Office, 161 BROADWAY, Corner Day Street.
The following serai-annual Index of the Con¬
veyances and Projected Buildings in New York
and Kings Counties, as published in The Record
AND Guide during the first six months of 1887,
will be found of great value to those of our sub¬
scribers who have preserved all the issues of this
paper during that period. The utmost care has
been taken to keep the Index up to the same per¬
fect standard which has characterized it in the
past. The pages are given on which all the trans¬
fers of realty published in Volume XXXIX. can
immediately be found, and the streets and avenues
are so subdivided that very few references are
required. For instance, transfers of property on
Broadway appears in twenty issues during the
six months, whicsh in the Index is sub-divided
into eighteen parts, so that the least possible
trouble need be incurred, any transfer being
found by referring to four pages, at the most,
provided it is known between what streets or
avenues the property is located. The Projected
Buildings are indexed in a similiar manner, so
that it can be readily ascertained on what streets
improvements have been made. Those wishing
to keep a file for permanent reference should see
that all the numbers are complete and have them
bound. A suitable binder can be obtained at the
office of The Record and Guide, 191 Broadway,
corner Dey street, price one doUar,
Note—The figures in extra black type, for in¬
stance, 453, under the head of Attorney, from
Bivington to Stanton street—denote that the tran¬
saction on the page given is leasehold, or a lease
running for a long term of years. This explana¬
tion is made so that subacribera searching for
transfers in fee can at once distinguish between
the former and the latter, without referring to the
page mentioned,
Allen, south of Hester... .77, 593, 706, 773,
from Hester to Grand----706, 840,
Grand to Broome .. .334, 522,
Broome to Delancey .. .450, 628.
north of Delancey... .483, 594, 840,
Amity (see West 3d),
Ann... 558, 774.
â– Apthorps lane....Ill, 171, 172, 452, 484, 488,561,
596, 670, 776, 809,
Attorney, south of Broome----522, 558, 667.
e B, from Bivington to Stanton___303, 453.
w 8, Bivington to Stanton—139, 169, 410,
north of Stanton .. .302, 411, 628, 740.
Bank, east of Hudson... .39, 628, 773, 840.
west of Hudson... 629,773.
Barrow, east of Hudson... .522, 558, 628, 741.
Baxter, south of Worth.... 169, 302, 483.
from Worth to Canal... 269, 870.
north of Canal... .11, 410, 594, 774.
Bayard, from Chrystie to Bowery... 666.
Mott to Mulberry.... 139,169,335, 522, 840.
west of Mulberry----536,
Beach....l69, 410, 740.
Beaver .. 807.
Bedford ...522,811.
Beekman, from William to Park row----371,483,
William to Pearl.. ..558.
Bethune . .840.
Birmingham___450, 628.
Bloomingdale road.... 141, 237, 269, 453,488,525,
562. 743, 840.
Bleecker, n s, from Bowery to E'izabeth___237,
Mott to South 5th av___139.
South 5th av to Macdoagal at___39,139,205,
483, 558, 594, 773.
-west ot Macdougal... .139, 484, 840.
Blbomfield....79, 840.
Bolton road....840, 841.
Bond....77; 371, 558,666.
Boulevard, south of 62d___706.
from 62d to 65th.... 11,172, 374.
65th to 70th... .11, 453, 840.
70th to 75th... .451, 594, 840.
75th to 85th... .237, 522. 870.
, 85th to 90ih... .450, 484, 594, 628. 773.
90th to 95th....484.
100th to 105th....269, 743.
107th to 125th (also see West End av).
110th to 113th... .30, 269, 706.
113th to 116th... .139,172, 302, 740, 807.
120th to 125th... .139, 239, 706.
125th to 135th....109, 872.
135th to 145th....237, 374, 484.
145th to 155th....39, 807.
north of 155fch... .371, 666, 740.
Bowling Green... 62S, 629.
Bowery, south of Canal .. .410, tts.
from Canal to Grand... .44-, 205, 671.
Delancfy to Stanton___334, 338.
Stanton to 2d___208, 773.
northof 2d....lll, 740.
Broad, south of Water.... 77, 840.
from Water to Stone... .170, 522, 666, 773.
north ot Stone___269.
