The Record and Guide.
June 12, 1886
ton Riker. owner, and Elihu Porter, con¬
tractor .................................. 1,755 03
10 Fifty-ninth st. s s, 100 e Oth av, 75x100.5.
American Mfg. and Supply Co. agt George
Kick, owner, and Thomas Hickey and
Patrick Green, contractors............... 450 41
11 Eighteenth st. No. 333 E., w s, abt 260 w 1st
av, 20 ft front. Edward Kennedy agt
Isaac D. Brodok, owner and contractor... 259 50
^. Washington av, s e cor 17Tth st, 50x50___(
Was^hington av. s w cor 177th st. 50x50___j
Wm. HaUock, Jr.. agt George W. Hojer,
owner; George Nonamaker, contractor.. 160 00
11 Ninety-fourth St.. n s. 412 e loth av, 66.6x
100 8. Maurice Hartnett agt Mary A.
Stewart and Margaret Devlin, owners,
and Goddard Doane, contractor......... 55 00
.. Broadway, No. 1590....................I
Sevenih av. No. 720.......................j
Michael Mahler agt John Fell,.contractor;
Wetmore estate, o wners......"........... 164 00
5 Columbia Heights, No. 158, ws,. William
Martin agt Alfred T. White, owner; Fran¬
cis D. Norris, contractor................. $800 00
7 Same property. T B. Willis & Bro. agt
WiUiam A. White, owner; E rancis D. Nor¬
ris, contractor .......................... 184 36
5 Same property. Richard S. Seckerson agt
same .................................... 428 00
5' Columbia Heights, w s, 25 s ClarK st, 24.9x
100. H. Kirk|& Morgenthaler agtsame.. 1,430 00
5 Columbia Heights, w s, -<J5 s Clark st if con-
tmued, 25x150. John R. Woods agt same 500 00
5 Van Buren st, n w cor Reid av. 50x100. Ju¬
lian Luf-as agt Tbe Board of Education of
the City of Brooklyn, owner,; Francis
D. Norris, contractor..................1,054 00
5 Van Buren st, w s, cor Reid av, 100x100.
John R. Wood.o agt same.................. 459 00
5 Stockton st: Public School No. 25, Branch.
David P. Gardner agt The Board of Edu¬
cation of the City of Brooklyn, owner:
Francis D. ^ orris, contractor............ 800 00
5 Stockton st, n s, 235 e Marcy av, 140x100.
John R. Woods agt same................ 459 00
7 Van Buren st, n w cor Reid av, 140x120.
"Watson & Pittinger agt The Board of Ed-
ufation of the City of Brooklyn, owi er;
Francis D. Norris, contractor"; Thos. J.
Tilney, general assignee ............... 680 11
ij. Van Buren st, n w cor Reid av, 104x93. .. 1
Stockton st, n s, '.iSOe Marcy av, 104x93.... j
T. B. Willis & Bro. agt Tbe Board of
Education of the City of Brooklyn, owner;
Francis D. Norris. contractor............1,481 71
7 Stockton st, n s. 235 e Marcy av, 100x95.
Watson & Pittinger agt The Board of
Education of the City of Brooklyn, own¬
er; Francis D Norris, contractor; Thomas
J. Tilney, general assignee...............1,200 89
7 Herkimer st. No. 880, s s, 74.8 e Buffalo av.
Alexander J. Hilzinger agt Buelolph Ham¬
burger, owner; Jacob Hertlin. contractor. 88 60
8 Humboldt st, w s, 80 s Meserole st, 20x-d5.
Lemb & Keri z agt Carl F. E. Ritter, own¬
er; Jacob Metzger, contractor............ 75 00
8 Plymouth st, n s, 3i w Little st, 28.4x65.
George W. Evans agt Peter Donlon ..... 76 00
8 Greents av, n w cor Nostrand av, 100x100.
Charles Schwenk agt Lorenz ZeUer and
Geo. H. Benner, owners; Adam Munch,
contractor............................. 307 11
9 Humboldt st, w s, 80 s Meserole st, 20x^5,
steble. Frederick Metzger agt Carl F.E.
