May 16,1885
The Record and Guide.
front tenem't, 25x80.6, tin roof; cost, $18,000;
Anna J. Bennet, 1.50 Broadway; ar'ts, A. B.
Ogden & Son. Plan 704.
Hudson st, Nos. 601 and 603, one five-story brick
flat, 3^x56, tin roof; cost, $26,000; Wra. Gibson,
830 West 12th st; ar't, Janies I. Lyons; b'rs. S.
F. Coddington and John C. Wessels. Flan 716.
Stanton st. No. 237, one five-story briek tenem't,
25x61, tin roof; cost, S15,0o0; Frank A. Seitz, 315
East 42d st; ar't, Wm. Graul. Plan 710.
18th St. No. 4.34 W.,one five-story brick tenem't,
25x78, tin roof: cost, $17,000; Louis Dreyer, 339
West 18th st; ar't, Chas. Rentz. Plan 6'.I2.
35th st. No. 324 E., one five story brick tenem't,
25x82, tin roof; cost, $16,000; Mary Ann Peter¬
son, Brooklyn; ar't, James Kyle. Plan 688.
46th st. No. 528 W., one five story brick tenem't,
25x65, till roof; cost, $12,000; Mrs. Sarah Mc¬
Donald, on premises; ar't, J. M. Forster. Plan
Sth av. No. 4.54, one flve-story brick tenem't and
store, 25x83, tin roof; cost, $17j000; Caroline
Moench, 328 E. 69th st; ar't, J. Kastner. Plan
.50th st. No. 402 W., one four-story brick dweU'g
and store, 20x27 and 32, tm roof; cost, $5,000;
Geo. beitweisner, 403 West SOth st; ar't, Joseph
Wolf. Plan 686.
Av A, w s, 100 s 57th st, one two-story brick
stable, 33x102.5, tiu roof; cost, $7,000; Schmitt &
Schwanenfluegel, 163 East 59th st; ar'ts, A. Pfund
& Son. Plan 699.
Ilth av. No. 427, one oue-story brick office, 16x
18, gravel roof: cost, $400; K. H. Stiles, Brook¬
lyn; b'rs, Wm. McGrath and owner. Plan 693.
46th st, Nos. 530 and .532 W., two five-story brick
tenem'ts, 25x65, tin roofs; cost, each, $24,000;
Mrs. Margaret Costello, 532 West 46th st; ar't,
John M. Forster. Plan 71.5.
1st av. No. 294, one one-story brick stable,
34xI4K, tin roof; cost, $650; Ernst F. Bliss, 374
Sth avr Plan 722.
1st av. No. 974, one five-story brick tenem't,
20X.55, tin roof; cost, $10,000; John A. Hofsass,
967 1st av; ar't, Adam Weber. Plan 720.
5th avenue.
64th st, s s, 350 e 2d av, an open frame stone¬
cutters shed, 60x25; cost, $200; Ryan & Rawns-
ley, 1315 2d av. Plan 703.
76th st, s s, 175 w 2d av, one five-story brick
tenem't, 25.x85, tin roof; cost, $18,000; Annie E.
Kelly, 434 East 75th st; ar't, G. A. ScheUenger.
Plan 706.
Av A, s e cor 85th st, two five-story brown stone
front tenem'ts and stores, 25 and 26x<'2, tin roofs;
cost, $.-22,000 and $18,000; Frederick Schuck, n w
cor A V A aud 86th st; ar't, John Brandt. Plan
69th st, n s, 200 e Madison av, one four-story
and basement brick dweil'g, 35x67, brick and tile
roof; cest, $35,000; Chas. E. Butler, Buckingham
Hotel; ar't, Stephen D. Hatch; b'rs, Robert L.
Darragh & Co. Plan 714.
Madison av, n e cor Olst st, front on av, six
three-story and basement brick dwell'gs, (one) 15,
(four) 17, and (one) 17.8x47.6, tin roofs; cost, each,
$10,000; Alen D. Duff, 321 East 86th st; ar't, Fred.
T. Camp. Plan 709.
122 I st, n s, 136 e 3d av, one five-story briek
tenem't, 25x85, tin roof; cost, $13,.5O0; EhseThau,
211 East 122d st; ar't and m'n, Louis Ungrich; b'r,
day's work. Plan 717.
