Record and Guide.
March 9, 1889
W H. Bradley, chief engi'.; m'n, J. & L, Weber.
Plan 335.
119th st, n s, 473 e Pleasant av, two-story briok
stable, 107x22, tin roof; cost, Sl,-500; Harlem
Coal Pockets, ou premises. Plan 337.
Sth avenue.
66th st. No. 138 W., flve-story brick flat, 25x86,
tin roof; cos-t, $15,000; Margaret Shannon, 140
West fifith st; ar't, H. Dudley; m'u, T. Shannon.
Plan 316.
SOth st, n s, 265 e 10th av, four four-story and
basement brick and stoue dwell'gs, 22.6x56, ti'i
roofs; cost, ?36,000 each; D, Willis James, 11
Cliff st; ar't, J. G. Prague, Plan 313,
SOth st, n s, 355 e IOth av, five fom--story and
basement brick aud stone dwell'gs, 23x56, tin
roofs; cost, 830,000 each: ow'r and ar't, J. G.
Prague, 1512 Broadway. Plan 314.
9Sth st, s s, 175 e Otb av, six five-story stone
front flats, 25x87.8, tm roofs; cost, £16,000 each;
John M. King, 114 Madison av; ar't, G. Keister.
Plan 315.
Sth av, w s, 53.2 s 83d st, two six-story brick
and stone flats, 41.7x90. tin roofs; cost, §50,000
each; T. R. A. and W. H. HaU, 087 Madison av
and 7 West 132d st; ar'ts, Thom & Wilson. Plan
9th av w s, 25.2 s 97th st, flve story brick flat,
35.3x88.6, tin roof; cost, §20,000- Wdliam W.
HaU, 6S7 Madison avenue; ar'ts, J. B, Snook &
Sons. Plan 308.
90tb st, s w cor Oth av, five-story brick flats
with stores. 30xli6.8. tiu roof; cost. §35,000; Geo.
J. Hamilton, 140 West 72d st: ar't. Thom & Wil¬
son. Plan 334.
OOth st, s s, 30 w Oth av, two five-story brick
and stone flats, 3.5x8(1.8. tin roof; cost, 830,000
each; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 335.
Oth ar, w s, 50,7 n yoth st, flve-story brick flat,
25.2x61 and 66, tin roof; cost, 814,000; Wm. \V.
Hall, 6S7 Madison av; ai-'ts, A, B. Ogden & Son.
Plan 340."
110th akd 12.5th streets, between .5rH and
8th avenues.
12.5th st, No. 160 W,, one-story frame shed, 94x
20, tin roof; cost. 850; Thos. F. Hines, 166 West
125th St. Plan 317.
126th st, n s, 335 e 3d av, five-story brick and
stone flat, 30x85, tin roof; cost, ?15,000; Louis G.
Leyrer, 2094 3d av; ar'ts, Cleverdon & Futzel-
Plan 304.
133d st, n s, 80 w Park (4th) av, two five-story
brick and terra cotta flats, 26x65, plastic slate
roofs; cost, 520,000 each; Joseph E. Vandewater,
115 Nassau st; ar't, C. Baxter. Plan 305.
145th st, s w cor Sth av, eight five-story brick
and stone flats, corner 38x96, others 35.Sx
70, tin roofs; cost, corner S28,O0U, oth.jrs §17,000
each- Juba P. Kennerley, 234 5th av; ar'ts,
Schneider & Herter. Plau 296,
131st st, n s, 375 w Leuox av, three three-story
and basement stone front dwefl'gs, 17x54, tin roof;
eost, 815,000 each; M. A. Cockburn, 208 East
123d St. Plan 330.
St Nicholas av, s w cor UOth st, flve four-story
brick dwell'gs, 18.11. 19, 20 and 2-3x55, tin roof;
total cost, §115,000; Hu^b M. Reynolds, 5 East
10th st; ar'ts, Thayer & Robinson. Plan 327.
10th av, w s, 430 n IttOth st, two-story frame
concert hall and stable, 60x90, tiu roof; cost,
810,000' Wm. Kramer, 152d st, near lUth av;
ar't, J. Kastner. Plan 336.
23d and 34rH WARDS.