Ritter, owner, and Jacob Metzger....... 182 28
9 WiUow St. n e cor Pineapple st. Theodore
B. WiUis & Bro. agt (.harles Arbuckle,
owner, and Francis D. Norris............ 311 61
9 Russell pl, s w cor Herkimer st, 167x97.6.
Graff & Co. agt Felix Gallagher and John
Taffe ............................. 234 00
9 Same property. Charles Royle agt same.. 145 00
10 Herkimer st, s w cor RusseU pl, 91.6x167.
Platt S. Couklin agt Felix GaUagher and
John Taaffe, owners and contractors..... 772 00
10 Stockton pl, n s, Public School No. 25,
branch. David P. Gardner agt The City
of Brooklyn, owner; Francis D. Norris,
contractor....................... SOO 00
10 Magnolia st, e s, 100 n Evergreen a^, .30x
100 Stephen Rose agt George Parisner,
owner; irank McMahon, contractor..... 173 37
11 Same property. The Bradley and Currier
Co. agt George Parisener, owner; Fran¬
cis McMahon, contractor ................ 220 00
11 Saratoga av, w s, 90 s Marion st, 10x60.
Boeder & Kraemer agt Joseph A Stoll.. 113 66
11 Meserole st, s w cor Humboldt st, 25x100.
Stephen Rose agt Jacob Metzger, con¬
tractor; Carl E. Ritter, owner............ 100 75
5 Washington aT, s e cor 177th st, 50x50.
Manchester & Philbrick agt George W.
Hojer, Joseph i. Hoffmann and George
Noi.amaker. (Lien flled Mar. 27, 1886;.... $255 00
5 St. Nicholas av, n w cor 157tb st, 50x100. C.
R. TerwiUiger agt A. B. Eckard and Mary
Meyers. (Sept. 1.5, 188.5).................1,670 00
7 One Hundred and Forty-fifth st. Nos. 313 to
331 W,, n s, bet Sth and St. Nicholas avs.
Alex. B. Butts, assignee of Wm. B. Sim-
mo ns, agt P. J. O'Brien and John CarUn.
(April ae, 1886;.........................1,054 00
7 Same property. W. B. Simmons agt same.
(April 24, 1886)........................1,054 00
'i Eighty-.second st, Nos. 115 and 117 E., n s.
Joseph W. Fiske agt Plundeke & Brandt.
(Apnl9.1886).............................. 513 50
7 Gramercy pl, e s, 62 n 2(rt.h st. 44 feet front.
Joseph Coar agt Mary F. King. (Nov. 24,
UBi) ..................................... -----
8tThirty-.<;ixth st. No. 433, n s. 450 w 9th av, 25
feet front. Fred. W. Merk agt Daniel D.
Lawson. (AprU 15,1886J.............. 89 31
10 Seventeenth st. No. 13 E., n s, abt 250 w
Broadway. 25x190. Andrew Blaurock agt
Miss Douglass and Wm. C. FeUows. (May
29.1886)................................. 40 00
5*Eighty-seventh st. n s, bet 9th and 10th avs.
George E. Beck agt Charles L. GuU¬
leaume. (AprU 13, 1886)...................805 00
6*EiKhty-heventh st, Nos. 4^1-443 W., n s, bet
9th and lUth avs. Isaac Haft agtsame.
'AprU 16,1886)............................ 406 00
5*Eighth av, s e cor 123d st, 25x100. James T.
Fitzpatrick agt H. J. Wilson and E. F.
Smith. (July aO, 1885).................. 67 26
S*Same property. Grupe & Fogarty agt same.
(Aug. 2K).......â– ........ .................. 290 74
5*Sanie property. Pat. Hennessy agt same.
(Sept. 1-.J) ............................. 49 66
5*Same property. Thomas Hoctor agt same.
I Sept. 15)........................... 93 00
29*Fifih av, s w cor 19th st. James Taylor agt
Charles R. Yandell and Leonhard Han¬
gen. (Jan. 9, 1886).................... 620 00
7*0ne Hunared and Forty-fifth st, Nos. 313-333
W., n s, bet 8th and St. Nicholas avs, abt
ISOxK 0. Cassidy & Adler agt John Car¬
lin and W. B. Simmons. (AprU 16, 1886).. 394 77
7*Sixty-first i^treet. n s, 120 w 1st av, 75x100.
