The Record and Guide.
October 8, 1887
» »"^,^ i»»^
Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre
ceded by the name of the grantee they mean as follows:
Ut—Q. C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed,
i. e., a deed in which all the rights title and interest o}
the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬
2d—C. a. O. means a deed containing Covenant
against Qrantor only, in which he covenants that he
hath not done any act whereby theestate conveyed may
be impeached, charged or encumbered.
September 30, October 1, 3. 4, 5, 6.
Bleecker st. No. 102, s s, 49 e Greene st, 23x130.
fom-story brick store. Moritz H. Roseustein
to Charles Samuels, Bradford, Pa. Morts.
$35,000. Sept. 27. $53,000
Barrow st. No. 18, n s, 150 e Bleecker st, 2'>x90,
four story brick dwell'g and two-story brick
stable on rear. Howard T. Carpenter, a
child of Sarah E. Carpenter, to James Mc¬
Keown. Q. C. Sept. 6. nora
Broadway, No. 243. Postnuptial settlement.
Charles R. Seborde Koven to Mildred F. Se¬
lina de Koven, by C. Harrisou and C. R. S.
de Koven, as trustees. All title. December
1, 1886. nom
Broadway or old Kingsbridge road, e s, abt |
270 n of centre Naegle av, 52.9x202x4l.llx
Naegle av, w s. abt 275.11 n Broadway, lOOx
262 7x180.5x178 10.
84lh st, n s, 350 w loth av, runs north 102.2 x
west to e 8 Bloomingdale road, x south to \
84th st, X ea8fc —. I
84th st, n s, 275 w 10th av, 25x102.2.
84th st, n s, 3UU w 10th av, 50x102.2.
Also all interest of estate, real and personal,
in estate of Pat. Brennan I
Charles H. Grube to Mary I. Brennan. B. &
8. All title. Morts. $2,035. Aug. 13. nom
Christopher st, Nos. l2o and 122, s e cor Bed¬
ford 8t, 59.2x94 8x55.3x96.11, two five-story
brick stores and tenem^ts. Jacob H. Schiff
to Julius J. Lyons, Sept. 29. See 4th av. 72,500
Clinton st, Nos, 42 and 44, e s, 100 s Stanton st,
£0x110, two six-story brick stores and tene¬
ments. Contract. Charles and August Ruff
to Angel J. Simpson aud Louis Werner. 80,000
Clinton st, Nos. 42 and 44, e s, 100 s Stantou st,
50x100, two six story brick stores and tene¬
ments. Charles and August Ruff to Angel J.
Simpson and Louis Werner. Morts. $40,000.
Oct. 4. 80,000
Columbia st, e 8, 68.3 n Stanton st, runs east
75.4 X north 6.9 x east 24.8 x north 14.11 x
west 100 to Columbia st, X south 21 8. being
No. 120 Columbia st, threestory briok dwell¬
ing. Philip Ruda to WiUiam Friedman.
Morts. $8,500, Kept. 29. 12,250
Charles st. No. 33, n s, 125 w Waverly pl, 20x
95, three-story brick dweli'g. John H. Smith
to Jane Pound. Sept. 16. 12,500
Delancey st, iSo. 38, n s, 25 e Forsyth st, 25x45,
four-story frame store and tenem't. Harris
Cohen to Reubeu Rubenstein. Mort. $7,300.
Oct. 1. 11,000
Delancey st, No. 49, s s, bet Eldridge and
Forsyth sts, 25x100, three-atory brick store
and dwell'g and three-story brick dwell'g on
rear. Foreclos. John Whalen to Lucia M.
Cohen. Sept. 80. 21,500
Delancey st. No. 105, s s, 65.9 e Ludlow st, 21.11
x88.6, twostory frame (brick front) store
and dwell*g and two story frame stable on
rear. V. Bernhard Ploch to Nicholas Schach¬
tel. Mort. $4.0U0. Oct. 3. 12,000
Delancey st, No. 190, n s, 92.4 w Ridge st, 22x
lOu. four-story brick tenem't. Adam Alt to
Tobias and Gerson Krakower. Mort. $5,000.