Ackerman st, e s, 100 s Weber's lane, three
two-story frame dwell'gs, 17x'38, shi^le and tin
roofs; cost, SI,300; Zilpha Berrian, Klugsbridge;
ar't, S. L. Berrian. Plan 311.
15'3d st, s s, 125 e Railroad av, one-story frame
dwell'g, 23x24, tin roof; cost, 8400; Ann Mills,
474 East 152d st; ai-'t, J. Zimmerman; m'n, F.
Miller. Plan 309.
177tb st, s s, 46,6 e Western av, two three-story
frame dwell'gs. •23,3x*5, tin roofs; cost, 83,500;
Clayton A. Becker, 1873 Washington av; ai-'t. J.
Henderson. Plan 318-
Courtlandt av. w s, 49,6 n 153d st, four-story
brick tenem't and store, 36x64, tin root; cost,
510,000; Vincent Sauter, 677 Courtlandt av;
ar't, L. Rayser- Plan 398.
Wilhs av, n w cor 134th st, aud Willis av, s w
cor 135th st, two five-story brick and stoue flats
and stores, 25x77.6, tin roofs; cost, 820,000
each; Cavinato Bros., Brook av. near 144th st;
ai-'t, J. C. Bm-ne. Plan 300.
WtUis av, w s, 25 n 134th st^ and Willis av, w
s, 35 s ISoth st, two flve-story brick and stone
flats and stores, 35x67.6, tm roofs; cost, 816,000
each; ow'rs and ar't, same as last. Plan 301.
Willis av, w s, 50 n 134th st, tour five-story
brick and stone flats. 35x67.6, tin roofs; cost,
S16,000each; ow's and ai-'t, same as last. Plan
134th st, n s, f^l.6 w Willis av, and 135th st. s s,
S1.6w WilUsav, two flve-story brick and stone
flats, 25x71, tiu roofs, cost, §16,000 each; ow'rs
and ar't, same as last. Plan 303.
Wolf st, n s, 30 e Sedgwick av, two-story
frame stable, rixl8, tin roof; cost, abt $300; Ron¬
ald Ketcham. Wolf.st, Highbridge; c'r, I. H.
Devoe. Plan S21.
. Waterloo pl, w s, 345 s 176th st, two-story frame
dwell'g, 18x26, shingle roof; eost, §2.000; John
Armstrong, 560 East H3dst;ar't, W, H, Hajlock,
Jr.; c'r, J- Armstrong, Plan 339,
144th st. s s, 115 e Mnrris av, two two.-story
frame dwell'p, 20x33 and 40, tin roof; cost,
83,800 and §3,300; Ann La Costa, 805 East 144th
st; ar't, W. H. HaUock. Jr.; b'r, C. L. La Costa.
FJfl.n 338,
177th st, n s, 30.8 w Wasbington av, one-story
framedweU'g, 418x80, asphalt and gtavel roof;
cost, 84,300; Hugh N. Camp, Fordham; ar'ts and
c'rs, C. V. Folin & Son; m'ns, W. R. Holder.
Plan 326,
Sedgwick av, w s, 1500 n Kingsbridge road,
three-story frame dweU'g, 64x54, shingle roof;
cost, SU 000; Saml. W. Fairchild, Kingsbridge;
ai't. R. H. Robei-tson, Plan 333,
Ridge st, n s, 153 w Marion av, two-and-a-half-
stoi'y frame dwell'g, 20x46, wooden roof: cost,
83,300; Sarah A, Lisk, Marion av; ar't and c'r,
r. C, Lisk. Plan. 324.
Plau 347—Georgia av, e s, 75 n Belmont av,
one one-story frame ice house, 20s20, board roof;
eost. S200; Martin Farley, 163 Georgia av; ar't,
J. Billings; b'rs, F, Farley and C, Donaugh,
348—Metropolitan av, n s, 150 e Bushwick av,
one three-story frame (brick fliled) tenem't, aSx
57, tin roof; cost, §4,500; Patrick Ruddy, 337
Delancey st, New York; ar't, F. J. Berlenbach,
Jr,; b'r, not selected.
349—Scholes st, n s, 50 e Waterbury st, one
one-story frame (brick filled) shop, &c.; 25x75,
gravelroof; cost, §200; Heury Rissi, 130 Bush¬
wick av; ai-'t and c'r, W, Ochs; m'n, H. Rissi.