Broadway, from Mori is at to Exohange pi—11,
Exchange pi to Wall at .. 522, 536, 840,
Wall to Liberty . 628, 844.
Liberty to Barclay.... 109, 706, 807.
Keade to Worth___773.
Walker .to Grand... .77, 169, 706.
Grand to Prince... .109, 111. 667.
Prince to 4th... .169, 525, 599.
8th to 12th... .307, 740, 807.
24th to 34th.... 840.
34ihto37th....ll, 109.
37 th to 40th.... 558, 667.
40th to 45th.... 169, 371,560.
45th to 50th .. .44, 374, 710.
55th to 59th... 237.
59th to Manhattan (see Boulevard).
Manhattan to 13l8t... .39, 740.
northof 162d....371, 484.
Broome, east of Lewis .. .39, 334, 522, 773, 840.
Lewis to Cannon___302, 740.
Cannon to Columbia... .371, G67, 741, 840.
Sheiiff to Willett... .169, 706.
Willett to Pitt .. .484, 558, 628.
PitttoRldge....l4, 270, 594,
Clinton to Suffolk... .2.37,
Suffolk to Norfolk... .237, 450, 773, 870.
Norfolk to Essex... .11, 302, 410,
Essex to Eldridge... .39. 169, 237.
Eldridge to Bowery___237, 594.
Elm to Woo8ter....39, 807.
west of Wooster... .628, 870.
Burling slip... 139, 628, 741.
Canal, east of Foray th... .77, 8 8, 811.
Bowery to Baxter... .594, 741, 807, 808.
Baxter to Broadway... .707, 741, 871.
Broadway to Hudson... .139, 59*,707.
west of Hudson... .773. 774, 840, 871.
Cannon, south of Eivington___109, 629.
Carmine....77, 205, 807.
Catharine, north of Madieon___39, 667.
south of Madison... .40, 77. 489, 741.
Catharine alley... .629.
Cedar, east of Broadway___707, 774.
west of Broadway.., .302, 371, 628, 808, 844.
Centre, south of White.... 77, 335, 808, 871.
Central Bridge road___337.
Central Park Weat (see 8th av).
Chambers, from Broadway to College pi___237,
College pi to Greenwich at.., .594, 707, 871.
Charles, east ot Waverly pi___594, 629.
fromWaverly pi to Bleecker at___205, 237,
269, 667.
west of Greenwich... 523.
Charlton, eaat of Hudson___371, 450.
west of Hudson .. .667, 707, 774, 808.
Chatham (see Park row)... .307, 707, 744, 871.
Cherry, from Dover to James—484, 594, 741, 774.
James to Market .. .594, 667,
Pike to Rutgers... .139,169, 741.
Rutgers to Clinton... .40, 335, 667.
Clinton to Montgomery.... 269, 373, 335,
629, 774.
Scammel to Jackson—237, 484, 522, 594,
east of Corlears___139.
Christopher, from Bedford to Greenwich....774,
west of Greenwich... .269, 707, 774,871.
Chrystie, south of Canal... 205.
from Canal to Grand... .139,169, 237.
Broome to Eivington___40,169, 594.
Bivington to Stanton----302, 335, 410.
e a, north of Stanton___169,170, 371, 558.
w 8, north of Stanton... .11,484, 489.
Church, south of Park rl... .871.
from Thomas to Eranklin—40,169.
north of Franklin___335, 744.
Clinton, south of Division... .454, 484, 522, 629.
from Division to Broome----450, 808.
Broome to Bivington___40, 811.
e s, Eivington to Stanton___302, 558.
w 8, Bivington to Stanton___169, 802, 450,
484, 594.
north of Stanton.... 410, 484.
Columbia, south of Eivington___169, 484.
from Eivington to Stanton.. .1237, 484, 707,
774, 808, 871.
north of Stanton... 594.
Commerce, 371, 671, 774.
Cortlandt, east of Greenwich___139.
Cortlai.dt alley....667.
Crosby, south of Grand... .169,170, 173.
from Grand to Broome... .840,871.
Broome to Spring___667, 840.
north of Spring... 159,371, 599.