James O'Shea agt John O'SuUivan. (Mar.
22,1886).................................. 161 00
♦Discharged by depositing amount of lien and in¬
terest with County Clerk,
t CanceUed by order of court.
June 5 to 11—inclusive.
Lexington av, n s, 350 e Bedford av, thence east
250, fifteen houses. The Venetian Blind
Co., Burlington, Vt., agt Robt. L. Carpen¬
ter, owner; Thos. H. Robbins and Jno. W.
Herbert, contractors (May 21, 1886.)
(Di^charged by deposit)................$528 30
Hull st, n s, 300 e Rockaway av, 150x100. King
& Adams agt Richard D. and Edwin K.
Robbins. (May 6, 1886) ...................1,865 33
HuU St. n s, 300 e Rockaway av, 150x100. Al¬
exander Davidson agt Ric^ard D. and
Edw K. Robbins. (May 6, 1886).......1,000 00
Gates av, s e cor Franklin av, 20x75. Thomas
Scherger agt Thomas Wolwood, owner;
Ja.«!. Alexander, contractor. (October 1,
1885).....................................; 9815
Tlie first name is that of the ovmer; ar''t stands
for architect, m''n for mason and 6'r for builder.
Canal st, Nos. 368 and 370, five-story brick (iron
front) store and lofts, 53.1x103.4, rear 34.10. tin
roof; cost, $51,000; Jeremiah W. Limick, 31 Mad¬
ison av; ar't, L. C. Holden; b'r, Lewis H. WU¬
Uams. Plan 1033.
Clinton st. No. 150, fix story brick tenem't, 35x
89, tin roof; cost, $33,000; Morris Rosendorf, 373
Grand st; ar'ts A. H. Blankenstein and Henry
Herter. Plan 1037.
East Broadway, No. 31, rear, four-story brick
tailor shop, 35x19, tin roof; cost, g4,000; Morris
Alexander, 97 East Broadway; ar't, Frederich
Ebeling. Plan 1050.
Elm st. No. 173, four-story and three-story brick
engine house and quarters for Company No. 55,
30.6x65.6, lin roof; cost, $15,000; City of New
York; ar'ts, N. Le Brua & Son. Plan 1047.
Ludlow st, No. 53, five-story brick tenem't with
stores, 34.6x75, tin roof; cost, $1.'),OUO: Solomon
Weinhandler, 68 West Houston st; ar't, Preder¬
ich EbeUng. Plan 1049.
Mott st. No. 131, five-story brick tenem't with
stores, 35x50, tin roof; cost, $11,000; James J.
Slevin, on premises; ar't, Wm. Graul. Plan 1033.
Worth st, n s, 141 e Centre st, four-story brick
infirmary, 35x70, rear 13, tinroof; cost, $14,000;
Pive Points house of Industry, sup't. W. P. Ber¬
nard; ar'ts. D. & J. Jardine. Plan 1031.
Mott st, No. 260, five-story brick tenem't with
store, 19 9x78.9, tin roof; cost, $13,000; Cbarles
Le Ray de Chaumont de Bt. Paul; att'y, E. h.
Robinson, 33 N.Washington sq; ar'ts, De Lemos &
Cordes; b'r, John FarreU. Plan 1054.
Sheriff st, Nos. 63 and 64, two five-story brick
tenem'ts with stores, 35x84, tin roof: cost, each,
$17,0I'0; Christian Eberspacher, 335 East 6Sth st;
ar't, Julius Kastner. Plan 1058.
Thames st, No. 15, two four-story brick tenem'ts
with store, 16.6x30.8, tin roofs; cost, each, $4,300;
Norah McCarty, on premises; ar'ts, James Con¬
roy; b'rs, John Cashman and A. Van Dien. Plan
Soth st, Nos. 134 and 126 W., two five-story
brick tenem'ts with stores, 25x87; tin roofs: cost,
each, $15,000; Harris Poznanski, 301 West 46th st;
ar't, J. W. J. Boothman; b'rs, Lawlor & Weeks,
Plan 1039.
