-rosL... â–
14 White, WUUam E.—Leopold Lith¬
auer ..............................
14 Worthington, Richard—Julius Bien
....................3 judsfs, total
14 Ward, Edward J.—Hugh McLaugh-
14+Whiting, Frank—Sigmund HUdes-
14 WeUman, George F.—M. S. Frost..
16 WUson, Andrew F.—Wm. Lindsay.
16 the same-----Robert Go i'¬
le Walton, Prancls.7^ No. 215, one four-story
• ^ WUson, Ete tenem't, 2.5x65, tiu roof, iron
Wilson.,!;, .$9,000; owner, W. Hemrichs, 122
l6.3Vxflt<;t; architect, H. VoUweUer.
'29(i—President st, n s, 3.50 w Columbia st, one
two-story brick dweU'g, 22.6 and 45x30, one-
story brick extension, 32.6x38, tin roof, brick cor¬
nice: cost, $3,.500; owners, E. & G. CorreU;
builders, R. O. Shea & Son.
•207—Vemon av, n s, 4iJ w Sumner av, two two-
story and basement bron-n stone dweU'gs, 20x42,
tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, $4,.500 each; owner,
Adela Longhi, WiUoughby av, cor Sumner av;
architect and buUder, A. MiUer.
298—Garden st, e s. No. '25, one three-stoi-y
frame (brick filled) tenem't, 35x.55, tin roof; cost,
$4,000: owner Martin Stumph, 345 Stanton st.
New York; architect, H. VoUweUer.
•299—Frost st. No. 189, n s, 50 w Humboldt st,
one three-story frame tenem't, ''5x50, tin roof;
cost, $4,000; owner, John H. McKenna, 106 SkiU¬
man av, architects aud cai-jentirs, Sammis &
Bedford; masons, Doyle & Brazil.
'300—Garden st. No. 24, e s, "one three-story
frame (brick filled) teuem't, 15x.55, tin roof; cost,
$1,.50O; owner, Martin Stumph. 345 Stanton st.
New York; arclutect, H. V^oUweiler.
301—Hull st, u s, 225 e Stone av, oue two-story
frame (brick tilled) dweU'g, 18x30, and extensiou,
13x16; cost, .$3,200; owuer, Mi-s. Sarah Grimes 81
Warreu St. New York; architect, C. R. Miller;
buUders, Fi-. Father and Wm. Kolckhorst.
30-2—Johnson st, Nos. 240 aud 344, s s, 40 w
Raymond st, three three-story brick tenem'ts, 30.4
and 20x37 to 44, tin roofs, woodeu cornices; total
cost, $10,000; owner and builder, Peter Barrett.
'246 Johnson st; architect, J. M. FarreU.
303—Floyd st. No. 1'2'.), one three-story frame
(brick filled) teneni't, '2.5x60, tin roof; cost, $3,000;
owner, Mrs. M. Mullen, 131 Floyd st; architect,
C. F. Eisenach; builder, not selected.
304—WiUoughby st, u w cor Pearl st, rear of lot
one one-story and basement brick office, gravel
roof, wooden cornice; cost, $1,8.50; owner, George
T. Lain; architect and bmlder, W. C. Booth.
30.5—Montague st, u s, 81 e Hicks st, oue seven
story and attic apartment house, 51 and 45x88,
mansard, slate and metal root, metal and terra
cotta cornice ; cost, $55,000; owner, W. Zieg¬
ler; architects, Parfitt Bros.; supt. of construc¬
tion. W. C. Bush.
30(3—Montague st, n s, abt 157 e Hicks st, two
seven-story aud attic apartment houses, each 50
and 45x88, roofs same as last; total cost, $140,000;
owuer, Henry WeU; architect, &c., same as last.
307—Stuyvesant av, e s, 80 n Monroe st, oue
two-story brick stable, -20x-25, tiu roof, wooden
cornice; cost, $900; owner, John Kopke, Stuy¬
vesant av, cor Monroe st; builders, E. T. Rutan
and Jas. Shirden.
308—Quincy st, n s, 235 e Sumner av, six three-
story and basement brown stone dweU'gs, 16.8x44,
tiu roofs, woodeu cornices; cost, each, $5,(X)0;
owuer, Wm. Godfrey, 348 Monroe st.
309—Maujer st, n s, 1'25 e Grtiham av, three
four-story frame (brick filled) stores and dweU'gs,
25X.55, tin roofs; cost, each, $4,0(X); owner aud
builder, Wm. Young, 290 Devoe st
310—Grand st. No. 566, 75 w Humboldt st, one
four-story brick store and tenem't, 24x55, tin
roof, iron cornice; cost, $6,000; owner and archi¬
tect, PhUbp Light; bmlders, Ulrich Maurer and
Michael Metzen.
311—Butler st, n s, 380 w Bond st, one three-
story brick tenem't, 20x4.5, tin roof, wooden cor¬
nice; cost, $4,000; owner, Mary Lj'nch, 604 Car¬
roll st; architect, I. D. Rej-nolds.
312—Ryerson st, w s, 80 n WUloughby av, one
two-storj- brick stable. '20x25, tin roof, brick cor¬
nice; cost, $1,000; ou-ner, Henry F. Neiber, cor
Rj-erson st and WiUoughby av; bmldei-s, Fitall &
313—Jackson st. No. UO, s s, 135 w Ewen st,
oue three-storj- frame (brick tilled) teuem't, '25x
50, tin roof: cost, $4,.5(X); owner, Jacob Zermann,
on premises; architect aud builder, J. J. Smith.
314—Middleton st, us, 100 w Harrison av, oue
tlu-ee-story frame (brick flUed) tenem't, 30x50, tiu
roof; cost, $4,000; owner and buUder, F. Mos-
setter, Han-ison av, cor Middleton st; architect,
Th. Engelhardt.
315—Humboldt st, Nos. 75, TT, T9 and 81 u w-
cor Moore st, four tiuee-story frame (brick filled)
stores aud tenem'ts, '25x50, tin roofs; cost, each,
$4,000; owner and buUder,_ Christian Bott, 9*2