Delancey, from Lewis to Sheriff___40, 484.
Sheriff to Willett... .77, 371, 450, 522.
Pitt to Attorney... .40, 237, 629.
Attorney to Clinton... .410, 667, 774.
Clinton to Suffolk... .270, 410, 558.
Suffolk to Norfolk... .169, 629, 707.
Norfolk to Essex .335.
Essex to Forsyth... .205, 450, 607.
west of Forsyth .. .40, 302, 710.
Depeyster ...270.
Dey....594, 871.
Division, east of Ridge___40, 302, 594.
fi om Ridge to Montgomery___270, 774.
MontgLmery to Attorney___237, 335.5
Attorney to Essex... .622, 558, 840.
Essex to Forsyth___629,774.
west of Forsyth___77, 374, 522, 774,
Downing, from Bleecker to Bedford___77, 302,
335, 558, 559, 594, 871,
DryDock,,,,371, 410, 484,
Duane, from Broadway to audson ...77, 522, 707,
weat ot Hudson.... 169, 237, 450, 871.
Dutch.... 113.
Eaat Broadwav, from Catharine to Market___169,
205, 302, 335, 450, 559, 778.
Market to Pike... .40, 139, 205, 594.
Pike to Jefferson... .40, 205. 667.
Clinton to Montgomery___139, 205, 237. 335,
522, 741, 808.
east of Montgomery___270,302, 484.
Eastern Boulevard (see Av A).
Edgecombe road (see Edgecombe av).
Eldridge, south of Hester___77, 522.
Irom Hester to Grand... .302, 410, 558, 559,
629, 840.
Grand to Delancey... .109, 741. 871.
Delancey to Bivington----302, 484, 629.
north of Eivington—4.50, 774.
Elizabeth, south of Hester----594, 741.
from Hester to Broome. . .44, 335, 667.
north of Broome___40,109,302,
Elm, from Canal to Grand .. .522, 559.
north of Grand... .39, 667.
Eseex, south of Hester... .170, 871.
from Hester to Grand___40, 77,450, 667,774.
Grand to Delancey___169, 371.
Delancey to Eivington___170.
Feitners lane... 841.
Fort Washington Ridge road___1C9, 170, 302, 666.
Forsyth, from Bayard to Canal___170.
Canal to Heater... .237. 489, 536.
Hester to Grand... 77,109, 302, 484, 774.
Grand to Broome.., .559.
Broome to Eivington... 205, 302.
north of Eivington .. .522.
Franklin, east of Church... .707, 774.
weat of Church... .335, 489, 874.
Front, weat of Broad___44, 707,741.
from Broad to Wall... .410, 840.
Wall to Maiden lane... .270, 741.
Maiden lane to Pulton... 840.
east of Montgomery... .302, 629, 774.
Fulton, eaat of .William... .629, 710, 840.
west of Broadway___40, 594, 629, 871.
Qanaevoort... .140,173, 489, 707.
Gay....371, 629.
Goerck, aouth of Delancey .. .40.
from Delancey to Rivmgton___774, 808, 871.
Eivington to Stanton----40, 302, 559, 667.
Stanton to Houston___450, 522.
north of Houston... .371, 594, 774.
Gouverneur..,. 170, 774, 871.
Gramercy Park___629,
Grand, from Corlears to Columbia___170, 629,
Willett to Clinton... .40,667,
Suffolk to Ludlow.., .111, 205, 375, 808, 811.
Ludlow to Eldridge... .111, 668.
Eldridge to Bowery.. ...77, 109,141,
Bowery to Elm... 536, 667.
Broadway to Wooster....536, 871.
weat of Wooster... .410, 629, 707.
Greene, from Prince to Houston___871,559,629.
Houston to 3d... .40, 302.
Greenwich, from Cedar at to iSark pi—522, 634,
Park pi to Duane at... .189, 205, 237.
Duane to Jay.... 77, 563.
Jay to Franklin___170, 774.
Franklin to Laight___40, 77, 629, 811.
Laight to Morton___111,629,871.
Christopher to West 11th ..40,450,667,
north of West 11th,.. .205, 594, 741.
Grove....l39, 237, 522.
Great Jonea.... 11, 40, 371,666.