84th st. No. '241 E., one two-story brick stable,
25.5x17, tin roof; cost, $300; Adam Faist, on
premises; ar't, Adam Weber. Plan 731.
9th av, s e cor 62d st, one fiye-story brick flat
and store, "25x96, tin roof; cost, $)J5,0C0; Peter
Waguer, 448 VVest 47th st, and John M. Ruck,
a59 West 58th st; ar't, C. F. Ridder, Jr.; b'r, not
selected. Plan 700.
94th st, n s, 225 w Sth av, three three-story brick
dweU'gs, 16 and 18x.56, tin roofs; cost, each,
$20,00*1; Thoinas Auld, '233 West 55th st; ar't, G.
A. ScheUenger. Plan 705.
UOth and 1'25th streets, between 5th and
8th avenues.
sth av, s e cor 123d st, one five-story brick
tenem't and store, 3.5x95, tin roof: cost, $35,000;
Lorenz Weiher, New RocheUe, N. Y.; ar't, John
Brandt. Plan 689.
Sth av, e s, 25 3 122d st, five five-story brick
tenem's and stores, '25 and 24x62, tin roofs; cost,
each, $15,(K)0; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan
St. Nicholas av, n e cor 121st st, two five-story
brick tenem'ts and stores, 25x62 and 27.6x63, tin
roofs; cost, each, $18,000 and $15,000; ow'r and
ar't, same as last. Plan 691.
Bloomingdale road, n e cor 14lst st, one three¬
story trame dweil'g, '27.lx.55, shingle roof; cost,
$6,000; Annie E. Brown, 1.5-2d st and Uthav; ar't,
W. H. Berrian. Plan 68.5.
167th st, s 8, 100 e 10th av, three two-story brick
and stone dweU'gs, 16.8x40, tm roofs; cost, each,
$1,800; Frank Lober, 166th st, near 10th av; ar't,
F. WolfCersdorflC; b'rs, Frank Ross and F. Wolf-
fersdorff. Plan 6'.i6.
Sth av, n e cor 128th st, six three-story brown
stone front dweU'gs, all on av, tive, 30, and one,
24.11x80, tin roofs; cost, each, $1,5,000; Isaac E.
Wright, 1988 Madison av; ar'ts, Cleverdon & Put¬
zel. Plan 713.
Sth av, s w cor 133d st, ten four-story brown
stone front dweU'gs, eight on av and two on st, I7
to 20x60, tiu roofs; cost, each, $17,000; James Fet¬
treteh, 960 Park av; ar'ts, Cleverdon & Putzel.
Plan 712.
New av, e s, 75 n 143d st, two two-story frame
dwell'gs, 20x34, tin roofs; cost, each, $1,800; Pat¬
rick J. O'Brien, 143d st, near Sth av; ar't and b'r,
Garrett Van Cleive. Plan 733.
St. Nicholas av, e s, 340 n Ulst st, two three¬
story frame dweU'gs,20x.50, tinroofs; cost, each,
$3,.500; ow'r, ai-'t and b'r, same as last. Plan 724.
Sth av, e s, 35 n Ulst st, one two-story frame
stable,'25x35, tin roof;cost, $200; John W. Guigan,
on premises; ar't and b'r, same as last. Plan 735.
St. Nicholas av, w s, 34.11 n 147th st, two two-
and mansard story brick dweU'gs, 35x60, shingle,
slate and tin roofs; cost, each, $7,000; Mre. Frank
Leslie, Victoria Hotel; ar't, E. A. Sargent. Plan
St. Nicholas av, w s, 74.11 s USth st, two two-
and-mansard-story brick dwell'gs, 35x60, shingle,
slate and tin roofs; cost, each, $7,000; Richai-d P.
Messiter; ai-'t, E. A. Sargent. Plan 727.
2.3d and 24th wards.