Bept. 30. 15,000
Dey st. No. 58, n w cor Greenwich st, 32.9x"j
21.10x29x30.6. I
Dey st, No. 60, n s, 32.9 w Greenwich st, (
25x65. J
Bamuel I. Hunt and ano., trustees Hubert
Van Wagenen, Jr., dec'd, to Jamea V. D.
Card, substituted trustee Hubert Van Wag¬
enen, Jr., dec'd. nom
East Broadway, No. 223, s s, 24.1 e Clinton st,
33.6x90, three-story brick dweU'g. Kathariue
R. wife of Arthur M. Hunter, Pelham Manor,
lo Minnie Jacobs. Taxes, 1887. Sept. 30.
East Broad ffsy, n w cor Jefferson st, 26.1x117
f to Division st, x26xll6.8. No. 190 East Broad¬
way, No. 4 Jefferson at aud 179 Division st;
No. 190, twostory brick store aud dwell'g;
No. 179, foiu*-8tory brick dwelPg and factory.
Dayton C. Belknap, Port Richmond, S. 1.,
Eleanor D. Belknap, widow, Ella B. Palmer,
widow, David P. Belknap, San Francisco,
Cal., and Kitty A. Wheeler, widow, Eliza¬
beth, N. J., heir* James G, Belknap, to WiU¬
iam Bernard. Mort. $13.00J. Sept. 9. 39,7.50
Same property. Eleanor D. Belknap, extrx.
James G. Belknap, to WUliam Bernard. Sep¬
tember 9. nom
Eldridge st, No. 15, w s, 167.9 s Canal st, 16.8x
lUO, two-story brick dweU'g. Moses Mann to
Bernard Galewski. Mort. $7,5l0. Oct. 5. 10,900
EUzabeth st, Nos. 54-60, e s, 50 s Hester st, runs
east 50 x south 25 x east 38. lo x south 75 x
west 88.10 to st, X north 100, five-story brick
factory. Peter Schneider to Frederick Mohr.
B. & 8. C. a. G. Oct. 1. 51,430
Forsyth st, No. 74, e s, 150 n Hester st, 25x100,
threestory frame (brick front) dwell'g aud
four-story brick dwell'g on rear. Edward
ZoUner to JuUus Steffens. Mort. $8,(00.
Sept. 27. 18.500
Gold 8t. n w s. 94 8 w Fulton st, 12.5.7x97x124 10
x99 11; No. 33, four-story brick factory; Nos.
35-43, one-story boiler-house. Columbian
Heating and Power Co, to Excelsior Steam
Power Co. Mort. $75,000. Oct. 6. 105.000
Hester st. No. 112, s s, 50 w Forsyth st, 2^x50,
five-story brick store and tenem't. Jacob h.
Toch, trustee for and Mary Toch, to Louis
Levy. C. a. G. Oct. 5. 31.500
Same property. Joseph, Fanny and Samuel
Toch, chUdren Leopold Toch, to same. Q.
C. Oct. 5. uom
Horatio st, s s, 174 w 4th st, 50x87.6, new tene¬
ments, projected. George C. McLaughlin to
Louis Rossi. AU liens. Sept. 13. nom
Houston st, Nos. 156 and 158, n s, 49.11 w Mac-1
dougalst, 50.1x100.
Cottage pl, Nos. 19, 21 and 23, e s, IOO n West
Houston st, 49,4x108.3. I
Macdougal st, 5o. 85, w s, 98 s Bleecker st,
Macdougal st, Nos. 77, 79 and 81, w a, 138.3 s
Bleecker st, 59.9x91.10.
Varick pl. Nos. 3 to 14 inclusive, w s, 77.10 n
West Houston st, 154.7x100.
Bleecker st. No. 208, a w cor Cottage pl. runs
south 99 9 X west 34.7 x south7.6 x west 3J.9
X north 110.4 to Bleecker st, x east 15.9.