350—Nostraud av, No, S3, one-story frame sta¬
ble, 60x16, gravel roof; cost, §250; Wm. J, -An¬
derson, 189 Vernon av.
351—Warren st, s s, 75 -w Bond st, one one-story
framestable, &c., 14x25, tinroof; cost, 875; John
M. Waters, 47 Amity st.
352—Haucock st, n s, 190 e Mai-cy av, three
tbree-story and basement sandstone and terra
cotta dweU'gs, 20 and 16x.58, tin roofs, iron cor¬
nices; cost, total, 840,OiO; ow'r and ar't, Mon¬
trose W. Morris, 45 and 47 Exchange pl. New
York; b'rs, Peter Cleary and John Holler.
353—Stagg St. n s, 68.7 w Bog.irt st. five three-
story frame (brick filled) stores and tenem'ts, 35x
58, tin roofs; cost, total, §32,500; Isidor Mock, 81
Debevoise st: ar't, Tb. Eugelhardt.
354—RoebUng st, w s, 25 n Nortb llth st, one
one-story frame shop and stable, 16x100, gravel
roof; cost, §100; WiUiam Obst, 139 North 2d st.
.355—Suydam st, n s, 417.11 n Wyckoff av, one
one-story frame (brick filled) dwell'g, 25x33, tin
roof; cost. §650; Leonard Schaffert, 74 Trout¬
man st; b'rs, J, Diena and H. Foerstl.
356—Sheffield av, w s, 150 s Eastern Parkway,
one two-story frame dweU'g, 21x30, tiuroof; cost,
83,400: Anton Lau, Atlantic av; ar'ts and c'rs,
Faunelle & Brinsley; m'ns, Fensh & Brinsiey.
357—Concord st, n s 100 e Jay st, one five-story
brick tenem't, 25x100, gravel roof, iron cornice:
cost, §20,000; B. Conklm, 19!)5 Fultonst; ar'tand
b'r, J. H. Herbert.
358—Harman st, n s, 100 e Central av. eight
three-story frarae (brick fiUed) tenem'ts, 25x55,
tin roofs; cost, total, §36,800; ow'r and b'r, Chr.
Hahn, 262 Central av; ar't, F. Holmberg,
359—Putnam av, s e cor Reid av; Jefferson av,
a e cor Reid av, two four-story browu stone
stores and flats, 2-2x60, tin roofs, iron cornices;
cost, each, §11,000; ow'rs and b'rs, E. K. Robbins
& Son, 554 Monroe st; ar't, J, S, Ktevens.
360—McDougal st, 550 e Ralph av, one three-
story frame (brick fiUed) tenem't, 26x66. tin roof;
cost, 84,500; Aune Trockel, 35 McDougal st; b'r,
A. Kline.
361 —Vigelius st, n s, 100 e Broadway, six three-
story brick tenem'ts, 30x45, tin roofs, wooden
cornices: cost, each, 83,300; ow'r and b'r, Stephen
J. Burroughs, 56 Bi'oadway.
362—Cooper st, n s, 100 e Broadway, oue two-
story frame stable, 17x35, tin roof; cost, §I,000;
H. Pape, Broadway; ar't, F, Holmberg.
363—Park pl, »s. 380.5 w 6th av, one oue-story
brick shop, 25x45, tiu roof, wooden cornice; cost,
abt 8700; o'wrs, ar'ts and Vrs, Smith & Thomp¬
son, 80 St. Marks av.
364—Madison s-t, n s, 260 e Lewis av, four two
and two-and-one-haU-story brovm stone dweU'gs,
20x43, also extensions; cost, total, §15,000; Wm.
Johnsou, 224 St, Johns pl; ar't, J. VV. BaUey; b'r,
uot selected.
365—Madison st, n s, 340 e Lewis av, three two-
story and basement brown stoue dweU'gs, 20x43,
tin roofs, iron cornices; cost, total, §13,000: ow'rs,
ar'ts and b'rs, same as last,
366—Reid av, s w cor Kosciusko st, one four-
story brick store and tenem't, 20x60, tin roof,
ii-on coiiuce; cost, §7,000; Margt MulvihiU. on
premises; ar't, H, VoUweUer: b'l-, N. MulvihUl.