Waverly st, s s, 3:i5 e Central av, one three¬
story frame dweU'g, 19x40, shingle roof; cost,
$2,100; Hugh F. Burns, .559 West 48th st; ar't,
Geo. H. Budlong; b'r, Stephen W. Smith, Plan
Ogden av, s s, 200 w Devoe st, four two-story
and attic frame dwell'gs, 20x.50, shingle roofs;
cost, each, $5,000: D. A. McLeod, 29 Bridge st;
ar't, Alfred E. Barlow; b'rs, Jacob V. Myers and
D. McLeod & Son. Plan 698.
Washington av, Nos. 1815 and 1817, one one-
story frame church, .50x47, shingle roof; cost,
.?4,.500; Trustees Tremont Baptist Church, H. C.
Mandeville, pastor, 1760 Washington av; ar't,
Fi-ank,F. Ward; b'r, not selected. Plan 7o2.
Kingsbridge road, n s, 400 w Central av, one
one-story frame woodshed, 14x10, shingle roof;
cost,------; Chas. L. Camman, Fordham; b'r, C.
B.Schuyler. Plan 711.
.3d av, w s, 60 s 151st st, one one-story frame
workshop, 31x60 and 70, gravel roof; eost, $9.50;
FrankUn A. Wilcox, 933 Madison av; b'rs, Jan¬
son & Jaeger. Plan 70S.
Frankliu av, w s, 250 n 177th st, one one-and-a-
half-story framedwell'g, 13x18, shingle roof; cost,
$30U; James Fitzpatrick, 1'2S8 Mechanic st, West
Farms; ar't, John E. Kirby. Plan 718.
Willis av. No. 343, one one-story frame work¬
shop, 16x13, board roof; cost, $.50; ow'r, &c.,
Jesse M. Clock, on premises. Plan 719.
Plan 6.57—Broadway, s e cor Adamsst, one three¬
story brick office, salesroom and refrigerating
buUding, '25x100, tin roof, brick cornice; cost,
abt $7,000; E. C. Swift, LoweU, Mass.; ai-'t, S. E.
Goodrich; b'r, B. F. BaUey.
658—Clifton pl. No. 206, s s, bet FrankUn and
Bedford avs, one two-story brick dweU'g, 35x36,
tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $2,000; Patrick
McDermott, on premises; b'r, J. Kennedy.
6.59—Jefferson st, Nos. 132 and 134, ses, 325 n
e Central av, two threestory frame tenem'ts, '25x
•52, tin roofs; cost, each, $3,800; ow'r and b'r,
Casp. Gossmann, 138 Ellery st; ar't, E. Schrampf.
660—Jefferson st, s s, 97.6 from St. Nicholas av,
one one-story frame (brick filled) dweU'g, 22x40,
tin roof; cost, $7IH); Robert Schneider, 133 Trout¬
man st, ar't and b'r, Thos. D. Eadie.
661—Greenpoint av. No. 209, one three-story
frame tenem't, 35x4.5, brick ffiled, tin roof; cost,
$3,.5I>0; Peter Dougherty, '209 Greenpoint av; b'r,
D. O'Keefe; ar't, F. Holmberg.
663—Wolcott st. No. 70, n s, 181 w Richard st,
one three-story frame tenem't, .23x28, tin roof;
cost, $3,100; John FuUen, on premises; ar't and
c'r, T. Bromell; m'ns, P. KeUy & Sou.
663—De Kalb av, n s, 330 e Raymond st, one
three story attic and basement brick and Pleasant
VaUey brown stone mission and dweil'g, .50x44.9,
metal and slate roof, terra cotta and copper cor¬
nice; cost, $3.5,000; A. A. Low, 3 Pierrepont pi;
ar'ts, Parfitt Kros.; b'r, L. W. Seaman.
664—Sullivan st, s s, 80 e Richard st, two three¬
story fraine tenem'ts, 14 and 38x50; tin roofs; cost,
$6,650; T. Gerrethe. on premises; ar't and c'r, C.
M. Detlefsen; m'n, T. KoUy.
66.5—Sth av, n w cor President st, four three¬
story brick dweU'gs and tenem'ts, 31, 23 and 30x
65, gravel roofs, wooden cornices; cost, $30,()(K);
ow'r and m'n, Wm. Corrigan, '223 Uthst; ar't and
c'r, P. Corrigan.
666—Nostrand av, e s, 54.1 n Atlantic av, three
two-story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 1.5
x40, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, eaeh, $4,000;
James O. Carpenter, 130New York av; ar'ts, Geo.