Bond st. No. 10, n s, 252.6 e Broadway. 36.3x
Cornelius L.King, trustee, Bellows Palls, Vt,
to Mary A. wife of and WUliam H. Wad-
dington, formerly Mary A. King, to Henri¬
etta L. King. 1-5 part. June 1. 1887. 46,400
Jay st, No. 14, s s, 25x87.6, eight-story brick
factory. David Buchner and Lewis Beckel
to Adolph M. Bendbeim. Mort. $30,000.
Jan. 33. 58 60P
Jay St. Nos. 16 and 18, s s, 75 w Staple st, 50.1
x89.1x50.1x89.3, two threestory brick fac¬
tories. Horace K. Thurber to David buch¬
ner and Lewis Beckel. Q C. May 38.
Jav st, 8 8, 75 w Staple st, 0.10x89.2.
Jay 8t.*s s, 175,6 e Greenwich st, runs west 0.6
David Buchner and Lewis Beckel to Adolph
M. Bendheim. Q. C. Sept. 38. nom
Liberty st. No. 22. s s, 25.6x76.10x23.4x80, flve-
story brick store. George J. MuUer to Mar¬
cellus Hartley. Mort. $20,000. Sept. 28. 50,000
Lafayette pl, e s, 383.7 s Astor pl, inins east
15U.4 X south 50.6 x west 10.9 x south 28.6 x
west 148.11 to street, x north 78 6; No. 3iJ.
four-story brick store and dweU'g; No. 34,
two-story brick stable in rear. Arthur A.
Carey, Cambridge, Mass., to AUen W. Ev¬
arts. Oct. 5. 87,500
Bame propprty. AUen W. Evarts to John J.
Astor. Oct. 6. 87.500
Madison st, No. 297, n w cor Montgomery st,
2;:ix68, two-story brick store and dweU'g.
Mary E. wife of Thomas BeU to WiUiam
Dougherty. Q. C. Bept. 16. nom
Madison st, No. 297. n w cor Montgomery st,
23x68. WiUiam Dougherty to Walter C.
Tuckerman. Mort. $^,600. Sept. 30. 17.675
Monroe st. No. 75, n s, 85.11 w Pike st, 35x 1
100, three-atory brick dweU'g and two-story 1
brick and one story frame stable on rear. J-
Henry sl, Nn. 314. s s, 70.7 e Clinton st, 23.7x |
10(1x23.6x100, two-9tory brick dweU'g. J
Katharine R. wife of Arthur M. Hunter to
Joseph Kahn. Sept. 29. 26.600
Mulberry st. No. 40, e s, 113.1 n Park st. 22.3x
84.6x209x57x27,3, three-story frame store and
tenem't. Edward Maher to Margaret T.
Maher. C. a. G. Oct. 1. nom
Mulberry st, Nos. 57 and .59, w s, abt 175 s
Bayard st, 46x110.9 X 46 X 113.10, two three¬
story brick stores and dwell'gs, two three¬
story brick dwellg's and two two story brick
dwell'gs on rear. Nathan Kutkoff to Gui¬
seppe Labriola and Nicola Mangiere, joint
tenants. Mort. $l8.00it. Oct. 1. 35,163
Murray st, n s, lot 377 Church farm map, 35a
Gold st. No. 69, n w 8, 30x50x39x49, X of this,
Samuel I. Hunt and ano., trustees Huberc
Van Wagenen, Jr.. dec'd, to James V. D.
Card, substituted truatee of Hubert Van Wag¬
enen, Jr., dec'd. Sept. 16. uom
Norfolk st. No. 118, e s, 135 n Rivington st, 25x
100, five-story brick atore and tenem't. Moses
Solomon to Lemuel Baum. Mort. $l5,oou.