37th st. No. 307 E., five-story brick tenem't
with store, 35x93. tin roof; cost, $18,000; Thomas
H. HaU, 53 East 75th st; ar'ts, Weber & Drosser.
Plan 1031.
40th st. No. 305 E., six-story brick tenem't with
stores in basement, 35x88.6, tin roof; cost, $23,-
000; Charles and August Ruff, 48Norlolkst; ar't,
Charles Rentz. Plan 1051.
46th st, No. 447 W., rear, one-storv brick work¬
shop, 15x29.6, lin roof; cost, $500; Slartin Wolf,
on premises; ar't, W. A. O'Hea; b'r, Gustave Zim¬
merman. Plan 1036.
3d av, Nos. 196 and 198, five-story and base¬
ment brick flat with store, 46x83.3, metal roof;
cost, $40,000; Rutherford Stuyvesant, 346 East
15th st; ar't, J. B. Snook; m'n, P. T. O'Brien;
b'r, not selected. Plan 1043.
8th av, Nos. 151 and 153, five-story brick flat
with store, 40x65 and 75, tin roof; cost, $-45,000;
Josephine L. Payton, 154 West 14th st; ar't, G.
A. ScheUenger. Plan 1036.
loth av, s w cor 52d st, six-story brick ware¬
house for pianos, 50.5x100, tin roof; cost, $33,000;
Richard M. Bent, 17 East Slst st; ar't, W. A.
O'Hea. I'lan 1035.
15th st, No. 358 W., six-story brick tenem't
with store, 35x90.6. tin roof; cost, $33,000; JuUus
Langenbahn, 331 East Ilth st; ar't, Jobst Hoff¬
mann. Plan 1073.
2nth st. No, 507 W., twostory brick oflBce and
dweU'g, 25x18, tin roof; cost, $1,500; General
Theol. Seminary, Rev. E. A. Hoffman, Chairman
Com. on Real Estate, 426 West 33d st; art, G. P.
Springsteed; b'r, M. P. Finnev; m'n, not selected.
Plan 1065.
40th st, n s, 218 5 e 1st av, one-story brick car¬
riage house, 37.4x34, tin roof; cost, $1,500;
Equitable Gas Light Co., 340 3d av; ar't, A.
W. P. Cramer; b'r, W. C. Whyte. Plan 1067.
60th st, n e cor 5th av, brick confectionery
stand, 12x18; cost, $250; Lilly Hamersley; agent,
P. Zittell. Plan 1045.
91st st, n s, 194 w Av A, three-story brick fac¬
tory and dweU'g, 35x100, tin or gravel roof; cost,
$7,.50O; Thomas and James Hunter, 1760 Sd av;
ar't, (x. W. Spitzer; b'rs, not selected. Plan
116th st, s e cor Pleasant av, six three-story
brick dweU'gs, 15.8x40, tin roofs: cost, eacb,
$5,.500; Richard Lathers, New RocheUe, N. Y.;
ar'te, D. & J. Jardine. Plan 1030.
Madison av, s e cor 85th st, five flve-story brick
flats, corner buUd'g 33x75, others 30x63, tin roofs;
cost, each, $14,000; Jeremiah C. Lyons, 67 East
127th st, and Michael McGrath; ar't, Julius
Munckowitz; b'rs, Lyons & McGrath. Plan
73d st, s s, 275 w Av A, four flve-story brick
tenem'ts with store in westerly house, 35x85, tin
roofs; cost, eacb, $15,000; Phillip Braender, 113
East 86th st; ar't, John Brandt. Plan 1066.
105th st, No. 178 E., temporary office, 6x8; cost,
$50; lessee, August D. Krahmer, 301 East 104th st.
Plan 1059.
Pleasant av, s e cor 131st st, five-story brick
flat with store, 33x69, tin roof; cost, $38,000; Man-
del Samuels, 211 East 69th st; ar't, John C.
Burne; b'r, not selected. Plan 1060.
86th st, s s, 325 w 9(h av, eight four-story and
basem't brick (stone front) dwell'gs, 20x56, tin
roofs; cost, each, $23,000; D. WiUis James, 40
East ;~.9th st; ar't, J. G. Prague. Plan 1041.