367—Kosciusko st, s s, 99 w Reid av, seven
four-story brick tenem'ts, 35.6x60, tin roofs, iron
cornices; cost, eaeh §8,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r,
same as last.
368—Kosciusko st, s s, 80 w Reid av, ono four-
story brick tenem't, 19x60, tin roof, iron cornice;
cost, 86,000; ow'r. ar't and b'r, same as last.
369—Lawton st, Nos, 27 and 29, n s, near Bush¬
wick av, one two-story frame stable and mineral
wat«r shop, 49x30, tin roof; cost, 8600; Warren
& Mayer, 313 Floyd st; ar't, H. VoUweiler; b'r.
not selected,
370—HaU st. No. 76, w s, 147.10 s Park av, one
four-story frame (brick filled) teuem't, 20x70, tin
roof- cost, §6,000; Mai-y CroweU, 74 HaU st; ar't,
Th. Engelbardt.
371—Halsey st, n s, 45 e Sumner av, three
three-story brick stores aud dwell'gs. 19.8x4-5,
gi-avel roofs; iron cornices; cost, eacn, §.5,000;
ow'r and c'r, C. E, Cozzens, 38 Palmetto st; ar't
and m'n, L. E. Erown.
373—Graham av. No, -56, e s, 75 s Varetst, one
four-story frame (brick filled) store and tenem't,
25x53, tin roof; cost, S6,O00; ow'r and b'r, G. D.
Lansels or Sansels, 56 Grabam aT; ar't. Th.
37S—Greene av, n s, 350 e Lewis av, five two-
and-a-half-story basement dweU'gs, 18x43, tin
roofs, iron cornices; cost, each, §(i,000; J. W.
WooUey, PoweU st and Glenmore av; ar't, R.
374—Fanchon pl, e s. 200 n Bushwick av, two
two-storv frame dweU'gs, 20x30, tin roofs; cost,
§l,fiOO; fi, D- Benedict; b'r, L, Jaeger.
375—Broadway, w s, 60 n Fulton st, one one-
story frame shop and stable, 40x10, gravel r^of;
cost, §250; C. CoUins & (Jo., Fulton av cor
Georgia av; b'r, D. W. Briggs.
370—Hoyt st, n e cor Warren st, one three- â–
story brick stores and dwell'g, 23x100, tin roof,
wooden cornice; cost, 87,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r,
W. J, Conway, 414 Union st.
377—Putnam av, s s. 80 e Patcben av, five two-
story and basement brick dweU'gs, 19x43, tin
roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each S6,.500; Charles
W. Morton, 393 Hart st; ai-'t, R. E. Irons.
378-Cleveland st, w s, 200 n Arlington av,
one two-story and attic 'frame dweU'g, 30x33x32,
shingle roof; cost, §3,500; Cook & Roeber; ar't,
W. Danmai-; b'rs, H. Roeber and D. Cook.
379—Cleveland st, w s, 175 n Arlington av, one
two-story and attic frame dweU'g, 20x32, shin¬
gle roof; cost, §3,500; ow'r, ar't and b'rs, same
as last,
380^Vesta av, e s, 100 s Glenmore av, one two-
story frame dweU'g, 23x30, tin roof; cost, §1,800;
James CargUl, Blake av; ar't, A. J. Warren; b'r,
G. Rhodebeck.
381—Keap st, s s, 135 e Marcy av, one four-
story brick dwell'g, 25x68; tin roof, ii-on cornice;
cost, §3,500; ow'r and b'r, John Levis, 313 Broad¬
way; ar't. Th. Eugelhardt,
383—Scbenck st, e s, 300 n Blake av, one two-
story frame dweU'g, 18x38, tin roof; cost, §3,350;
ow'r and b'r, John Blake, Belmont av, near Hen-
di-icks st.
383—Pulton av, n s, 23 e Cleveland st, one
three-story frame store and dweU'g, 28x54.6x65,
tin roof; cost, 83,800; ow'r and c'r, Louis Ilse¬
mann, 253 2]st st; ar't, W. H. Wirth; m'n, not
384—Alabama av, e s, 100 s Liberty av, one
two-story frame shop, 22x40, tin roof; cost. 8500;
ow'r and b'r, Adolph HaU, 26th Ward; ar't, A.