Seot. 30. 34.500
Norfolk St. No. 103, w s, 125 s Rivington st, 36.8
xl00x26.6xl( 0, six story brick store and
tenem't. Lina wife of John H. Haar |and
Rosa wife of Emil Haar to August and
Charles Ruff. Q. C. May 9. nom
Perry st. No. 38, s s, 208.4 w Waverly pl, 30.10x
95, threestory brick dwell'g. George A.,
JuUa H. and Edwin O. Mayer, Johanna C.
Jones, Louisia A. Soutter, heirs Margaret
Meyer, dec'd, and Henry Meyer to Johu T.
Moneypenny. Sept. 21. 10,000
Perry st. No. 135, n s, 156 e Washington st, 35x
95, three-story brick dwell'g and threestory
bnck dweU'g on rear. Welcome B. Price
to Adeline F. Price. B. & S. Sept. 29.
other consid. and 3,000
Pike st, n e cor Madison st, 9x60.4x9.9x60.4. 1
Pike St. e s, probably adjoins above on north,
18x70 less the portion taken for widening |
Pike St. j.
No. 37 Pike st, four-story frame brick front
Store and tenem't; No. 159 Madison st,
threestory brick store and tenem't. J
Herman Wendt to Patrick T. Brown. Octo¬
ber 1. 25,000
Reade st, No. 177, s w cor Washington st, 23.6
x51 6, three-story brick warehouse. George
H. Phelps, recvr, to Abbie Simpkins. AU
title. Sept. 7, 1885. 900
River View terrace, No. 1, n w cor 58th st, 17.1
x75, three story brick (stone front) dweU'g.
Andrew J. Kerwin to Elizabeth Weber.
Mort. $6,000. Sept. 30. 10,600
Rivingtou st. No. 341, s s, 85 e Willett st, 20x
70, ihree-story frame brick front store and
tenem't. Bertha Salomon to Charlea Sergan¬
sky. Mort. $5,n00. Sept. 30. 9.300
Rivington et. No. 225, s s, 75 w Willett st, 25x
100, four story brick store and tenem't. Mor¬
ris Jacobs to Barbara Huff. Mort. $15,400.
Sept. 39. 2^,000
Rutgers st. s w cor East Broadway. 21x64, five-
story brick store and tenem't. Morris Jacobs
to Thomas Shortliff. Mort. $16,OGO. Sep¬
tember 29. 30,000
Stanton st. No. 16, 25x100, five-story brick
store and tenem't. Jacob Macher to Elias
Wolf aud Theresa his wife. Morts. $18,500.
Sept. 30. 33.000
Stanton st. No. 162, n s, 50 w CUnton st. 25x75,
four story brick store and tenem't. Hugo L.
M. Metz lo Ferdinand Schmitt, Morts.
$9,000, and interest from May 1, 1887, also
taxea 1887. Sept. 29. 18.000
Stanton st. No. 314, n s, 76 w Goerck at, 26.7x
75, five-story brick store aud tenem't. David
K. Schuster to Agnes Geib. Morts. $19,500.
Sept. 30. 23,000
3d6t, No. 135, ns, 1U.9 w Macdougal st. 23x
10(t. two-story brick store and dwelPg. Will¬
iam C. Lesster to John J. Aaron. Mort.
$7,0'0. Oct. 1. 10,000
3d at. No. 282. s 8, 141.2 e Av C, 23.7x106, four-
story brick store and dwelPg. CaroUne Gei-
senheimer to Bertha Salomon. Mort. $11,500.
Oct. 4. I8,(0i
3d st. No. 289, n s, 189 e Av C, 20.8x96, three¬
story brick dweU'g. Charles Roessle to Rosie
wife of Beruhard Seller. Oct. 5. 10,500
6th st. No. 730, s s, 333 e Av C, rurs east 25 x
south 110.8 X west 34 1 x north 13,8 x east 9.1
X north 97, three-story brick store and dwell¬
ing aud two story brick stable on rear.
Louisa Watts to Jacob and Mary Vetter.
Mort. $6,500. Sept. 8. 17,000
6th st, No. 332, s s, 300 w 1st av, 25x97, five-
story brick tenem't. Katharma wife of
George Pries to said George Pries. B. & S.