Geo. P. ChappeU & Co.; b'rs, J. Ashfield & Son
and Powderly & Murphy.
667—Macon st, s s, 309 e Nostrand av, one three¬
story brick dweU'g, 31x40, and extension 1.5.6x13,
slate and tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $8,000;
Frank Seaman, 183 Rodney st; ar't, A. O. Hod¬
dick; b'r, W. J. Moran.
66S-Clai-k st, Nos. .551-.5.55, n s, 100 from
Hicks st, one eight-story and attic hotel and
apartment house, 75 and 72x95, mansard roof,
iron cornice; cost, $170,000; W. Tumbridge, 78
Hicks st; ar't, A. Hatfield.
669—Schenck st, w s, 100 n Myitle av, one two-
and-a-half story frame (brick filled) dweU'g, '2.5x
40, gravel roof; cost, $4,000: Frauk Ward, 375
Myrtle av; ar't and b'r, J. T. Hanlon.
670—Garden st, e s, 100 s Flushing av, one two¬
story frame (brick filled) dweU'g, '20x45, tin roof;
cost, $2,000; ow'r and ar't,------ Hagen, 401 Bush¬
wick av; b'r, J. Rueger.
671—Throop av, w s, 23 n Lexington av, four
two-story and basement brick dweU'gs, 19.3x48
and 42, tinroofs, wooden cormces; tost, $18,000;
ow'r and b'r, John McDikken, 383 Mai-ion st.
673—India st. No. 86, s s, east ot Franklin st,
one three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x40,
gravel roof; cost, $5,000; ow'r and c'r, Dennis
Devine, on premises; ar't, F. Weber; m'n, J.
673—Howard av, w s, 40 n McDonough st, one
two-story frame (brick filled) dweU'g, 17x.30, tin
roof; cost, $1,000; T. Vincent, 400 Gates av; ar't,
A. McKnight.
674—Bergen st, n s, 50 e Vanderbilt av, one one-
story brick carriage shed, 21x21, tin roof, wooden
cornice; cost, $350; Wm. Carey, VanderbUt av,
Bergen st; ar't, T. F. Houghton.
675—St. Marks av, s s, abt 135 w New York av,
one three-story brick and stone dweU'g, 28 and
30.6x48, slate and tin roof, iron cornice; cost,
about $15,000; Wm. H. Addoms, Cliff st. New
Vork; ar't, H. P. Fowler; b'rs, Jas. Ashfleld &
Son and Morris & Selover.
676—Adams st, w s, SO n Myrtle av, one flve-
story brick police court house, 45x11.5.11, tin and
slate roof, metal cornice; cost, $45,22a; City
Brooklyn; ar'ts, Parfitt Bros.; b'r, P. J. Carlin.
677—Dean st, n s, 95 e Washington av, one
threestory brick armory building, 100x110, tin
roof, slate and brick cornice; cost, abt $.50,000;
Kings County; ar't, R. Dixon; b'rs, H. D. and
W. A. Southard.
678—Quincy st, n s, 85 e Reid av, twelve two-
and-a-half-story brown stone dweU'gs, 20x42, Iin
roofs, iron or wooden cornices: cost, each, $5,500;
Mrs. R. Gill, 201 Keap st; b'r, J. Roper.
679—Reid av, n e cor Hancock st, one three¬
story brown stoue store and dweU'g, 22x52, tin
roof, wooden cornice; cost, $12,000; Chas. H. Al¬
thaus, 466 Carlton av; ar't, Carl F. Eisenach: b'l's,
J. J. GaUagher and F. D. Norris.
680—Monroe st, n s, 100 e Lewis av, one three¬
story and basement brick dweU'g, 20x40, tin root,
wooden cornice; cost, $4,800; Mrs. Marcia De
Castro, 257 Lewis av; ar't, J. S. Stevens; b'r, M.
681—Bushwick av, No. 200, e s, 60 s Ten Eyck
st, one three-story frame (brick filled) tenem't,
24 and 32.6x40 aiid 41, tin roof; cost, $8,.500;
ow'r and b'r, Joseph Amrein, on premises; ar't,
Th. Engelhardt.