109th st, n s, 300 e Grand Boulevard, two five¬
story brick tenem'ts, 35x64, tin roofs; cost, each,
$15,001); Philip Hauseman, BlauveltsviUe, N. Y,
and M. Louis Ungrich, 1554 Broadway; ar't, M.
L. Ungrich. Plan 1032.
112th st, n s, and 113th st, s s, 100 w Sth av,
twenty-four (twelve on each st) three-story and
basement brick dweU'gs, 16.8x50, tin roofs; cost,
each, $7,500; Edward Roemer, 70 Gardner av,
Jersey City; ar't, Chas. T. Mott; b'r, Chas. E.
Van Houten. Plan 1042.
Manhattan av, s w cor 131st st and Manhattan
av, n w cor 120th st, two tbree-story and base¬
ment biick (stonefront) dwell'gs, 18.5x56. tin roofs;
cost, each, $14,000; J. W. and A. A. Teets, 308
West 135th st; ar't, G. Robinson, Jr. Plan 10.^3.
Manhattan av, w s, from 18.5 n 130th st to 18.5
s 13lst st, eleven three-story and basement brick
(stone front) dwell'gs, tin roofs; cost, each,
$13,000; ow'rs and ar't, same as last. Plan 1('53.
loth av, s e cor 63d st, five story brick flat with
store, 30x71, tin roof; cost, $25,000; Conrad Stein,
521 West 57th st; ar't, Julius Kastner. Plan 1('55.
10th av, e s, 30 s 63d st, three five-story brick flats
with stores, 36.8x63.9, with extension 10.3, tin
roofs; cost, each, $16,000; ow'r and ar't, same as
last. Plan 1U56.
63d st, s s, 75 e 10th av, five-story brick tenem't,
35x84.5, tin roof; cost, $18,000; ow'r and ar't,
same as last. Plan 1057.
9ih av, w s, 105th to 106th ste, eight four-story
brick tenem'ts with stores, 35 and 35.4x71 and 60;
cost, corner buildings, $15,000; others, each,
$13,000; Lorenz Weiher, New RocheUe, N. Y.;
ar't, E. E. W. Schneiter. Plan 1070.
105lh st, n s, and 106th st, s s, 75 w 9th av, four
(two on eacb st) four-story brick tenem'ts, 35x60,
tin rcofs; c<:st, each, $13,000; ow'r and ar't, same
as last. Plan 1071.
IIOth and 135th streets, between 5th and
8th avenues. •
131st st, n s, 335 e 7lh av, six three-story brick
dwell'gs, 30.10x53, tin roofs; cost, each, $14,000;
ow'r, ar't and b'r, John Murphy, 303 East 43d st.
Plan 1073.
Boulevard, w s, 105 n 130th st, one-story brick
stable, 45x29, gravel roof; cost, $1,100; Henry
Berghorn, 2330 1st av, and John (JoUa, 132d st
and Broadway; ar't, H. H.' Cording. Plan 1040.
lS8th st, s s, 175 e Madison av, three-story
brick dweU'g,'*25x65, tinroof; cost, $10,000; WU¬
Uam L. Vernet, 138 East 86th st; ai-'ts, A. B. Og¬
den & Son. Plan 1044.
135th st, s s, 135 w 7th av, three four-story
brick dwell'gs, 16.8x50, tin roofs; cost, each,
$13,000; Prancis ScheU, 33 West 56th st; ar't,
name illegible; b'r, John Carlin. Plan 1046.
167th st, s w cor 10th av, four-story briek
tenem't, 30x67, tin roof; cost, $13,000; John J.
Organ, 163l0tnav; b'r, Jeremiah SuUivan. Plan
7th av, n e cor 130th st, five four-story and
basement brick dwell'gs, 30x67, flat roofs tinned,
mansards slated; cost, each, abt $13,000; Elias S.
Higgins, 137 5th av; ar't, J. B. Lord; b'rs, not
selected. Plan 1069. ,,
33d and 34th wards.
Summit av, n s, abt 400 e Marion av frame
stable, 25x15, tin roof; cost, $125; Archibald
Foumier, Summit st; ar't and b'r, P. D. MiUer.
Plan 1038.