Oct. 3. nom
7th st. No. 11, n 8,74 e 3d av, 36x74.10, five-
story stone front store and tenem't. Solomon
and Marcus Simon to Julius Semler. Mort.
$14,000. Sept. 30. 29,500
7th Bt, No. 248. n s, 431.9 w Av D. 24.9x97 6.
four-story brick tenem't. Rosa Rosenheim
to Albert SeUgman. Mort. $4,847. Octo¬
ber L 13.600
loth st, No. 231, n s. 200 w 1st av, 25x94.10, four-
story brick dweU'g; also strip in rear 0 6x
94.10. James Peterson to Henry Reinhardt.
Aug. 35. 18.300
16th St. No. 412, 8 s, 184 w 1st av, 21x103.3,
threestory brick store and dwell'g. Julia
Ranahan or Renehan to Margaret A. Rana-
han or Renehan. B. & S. Mar. 4, 1882. nom
19th st. No, r.30, 3 s, 350 w 10th av, 25x92. va- ]
cant. j
19th st, No. 528, s s, 335 w 10th av, 25x93. two¬
story brick dwell'g and one-story brick sta¬
ble on rear. I
Av A, Nos. 1032and 1034, n e cor 56th st, 5S.8x I
80.4x51.5x80, two two-story brick storesand |
dwell'gs, coal and wood yard on rear.
Av A, s e cor Sblhst, luo.5xl25; No. 1033,
two-story brick factory; No. 1024. four story
brick dwelPg; No. Iu26, four-atory brick
store and dweU'g; No. I0:;t;, three-story brick
dwell'g; No. 502 East 5bLh st, two-story
frame stable: No. 504. two-story brick sta¬
ble and sheds and stables on rear. J
Richard H. Handley, Smithtown. individ.,
as heir Mary R. Haudley. to Mary L. Os¬
borne. Occ. 4. nom
19th at, n s, 160 w 1st av, 20x93. Julius Drey¬
fus to Kaufmann Kaufmann. Mort. $13,000.
Aug. 18. 15.000
22d st, No. 334. s s, 374.8 e 9th av, 20.11x98.9,
three-story brick dwelPg. Alfred H. and
Harrison B, Smith, exrs. and trustees Beza¬
leel P. Smith, to WUliam H. Salter. Au¬
gust 11. 14,S00
Same property. Mary H. Smith, widow, to
same. Q. C. Aug. 11. nom
33d bt. No. 58, 8 8, 334 e Oth av, 35x98.9, four-
story stoue front store. Wiliiam H. Jackson,
exr. Margaretha Peck, to Anna M. Belden,
widow, aud Anna W. Gould, Tarrytown.
Sept. 32. 50,000
33d st. No, 134. s s, 325 w Oth av, 34x98 9, four-
story stone fronfc dwell'g. John R. Brady
and M. Louise Jarvis to Laura O. wife of
John C. Goodrich. Sept. 39. 53,500
35th st, Nos. 4(j6 and 4a8, s s, 100 w 9th av, 50x
98 9, two two-story frame dwell'gs, new
buildings projected. John Leonard to Henry
O'NeUl. Sept. 39. 22,(K)0
25tb st. No. 330, s s, 425 e 9th av, 25x98 9, three¬
story brick stable and two-story brick stable
on rear. IsabeUa S. CaUeuder to Henry
Demarest. Mort. $8,000. Sept. 30. 14,000
39th st, No. 405, n s, 100 e lat av, 25x98 9, five-
storv brick tenem't. Maria wife of Christian
Wehdebrock to Louis Arcularius. Mort.
$7,500. Oct. 1. See Ist av. 18,000
SOth st, No. 6 E., s s, bet 5th av and Madison av,
fuur-story atone front dwell'g. Contract.
Alfred C. Chapin, assignee J. M. & F. H.
Slade, to James MiUer. Sept. 30. 33,500
SOth 8t, No. 5, n B, 150 w 5th av, 35x08.9, four-