(583—Columbia st, e s, 34 n Garnet st, one one-
story frame dweU'g, 21.6x30, tin roof; cost, $800;
Michael Dower, 42.5 Columbia st; ar'ts and c'rs,
Gleason & Son; m'n, D. Coughlin.
683—Lorimer st. No. 145, w s, 35 n Ten Eyckst,
one two-story trame (brick ffi ed) tenem't, â– 2.5x'28,
tin roof; cost, $3,000; ow'r and b'r, Wm. Kopp, on
premises; ar't, Th. Engelhardt.
684—Park av, n e cor Carlton av, three four-
story brick stores and tenem'ts, 30.6, 36 and 39.6x
43, 44 and 48, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost,
$18,700; L. M. Goldrick, 95 CUnton st; ar't, M. J.
Morrill; b'rs, P. J. Carlin and Long & Barues.
685—Central av. No. 33, e s, 30 n Prospect st,
oue threestory frame teneni't, 25x.55, tin roof;
cost, $4,300; Joseph Wendel, 34 Central av; ar't,
Th. Engelhardt; b'r, D. Kreuder.
686—Degraw st, n s, 300 w Nostrand av, one
two-story brick dweU'g, 20x36, gi-avel roof, wood¬
en cornice; cost, $2,000; Martin Cuberton, 132S
Douglass st; ar't, O. D. Thompson.
(>87—3d av, e s, 20.2 s 38th st, two four-story
brick tenem'ts, 20.X.50, tin roofs, wooden cornices;
cost, each, $8,500;|ow'r and ar't, John H. O'Romke
119 38th st; b'rs, Johu Andei-son and J. H.
688—Park av, n s, 75 e Schenck st, one one-story
frame shed, 36x10, gravel roof; cost, $140; Geo.
S. Harris, 567 Myitle St.
Plan 1027—1st av. No. 809, new show windows
in store front; cost, $350; A. Lion, 136 East 83d
st; b'r, Chas. Seitz.
1038—23d st. No. 67 W., two-story brick exten¬
sion, 20x32, front and rear walls taken out and
iron girder and posts put in; cost, $10,000; Chas.
Kelly Briddon, on premises; ar'ts, J. C. Cady &
1029—Madison av, n e cor 30th st, raise one
story (twelve-story) flre proof; cost, $15,000: Jno.
S. EUis, 139 Front st, and others; ar'ts, Hubert,
Pirsson \^ Co.
1030—22d st. No. 432 W., bay window in exten¬
sion; cost, $150; Mary C. Fraser, on premises; b'r,
Elward Smith.
1031—3d st, Nos. 1 and 3 W., repair damage by
flre; cost, $ti.50; Robert Hoe, Jr., exr., U East
36th st; b'rs, A. C. Hoe & Co.
1032—West st. No. 28, one-story brick exten¬
sion, 14x7, and take out rear wall in flrst story
and put in iron girder; cost, $2,000; Mrs. H. G.
Gerry, '261 Broadway; ar'ts, Renwick, AspinwaU
& RusseU; b'rs, Moran & Armstrong and Grissler
& Fausel.
103:^—1st av. No. 105, alterations to store front;
cost, $400; Maria Ohl, exr., SO 2d av; ar't, F. W.
1034—78th st. No. 119 E., general repairs; cost,
$3,000; Chas. Rosenbaum, 119 East 78th st; ar'ts,
Schwarzman & Buchmanii; b'r, W. Armstrong.
1035—New av, e s, 100 n 145th st, move three
frame buildings from opposite side of the av and
set them on new foundations; cost,------; Annie
E. Brown^ ]S2d st, near Grand Boulevard; ar't,
Wm. H. Berrian.
1036—3d av. No. 1B52, store front altered, and
new stairs; cost, $300; John D. OttiweU, 316 East
104th st; b'r, Geo. W. Cor^on.
1037—CUft St. No. 91, rebuild real- fence wall;
cost, $300; John ChatUlon & Sons, 89 Cliff' st; ar't,
J. Kastner; b'r, Robert Huson.
1038—8d av, No. 3143, alterations to store front;
cost, $500; lessee, Heury KeUty, 312 Waverly pl;
art, Bart Walther.