J. Warren,
385—Grove st, s s, 100 e Bushwick av, flve
three-story frame tenem'ts, 37.9x65, tin roofs;
cost, each, 89,000; Claus Lundemann, Linden st;
ar'ts, W. Field & Son; b'r, not selected.
3Stl—Wyckoff av, e s, 50 s Linden st, one three-
story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 35x55, tin roof;
cost, 84,000; Mrs. O'Neill, 63 Rodnevst; ar't, T.
J. Beir; b'rs, D. Mahlmann aud W. Nagel.
387^9th st, s s, 300 w 2d av, one one-story
frame store-house, 100x26 felt roof; cost, §300;
N, J. Smith, 10th st and 6th av; b'r, H. Speir.
388-Alabama av, w s, 225 s Fulton av, one four-
story frame tenem't,-30x55, tin roof; cost, §6,159;
Frederick Reid, Atlantic av and WiUiams av;
ar't. 'W. H. Wbitlock; b'rs, G, Conine and Weeks
& Lindsay.
389—Schaeffer st, s s, 135 e Evergreen av, one
two-story frame stable and shop, 25x20, gravel
roof: cost, §250; ow'r and b'r, James 0. Sullivan,
77 East Broadway, New York; ar't, J. G, Porter.
390—19th st, n s, 100 w 6th av, one two-story
frame dwell'g, 19x33, tin roof; eost, 81,300; Ed.
B. Woi-sdale, 6.53 Othav; ar't, W. H, Wirth; b'rs,
A. Wallard aud J. Worsdale.
391—Haucock st, n s, 135 e Sumner av, five
two-story and basement brown stone dweU'gs, 18
x42, gravel roofs, wooien cornices; cost, each,
85,000; ow'r, aj-'t and b'r, Joseph C. Taylor,
83 3d av. ''
393—CarroU st, s s, 324 e Sth av, one three-
story and basement brick and brown stone
dweU'g, 22.4x48, tin, tUe and mansard roof; iron
and terra cotta cornice; cost, §7,000; Abby J.
Bills, 299 Evergreen av; ar't, F, E. Langston;
b'r, J. A. BUls.
303—Van Siclen av, e s, 100 s ArUngton av,
and Van Siclen av, e s, 150 s Ai-Ungton av, two
two-story aud attic frame dweU'gs, 31,6x46.6,
shingle roof; cost, total, §3,60O; Jas. Mctjruigan,
on premises-
394—Van Siclen av, w s, 50 s Ai-]iugton av,
two two-story and attic frame dweU'gs, 21.6 and
18.6x46.6, shingle roof; cost, total, §3,600; Jas..
McGuigan, on premises.
3EI5—14th st, n s, 75 w 7th av, one two-and-a-
half-story and basement brick and brown stone
dweU'g, 18.10x4-5, slate, tin and mansai-d roof;
iron coruice; cost, §6,000; John GaUagher, on
premises; ar't, G, W. Bush; b'r, D. Ryan.
Plan 314^13th st. No, 17 E., raise one story,
also five-story brick extension, 25x43, gravel and
asphalt roof; cost, §10,000; Mary L, Morgan, 183
HuU St. Brooklyn; ar't, W. S. West.
315—Broadway, No. 708, new store front; cost,
§400; John Keller, 1.56 Hewes st, Brooklyn; c'r,
J, W, BedeU.
316—llth av, No- 430, raised 21 feet, also walls
altered; cost,-----; Chas. Shortmeier, 263 West
Slst st; ar'fc and b'r, R. Auld.
317—4th st. No. 314 E., two and four-story and
basement brick estension, 14.6x24, tin roof, also
change partitions, &c.; cost, $4,000; Minnie
Berrick, 733 5th st; ar'ts, Flemer & Koehler.
318—60th st, n s, abt IOO e Ist av, new boards;
cosfc. 835; Frederick Buse, 404 East 58tb st.
319—3d av, No. 671, two-story brick extension,
13.6x12, tin roof' cost, 81,000; Rosa Cohen, 671
3d av; ar't, W, H, Smifch; m'n, J. J, Spearing.
320—67tb st. No. 44 E., two-stoi-y and basement
brick extension, 11x14, tin roof, also alter pai-
titioiis ,and rpmove old extension; cost, HilXlO;